Arcane Journey

Chapter 68

Chapter 68

There were bursts of echoes from the fog-shrouded cave in the distance. The piercing gasps and echoes echoed the terrifying music, intertwined together, like a dissonant piece of music.

Brian immediately gestured to Sisaiah who was beside him.

The sword mage understood and hid with him in the shadow of a tall mushroom.

"Is the wedding going to start soon?" She moved to Brian's side and whispered softly.

"That's right." Brian nodded slightly.

"What do you think the wedding of the demon lord will look like." Hesaiah looked at him curiously, expressing his inner doubts.

Unknowingly, Brian has left an omniscient image in her mind, because the other party will give herself a satisfactory answer to any question she asks.

"I'll find out later. I hope you won't be scared out of your wits when you see it."

Brian gave her a strange look, then smiled and said to her, "Today I will take you to snatch the bride of the demon lord. Believe me, that once-in-a-thousand-year scene will definitely be so exciting that you will never forget it."

After speaking, without waiting for the other party to reply, he quickly gave her a quiet look, signaling to keep silent.

Through the small cave shrouded in mist, Brian saw a line of creatures who were the singers of these songs.

His elven vision allowed him to clearly see a group of humanoid-like figures, and the rigid body was covered with messy patterns of glowing moss and sacs.

With crazy and joyful singing, they penetrated the consciousness of the two and echoed in the depths of their minds:

Toadstools bloom in the rock bed,

The prince of Iraqi love in the chaos and darkness.

Make a wish!look forward to!laughter!

Ladies will be the gift!

petition!eager!dance steps!

Spread the spores of joy!

The face is rotten, the years are fleeting,
Sunless Woodlands and Zugmoy!
Heart to heart, sympathy to each other,
Two become one, unmoving until death!
Long live!Long live!Long live!


The parade team carried a strange festive atmosphere. They jumped, danced, and danced in weird dances, heading towards the Mushroom Palace deep in the mist.

These fungus creatures and other spore servants danced crazily to music that only they could hear, while constantly releasing a large number of spores, filling the air with a strange fragrance.

"Can you dance?" Looking at the parade, Brian nodded thoughtfully, and asked the sword mage beside him through telepathy.

"I never liked the aristocratic life and the endless parties."

Hesaiah was stunned for a moment, not knowing what the other party meant, she was inexplicably guilty, and then quickly answered in a tactful tone.

"Then it won't happen, so much nonsense." Brian glanced at her, and said again: "Since you can't, then forget it, and you can only quietly follow behind the parade."

"What do you mean?" Hesaiah secretly breathed a sigh of relief for no reason, and asked again.

"It's the wedding procession for Mrs. Fungi."

Brian explained to her through voice transmission, "If the two of us want to mix into the team and go to Yogmog Palace, the easiest way is to appear in front of them and join their team."

Then walk and dance.
Hisaiah supplemented what Brian hadn't finished saying in his heart.

Looking at the strange dancing posture of the slow parade, she couldn't help but feel a chill, and secretly glad that she didn't try to be brave just now, but chose to tell the truth.

"Then can you dance?" She looked at Brian with a smile in her silver gray eyes.

"The team has gone far away. Let's follow quietly and don't get caught." Brian didn't continue this embarrassing topic, and quickly shifted his gaze, indicating that she was ready to go.

Looking at Brian's strange appearance, Sisaiah unconsciously raised a smile, and immediately followed his footsteps.

Following the parade, without any obstruction, the two arrived safely at the ancient palace of Yogmogo, which the fungus king Bastifer called, a huge mushroom rooted in this fertile and rotten soil.

The cave where the ancient palace of Yogmogo is located is very large, and this huge mushroom almost fills the entire cave.

Brian couldn't even clearly estimate the size of the giant mushroom standing in front of him from his position.

He saw countless smaller mushrooms growing on its main stem, and the huge main stem gradually branched upwards into smaller fungi, and on top of each fungus was a giant fungus like the top of a giant tower. cap.

The floor of the cave near the main pole is covered with a layer of creep, and the horrible and weird soft light is emitted from the windows carved on the main pole, and the dissonant sounds that echoed in the distance are still lingering inside.

A rotten stench rushed towards his face, like a sense of fear, penetrating his skin and piercing his soul.

Even if he and Hesaiah had taken the potion prepared by the Mushroom King, they could barely stand the stench.

"Are we really going in?" Under the sickly pale blue light around, Sisaiah's face was frighteningly pale, and she resisted the tumbling in her stomach, and said with a slightly hesitant expression.

Originally, she already thought that the Garden of Fear she had encountered before was already the scariest place.

Who would have thought that the Gardens of Dread were more a pale reflection of the real horrors that surrounded Yogmog's palace than the palace before them.

She saw tall crescent-shaped ledges wrapping around the cave walls, slowly joining the cavern's lower floor.

The ledges were covered with glistening carpets of moss and fungi, fungal sacs of all sizes, and potholes of various shapes dripping with pus and ooze.

Some of them have even dried up and scabbed, like scars bulging on human flesh after healing, it is almost unbearable to look at.

"It's all here, what else can I do?" Brian held his breath, turned to look at Hesaiah, and comforted him: "Let's go, just get used to it."

Sisaiah nodded, suppressing the discomfort in her heart, and followed Brian tightly, stepping into the corridor of the mushroom palace full of pus and ooze.

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the bloated mass on the ledge of the corridor wriggling slightly, almost instinctively, she quickly reached out her hand, grabbed Brian's arm tightly, and looked at him, "Brian , Have you noticed that these sacs are moving."

Brian stopped, let the noble lady in front of him tightly hold his arm, and said to her;
"I've noticed it a long time ago. The things wrapped here are all living things collected by the mushroom man Wang Feiluo in the wilderness of the Underdark. Do you think this mushroom palace grows so big by eating soil? That's because it absorbs The flesh and blood of the creatures in the capsule, and the nourishment provided by the surging leyline radiation energy."

At this moment, a 'bang' burst echoed in the ears of the two of them.

A bloated sac next to Hesaiah suddenly burst, and thick spores and foul-smelling black pus shot out like squeezed grapes.


Suddenly, a piercing scream full of pain and fear echoed in the corridors of the palace without warning.

Hearing this blood-chilling scream, Hesaiah, who was already nervous, was caught off guard and witnessed the explosion of the rotten sac with his own eyes.

She was horrified, and various terrifying images appeared in her mind, and her eyes were filled with uncontrollable fear.

Almost instinctively, she swallowed the scream welling up in her throat, averted her gaze, and buried her head in Brian's arms with a face full of fear, her hands wrapped tightly around his body.

This sudden scene left Bryan with no time to enjoy the feeling of soft jade, let alone push her away.

However, smelling the vague fragrance in her hair made him feel that his depressed mood was relieved a lot, and he couldn't help but start to enjoy this atmosphere in his heart.

But he calmed down quickly, and then tightly hugged his right hand that was holding his slender waist, and gently patted her trembling delicate body with his left hand to comfort her.

"Are you planning to continue like this forever?" Seeing that the girl who seemed to be frightened foolishly refused to leave, he asked her helplessly, and joked with a smile:
"If we delay any longer, the fungus queen's wedding will be over. How can we snatch the marriage?"

He found a strange thing.

As I got more in touch with this noble lady, the other party seemed to become less and less courageous.

This reminded him of when he was in college, the girl who was able to throw him over his shoulder, but had to help her unscrew the bottle cap himself.

Hearing Brian's words, Hesaiah finally realized something, a blush appeared on her pale and pretty face buried in her chest, she quickly let go of her hands, and slipped out of his embrace.

The sudden embarrassment made her forget the fear just now, and she even forgot to remind Brian what she saw.

Brian patted her on the shoulder, gave her a reassuring look, and immediately went over curiously to check the crater that had just exploded.

Wanting to see what it was, it actually frightened the noble lady into such a state.

He walked to the ledge, and unexpectedly found that it was wrapped in a drow, which should be a part of the drow to be precise.

Because except for half of the face, long white hair, and a breastplate that can be barely recognized, the other parts are simply impossible to imagine how the drow was tortured by fungus and decay into this appearance.

I saw him slapping feebly, and the screaming also increased in tone, until his eyes saw Brian's face clearly, and his shouting stopped abruptly.

At this moment, the drow elf's terrified expression suddenly flashed a sliver of reason, and then he closed his eyes with strange ecstasy and slowly fell into the pile of fungi.

In an instant!

Brian suddenly felt a shock from the strange smile of the drow elves, his body froze in place suddenly, and a row of light blue data appeared in his retina:

A Will saving throw is being made.
Will save succeeded!

You successfully saved the lethal effect of "Fear of Death"!

You successfully saved the fear effect of "Fear of Death"!

You successfully saved the frightening effect of "Fear of Death"!

"Death Fear" has no effect on you!

After seeing the data test clearly, Brian was frightened into a cold sweat, and his legs trembled slightly involuntarily.

His stiff body also staggered, and with Hesaiah's timely support, he was saved from the risk of falling.

"Are you okay?" Hesaiah looked at the pale Brian and asked with concern.

She looked at him worriedly, terrified.

She saw his lips were pale, and fine cold sweat emerged from his forehead. The sweat flowed down his forehead like wax tears, sticking a few strands of wet hair to his pale cheeks.

It's hard to imagine that even Brian, who has always been calm and composed, is terrified.

This made her secretly regret that she forgot to remind him, so that such a thing happened.

"It's okay, I was careless just now."

Brian took a deep breath to calm himself down, then grabbed Hesaiah's hand, stood up straight with his strength, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, and controlled his voice to speak to her.

This face really hurt a little bit, just now he was still laughing in his heart why this noble lady suddenly became less courageous, but his own retribution came immediately.

Just now, many terrifying images suddenly appeared in his mind, including mountains of corpses, seas of blood and bones, and various cruel and terrifying images.

If he hadn't already cultivated a strong will, and activated the psion's "mind blank" ability in time to forcefully suppress this fear in a split second, he might even have been frightened to death on the spot.

This made him secretly regret not joining the procession and entering the palace with them.

Although the premise of joining the parade is to follow their rhythm and dance together, at least it is safe and worry-free, and there is no need to worry about going forward here.

After quickly regaining his composure, Brian raised his vigilance again.

He clearly felt that with the demise of the drow elves, deafening moans and cries began to echo in the entire cave.

This frightening sound seemed to be covered by the frightening movement of the drow screaming in pain, until it finally turned silent, leaving behind a scalp-numbing grunt.

At the same time, the stalk of the huge mushroom trembled, as if enjoying a pleasant joy.

Brian knew that the scene just now was definitely the mushroom palace eating.

The object of eating was undoubtedly the drow who had just disappeared.

He considered for a moment with a slightly solemn expression, and felt that he still had to go to the hall of the Mushroom Palace in person.

He called to Hesaiah beside him, motioning her to move on.

Although he had just gone through a horrible scene, to Brian's surprise, Hesaiah quickly recovered his calm and calm demeanor, which made him look at the noble lady a few more times.

After all, if she was too scared to go in, it would be a bit difficult.

So the two continued to walk deep into the palace, preparing to witness the next unspeakable fear that the rotten lady would produce.

The moment he entered the hall of the Mushroom Palace, Brian was shocked by the scene in front of him.

In this huge mushroom palace, there are endless mushrooms and clusters of mushrooms, big and small, making the surrounding darkness illuminated by all kinds of fungi that shone like stars, bathing the entire wedding scene in red, blue and purple. In the glow of the sky, there is a hazy glimmer of light, making everything in front of you look very dreamy.

Of course, in Brian's opinion, the premise of all this is that there are no words from those dancing mushroom people.

Suppressing the discomfort in his stomach, he watched a mass of deformed creatures dance around the base of the giant fungal tower.

Among these subjects are various humanoids, as well as various other creatures.

They are covered with ulcers, rot and cysts of flesh and blood.

Some dancing fungi, molded into humanoid forms, also danced among the crowd.Some of these creatures appear to be spore minions controlled by the Fungal Queen, others are fungus and other fungal creatures infested with Zugmoi spores
He saw a fungus-covered drow stand up and stagger into the frantic dance, his bones beginning to melt like wax as the drow danced.

The two duergars taunted each other cheerfully, spitting ooze from their mouths.

There were even a few crazily laughing Dreadclaws, constantly patting their own hard carapaces that had long been corrupted by fungi, jumping up and down on the ceiling.

"Don't look at the central hall, the fungal queen is sitting there."

Sensing that Hisaiah's gaze was moving towards the tower-shaped central hall, he quickly reminded in a low voice: "Look at me later."

Hesaiah pressed the hilt of his sword tightly, and nodded solemnly.

"Praise be to the great sower, two more guests are coming!"

At this moment, a giggling and friendly voice sounded, and the tall mushroom man Wang Feiluo walked up to the two of them, raised his hands and cheered:

"Two guests, please join the party! My soft friends, let's welcome the greatest and most magnificent moment of the Sunless Woods!"


Brian took out the 'Dawn Messenger', looked up to the enthusiastic mushroom man Wang Feiluo, and said unhurriedly, "I'm not here today to attend the wedding of the queen."

"It's the great sower, Mrs. Fungus, my soft friend. Please correct your words." The mushroom man Wang Feiluo solemnly warned him, and then asked curiously, "Then what are you here for?"

Brian took a step forward. His seemingly thin body faced the tall and straight body of the mushroom man without fear.

"Listen to me, all of you, today, I'm here to snatch a marriage!"

His sharp eyes swept across the surroundings, and although his voice was not loud, it was like a bolt from the blue in this chaotic mushroom hall, knocking all the mushroommen, spore servants, and a large number of deformed creatures to the spot on the spot.

at the same time.

The 'Dawnbringer' he held high suddenly jumped out a lightsaber, gushing out angry flames.

(End of this chapter)

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