Arcane Journey

Chapter 38 Goblin

Chapter 38 Goblin
With soundless steps, Brian proceeded cautiously down the dark tunnel.

The stone walls and ceilings are full of glowing fungi, as well as plants such as toadstools, mushrooms, and lichens.

The flickering fluorescent light made his figure blurry, like a ghost passing by in the dark.

When he came to the intersection of two tunnels, he stopped suddenly.

He lifted his head, his eyes hidden under the hood, and looked around vigilantly, searching for the slightest whisper.

This place belongs to the wild territory beyond the border of the underground city.

At every corner of the tunnel there might be any monster mortal enough to lurk, or any one of a thousand lurking horrors.

Indeed, the ways to die in the Underdark are endless and varied.

If he wanted to return to the surface alive, he had to be vigilant all the time as a lone traveler.

Brian never doubted his own judgment.

Just when he reached the entrance of the tunnel, he did catch a faint gloomy wind passing by, but at this moment it suddenly disappeared without a trace.

This made him wonder if there were terrible hunters hiding around.

He is very familiar with the monsters in the Underdark that are good at lurking in the dark.

Such as Dark Mantle Beast, Lurking Pseudo-monster, Burrowing Grabber.
These are the ones that can blend into the darkness, waiting quietly in the cave tunnels, and whenever the prey approaches, they will instantly reveal their hungry hunting teeth or tentacles.

But this time it was different.

Because he walked through this tunnel once when he was exploring the tomb of the Arcanist, he naturally paid attention to everything around him secretly.

After careful observation, he could see that the luminescent fungi and stalactite pillars in the tunnel, and even the gravel on the ground, had not changed in the two days since he left.

This also means that if there is an enemy, it is absolutely impossible to be the huge monster in his imagination.

Bryan recalled his accident when he encountered the purple bug in the silk lane, and immediately realized something.

So he looked away, and walked towards the intersection of the tunnel as if nothing had happened.

"Come out, little goblin, I've seen you."

When he was about to walk out of the cave, Brian raised his head suddenly, and suddenly called out to the stalactite pillars on the top of the cave.

His voice was not as loud as imagined, but in this quiet tunnel, it echoed for a long time and was clear to the ear.

I do not know how long it has been.

Just when Brian thought he had made a mistake in his judgment, he finally heard a surprised sound from above.

Then, ten steps away from him, a slender spider thread hung down, and a small figure slid down from the thread.

It was a gray goblin, but unlike the goblins Brian had seen before, his expression was richer and more human.

Although he was dressed in rags, it fit him well. He was also wearing a good-quality black cloak, and there was a big backpack hanging on his back, which seemed to be for storage.

The most important thing is that there are two daggers with leather sheaths inserted in the little guy's belt.

Seeing the face clearly, he realized that this little goblin was the one he had met on the Silk Path.

"My lord, how did you find me?"

The goblin stretched out his small hand and scratched his head, looked at Brian awkwardly, and then blinked at him comically, two small eyes with light red light shining.

Brian frowned, pondered for a moment, and smiled: "If I'm not mistaken, you are the ghost dancer Copper Nugget who lives in Silky Lane, right?"

Copper Nugget, a ghost dancer, is a thrill-seeking goblin.

He had lived in the Underdark for longer than he could remember, and spent most of it scrounging the webs of the Silk Path for the treasures of the dead.

In addition to his superb skills, his own luck also has a lot to do with his ability to survive until now.

It is said that this little goblin sometimes takes the initiative to provide guides and help for passing adventurers or businessmen if he is pleasing to the eye.

Of course, all of this assumes you can afford to hire him.

"You know all this?" The little goblin looked at Brian in surprise, and quickly recalled in his mind whether he had seen him before.

"Of course." Brian nodded slightly, and said calmly, "So, I'm curious, what is the purpose of you secretly following me, don't tell me it's for robbery."

In fact, he had never heard of the deeds of this goblin robbing past adventurers and businessmen. Instead, the other party rescued the victims on the spider web. There are quite a lot of similar news.

"how is this possible."

Copper Nugget quickly denied it, and said with an apologetic smile, "This is all a misunderstanding, how could I do such a thing, in fact, I was just curious about why you suddenly jumped into the rift, so I stayed here secretly, wanting to see So what happened."

"So, you've been following me secretly since I left Fansi Lane." Brian changed the subject and asked in a slightly cold tone, "Am I right?"

"Uh..." Sensing the coldness in the other party's words, Copper Nugget was a little at a loss for words for a moment, so that he didn't know how to speak.

He rolled his eyes, seemed to understand something, and hummed rationally: "I'm just following you secretly, what's wrong, what can you do to me?"

"Do you want to try?" Brian asked provocatively with a smile.

"Try it, try it, who is afraid of whom!" Copper Nugget patted Brian's butt, and shouted without fear: "Taimora, in my territory, I can still be caught by you, Simply."

Before Tong Nugget could finish his words, he immediately noticed something was wrong, and a certain palpitation that made his hair stand on end.

When he was about to escape out of his own accord, he suddenly noticed an almost invisible ripple floating in the dim fluorescent light.

The faint ripples rushed towards him, like roaring and turbulent waves, frightening his legs so weak that he almost knelt on the ground.

In an instant!

Copper Nugget felt a bang in his head and froze in place, completely losing control of his body.

Seeing that his newly mastered third-level power "Psychic Shock" succeeded in a surprise attack and instantly controlled the little goblin, Brian didn't dare to waste time. He concentrated again and cast another power.

After all, he still knew the strength of this little guy very well. The professional characteristics of the ghost dancer made him as slippery as a loach.

——"Third-level ability: astral cocoon!"

A large number of translucent celestial threads twisted and wrapped around the body of the copper block, spreading all over the body at an extremely fast speed, and finally only a frightened and screaming head was left exposed outside the translucent crystal.


The high-pitched voice of the ghost dancer Copper Nugget echoed in the deep tunnel, "You are actually a spellcaster of spiritual and Austrian dual cultivation!"

Trapped in the ectoplasmic cocoon, his expression froze, and he immediately began to use the escape methods he was proud of one after another,

——"Ghost Step!"

——"Shadow Jump!"

——"Spirit body shuttle!"

——"Terrifying raid!"


However, what surprised him was that none of his life-saving methods worked.

Copper Nugget remembered his yelling just now, and suddenly felt his face being slapped, and secretly regretted that he shouldn't have spoken harshly to this spellcaster.

"It seems that you know a lot. Now that you understand, don't waste your efforts. I know that you are a ghost dancer, so I naturally know your tricks."

Brian looked at him with interest, "With your strength, you can definitely feel that the energy of the ectoplasmic cocoon has extended to the etheric plane, and no means of transmission can break free."

"What exactly do you want?" The little goblin who was bound in the ectoplasmic cocoon finally gave up struggling and said dejectedly.

"I'm going to the Sunless Woodlands."

Brian was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, "So I need a guide who is familiar with the path. If you are willing to cooperate, I will not only let you go, but also pay you what you deserve."

"Lightless woodland?"

Copper Nugget raised his head and looked at him in surprise, "Surface people, don't you know? That's the territory of the mushroom people. Oh! Timothy, are you planning to go through the dark lake to go to the ashes?" A city of dwarves."

"It seems that you know a lot." Brian nodded slightly, and admitted frankly, "Yes, I do plan to go to the city of the gray dwarves. So the fastest route is to go through the lightless forest of the fungus."

"Okay, I promise to lead you the way." Copper Nugget muttered in a low voice, "Damn it, it must be the blessing of Goddess of Luck that I met you."

(End of this chapter)

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