Arcane Journey

Chapter 53 3 Questions

Chapter 53 Three Questions
Preaching Mage!

When Brian heard these words from the mouth of the observer beholder, his eyelids couldn't help jumping, and a look of surprise floated in his calm eyes.

Originally, his plan was to wait for his strength to at least reach the legendary level before trying to win the position of preaching mage.

Who would have thought that I would be exposed to things related to this field so quickly.

He couldn't help recalling the detailed information about the preaching mage.


In the main material world, there will always be a missionary mage appointed by Mystra, the goddess of magic, and Azuth, the god of mages.

Most people believe that spellcasters must fight each other, knock down or kill the incumbent in a duel of spells, in order to obtain the position of preaching mage.

This is the fact.

Preaching mages were born in this form of fighting each other.

Of course, only a very small number of powerful spellcasters can overthrow the current preaching mage and succeed, and more of them have paid the price of their lives.
After all, as long as one obtains the position of preaching mage, one can simultaneously obtain many special powers bestowed by the goddess of magic and the god of mages, and can also learn many unknown magics.

As a result, the current priest mage is often in deep danger and becomes the target of many ambitious and powerful wizards.

It directly led to the preaching mage becoming the position with the highest death rate in the main material world.

Although preaching mages are fighters exclusively for the goddess of magic, Mystra, this does not mean that preaching mages will fight everywhere for the belief of the goddess of magic.

In fact, the true role of the missionary mage is to spread magic and make its secrets available to all who want to learn, thereby increasing Mystra's power and influence.

Therefore, as a missionary mage, what they most often do is to encourage or guide other wizards to research spells or improve existing spells, so as to enhance the magical power of each other—whether it is their own apprentices or opponents.

However, due to loopholes in the rules for becoming a preaching mage jointly formulated by the goddess of magic and the god of mages, the preaching mage has become the target of many spellcasters.

In these days when it is often necessary to guard against sneak attacks by challengers, missionary mages will only try to conceal their identities as much as possible, and how can they spread the mysteries of magic around the world with peace of mind.

Brian once read "The Biography of the Preaching Master".

Azuth, the first missionary mage, became a chosen one of Mystra, and served the goddess of magic for many years as a mortal until her ascension began.

In the next thousand years, more than 130 preaching masters have been replaced, and the average duration of each preaching master is less than 10 years.

There was even one of the most aggrieved preaching mages who was beaten to death by a farmer with a dung shovel.

It is said that the preaching mage was ugly and withered.

Desperate to be disliked by every female creature, he spent a lot of time perfecting the magic that would make him tall, mighty and handsome, and he was keen to use magic to seduce and tease country women and girls.

Finally, one morning, a husband who had finally had enough of it took up a shovel used for digging up dung, and slammed it on the head of the preaching mage, knocking him to death.

What is even more surprising is that it took less than an hour for Azuth, the god of mages, to usher in a new missionary mage to this world.

Although the preaching mage has many disadvantages, it seems that as long as he becomes a preaching mage, he will push himself to the forefront invisibly, and become the target of many ambitious spellcasters trying to replace him.

But Brian still valued the special ability given by preaching mages to promote magical mysteries and quickly identify magical talents.

Only by obtaining this ability can the arcane empire he intends to build in the future be able to grow exponentially.

Therefore, becoming a preaching mage is also one of his future goals.

Because this is the easiest way he knows to hug the thigh of the Goddess of Magic, and it won't collapse with the magic net, causing himself to be unlucky like those voters.

Evangelist Greery Muluklas.

Bryan recalled information about this missionary mage.

According to the "Biography of Master Chuandao":

Greery Muluklas is the 94th preaching mage, and the only drow wizard among the many preaching mages, and the only preaching mage who does not know whether he is alive or dead.

During an underground adventure, Greeley accidentally met the current missionary mage.

This missionary mage was besieged by Felin Mokui. Although he defeated the enemy, he was also severely injured, leaving only his head and upper torso, until he met the passing drow wizard Greer.

With the personality of the drow elves.

Greeley naturally gave the preaching mage a good time, and then succeeded in picking up the leak.

And so a new missionary mage was born.

As the only drow preacher in history, Greery Muluklas is a traitor to drow society.

Greeley comes from Shammas City, known as the "City of the Dark Net", which is a dark elf city dominated by drow male wizards.

His rebellious character made him naturally contradict the views and laws of the wizard rulers, so he resolutely took off his burqa, left the city of Shammas, and wandered in the dark region to spread magic.

He taught many drow wizards how to use their abilities to harness magic, rather than simply harvest energy from leyline radiation.

Greeley also regards the energy radiated by the leylines as a cancer of drow society.

Because of the importance of leyline radiation, the ruling class of drow, in other words, the priests of Lolth, regard it as an important tool to maintain their rule and power.

What this brings is the heavy shackles that restrict the development of drow society, the cruel hierarchy, the cruel and bloodthirsty character of drow, and the restriction of drow from escaping from the underdark region under the brutal rule of the spider queen.

Gregory is known for exploring the vast Underdark, and his footprints even approached the upper Underdark regions on the surface.

He is not only the missionary mage of the goddess of magic, but also a follower of the dark girl Eilistraee, and many priests of Eilistraee lived in the Walking Temple of Skull Harbor, and established a close friendship with the humans underground in Waterdeep City.

Greery is kind and resolute, but also maintains the drow's natural vigilance, always ready with battle spells.

For most of the spellcasters on the surface, Greeley's existence is very weak, and they even claim that there were no preaching mages in this period.

With the fall of the dark girl, no one knows the final fate of Greery Muluklas, as if the world has evaporated.

The world only knows.

After the missionary mage Greery slowly faded out of sight, Azuth reinstated the position to a surface human wizard.

"I have heard of your master."

Bryan came back to his senses and looked at the observer beholder suspended in the air, "So, I'm curious whether your master is still alive."

Hisaiah glanced at Brian in surprise, she didn't expect the other party to have such a wide range of knowledge.

"How could Victor know about the master."

The beholder said without thinking, "Victor's master just ordered Victor to stay here and guard the master's treasure until someone takes it away, so that Victor can regain his freedom."

"You just said that as long as you answer three questions correctly, you can get the treasure left by your master. Is that true?" Brian continued to ask.

"Of course it is true." The Observer Beholder said, "However, Victor advises you to give up as soon as possible, because Victor is"

"If you have any questions, just ask, there's so much nonsense." Brian interrupted the beholder's nagging in a slightly impatient tone.

Hisaiah was taken aback by Brian's actions,
As a sword mage whose strength has reached the exemplary level, she clearly felt an instinctive sense of oppression the moment the observer beholder appeared.

However, when she noticed Brian's calm expression, her heart felt relieved for no reason.

"How dare you challenge the most perfect creation of the 'Big Mistress'." The observer beholder excitedly spun around Brian.

"Listen well, Victor will only ask you three questions. If you can't answer them, Victor will cast a teleportation spell to make the two of you randomly appear in a corner of the Underdark."

Sensing the worried gaze from Hesaiah, Brian shook his head slightly, expressing his sense of proportion.

He just wanted to confirm a guess in his mind.

If he guesses correctly, he will receive a gift from the preaching mage.

If you guess wrong, at most, you will be sent to other places randomly, but it is not fatal.

"first question."

The observer's beholder's tone became quite serious, "A surface elf and a drow fall in love, and the child they give birth to will have black or white teeth."

"Babies don't have teeth." Brian said his answer without thinking.

Hearing this question, he suddenly felt that everything seemed to be developing towards his imagination.

This made his confidence improve a bit.

"What? You were able to answer Victor's question so quickly."

The observer beholder stared at the five eyeballs in surprise, "Listen well, the second question: what is the last thing a person needs to do before dying?"

"Exhale your last breath."

Brian looked at the beholder floating in front of his eyes with an idiot's eyes.

"." The observer beholder took a deep breath, remained silent for a while, and looked at Brian, "Then tell Victor, what part of your body will swell rapidly when you are excited?"

Brian smiled and glanced at the strange-looking sword mage beside him, and stared at the eyeballs of the beholder, "Pupil. Don't you know? When the pupil is stimulated by external sources, it will expand more than seven times."

"Okay, I've answered all three questions, now it's my turn."

He immediately rushed before the other party could speak, and said, "I need you to answer my three simplest questions as quickly as possible."

"Easiest question?"

The observer beholder was stunned for a moment, and said dissatisfiedly, "Victor is the most perfect creation of the 'Big Mistress', are you insulting Victor's IQ?"

"This is the rule set by your master. Are you going to disobey your own master?" Brian didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, and directly showed his master's signboard.

"Come on anyway, Victor is the smartest and the fastest to answer questions." The observer beholder said angrily.

"How many eyes does the Los beast have?" Brian said.


The observer beholder blinked, and spoke his answer in an uncertain tone.

"How many legs does Roth have?" Brian continued.

"Sijo, this is too simple." The beholder mocked, "Are you planning to laugh Victor to death, and then take the opportunity to get the treasure that Victor guards?"

Sisaiah on the side also looked at Brian suspiciously, but she also faintly felt that things might not be as simple as imagined.

"How much hair does the Roth Beast have?" Brian met the five eyes of the beholder and said with a smile.

"...How much hair does Rothmon have?"

Hearing this question, the observer beholder was stunned in mid-air, "You're lying, how could Victor know how much hair the Roth beast has so quickly, you tell Victor how much hair this Roth beast has."

The beholder's tentacles clicked, and a phantom of a Roth beast similar to a cow appeared in front of everyone.

"Are you sure you want me to answer?"

Brian looked at it, "If I say the correct answer, does that mean you've surrendered."

"That's right, if you can answer, Victor will immediately admit that you have passed the master's test."

The beholder said triumphantly, "Victor tells you the truth, it's impossible for this Roth phantom to use its mental power to count its hairs, you can only count them one by one."

"It's a simple question."

Bryan ignored the beholder's nagging, "The Roth has fur."

Hearing the answer, Hesaiah, who was still thinking, suddenly came to his senses, and looked at the deflated beholder with a smile on his lips.

"This Ross beast is covered in fur."

The observer beholder stared at the phantom of the Roth beast he created with his big eyes.

It was dejected and silent for a long time, as if it had thought of something again, its five eyes suddenly lit up, and it shouted excitedly:
"Haha. Someone finally passed the master's test. Victor doesn't have to stay here anymore. Victor can finally go to Wisteria Valley."

"Hey, you two, the restriction on Victor in the master's room has been opened for you, go in by yourself, Victor is leaving here."

As soon as the observer's beholder moved his mind, a ripple like a ripple disappeared in a flash.

Immediately afterwards, a hexagram array emerged from below, impatiently covering the beholder, and disappeared without a trace.

"The Wisteria Valley?"

Brian looked thoughtfully at the magic circle where the observer's beholder disappeared.

He always felt that he had heard of this place name somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Let's go, let's see what gifts the former preaching mage will leave behind."

Brian withdrew his thoughts, waved his hand at the sword mage, and walked in to a secret door that appeared out of nowhere on the stone wall.

(End of this chapter)

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