Archer Empress

Chapter 14: Chapter 14: The walk

The five individual proceeds to their planned walk accompanied by ten guards.

Miya's Pov

Finally got to stretch my feet after sitting for a long time I really don't want to act as a Lady I'd rather fight or train. Another thing is due to sitting for a long time my wound which is almost healed suddenly starts throbbing again since we get off the carriage.

It's much strained this time since I can't make an excuse to stretch my feet as I like during the ride because of his highness's. If only I can just ride a horse instead at least for some time.

The wound is on my right leg and sitting on it is really not good at all. I can't ask to ride a horse to avoid letting the others know of this neither walking along with the guards and maidens is not an option . I also don't want Tigreal to notice either since his the only one who knows about my wound.

By the way, we are currently here in a nearby are which has more trees and bushes. I have my bow on my hand and arrows on my back I'm walking besides the crown prince whose on my right side and on my left is prince Roger. The other two prince's are walking in front.

I signaled two of the guards on our side through my eyes to be on guard without the prince noticing it . Which they understand as they pass the signal to the others.

This is our first stop for this journey anytime someone might attack the crown prince since this is a good opportunity for an ambush. It will will be great if nothing happens during this time.

I may look normal and relax on the outside but I am currently making sure of keeping my eyes and senses to our surroundings.

" Looks like there's not much to hunt on this area" said Kaja whose also holding a bow on his left arm.

" Right this is already the farthest we can go which is not too far from the camp" added prince Valir.

This is weird ,not even a rabbit nor a single bird is in sight since earlier. Seems like this will be a hunt of fighting preys and they might attack any moment now. All the prince's also brought their swords not just a bow and arrow which is good . I know each of them are good fighters but I won't underestimate our opponents no matter what. Any single mistake can lead to unforseen circumstances that can hurt any of this four and I won't let that happen.

"Your highness's It seems that we can only have pur walk upto here now since we dont have any prey can we go back instead ?" I ask and make sure to make it sound like I'm no longer interested in staying here.

" Are you bored now My Lady?" Prince Valir asked while holding a stick on his right hand which he just pick up earlier.

I just smiled a bit " a little your highness but if you want I can go first you can stay a bit I can just go with the guards or one of his highness's" I added. My plan is to make us two different groups so that if the enemy attacks it will be in two groups also. Better than us gathered on one place.

"I'll be with the Lady" crown prince answered.

" I'll go" another deep voice answered I look at my left side and to my surprise prince Roger is also looking at me that voice is him . This is the first time he ever speak. Though it doesn't show on my face that really surprise.

" Eeeh finally you've learn to speak Roger tssk tssk your words really worth gold" prince Valir said laughing.

" Get use to it if not one or two words he will only nods or ahake his head you know he is lazy to open his mouth if not necessary" prince Kaja said while shrugging.

" Thats better than speaking non sense all the time" crown prince answered with his serious face. I can only sigh their behaviors really don't go along with each other but they can still stick with each others side like real brothers. Very ironic indeed.

" Thank you your highness's " I said as I look at the crown prince and prince Roger " prince Kaja and prince Valir we'll go first then since the sun will set soon please don't stay here for too long and you can have eight of the guards with you" I added.

" Eight is too much....." Before prince Kaja can continue I cut him off " Please let it be your highness's or I'll feel bad leaving you two behind" I added with a soft smile almost guiltily so that he wont say otherwise.

"I understand Lady Miya go ahead then no need to worry with us no harm will fall on us" prince Kaja finally answered with both of them grinning like stating a matter of fact about their ability.

" I believe his highness's" I answered back with a bright smile knowing this two will be able to handle themselves well.

Along with the two guards , the crown prince and prince Roger we turn back to start walking back to the camp.

After about fifteen minutes of walking I grip my bow unnoticeably hard and ready to get an arrow as soon as the enemy attacks. I can also feel that both prince's and the guards are alert for an attack. The guards already have their swords out since we walk back about a minute after leaving the other prince's since there are only two of them.

Meanwhile the prince's seems to put both of their hands on their sword which they can pull out anytime. I can feel the tense atmosphere that the silent path we are taking have around us right now. Anytime soon it will start I'm still acting that I'm not aware of any of the changes that happens.

One ...two.... Three... Before I can move to get an arrow I got caught off guard by the hand that suddenly pulls me to the left at the same time swords are pulled out and and arrow falls to the ground.


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