Arcane Journey

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

"The Dark Forest is rich in food and water resources. I suggest that everyone take a good rest here. After attending the wedding of 'Madame', it is not too late to go to the dark lake."

With the departure of the Mushroom King, the drow elf Curzi, who had never said a word from the beginning to the end, suddenly made a suggestion.

After finishing speaking, he ignored everyone, turned around and walked towards the fungal terraces alone.

Brian exchanged glances with the swamp bear next to him, nodded secretly, and immediately sent a sound transmission with his mind, asking the copper block to follow quietly.

"Jip, I think what Curtz said is right, we must take a good rest." Copper Nugget said to the Dillo dwarf beside him with a smile:
"Have you seen the terraced fields over there? The corrugated bark mushrooms in the dark forest are also one of the most famous ingredients in the entire Underdark. Their meat is tender, nutritious, delicious and chewy.

In a shallow dish large enough to hold the corrugated bark mushroom caps, stir together the olive oil, lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, thyme, salt, and pepper.Put the mushrooms on a plate and marinate for 15 minutes, then turn the mushrooms over and spoon the marinade into the grill, turn it over and cook on both sides and bake for 10 to 12 minutes until tender Slippery and browned, 'Underdark Flip Baked Ripple Bark Mushroom Steak' is done, it tastes like eating a unicorn, let's go pick some mushrooms and enjoy a mushroom feast. "

Jeep the Dillo dwarf was immediately attracted by the mushroom soup in the goblin's words, and the two walked towards the fungal terraces together.

"Timo, I will leave this big bear to you. Take him to the leader of your mushroom king, Basdifi, and ask him if there is any way to restore his real body."

Seeing the two leave, Brian ignored the Kou-toa monk who was leaving gradually, put Teemo on the shoulder of the Zedi bear, and instructed it seriously.

"Hey, what the hell is the big bear? I have a name, okay?" the swamp bear protested depressedly.

However, what made him even more depressed was that no one paid any attention to him.

"Big brother, won't you follow me to meet the leader?" Timo asked suspiciously.

"I still have something to do, I'll come to you when I'm done." Brian stroked Timo's mushroom head and said with a smile.

"Okay. I see. Don't worry, big brother. I will do everything you tell me." Timo winked playfully at Brian, looked at the marsh bear, spewed out teleportation spores, and sent a voice transmission to him :

"Big Bear, let's go. I'll take you to meet our leader. Don't worry, the leader of Basdia is the best pharmacist in the Sunless Forest. There are many magical potions in his mushroom gourd, which will definitely cure you. Good for your mental illness, let you understand that you are a swamp bear, not some golden elf prince."


The marsh bear gave Timo a helpless look, then turned back and gave Brian a cautious look, and immediately walked with Timo to the blurred tower deep in Fungal Valley.

Looking at the group of people leaving, Brian frowned and thought for a moment, then turned to look at the sword mage beside him, "Come with me, I need you to do me a favor."

Hesaiah looked around suspiciously, quickened his pace, and followed Brian's pace.

"Did you also notice something strange?" She walked side by side with Brian, and couldn't help expressing her doubts.

"That's right." Brian nodded, glanced at the mushroom people busy on the fungal terraces, and said to Hesaiah with telepathic ability:
"Actually, the mushroom man king we saw just now has been influenced by the fungus demon queen Zugmoy. I guess this demon lord is probably secretly planning a conspiracy to bring the entire Underdark region under his command.

That's why more and more mushroommen in the Sunless Forest are unknowingly becoming slaves controlled by the fungal queen.If not, the peaceful and happy life of the mushroom people would not gradually turn into indulgence, intoxication and carnival, and even behind the carnival, there is also madness. "

The way mushroommen live is very different from the daily experience of surface dwellers.

The only things they have in common with humanoids are their nutritional needs, desires for life, and social entertainment.

Still, even these points are satisfied in exactly the same way as humanoids.

But compared with the humanoid creatures made of flesh and blood, the fungus is still a completely alien creature.

Because they are completely unable to understand ethical and moral matters, their focus of life is to live in the present, and they rarely consider the future, or even do not care about the past at all.

In addition to the survival nature of longing for communication, its individual uniqueness will also be expressed as unique interests and clear personality.

They advocate simplicity, share joy, and rely on the perception and insight into life generated by their own thoughts.

Due to their naive personality and unique empathy, combined with their fungal nature, the myconites are extremely vulnerable to the depraved infection of the fungal queen Zugmoy.

It is this unique personality that causes the fungus of the Sunless Glade to embrace her madness with rapidity and ecstasy after being affected by the Fungal Queen's infection.

They have given up the growth of their own life, and their core has also turned into the worship of decay and death.

Worse still, they drive it all with childlike ignorance, seeing the corruption of all life as a sense of wonder and joy, unable to comprehend the fact that they are steeped in evil.

Hearing Brian's solemn telepathy, Sisaiah looked startled and looked around in disbelief.

Vaguely, in a circle of towering Zeke wood fungus forest, she heard bursts of indistinct ravings and ethereal singing.

Hesaiah knew that the skunks could not speak, they only communicated through the teleportation spores they released, so they lived very quietly.

But this eerie echo of music and singing, coming from the other side of some of the woodland caverns, was just loud enough to be vaguely detected, and she could not help but feel a creepy feeling.

She took a deep breath, calmed her ups and downs, moved her mouth slightly, and transmitted to Brian in a slightly trembling tone, "Then what are you going to do, do we need to get out of here as soon as possible?"

"It's too late." Brian shook his head slightly, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw a purple mushroom as tall as an ogre.

This is the Screaming Fungus, a species of sentient fungus that emits a piercing screech when any creature approaches.

But this is not what Brian needs to focus on. The reason why he looks at the shriek mushroom is that he finds a hisser hiding in the shadow of the shriek mushroom cap.

"From the moment we stepped into the lightless forest, we were already being targeted by the dark beings." He continued to transmit the voice to the sword mage with a solemn expression, "If we choose to escape at this time, it will only cause all the mushrooms corrupted by the devil to die." People's attention, and then they are attacked by groups."

"Then what are you going to do." Hearing Brian's words so calmly, Sisaiah was inexplicably relieved. She stared at his face, expecting his next answer.

Because she knew that she, who was trapped in the dark region, wanted to return to the surface, and Brian was her only hope, so seeing that the other party did not panic as imagined, she couldn't help but feel very relieved.

"Not all mushroommen are corrupted, and there are still a few mushroommen who are aware of the existence of corruption and try to resist." Brian pondered for a moment, and sent her a voice transmission:
"I am worried that these mushroommen who have never experienced internal struggles will find it difficult to solve the current problem. Therefore, if we want to leave here, we must help the few mushroommen who have not been corrupted. It is of course best if the resistance succeeds. Failure If so, we can take advantage of the chaos and find a way to escape."

"How can you be sure that there is definitely a mushroom man who is resisting the corruption of the devil." Although Hesaiah instinctively believed in the other party, he still couldn't help asking his own questions.

"Have you heard of the Nianhe of the mushroom man?" Brian looked at the sword mage.

Hesaiah nodded slightly, indicating that he knew.

Myconids possess a telekinetic spore.

This spore can transmit a small portion of the thoughts of all myconids to other myconids in the society, and as long as they absorb or immerse themselves in the spore, they can establish a family-like telepathic connection.

In this way, when the members of the society come together for chanting, they can share each individual's insights, fears, hopes, and dreams.

Through the unique method of recitation, they jointly build the heart and soul of their colony.

"The life of the mushroom people allows them to spend eight hours a day, and then gather together to share what they have seen and heard through recitation."

Brian said to her, "It can be said that the chanting ceremony is the most solemn ceremony of the mushroom man race. When we saw the mushroom man Wang Feiluo just now, I noticed that they had just finished a chanting ceremony, but it was unexpected. Unfortunately, the only thing missing from their rituals are the two Society leaders and another Myconid King."

He learned from Teemo that the various associations in the lightless forest are in charge of specific functions, and different associations play different roles in the colony.

There are currently seven associations in the woodland, which are: Hunter Association, Explorer Association, Sower Association, Builder Association, Cultivator Association, Core Association and Master Association.

The ones who were absent from the ceremony were none other than Basdia, another mushroom man king, and the two leaders of the hunter association and the explorer association under his control.

There was a strange color in Hesaiah's silver-gray eyes, and he was surprised by Brian's delicate and meticulous thoughts.

"Then what are you going to do now?"

So she asked the question she was most concerned about right now.


Bryan said in a firm tone, "Wait until the swamp bears recover their real bodies, and then wait for tomorrow's 'wedding' ceremony to be held by the fungus king Fello for the fungus queen Zugmoi."

In fact, he is quite confident that the swamp bears will regain their status as golden elves.

Because when he was in the game world, he had heard that the legendary elven city lord of the highest forest "City of Peace" Irranthe was this swamp bear named Severil.

It can be seen from this that even if he did not save him on Fansi Trail, he can still escape back to the surface by virtue of his own ability.

Therefore, he chose to place half of the bet on the golden elf prince.

"You don't plan to contact another Mushroom King?" Hesaiah asked with a smile, recalling the meaning of Brian's words.

"I have given this task to the Zeland Bears." Brian said as he walked, "Our immediate task is to visit Lobaum, the leader of the hunter association."

(End of this chapter)

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