Arcane Journey

Chapter 21

Chapter 21
Chirasal Rose.

This artifact comes from followers of Lolth and the Queen of Darkness.

A soulless elf under the control of the Goddess of Space pierced a piece of black diamond facets into an oak tree, causing the oak tree to bleed out its bodily fluids and die.

After mixing the oak tree bodily fluid with the venom extracted from a thousand black roses, Rose's incarnation appeared, using magic to transform the venom into the shape of a rose, and then condensed the rose into a crystal that was stronger than pure gold and mithril. Solid amber.

Since some fragments of the facets of the Black Diamond are also mixed with the venom, the rose becomes a powerful weapon against good-aligned elves.

According to legend, the incarnation of the elf god Dalal Firecloak was affected by it and became crazy and bloodthirsty, and eventually even the divine power fell to the level of a demigod.

The rose of Chirashar is often used to bring disaster to the elves, spread evil, and weaken the elf pantheon.

Whenever the wearer casts the death spell, darkness or summoning power attached to the artifact, there will be a certain chance to attract the attention of Rose or the Queen of Darkness.

If the user is a saint, chosen, or avatar of the elven pantheon, the chance is 100%.

Once attracted attention, the bearer must make a saving throw or be dominated by the two goddesses and change to chaotic evil.

Depending on the status of the bearer, it is determined whether its main ruler is Rose or the Goddess of Space and Darkness.

If the person cursed by the artifact is an incarnation of an elven god.

Lolth and the Dark Queen even work together to destroy the avatar's mind, causing it to go berserk and hunt down nearby elves.

Brian put down the quill in his hand and sorted out the three transcribed books on the table.

In fact, even if he didn't interfere, this high-level artifact would still fall into the hands of Rose, the Spider Queen, but it was only a matter of time.

As a high-level artifact, it is naturally very attractive to him.

But he is very aware of the horror of this evil artifact, and it is simply beyond his control.

Besides, it still has an owner.

With his current small body, how could he compete with a god for items.

It's better to use this news to exchange for what you need most right now.

As a reborn.

The news of such an artifact is not the only thing in his mind.

Such as Netheril Arcane Empire's Netheril Scroll, Mithr Energy Core, and Imaska, the Artificer Empire's Imasca Seven-Secret Artifact, these are all powerful artifacts that he has the opportunity to obtain in the future.

The "higher creation" recorded in the Nether Scroll of the Arcane Empire, combined with the mechanical civilization in the Imaskar Seven Secrets, if he is lucky enough to master all of them, he can completely create a sci-fi science fiction combining arcane and mechanical in the multiverse country.

This is also the fundamental reason why he chose the Creation Department without hesitation when he chose the field of psions.

Because the creation department of psionic energy actually has the same feeling as the creation field, one of the three major fields of the arcanist.

If these two are added together, the chemical reaction produced is still very powerful.

After all, the creation of the mind is similar to the creation of the soul, and the creation field of the arcanist is more like the body. As for the mechanical civilization of Imasca, it can be regarded as a strengthened exoskeleton armor.

Brian patted his forehead, temporarily suppressing the thoughts in his mind.

Because of his long-term vision and lofty ideals, whenever he plans his future, as long as he thinks more, he will feel smaller and smaller.

After all, if you really look into it, the main material world he lives in, "Planet Toril", is nothing more than a drop in the ocean compared to the vast multiverse.

And he is not worth mentioning.

Although in the field of arcane arts, one usually assumes boldly and tries cautiously, but the scope of his thinking is indeed a bit too big, and right now he still has to go down-to-earth step by step.

"I'm ready." He got up from the chair and looked at the spider wizard who had been silently staring at the seer's bowl from the beginning to the end.


The spider wizard retracted his gaze and sighed deeply, "If I can see the picture of 'her' communicating with this girl, I can confirm a bold guess in my heart."

The so-called 'she' naturally refers to the spider goddess Rose, and this girl is Santilla.

When the two saw that Santilla got the Kirashar rose through the Bowl of the Insighter, the spider wizard immediately withdrew his secret surveillance.

Because the characters who will appear next are not something they can avoid at all, and it is very likely to attract the attention of the other party.

"What do you think?" Brian asked casually, raising his eyelids.

"About a fallen god." The spider wizard deliberately lowered his voice and spoke cautiously.

Brian was silent for a moment, and finally said nothing.

The reason why he didn't want to say it was mainly because he was not sure whether this guess was true or not.

He could only secretly wonder why he didn't have the chance to witness the success of the return of the dark girl Eilistraee when he traveled through time.

Now, it is really hard for him to accept that he suddenly associates with the dark girl and Santilla.

His original intention was to guide Santilla to obtain the high-level artifact 'Kilashar Rose'.

At this time, after incarnating as the spider god wandering in the city of Ancient Orens, he would be aware of this situation.

In fact, the fundamental purpose of the arrival of Rose's incarnation was for this high-level artifact, which was also the fundamental reason why he didn't dare to touch it.

In this way, this rebellious drow girl will be favored by Rose, and at least one year of conspiracy and betrayal can be avoided.

However, there is a deeper meaning involved.

Rose's favor is a double-edged sword.

A drow elf who received this kind of favor meant that the Spider God Queen would keep a closer eye on her, and if she overstepped a little, it would even lead to the death of the entire family.

For a devout believer, this must have been a coveted reward, and for a pan-believer who likes to joke about Rose's eighth leg, the results are predictable.

This also means that Santilla, who has been favored, is undoubtedly a ticking time bomb for the entire Tuks family.

A little carelessness would lead to the destruction of the first family of this ancient Orens city.

As for whether this matter will endanger Santilla's life, Brian is not worried at all.

Because he knew this cunning, clever girl, and believed that she understood what this kind of favor meant.

Besides, he still has a backup here, so he doesn't have to worry about harming her at all.

"These three books, please find a way to pass them to her for me." He pushed the transcribed books in front of the spider wizard.

This was something he had promised Sandara, so naturally he had to keep his promise.

Originally, he planned to hand it over to her personally, but the matter of breaking into the forbidden area of ​​the Venom Cave, killing Rose's priestess and expelling the Waxmelt Demon was a bit of a big deal.

He didn't dare to risk his life to show up in Ancient Orens City.

"I see."

The spider wizard waved his hand and put away the books. He was silent for a moment, and then said slowly, "According to our trading rules, I will send you out of here and give you two additional items."

After speaking, the other party took out a pair of pure black wristbands and a book with a golden cover.

"This piece of equipment is the result of my research when I was fighting against Priestess Rose, and it may be of some help to you in the future. And this book records my understanding of the shadow spell and the shadow magic net. I hope it will be helpful to you. Could help."

Brian put it all away without any hesitation.

Equipment may not be as important to him as he imagined, but he never refuses anyone with knowledge of magic.

After all, as a game player, the magic he learned was generally learned directly from the general spell list and relying on experience points with the assistance of the system.

It is impossible and there is no time to be like the wizards in the original world. Each spell relies on its own understanding and study of magic, and then builds a magic model to master it.


Although he now has many evocation and conjuration spells, they are all general-purpose spells. It is not a big problem to bully non-spell-casting professions or low-level spellcasters.

If the opponent you are facing is a group of spellcasters who have lived for an unknown number of years, it can make people desperate.

This is no joke.

In the game world, he had personally experienced a battle with an aboriginal wizard of similar strength, and his spells were either countered or canceled by the opponent.

And the opponent's spells are all strange and mysterious magic.

The battle between spellcasters is often a race against time.

It is impossible to leave much time for the opponent to pass the "Spell Recognition" skill and understand the characteristics and power of magic. He can only bite the bullet to resist or dodge, very passive.

Therefore, if he wants to become a powerful professional in the real world, his magic genre and fighting style cannot be compensated by these general spells.

This is like why companies in the real world value the confidentiality of patents and products, and the wizard's spells are also the same.

He must collect magic knowledge as much as possible, and research out his own spells.

And in this process, besides spending a lot of time to accumulate and research by yourself, the fastest way is to obtain private research that some wizards are willing to share with him.

It's like a book of knowledge about shadow spells and shadow magic nets given to him by a spider wizard.

"Where are you going?" the spider wizard asked again.

"To Silky Lane." Brian said in a positive tone.

This was a decision he had made long ago.

The value of a Nether scroll is enough for him to take this risk.

What's more, he is alone now, and there is no one to rely on when he returns to the surface world.

The psion companion was in the distant "Northern" Silvermoon City, and the moment his magic pet entered the star realm, he disappeared without saying hello.

If it wasn't for the fact that the little devil's natal scroll was still in his hands, he would even think that the other party had defected.

This made him realize that dealing with the devil is really not that easy.

Even if he went to the surface world to find a way to save the small world, with his current ability, he would be speechless in front of many gods and major forces.

In a world that relies on strength to speak, it is impossible for anyone to pay attention to him.

He might as well take this opportunity to search for some treasures he knows as much as possible in the dark area.

In this way, while improving one's own level, one can also accumulate a little strength and resources for one's own development on the surface.

After all, in his future blueprint, the first thing to do when returning to the surface is to find a suitable territory and build a wizard tower safely.

This must require huge resources to support him in doing so.

The spider wizard took a deep look at him, whispered a few spells, and an oval portal appeared in front of him.

Brian didn't enter the portal right away, but turned his back to the portal, looked at the lizard wizard, and met the smoke gray eyes on his ebony mask, because he still had something to say.

For a moment.

He caught a fleeting glimpse of madness in the serpentine gaze.

This made him realize that the mad wizard described in the rumors might still have some basis.

"Under the control of his demon queen, that idiot, the spider wizard, used the energy radiated from the leylines to complete the summoning spell, bringing all the incarnations of the demon lords to the Underdark. He gave the rule of the bottomless abyss to Rose for nothing , and he didn't think of such a consequence, what an idiot!"

This is the evaluation of all the underground residents on this spider wizard when Rose, the queen of the spider god, promoted her powerful divine power and fell into a short slumber, so that the Underdark was ravaged by demons.

Brian still vividly recalls that scene:
In the tide of chaos set off by the Underdark, only blood, death, and fire are left. Demogorgon's bloody spiral and double fork, the overgrowth and decay of the fungal queen, the death and silence of the undead lord... many, many.

Countless armies of demons are raging in the Underdark, and this disaster has even spread to the surface world, with the Kingdom of Cormyr on the surface bearing the brunt.

The disaster was finally brought to an end by the chief archmage of the city of Orens, Hydraf Pumol.

Because by chance, he found the spell book of the spider wizard.

And according to the summoning ceremony, the method of cracking was deduced, and the arcane energy in the radiation of the leylines was reused to drive these incarnations of the abyss lords back to the bottomless abyss.

In the city of Ancient Orens.

The two powerful male drow wizards, the Spider Wizard and the Chief Archmage, are actually a model of resistance to Rose.

But their methods and goals are different. The former tries to use Rose's power against Rose, while the latter wants to emulate the city of Shamus, which is ruled by male drow wizards.

The fate of this pair of suffering brothers and sisters: the spider wizard died due to the backlash of the demon, and the ancient city of Orens, which the chief archmage had planned for a long time, has become a pile of ruins.

In short, all failed.

At this time, under the control of his thoughts, Brian finally deciphered the specific attributes of the magic equipment given to him by the other party, and a row of light blue data appeared in his retina:

Rose Fang's Bracers of Resist +3
Type: jewelry

Quality: Purple Excellent

Occupied part: wrist

Attributes: strength +1, agility +2
Equipment effect:

1. This equipment can automatically protect the wearer from the attacks of any species of arachnids and snakes (including those other creatures that take on such forms by magic), forcing these attackers to lower their 30% hit and attack damage.

2. The wearer of the bracer is immune or attacked against or uses netting (covers all types, even magic webs, or living web-spinning monsters not related to arachnids), venom, and acid or other secretions. On the check, gain a +3 bonus.

3. This equipment can be completely immune to all contact attacks launched by the snake head whip (such as the snake head whip held by the priestess of Lolth), the activated snake head of this type of weapon cannot touch the wearer of the wristband at all.

(Note: There has never been such a thing as empathy. Only those who have experienced the torture of Rose’s fangs can, according to their own experience and pain process, savor and make highly targeted items on how to resist this kind of harm. )

Brian looked at the pair of mediocre black wristbands for a long time, and finally sighed softly in his heart.

He bowed deeply to the wizard as a sign of respect, and then said to him in a rather solemn tone:
"Finding opportunities to destroy the power of 'her' and pretending to serve 'her' seems to be the only hope, but this also contains a major crisis. If you keep pretending to be the slave of 'her', one day, you will wake up to yourself Actually became one of them.

Time seems to be both an ally and an enemy.As time goes by, everything, even a sincere and kind drow elf, is likely to be corrupted and corrupted, so you can do it yourself. "

He stepped into the portal and never looked back.

"Perhaps, my friend, but by doing so, at least it will give me a choice, for better or for worse, when the day comes."

The spider wizard stared at Brian's leaving back, sighed deeply, and waved his hand wearily.

In the clear water of the Seeker's Bowl, all members of the entire Tux family, who were cheering and blessing Santilla who was favored by Rose, disappeared.

The lizard wizard stood up, because his time to serve the goddess Lolth had come.

He fanatically stared at the statue of Rose, Queen of the Spider God, and prayed devoutly:
'She' is the strongest.

The prosperity and joy that 'she' has enjoyed exceeds the imagination of any living person.

'She' has killed more opponents than anyone alive.

'She' kills all enemies around her, not even waiting to devour their corpses, and sets out to chase those who wander beyond the realm of death.

'She' is the strongest.

'She' will rise from slaughter, chaos and domination.

'She' is the strongest, always killing everything and ruling everything.

This is how 'she' practices her majesty as a god.

He's so stupid and 'she' knows it.

His every step is meaningless, his fate was sealed long ago.

He has no other choice.

Because drow was driven by irresistible hunger, his soul flew away.

Drow, driven by pure self-preservation nature, has no bones left.

Drow, driven by foolish pride, is completely silent.

Driven by the instinctive desire to survive, the drow decayed and perished, or simply survived.

The drow, driven by subtle intrigues, are still alive!

They know there can only be one winner.

For all the rest of life, there is no other choice than hard labor or death.

The eight long legs clattered against the stone.

Tick, tick, tap, tap, patience is twisted, stretched, and torn to shreds
(End of this chapter)

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