Chapter 2: Second
Looking at the same fierce blue eyes , a thin lips paint like the color of a blooming red rose and the long straight hair which was being decorated with flowers and goldin pins.
It feels like I'm looking at a different person, a person whose fair as a princess should look. If I didn't know that Im looking in a mirror I won't be able to recognize myself.
This change in my appearance is all because of the task the Emperor asked me to do. I remember our conversation last night.
He seriously look at me and said" Can you come with me tomorrow not only as the commander of my army guards but as the Lady of the palace , a princess, the daughter of my late commander and my oath brother Martian? " that caught me off guard I am indeed in a royal position because of my father but I choose to be a warrior instead.
" I...but why your Majesty , in order to protect you and the crown prince it's better for me to stay as your Commander whose always by your side?" I said.
" Yes indeed but only here in the main palace your identity is known by everyone, while you always wear your warrior mask on the battle field. No one will think of you as the army commander if you go by your princess title" he said which made me think. The emperor is right at some point hiding my identity can help indeed. It's just that I'm not used to wearing those princess clothes I'd rather put my armor on than those complicated and uncomfortable dresses on.
" Please Miya , I ask you this not only to protect me and my son , but also because I want my brother's daughter back for a while . You've been through a lot it's time for you to have a bit rest while still doing your duty. I know if I ask you to quit being the third commander even just for while you still won't accept it thats why I only ask for this" he explains. Now I understand why he ask me to do this task to lead his guards instead of asking his second in command which is Commander Yuri.
I take a deep breath before speaking.
" If this is what you want your Majesty I am honored to do so" I said as I accept his plan a wide smile appears on his face so I know I did the right thing. He always smiles at me but this one really means happiness from him.
After the Empress passed away his majesty had a hard time recovering and he almost lost himself in despair but because of father and me, he did manage to stand up and straighten his kingdom. The Empress and him didn't have a child the crown prince is his son with the second Empress which is a lady from the south, daughter of a the lord of the south, leader of a kingdoms part.
" Im glad My Lord that It made you happy. Your right though, even father might also wants to see his daughter wearing a princess clothing at least once in a while. " I joke and we both laugh without saying anything I know at this moment we both can imagine father's reaction if he still with us right now.
Thats how our conversation goes even if I already prepared myself last night being called lady or princess makes me cringed a bit ,I dont think I'll get use to it.
Emperor Zilong also said that he already mentioned my disguise to my troop specially to my second in command Tigreal.
Im still sitting in front of the mirror, a moment later.
" Lady Miya the Emperor's on his way to his carriage already he said you can go as well" says the maiden who just came inside the room .
I look away from the mirror carefully to not ruin their work on my hair because it took them some time in making it.
We made our way to the carriage and I can't help but to feel a bit uncomfortable on the way they all look at me . Almost everyone seemed to be shock on my appearance but in a good way and when I reach the Emperor whose smiling at me from ear to ear I can't help the smile forming on my lips too.
" greetings Commander Miya" All my guards at the same time " greetings Lady Miya " All the Emperors maidens .
Emperor Zilong laugh at this.
" Everyone welcome your Lady Miya " he said they all response at the same time, this time saying what your Majesty said.
" Greetings everyone, Tigreal be the leader of the troop for the meantime whenever I can't be with you" I said that makes Tigreal snap back to reality he seems to be in daze for a moment .
"y..Yes Comman... I mean Lady Miya" he said I hope we all can get use to this.
" Let's go then " the Emperor enters his carriage then I take the second carriage
Tigreal leads our group. His on his horse followed by four more guards on their horses . Another two guards riding their horses on each side of our carriages with our maidens and runners walking alongside our carriages and more guards walking arround us. Im supposed to be with Tigreal in front of this formation but instead I'm one to be protected just to go with the act of me as a Lady.
And so our journey to the South begins. At some point I am looking forward to what will happen on this mission.