Arcane Journey

Chapter 5 Conspiracy

Chapter 5 Conspiracy
The drow wizard Jonara Taks' demeanor is as cold as frost, and as proud as the never-melting snow on the top of a high mountain, but the signal from her clothing is so hot that it seems that people will feel ashamed when they see it. Get hot all over.

Of course, as a prisoner, Brian definitely couldn't get hot at this time.

Because in his eyes, this stunner was no different from a poisonous spider. When he fantasized that the other party was a spider, he instantly became sober as if he had been poured cold water on it.

He hurriedly got up from the chair and stared at the drow with calm eyes.

She looks very young, but her scarlet eyes are mature enough.

Her chest was tall and straight, and the skin exposed outside her clothes was still as tight and elastic as a young girl's. Her slender and straight legs were close together without any gaps.

But Brian could feel that the mature style naturally emanating from the drow wizard was by no means imitated by young girls.

After all, the female drow who has lived to this age is not an experienced driver who is beyond the reach of countless players.

He also heard from some naughty players that if you want to confirm the condition of a female drow's car, you only need to look at her .
Thinking of something interesting, Brian was startled, and hurriedly cleared away the chaotic thoughts in his mind, because he was really afraid that he would suddenly lose his temper in such an occasion, and if he laughed, it would be really embarrassing.

Although he knew that his life was not in danger for the time being, he still didn't dare to be so unscrupulous.

Fortunately, the other party didn't notice his change, but just stood quietly, looking at him indifferently, without any words or movements.

Brian regained his composure, and from the corner of his eye, looked at the drow wizard's body not covered by the light silk robe, and then deliberately flashed a greedy look, and at the same time made his breathing a little faster.

No way, in this case, he had to pretend.

Otherwise, when this female drow who feels good about herself finds out that she is so unattractive in her own eyes and becomes angry from embarrassment, she might come up with some way to torture people.

If he puts on a look of urgency that he is trying his best to endure but is unable to hope for it, it will make the other party feel inexplicable pleasure and satisfied desire to conquer.

As long as this psychopathic drow is happy and produces pleasant pleasure, he will naturally not trouble him.

So it is not unreasonable to say that "life is all about acting".

Especially Brian, who is a prisoner at the moment.

"It can be seen." The drow wizard said, "You have learned well."

She leisurely walked to the chair where Brian got up, and sat down leisurely, letting her slender thighs be exposed in the long silk dress with slits reaching to her hips.

Brian stood with his back straight, maintaining a cold silence as usual, and at the same time exuding a murderous aura that was hard to hide.

"Soon you will have a chance to test your own strength." The drow wizard took out a small bottle of potion from his plump corset, showed it to him, and said with a sarcastic smile, "If you succeed, I will set you free."

Brian's eyes widened in coordination, he clenched his fists, and then let go, his eyes flashed with light of thinking, eager to try, and finally restrained.

Then he followed the bottle of potion in the wizard's hand with an eager, longing look, and watched the other tuck it back into the close-fitting corset.

"I can tell you understand what that means."

The witch looked at Brian with silky eyebrows, licked her scarlet, plump lips, and asked provocatively, " you want to know how to get it?"

"Tell me your purpose." Brian said coldly in an annoyed tone on purpose.

As he expected, seeing his expression, the other party smiled more obviously, full of mockery.

Although the drow wizard did not ban his spellcasting ability, he used another method to control him.

The bottle of ostentatious potion in her hand was to relieve a vicious curse called 'Poison Heart Spider' in his body.

"I have an interesting adventure planned for you."

The drow wizard smiled and said, his slender legs crossed together, "And what you need to do is to help me kill someone in this adventure game."

"I need to know the specific situation." Brian replied briefly, while praying in his heart that it would not be the rebellious drow he knew.

"Of course, in order to plan successfully, you must know your opponent in detail."

The drow wizard frowned slightly, as if recalling something unpleasant, "To be precise, I am not the patriarch of the Taks family, but a magic instructor, responsible for training the family's own and sending samples to me. Some children gifted with magic."

Of course, Brian knew that the Taxes family was the first family in the entire ancient Orens city.


The sorcerer said proudly, "As long as the sorcerer apprentices are taught by me, they can get the highest credits in the annual competition held to motivate young drow. In this way, they can easily pass the warlock The academy's test opens this mysterious door of magic to pursue one's own arcane path."

"It is an honor for you to have such a high teaching quality." Brian added appropriately.

"That's right." Hearing his compliment, the drow wizard was obviously very pleased, "But at the same time, it is this lofty reputation that has brought me new troubles."

Brian looked at her curiously, and he vaguely guessed the reason.

"Ten years ago, I took in a new student, a girl with a rare talent for magic." The drow wizard's voice was laced with pure hatred.

"As a wizard mentor, isn't it a matter of celebration to accept a girl with rare magical talents?"

Bryan deliberately showed a puzzled expression, "If it is in the War College of our Kingdom of Cormyr, for a mentor, this can almost raise his reputation to a new level."

"That being said," the wizard said coldly, "but the fault lies in the fact that this girl is the only daughter and heir of the chief archmage of Ancient Orens, Hydraf Pumol."

"The only heir?"

Brian asked in confusion, "If you claim to have trained the heir to the next Chief Archmage of Ancient Orens, wouldn't this title bring you unimaginable prestige?"

"It seems that you are very smart, and you can explain the key points in one sentence."

The drow wizard raised his chin, stared deeply at Brian for a long time with scarlet eyes, and said the reason coldly, "However, Archmage Haizhuofu insisted on keeping this arrangement a secret."

When Brian heard this, he looked at the drow with a strange expression.

After a long time, it was because the students I taught couldn't say the teacher's name, and then the teacher couldn't pretend to be aggressive, so he had to try to kill his students.

As expected of Drow, he has been so introverted, Brian thought to himself.

Thinking of this, Brian felt that the whole matter might not be as simple as he thought, so he said again: "Yeah, as a tutor, it's really a bit cruel that you can't go around bragging about your new students."

"That's just one of the reasons."

Unexpectedly, the drow did not refute the sarcasm in his words, but sighed and said in a frustrated tone, "The real reason is that this child's magical talent is no longer rare. "

"Appreciate further details."

Brian's eyelids twitched, because he really guessed right, his opponent was really that rebellious drow wizard.

The drow wizard readjusted his sitting posture, swapped the overlapping slender legs, glanced at Brian who was secretly swallowing his saliva, and showed a distorted smile.

"Typically, drow's learning of magic begins in adolescence—a tumultuous and bewildering transition from childhood to youth. This period begins around fifteen and ends at the onset of puberty or at twenty-five. By then, a drow child was strong enough to attempt to channel arcane powers, and educated enough to read and write the complex drow script."

"However, this child is different. When most children begin to feel the power of magic, she can already freely control her innate magic power.

Not only that, but she can read drow runes.More importantly, she has the necessary talent to transform from a drow who can use magic to a true wizard.In a short time, the little one has learned to read simple magic scrolls, transcribe arcane symbols, and memorize quite complex spells. "

"Not only has her ability surpassed that of my proud daughter, but she has also mastered magic that is difficult for low-level wizards to cast at a speed that is beyond everyone's expectations. Yuli, showing the extraordinary beauty that was heralded in childhood, even the martial arts chief of our family is fascinated by her. Therefore, I plan to use her coming-of-age ceremony to end her education once and for all."

The drow wizard Gorana Taks finished speaking in one breath, her full breasts heaving frequently showed the purest hatred produced by her jealousy.

Brian remained silent and did not answer.

He knew that the drow were a narrow race, and he had no doubts about the superiority of his own race. He admired Lolth very fanatically, and he never tired of the struggle and conspiracy encouraged by this chaotic lady.

Status is everything, power struggles are everything.

Few things distract the drow from the narrow focus they have inherited for generations.

Therefore, the drow wizard in front of him showed such a distorted side, which was a normal operation for the drow elf, and it did not refresh his three views.

In order to calm the anger of jealousy in her heart, the sorceress wove a cobweb full of intrigue at great cost.

Of course, in his opinion, the real reason is very likely that the girl's future will shake the status of the first family of Tuks.

All in all, many reasons built up the motivation to kill her. This is the characteristic culture of the drow - the art of involution.

And he, in this woven spider web, became the tool to kill the girl, that's all.

She really thinks highly of me, Brian smiled wryly.

As a time traveler, he happened to know this talented drow girl, so he naturally knew the general situation of the other party's blood sacrifice ceremony.

Undoubtedly, from the fact that the other party survived unharmed and became a drow wizard whose strength reached the legendary level, it can be guessed that Jonara's plan obviously failed.

Not only failed, but was severely slapped in the face.

In fact, if everything goes according to Jonara's design, her plan can actually be quite successful.

But the mistake was that the girl's father was the chief archmage of the city of Orens.

This cunning old wizard gave her a piece of powerful magic equipment, which could directly hit him with a dimensionality reduction blow, turning the whole sinister ceremony into a perfunctory process.

The fact is that this plot is going on, so Brian feels that he has no chance of winning at all, and this is simply going to die.

"What's her name?" He was silent for a long time, holding on to the last ray of hope.

"Santilla Pumol," replied the drow wizard, whose anger had finally subsided.

"What's the difference between this and death." Brian muttered a little depressed.

"Are you an idiot?!"

Hearing this, the drow wizard suddenly jumped up from the chair ferociously, and an angry red flame suddenly flashed from her eyes, "You must win, otherwise, why would I spend so much effort!"

"You already know enough about drow's spells, so in the next month." Joanara tried her best to restrain her anger, and said with a serious face.

"My daughter, Santilla's closest friend, the one who knows her best, will be with you every day, and will tell you all the attack magic your opponent has and how to resist it, as well as her weaknesses. Want to If you want to survive, you must carefully grasp all of them.”

There's something for it, Brian thought.

"I understand." He regained his composure and nodded slightly.

He had heard a little bit about the vicious curse of the 'Poison Heart Spider', and if it really didn't work, he would choose to run away during the duel.

As for the issue of the curse, he would transform the lich at worst.

Of course, this was the worst plan he could have made without any retreat.

"It can be seen that you are a smart and intelligent battle mage." Joanara showed an evil smile, "So, you should know the consequences of failure, so you don't need me to remind you?"

Brian gave her a cold look, taking it as his answer.

Through two months of intermittent contact, he has long known that this perverted female drow in front of him likes his gnashing teeth but helpless appearance the most.

In the current situation, he can only choose to endure temporarily.

Because he had already thought of a bold idea of ​​how to use this opportunity to kill the opponent with a backhand.

"Very good, as long as you understand." The wizard smirked twice, folded his slender hands together, and reminded Brian:
"Remember, one month later, it's time to test your ability. You will be taken to the wild tunnels around the city to face your opponent. You must kill her in the battle. Only in this way can you recover from her Get the antidote on the dead body, and then you can go wherever you want."

Brian's eyes lit up, showing an expression of infinite hope aroused in his heart, and the corners of his mouth also evoked a slight smile.

Although he knew that things were definitely not as simple as imagined, he had to be careful to put on a look that pleased the other party.

"It can be seen from your expression." The drow wizard noticed Brian's smile, and she stared at his face. "My conditions are very satisfactory to you, right?"

"Indeed." Brian resisted the urge to turn his head and said slowly.

At this moment, he just wanted to end this conversation quickly.

"In order to make you more motivated, I can fulfill a long-awaited little wish in your heart in advance." Joanara said softly, and walked towards him as if nothing had happened.

With a wave of her hand, the tulle draped over her body moved and automatically slid down along the exquisite curves, and the corset exposed her shoulders and half of her body.

Then, she stretched out a slender black hand and forcibly lifted Brian's chin.

Brian instinctively wanted to dodge, but a pair of fiery eyes were staring straight into his eyes, he could only curse inwardly, trying his best to restrain this impulse, and catered to him.

He felt that the unscrupulous female drow leaned over, and that graceful body was already clinging to his body.

At this moment, an irresistible magical force penetrated into the depths of his heart.

He looked startled, forced to remain calm, concentrated, and cast the "mind blank" ability. In order to protect his secret, he immediately filled his mind with the purest hatred for drow wizards.

"Dear Brian, tell me, what do you most want to do right now?"

Joanara stood on tiptoe, raised her arms high, hugged his neck affectionately, and then floated up under the effect of levitation until the eyes of the two were level.

Brian knew that under the influence of the spell, he could not lie at this moment, so he looked at her with disgust, and said his truest thoughts without fear:
"I'm fucking you!"

The female wizard was slightly taken aback when she heard his hateful cursing.

Then he showed a happy smile, and instantly pressed his scarlet lips on top of Brian, giving him a creepy kiss like a spider.

(End of this chapter)

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