Arcane Journey

Chapter 12 Magic Showdown

Chapter 12 Magic Showdown
In the darkness, Brian moved through the intricate tunnels with footsteps as gentle as a breeze, each step taking secrecy into account and accompanied by a vigilant posture.

He obtained a pair of soft and silent elf boots and a black magic cloak with strong concealment from Joanara.

Although he didn't use "invisibility", but hiding in the dark, he was no different from casting an invisibility spell.

At this moment, he is not walking aimlessly, but trying to move towards a place with sufficient light.

Because the Underdark isn't darkness where you can't see your fingers.

In the flickering of countless luminescent fungi, most of the areas are in a dim state.

In such an environment, his night vision ability can easily see the surroundings.

After all, he was not confident enough to compare the sight distance in the dark with the drow elves.

Soon, he came to a florescent flora glowing with blue cold light.

He stared at the silent environment, quickly hid in the tunnel behind the blue-light fungus group, and observed everything around him vigilantly.

After a while, he found Santilla's vague figure walking cautiously in his direction.

Like his attire, the young drow wizard wears a magic cloak that symbolizes the drow, wears magic elf boots, walks lightly and eagerly, and keeps his eyes on the journey ahead.

Without any hesitation, Brian immediately launched an attack.

——"One-ring spell: Lesser Flame Ball!"

Faint whispers echoed in the tunnel, and a dark red fireball formed in his palm in the blink of an eye.

Under the control of Brian, the bright fireball dragged a slender tail flame, deftly bypassed the staggered stalactite pillars, and went straight to Santilla.

The drow was calmer than Brian expected.

She stopped and raised her hands violently, a force field barrier that resisted magical energy emerged around her, and the dazzling fireball exploded into a magical flame.

Immediately afterwards, she quickly shuttled among the huge stalagmites, trying to make it difficult for the spell to lock her figure.

Brian, who was hiding in the dark, tried his best to search for the ghostly figure of the drow elf, and he didn't stop his movements, and quickly completed another spell.

——"Three-ring spell: Fireball!"

A fireball the size of a basketball roared into the stalagmites where the drow were hiding.

If she couldn't find her figure, she would violently destroy the venue. This was the most common way of fighting for a wizard who was proficient in evocation spells.

Accompanied by bursts of bangs and violent explosions, the surrounding tunnels trembled, and gravel poured everywhere like rain.

Brian nimbly dodged a stone pillar that had collapsed due to the vibration, and listened to the subtle voices among the ruins through the pervasive dust.

A faint cough made him instantly catch the position of the drow figure.

Just when he was thinking about how to fight back, a dark red fireball of the same size hissed and smashed towards him.

The speed at which the fireball was released was completely beyond his expectations.

Brian instantly guessed that the other party was definitely using some kind of magic equipment or spell scroll.

This made him predict that he was likely to be wiped out by the fireball next.

——"Second Ring Spell: Dimensional Jump!"

Dim light particles swirled and danced around him, and then the energy collapsed strangely with a 'bang'.

Brian's expression changed, and his sensitivity to spells made him realize that the moment his teleportation spell was cast, the surrounding dimensional space was blocked in time.

In other words, Santilla possesses some kind of magical prop similar to a dimensional anchor.

It's a pity that he doesn't have the ability to release the fourth-ring spells now, otherwise, he can find a way to break through this blockade.

The battle between the caster and the caster is often due to a small mistake, which leads to the reversal of the battle.

——"Star Barrier!"

Bryan immediately calmed down and concentrated his mind, cast his psychic powers, and then hid sideways in the deep tunnel as a cover.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A series of fireballs kept smashing into the bunker tunnel where Brian was hiding, falling like shells, causing the tunnel like an air-raid shelter to shake violently.

The pungent sulfur smell entered his mouth and nose along the cracks in the tunnel, choking him to tears.

At the same time, he clearly felt an aura similar to the Smelly Cloud Technique approaching.

That is to say, after the baptism of the fireball, the opponent tried to force him out with poison gas.

There was no panic in Brian's expression. He continued to retreat deep into the tunnel while quickly completing the spell-casting gesture.

——"Second Ring Spell: Breeze Wind!"

The howling wind swept away with sand, stones and smoke in the narrow tunnel.

He held his breath, wrapped his cloak tightly, bowed his waist, took a lunge, and rushed out of the tunnel suddenly along with the violent wind.

When Brian was about to rush to the entrance of the tunnel, he jumped, flew over the collapsed stalagmites and gravel, rolled on the spot, slowed down the force of the fall, and quickly got up.

Due to his keen perception of magic, before he even looked up, he sensed a wave of ozone-like energy attacking him condescendingly.

——"Spell-like ability: Avandor Star."

Brian, who had no time to cast the spell, had a thought, and six tiny, twinkling meteors surrounded him, shining like stars.

He stretched out his finger without hesitation, and the three little stars rushed towards the galloping beam of lightning, dragging a bright band of light.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

There were three explosions in succession, and meteors and lightning burst into brilliant light in the dim fungus.

The blinding light revealed the drow wizard hiding behind the stalagmite.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The moment he locked onto the figure, Brian controlled the remaining three meteors around his body, and shot towards Santilla like sharp arrows flying off the string, wrapped in the piercing sound of piercing the air.

"Star of Avandor" belongs to the third-ring evocation spell in the wizard's spell list, and it is also a fourth-ring magical spell that priests, rangers, and druids can master.

The shining star formed by the spell will automatically attack and track the surrounding enemies during the battle.

But to master this spell, the caster must be an elf or half-elf.

For a wizard, as a three-ring evocation spell, its power is not as outstanding as expected.

Because the way the wizard releases the "Avando Star" is mainly to convert it into a meteor with force field energy by magic power.

However, divine spellcasters such as druids, priests, and rangers are different.

The way they release their magic is to summon the power of nature from the kingdom of the elves and gods, 'Avandor', and condense it into starlight to attack the enemy.

In addition to the force field damage, it also increases the divine damage.

Brian didn't learn this kind of spell through a wizard, but an additional special ability he mastered when his elven blood was awakened, which can be used once a day.

Its power is naturally comparable to the four-ring magic.

Brian also obtained this ability unintentionally due to the activation of the elven blood.

Since spells are spells that can be released instantly without gestures, incantations, or casting materials, he generally won't use them easily until the critical moment.

See the magic of three shooting stars galloping.

Santilla's expression was startled. She tightly held a magic jewelry that looked like a pointer in her hand, and immediately activated the spell. Her figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.

However, to her disbelief, this strange spell trembled slightly in mid-air, suddenly dragged a slender strip of light, made a sharp turn, and quickly chased after it.

A series of defensive incantations appeared in Santilla's mind. She uttered a series of syllables softly and quickly, and at the same time drew complex gestures with her fingers in the air.

In an instant, a protective barrier shining with dark blue light protected her, and successfully resisted the explosion of three meteors.

Under the impact of the impact, she took two steps back and took the opportunity to quietly take out a staff that can release fireballs from her space pocket.

Just as she was about to activate the password to unleash the fireball, Brian's attack loomed again.

This time it was an energy ball jumping with lightning, and she recognized it as a ring of spells through spell recognition almost instantly.

Although the explosion power of the lightning ball was not great, the burst of light was mottled and dazzling, as if a pair of tiny daggers had stung her eyes.

While casting a spell to prop up the defensive force field and retreat, she adjusted to her regained vision.

Just when she was about to fight back again, she hid her pointed ears with loose white hair and keenly caught the whistling magic.

A fireball that was significantly larger than before, pulsating with dark red energy, smashed towards it.

Santilla's expression changed, she knew she couldn't avoid it, she stood in place, a ring engraved with mysterious runes shimmered between her fingers, and the energy protection force field emerged in time.

The air wave generated by the bursting fireball lifted the slender body of the drow wizard into the air.

She quickly activated Drow's innate spell "Levitation", and fell gracefully and steadily to the ground.

Santilla moaned, mobilized her own magic power, activated the password of the staff, and the dark red gem at the top pointed directly at Brian in the distance.

When the flame rune of the metal staff erupted with hot light, a series of fist-sized fireballs roared towards Brian one after another.

Brian concentrated his thoughts, mobilized the remaining spiritual energy, raised his palm, and a light blue ectoplasmic barrier enveloped him.

Fist-sized fireballs blasted out brilliant magical flames one after another.

He gritted his teeth to withstand the violent impact of the fireball explosion, and then immediately counterattacked.

The two spellcasters facing each other continuously used magic to attack and counter.

The complex gestures and personal aura are like a duel between two sword masters. The terrifying, gorgeous and deadly magic light keeps bursting in the darkness.

After successfully countering the spell again, Santilla looked at Brian in the distance in surprise.

It's hard to imagine that after fighting for so long, he still has the strength to resist his own magic and take the opportunity to fight back.

At this time, she has almost consumed all her magic equipment and spell scrolls.

However, with her high concentration, she was shocked to find that her enemy did not rely on any external objects at all, and was able to stabilize her head by relying on her own hard power, and she looked like she could do it with ease.

Sensing the exhausted mental power from the continuous release of spells, Santilla thought for a while, and danced her slender fingers to make a spell gesture.

This is a rare and difficult magic, few drow know it, and few can master it.

She learned it from the Chief Archmage, and it took her a long time to learn it, and now her efforts must be fully rewarded.

Originally, she didn't plan to use it because she was worried that it would be too dangerous, but seeing the opponent's strength, she thought that after hitting the battle mage, it would at most make him lose his mobility and not kill him.

In this way, her long-planned plan can be carried out smoothly.

That's right, what she needs is a living battle mage.

Otherwise, she would have followed her father's instructions and killed him with one blow.

However, what makes Santilla depressed is that with so many advantages, she still can't subdue him.

Seeing a strange but familiar energy condensed around the drow wizard in the distance, Brian vaguely guessed what spell she was about to release.

He took a deep breath, held his breath and concentrated, and after dispelling the interference of the fireball burst, he calmly murmured a powerful summoning spell.

The continuous release of spells has already made him tired.

Fortunately, with the help of Ao Huo, he has more spells than imagined.

Otherwise, how could he have fought against an opponent with sufficient magic equipment and spell scrolls until now.

——"Three-ring spell: Slime Devour!"

A deep summoning circle appeared in front of his eyes, and a large piece of phagocytosis covered in rotting flesh wriggled out of the circle.

It was a huge amoeba-like creature with countless eyes and mouths, and it was a conjuration magic he had learned from the drow.

Brian immediately controlled the summoned creature, using its huge, wriggling body to quickly block in front of him.

At the same time, Santilla held a deadly spear that shone with pure white force field energy, cutting through the darkness of the Underdark and galloping towards him.


The moment the deadly spear of force field hit the phagocytosis, the surge of magical energy instantly dispelled the magic effect of the summoned object, and expelled its projection back to the original world.

Bryan immediately took advantage of the moment when the force field gun stopped, and flashed past its attack range at an extremely fast speed, and finally stuck on a hard stone wall, collapsing without a trace.

Seeing this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the figure not far away, he didn't dare to step forward unscrupulously out of fear of a fatal hole card that Santilla had always kept.

Otherwise, he would have ended the battle long ago.

He thought for a while, whispered a spell, and a bright fireball appeared in his palm.

Bryan showed off the dangerous fireball, step by step with a vigilant expression, looked at Santilla with threatening eyes, and slowly approached her.

Because he could feel that the opponent's magic was almost consumed, this was the best time to make a move.


Her most powerful spell was cancelled, and the opponent still had a fireball floating in his palm, walking over in a leisurely manner, Santilla completely lost the desire to continue fighting.

Because she felt that she was so tired that it was difficult to breathe.

Santilla's sky blue eyes flickered, and she said weakly, "I know what you need, throw away the fireball, and I will give you what you want, I swear on Rose's eighth leg."

"Drow's oath has never been trustworthy." Brian said cautiously, keeping a distance.

"If you don't believe me, I'll smash this bottle." Santilla took out a small glass bottle, raised her arm with difficulty, and pretended to break it.

"Whatever you want," Brian said nonchalantly.

He had never believed that there was a real cure in the bottle, so Santilla's words could not threaten him.


Santilla was at a loss for words for a while, but being smart, she quickly figured out the reason.

"So you have to keep me here, is that so?" She brushed her sweat-soaked hair and said pitifully.

"Do you think I have other options?" Brian replied blankly, throwing the fireball in his hand.

Santilla was speechless, with a bitterness floating on the corner of her mouth.

Why is she not like this, it is precisely because she does not want to succumb to the will of the family mistress, that she chooses to make another choice.

Who would have thought that with her strength, she would not be able to subdue this battle mage at all, which made it difficult for her plan to proceed.

Thinking of this, she gave Brian a pityful look, and touched her pocket with her right hand.

Her father had given her a powerful magical device that could end the battle anytime she wanted, but she really didn't want to make that choice.

In this case, it means that I can only jump into this spider web that has already been woven.

She was a little dissatisfied.

Brian, whose spirit has never been relaxed, naturally noticed Santilla's small movements at the first time.

His eyelids twitched in fright, he calmed down immediately, and waved his hands pretending to be frustrated, "Forget it, you'd better go, I don't want to hurt you."

As he spoke, he dispelled the fireball in his hand.

Santilla stopped groping and looked at him curiously, "Why do you say that."

Vaguely, she seemed to guess what he meant.

"As I said just now, Drow's oath has never been trustworthy, so even if I kill you here, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave unharmed." Brian said with a wry smile.

This time, he spoke the truth.

Because the mistress of the Tux family is ready to adopt Santilla as an adopted daughter.

If he killed her, even if Joonara would let him go, or even survived the mistress, her old father would still kill her.

In the city of Ancient Orens.

What Brian is most afraid of is actually Santilla's father, the chief archmage.

"Knowing that it's death, why would I want to take another life." Brian sighed and said helplessly, "I can see that you are a kind-hearted girl, so I don't have the heart to hurt you."

"It's like this, that's a pity."

Santilla was stunned for a moment, and a softness in her heart was touched.

For a moment, she felt sorry for this desperate battle mage.

She sat on a broken stalagmite by herself, hugged her legs, stared at him, and said in a friendly tone: "My name is Santilla, can you tell me your name?"

"I'm Brian from the Kingdom of Cormyr." Sensing the other party's gradually letting go of his vigilance, Brian knew something was going on, and he introduced himself.


Santilla repeated it softly, keeping it deep in her heart, and in order to liven up the dull atmosphere, she pretended to smile lightly and said:
"Are you from the human kingdom on the surface, or an experienced adventurer, can you tell me an interesting adventure story?"

"If you think my request is too much, then forget it." She added, looking at him hopefully.

"There's nothing too much about it." Bryan let out a laugh, and took two steps forward carelessly. "There are so many interesting things. Even if I talk about it for three days and three nights, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it."

"Then you pick the most interesting one." Santilla was aroused by Brian.

She suddenly found that she liked the feeling of chatting with this strange battle mage.

It's the pleasure of saying what you think without thinking about intrigue.

"Well, let me ask you a question." Brian's eyes flickered, and he told her:
"If one night, you were resting in a tent, you suddenly woke up, opened your eyes, and saw stars filling the night sky, and the moon shining all over the wilderness, what was the first thing you thought of?"

"Tent? Star? Moon?"

Santilla put her chin on her knees, recalling the words that belonged to the surface. She tried to imagine herself lying in the vast wilderness, looking at the mysterious night sky that was different from the Underdark.

Using her judgment as a wizard, she tentatively replied, "I would think of... the vastness of the multiverse and the insignificance of mortals, isn't it?"

"No." Brian shook his head pretending to be mysterious.

"What is that?" Santilla was stunned for a moment and asked.

"If it were me, I would think that my tent was stolen again." He moved closer to the drow girl and said with a smile.

"The tent was stolen? This." Santilla was stunned, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she couldn't help laughing at the turning point of the question.

However, when she thought of the other party's next fate, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

"Have you ever heard of crows and foxes?" Brian continued.

"I've seen crows."

Santilla thought about it for a moment, and said, "The wizards of the Warlock Academy will tame them and make them their magic pets, and this glistening bird is both beautiful and cunning. As for the fox, it seems to be a little more cunning than the crow."

"Yes." Brian nodded and said softly, "Let me tell you a story about a crow and a fox."

"Okay." Santilla moved closer to Brian and nodded happily.

"A crow stole a piece of meat and stood on a big tree. The fox passing by saw it, drooling and wanted to get the meat. He stood under the tree and praised the crow's graceful body and beautiful feathers. And said she deserved to be king of the birds, and if she could make a sound, she would be even more so."

The cunning fox wants to get meat from the crow, Santilla thought.

But in her opinion, the fox's method is a bit too old-fashioned.

Because she is most disgusted with drow men who use this method to curry favor with her.

She was curious how the story turned out.

Thinking of the unexpected turn of Brian's little problem just now, she realized that it might not be as simple as she thought.

Brian secretly concentrated his energy and told her with a smile on his face:

"To show that he can make a sound, the crow opened its mouth and screamed loudly, and the piece of meat fell under the tree. The fox ran up, snatched the piece of meat, and said mockingly: "Hey, little crow, if you have a brain, you really can eat it." Could be king of birds."

"This story must be a lie, the crow is not so stupid." After listening to his story, Santilla retorted: "If it were me, I would definitely put the meat on the big tree carefully first, so as not to be so stupid." Let him succeed, this is not in line with the crow's IQ."

"Really?" Brian looked at her meaningfully.

Santilla looked up suspiciously to meet his strange gaze.

In a trance, she seemed to see a mysterious spiritual light shining in Brian's eyes.

This kind of light caused a tingling pain in the back of her mind, and then her eyes went dark, and she couldn't remember anything.

(End of this chapter)

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