Arcane Journey

Chapter 41 Sword Master

Chapter 41 Sword Master

——"Third-level ability: Advanced Concealment Membrane!"

Bryan concentrated and cast his psychic powers.

A mass of interlaced celestial energy seeped from the void of astral space into the material world, weaving a semi-corporeal membrane around him.

The rippling and distorted translucent film like water waves makes his figure constantly change between virtual and real, blurring.

This is a third-level ability that can provide concealment, and the blurred figure will also make it difficult for opponents to lock his body.

Brian joins the fight like a ghost.

At this time, the battlefield situation was in chaos, full of shouts and creepy screams, and almost no one noticed this sudden joiner.

The air was filled with thick blood, sharp arrows whizzed past his ears, sparks burst out on the stone wall, and the dazzling magic light exploded into pieces of magic flames not to be outdone.

The largest number of drow warriors, swamp bears, and priestesses formed an formation to resist the charge launched by the orcs. Five or six vlo and khis golems flying at low altitude frantically attacked anyone around them like headless chickens. Creatures that can be seen.

A group of anklet-clad, ragged slaves fled screaming.

——"One-ring spell: Arcane Missile!"

Brian took the opportunity and stretched out his finger. Four missiles composed of magic energy shot out from his fingertips like loaded bullets, and accurately hit a drow soldier who raised a sharp sword to assassinate the underground dwarves.

The drow soldier paused, his half-raised weapon slipped to the ground, his hands tightly covering the bleeding hole on his neck, and he fell on his back.

"Target is dead!"

"Draining soul energy."

"Gain experience points: 500 experience points!"


With a thought of Brian, who was hiding in the shadows, the drow soldier's sharp sword floated in the air and flew into his hand.

Although he owns a legendary weapon 'Dawnbringer', the light emitted by that weapon is too dazzling.

If he showed up at this moment, he would undoubtedly become the most beautiful boy on the battlefield in this dim space, so he naturally didn't want to attract so much attention.

Suddenly, a shadow covered his head.

Brian quickly lowered his body to hide his figure.

A kass demon that looks like a mixture of humans and flies flutters its thin, buzzing wings, flying over his head with a bloody rain.

Seeing the demon flying away, he gripped his sword tightly, and suddenly rushed out from the shadow of the broken stalactite, rushing to a swamp bear who had just finished off the orc.

Taking advantage of the moment when the huge monster hadn't reacted, he jumped up and slashed across with a backhand blow. The Zedi Bearman fell to the ground and died wailing.

After succeeding, Bryan immediately used the concealment of the "advanced concealment membrane" to escape into the shadows again before the enemy found him, looking for the next opponent.

In the chaotic battlefield, he kept wandering around the edge like this, shuttling among the broken stalactites, jumping out from the shadows from time to time, killing the single drow, orcs, or swamp bears.

After a while, he gained nearly 5000 experience points.


At this time, a dark red fireball shot out from the drow wizard's hand, and a deafening explosion sounded instantly, and broken stones poured down like rain.

Kass Demon, whose wings were blown up by magic, fell from mid-air with thick smoke.

Brian shook off the dust from his cloak, showed his figure without hesitation, dealt with it cleanly with a sword, and left contentedly with 2000 experience points.


Just when he was about to escape into the shadows again, he heard a woman's scream.

And he clearly felt that the cry was directed at him.

At the same time, Brian finally realized that the effect of his "advanced concealment membrane" had disappeared with the passage of time, no wonder it was noticed.

He quickly looked in the direction of the source of the sound, and found a human girl surrounded by three drow soldiers not far away by the stone wall.

Her hands were wearing magic shackles, and she retreated to the edge of the stone wall, surrounded by three groups.

——"One-ring spell: Secondary electric shock ball!"

Brian took action immediately, and a dark blue lightning ball jumped out of his hand, hitting the drow soldier closest to the girl with precision.

The soldier who was caught off guard let out a scream, blue electric current jumped out of his whole body, and his back was blown to bloody flesh after being hit by lightning, and soon fell to the ground in painful wailing.

The other two drow soldiers looked startled, turned around quickly, and attacked him.

——"One-ring spell: Arcane Missile!"

Brian chanted the spell calmly, and four magic energy bullets sped out from his fingertips, shooting at the two drow soldiers respectively.

"Pfft! Pfft!"

Two magic missiles hit the vital parts of one of the drow soldiers' chest and neck at the same time, and he fell to the ground and died instantly.

"Bang! Bang!"

When the other two missiles were about to hit another drow soldier, the other drow quickly pulled back, and a sword flashed out from the sharp sword in his hand, hitting the two galloping spells, resolving the fatal crisis.

At this moment, the human girl rushed and approached the retreating soldiers.

Hearing the clink of the shackles, the drow soldier who reacted in a timely manner turned around abruptly, instinctively waving the sharp sword in his hand.

The human girl seemed to have anticipated his attack.

She bent over to avoid the sweep of the long sword in time, and then exhausted all her strength to knock the drow soldier back. Then she raised her slender right leg and kicked her knee with all her strength, aiming to hit the weakest part of the opponent. The key.


With a heart-piercing wail, the drow soldier dropped his weapon and fell to the ground, moaning in pain, curled up into an overcooked lobster.

The human girl bent down to pick up the sharp sword as fast as she could, holding the hilt tightly with her shackled hands, and mercilessly stabbed the screaming soldier to death with the sword. Warm blood spurted out and splashed on her pale face. pretty face.

"So cruel!"

Seeing the human girl complete the anti-kill so smoothly, Brian subconsciously sympathized with the dead drow soldier.

Seeing that she was wearing the magic shackles, he thought that the other party was a wizard, who would have thought that she would be so powerful in close combat.

"Watch out for the priestess!"

The human girl who had dealt with the enemy threw her long reddish-brown hair behind her head, and quickly sent a reminder to Brian.

In fact, Brian had noticed this drow priestess long ago.

The reason why he did this was to take advantage of this opportunity to deliberately show his flaws and force the opponent to attack him.

At this time, he had already thrown away the sharp sword in his hand and replaced it with the 'Dawnbringer'.

After all, as the battle continued, the number of enemies was gradually decreasing. Naturally, he didn't need to deliberately hide, and planned to complete the finishing work.

The drow priestess who attacked in front of her raised the snake head whip with evil magic spells, and lashed at Brian.

Four writhing and twisted angry snake heads on the snake's head whip, exposing sharp fangs, making a vicious hissing sound.

Four snake heads!

This also meant that the opponent was at least a mid-level priest, and the priest level was above level 10.

Brian judged her approximate strength.

Facing the snake head whip emitting evil energy, he remained unmoved, but gripped the gold-plated hilt of the 'Dawnbringer' tightly. With a thought, a scorching light blade emerged out of thin air, emitting dazzling brilliance.

Facing the attack of the snake's head whip, he rushed towards the priestess without fear.

Feeling the scorching light shining on her face, like the high-temperature baking of the sun on the surface, the drow priestess looked startled, resisted the stinging pain on her face, and immediately flicked the snake head whip in her hand, and lashed at the enemy.

But something unbelievable happened to her.

When the snake head whip she was proud of was about to hit the opponent, the four angry snake heads on the whip shrank back suddenly as if they had seen the most terrifying thing in their life.

The moment she missed, Brian, who had seized the opportunity, had already attacked.

The blazing blade sliced ​​through the drow priestess' force field barrier, piercing her drow mail, leaving a seared and bloody gash in her flesh.

"Target is dead!"

"Draining soul energy."

"Acquired experience points: 2500 points!"


Brian nodded in satisfaction. With a lightsaber with a 5-point demon-destroying attribute, it can break through almost any protective barrier below the fifth ring.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to deal with this drow priestess with a level above 10 so cleanly.

As the enemy fell to the ground dead, the human girl in shackles just rushed over.

She looked at Brian in surprise, then lingered on the weapon in his hand for a moment, then bent down and groped on the body of the priestess.

Soon, she found the key to the shackles and a rune sword shining with mithril in the priestess' dimensional bag.

"Thank you for your rescue."

The human girl opened the shackles at an extremely fast speed, held the silver rune sword, and threw the dimension bag into Brian's hand at the same time, smiling gratefully at him: "This weapon is mine in the first place. So I stayed."

"You're welcome." Brian nodded slightly, and took his spoils.

The human girl wiped off the blood on her face, and gave him a salute, and then her demeanor changed suddenly, and a coldness flashed across her silver-gray eyes.

I saw the long rune sword in her hand making a pleasant cry, and the cold light instantly converged from the sharp edge of the sword to the ancient mysterious rune.

Her swift figure also rushed towards the drow elves who were still fighting without fear.

Looking at the human girl holding a sword, Brian guessed that the opponent's occupation was probably another special occupation of the Battlemage Legion of the Kingdom of Cormyr: Sword Mage.

Sword Mage?Long reddish-brown hair?Silver gray eyes?

These familiar facial features reminded him of a prominent nobleman in the city of Araby in the Kingdom of Cormyr.

However, judging from the girl's appearance, he was very sure that he had never seen her in the game world.

After all, in the Battlemage Legion of the Kingdom of Cormyr, he could instantly recognize any battlemage or swordmage with a surname, or even a war shapeshifter, and call them by name accurately.

"Hey! Brian, is that you!?"

At this moment, a surprise cry interrupted his contemplation, "Don't stand there in a daze, come and save me, hurry!!!"

Hearing a strange voice, Brian looked back.

He found that the one who called out his name turned out to be a swamp bear he didn't know at all.

At this time, this marsh bear was being pressed and rubbed on the ground by another marsh bear.
(End of this chapter)

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