Arcane Journey

Chapter 34 The Messenger of Dawn

Chapter 34 The Messenger of Dawn

Dawnbringer +3
Type: long sword

Quality: Golden·Legendary

Equipment requirements: non-evil camp
Activation method: mind control
Equipment effect:


2. Yangyan sword: The damage caused by this sword is regarded as brilliance instead of slashing. When this sword hits a creature of the evil camp, it will cause an additional 5 points of damage. If the target is an undead creature, the damage will be doubled.

3. Advanced Evocation Department Aura: You can release "Flame Strike" once a day, until the dawn of the next day to restore the number of times.

Other unknown abilities (not activated): ? ? ?

The light emitted by the blade is treated as sunlight and provides 15 feet of bright light and an additional 15 feet of dim light.When the blade is unfurled, you can increase or decrease the bright and dim light radii by 5 feet each as an action.The light range is capped at 30 feet each in bright and low-light areas and reduced by 10 feet each.

The Dawnbringer was forged by a worshiper of the ancient sun god Amaunator.Originally, it was just a magic weapon of excellent quality, but after the owner died in battle, it was fused with the spiritual ideas left by the owner during his lifetime.As the years passed, it gradually became a truly legendary weapon.

Note: Since the Dawnbringer has been left in the Underdark for too long, many of its functions cannot be used at all. It is necessary for the clerics of the non-evil camp to spend an hour every morning to use the domains they have mastered This kind of ceremony lasts until the holder is recognized by the weapon before it can exert its true value and power.

——The existence of the Dawnbringer is to bring light to the darkness, so that the holder can continue to fight against the evil enemies in the darkness.


Brian observed the lightsaber carefully, and the doubts in his heart were gradually resolved.

I finally understand why the attributes of 'Dawnbringer' look so bad, they can't match the real legendary equipment at all.

However, what reassures him is that this is not a piece of damaged legendary equipment.

Otherwise, it would be a pity.

After all, legendary quality equipment, even in the entire material world, is very rare, even so rare that those powerful legendary professionals can't guarantee that everyone can get one.

Even for the mighty gods, they can expend their divine power to mass-produce magic equipment that is less than legendary, but it is undoubtedly impossible to mass-produce legendary equipment.

If they really have the ability to mass-produce legendary equipment, it will indirectly prove that they have the ability to increase the strength of believers to the (chosen) legendary level in large quantities.

Because if the gods want to forcibly make legendary equipment, the divine power of the original wish consumed is simply not something a god can afford casually.

If it is more serious, it will even directly cause the weak gods to face the risk of relegation.

The reason for this result.

The main reason is that when a piece of equipment reaches the legendary quality, it also means that this piece of equipment has certain rules and domains.

This kind of power that only legendary professionals can master, naturally cannot be created by consuming a little bit of divine power that is not painful to oneself.

Because what they consume is the original power of a god. If it is compared to a human being, the original divine power is the essence and blood of ordinary people.

Once consumed, it takes a lot of time to recover.

The reason why legends are called 'legends'!
It's not that they are artificially named such names, but behind every piece of legendary equipment, there is an unknown or widely circulated legendary story hidden.

Therefore, the probability of legendary equipment appearing is actually lower than that of professionals who have advanced to the Legend of Destiny in the Material Plane.

However, the only advantage of these legendary equipment is that there is no life limit.

As long as they are not damaged or forgotten in an unknown place, they will be passed on forever, and may even become stronger as time goes by.

Brian withdrew his gaze, and with a thought, a piece of intact gold leaf paper in the sarcophagus appeared in front of him.

He saw that apart from a thin layer of dust, it was also covered with words.

Before being dismissed by him, the psicrystal told him that the gold foil was stored with the 'Dawnbringer' when he took the sword.

He also specifically asked him to check it out.

Brian waved his hand, and a simple trick cleaned the dust from the gold leaf.

After it regains its bright golden luster, start to take a closer look:
Netheril 2598.

An army of more than 3000 orcs invaded central Netheril eastward.

Under the command of Lord Brutal of Skammhath, the orc army was divided into eight groups and rushed out of the mountains of the Legion of the Gods and surrounded the border city of Shanes.

Offering no chance of negotiation, they sacked the city and marched west.

Numerous refugees fled south across Lake Basin, and word quickly spread to the nearby city of Andran Teide, warning Upper Netheril of the invasion.

But what is surprising is that none of the powerful Netheril floating cities came to support the defense of these ground settlements.

The Orcs' advance met no effective resistance until Brutal's army reached the narrow Humahila Pass in the Polaris Mountains.

The only path through the mountains was hundreds of kilometers long, a winding path too narrow for two orcs to walk side by side.

A dense phalanx of six hundred impromptu Netherese warriors stood in formation here, blocking the path.

Among the soldiers stood General Mattik Stratgar, a worshiper of the sun god Amaunator, with his hundred SS.

Despite the huge disparity in numbers, Netherese soldiers still stood firm, relying on superb combat skills and divine support, doing everything they could to slow down the advance of the orc army.

Unfortunately, Brutal's entourage included several powerful shamans, who used totem magic to cross the hard granite mountain walls that flanked the path, outflanking the Netherese army back and forth.

Though his men were surrounded, General Martek chanted the name of the Marauder, attacking fearlessly.

Brutal, the orc commander, walked through the dense battlefield to duel Matic himself.

Due to the disparity in the battle, most of the guards around Matik were killed or seriously injured, but he still stood bravely, brandishing the Dawnbringer, which symbolizes the sun god Amaunata, and accurately threw a Dao fiery magic.

As the fierce battle came to an end, Matik Strut was finally outnumbered and died in a fierce battle. Brutal cut off his head and made it public.

At great cost, the Orcs seized the trail, but the valiant resistance of the SS stalled their progress, allowing all the refugees of Netheril to escape and avoid a horrific massacre.

Through their self-sacrifice, Matik Stratgar and his personal guard gave countless unarmed civilians a chance to live.

His fearless self-sacrifice and almost legendary achievements in the military are like the Dawnbringer in his hands, always bringing light to the darkness and fighting bravely with the enemies in the darkness.

——May the glory of Amaunata, the sun god, never dim!


The 'Battle of Humahila' was the last glory of Netheril's surface army and the beginning of the decline of theocracy.

Since then, civilians who have lost the protection of their vital forces have completely lost their right to speak freely, and have become tools for the great arcanists living in the floating city to extract all resources.

At the same time, this was also the turning point when the great arcanists began to be indifferent to the gods.

As time went by, the Netherilians lost their belief in the gods at an extremely fast and irreversible rate, forcing some gods to take measures to preserve their divinity.

Therefore, the great arcane empire is not as beautiful as imagined.

For the common people of that era, if they wanted to get ahead, they could only accumulate enough wealth to live in the floating city through the hard work of several generations, or sign a contract of sale to serve the floating city for life.

Because only living in the floating city, their descendants have the opportunity to have access to magic education and learn arcane arts. This was the correct way for an ordinary person to become an arcanist during the time of Netheril.

Brian put the gold foil paper recording the 'Battle of Humahila' back into the sarcophagus intact.

"A clergyman of a non-evil alignment."

He looked at the 'Dawnbringer' in his hand, and after deliberating for a moment, he promised it, "If there is a chance, I will find you a master who is truly worthy of you."

"However, the first thing you need to do is to help me return to the surface." After thinking about it, he made the last addition.


As Bryan finished speaking, the lightsaber in his hand suddenly shone brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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