Aquatic Nightmare

Chapter 20: Three-way-nuthouse

Weapon prices are going up a lot more lately. We have some good income going from smithwork over at Duke Northspire's domain. The weapon prices were always good here, but lately there have been getting a lot of nice contracts being given out. Armour is of course going up comparably, the duke has also been spreading word to attract more blacksmiths, along with getting ores from dwarves. At first sight it would look like an offensive on the north, but the emperor would never approve of such a suicidal venture. It's probably the Duke winning it big somewhere, and deciding to stock up on arms.
-In a blacksmiths letter to his brother

I HAVE DONE IT, I HAVE DEFEATED MY ETERNAL FOE AT LAST. My training of magic finally paid off. It has reached a point where I can now use water magic to support my own body when moving, effectively swimming on land. With this power I have successfully bypassed stairs, and soon I won't be needing my wheelchair anymore. Nylchai also saw me practice once, and instantly ditched her wheelchair in favor of airswimming. I guess she has enough magical experience to do it instantly, but just didn't think of it for some reason.

Oh, yeah I also did some more free-range hunting on slavers. My first run on slavers was really embarrassing. I can't believe I got so close to losing to a bunch of primitive savages, so I decided that I need to stop fighting like human Spetsnaz. Of course this doesn't mean giving up on the Spetsnaz part, I am simply going to be adapting to fighting like a mermaid. Magic should be the key to this.

I have been doubling down on magic everywhere I can, cycling magic now comes as easy as breathing. Casting magic is showing major improvements as well, but from what I read up on the subject these things are going more easily for me than they should. Apparently the progress I made is close to what could be accomplished by others in ten years. The books I read on it also included royal Mazurians in these calculations, so the kids that were summoned are probably showing similar progress. Doesn't change the fact that Dalka is employing child soldiers, but it does make the child soldiers more liable to be endangered.

I have also been having conversations with Xygar about death magic. Apparently it's technically illegal because of it's 'inherent evil nature', but security has been lax on it ever since they decided to invite a lich over. Jimmy was really helpful in explaining death magic to me, and probably somewhat of a genius as well. Jimmy specialized in applying death magic to the living, which liches don't tend to do other than offensive purposes.

"It is quite ironic that growths, one of the most feared mortal diseases. Has its weakness lie in the very magic they fear. Your teacher was a true master of his craft." Xygar also seems really happy finally having someone to talk shop to.

"It was actually more a case of applying theory from my own world. Where I come from they are called cancer, and have been researched non-magically extensively. Cancer could best be seen as separate life being born in your own body like a parasite, so if death magic kills life by nature I thought it should prove effective against it." The things Earth could do with magic would be fascinating.

"We should find test subjec-" Before Xygar can continue with his idea that would certainly raise eyebrows Kyla approaches.

"Hey Esstrey, why are you hanging out with the lich?" She says it with some disgust in her voice.

Xygar however is either ignoring or incapable of seeing the insult, and simply keeps his excitement. "Esstrey and me were discussing a potential cure for growths disease. It would be revolutionary, and no doubt set me a step above my peers."

Kyla shifts her expression to confusion, then gets slightly angry. "There is no cure for growths disease! It can kill the strongest of us!" She says the last words with some tears in her eyes.

I decide to get it over with, rather sooner than later. "Who died? Was it your father? Mother? A friend maybe?" I pressure Kyla, let it be known I have never been accused of being a therapist.

"M-my mother, she died of growths disease only a few months back." Oh yeah, she did inherit the throne around that time. That all lines up.

Xygar is actually the one to speak up after that. "It's true lady Kyla'th, I have been discussing theory with lady Esstrey, and with our combined knowledge we have deemed there to be a solid chance for a real cure. Granted this is all in the early stages, and not every form of growths disease would be so easily cured, but it all lines up." Kyla looks to me for confirmation, I nod my head.

"Brain tumors, and heart tumors would be hard to fix. However practically all forms of skin cancer could be treated. Our theory mainly lacks test subject right now, and I don't see that changing with the stigma people have toward *ahem* advanced life magic." It would be best to have some plausible deniability of course. Even if it feels like someone has been cleaning up after the slavers I got my hands on.

Kyla cheers up instantly, and her tear-stained face quickly changes to one of hope. "You are serious! This… this changes everything! Oh! Thank you Esstrey! Thank you Xygar!" She goes for a bear hug on the poor skeleton. Who is clearly not used to physical contact of any kind, before I am able to get away she grabs my wheelchair, and kidnaps me.

"Let's go tell the others!" Speeding off in the direction of our little clique.

Oh, yeah the class also quickly formed into three cliques. With our class practically all being a bunch of foreign dignitaries the cliques that formed mirrored that. There is the south-eastern clique consisting of the greenskin duo, Xygar, the female twin of the south, and Larkta. There is the north-western clique consisting of Kyla, Alicia, Cathy, Nylchai and me. The last clique would be the central imperial clique, which consists of almost everyone else. Notable figures including the blonde haired dude being crown prince Eden leading it, crown prince Celdium of Dalka and Carmilla of the lichdom. Urist kind of goes around everywhere, no doubt only caring about blueprints.

Kyla wheels me over to where our little clique is sitting for lunch, hugging me by the neck while keeping her head against mine like she's a mother showing off a child. Nylchai simply looks amused, Alicia looks disgusted, and Cathy looks... jealous?

"Esstrey have you gotten bigger?" I swear, Kyla has no attention span. One moment she's excitedly moving me over here to brag about me curing cancer, and now she's suddenly more interested in my size.

"Yeah, rather aggressively so lately. I already needed to get a bigger uniform, my personal stuff is also at a tailor to get enlarged. I have no idea what's causing it." Because growing in size is certainly not something I was very concerned with lately.

"Oh yeah that. The heroes have also grown quite a bit, we believe it has something to do with magic enhancing already aged bodies. Causing a sort of late growth-spurt." I barely stop myself from yet again berating her for using child soldiers. She has no power there, and I am not one to deter helpful behavior.

"If Dalka knows so much about magic, why are you here?" Nylchai is unhappy with all humans, so Alicia brushes it off as usual.

"Because you dumb fish, I am here to support my brother in getting imperial aid for dealing with annoying shits like you. I heard some of you burned down Sanctuary, and butchered the people there." Or she doesn't brush it off, and goes to make filet.

"Maybe if you weren't keeping the mermaids at sanctuary captive, it would have ended better for the people there!" Kyla is not happy with one of her fishes getting insulted.

"Oh? What would you have [done/acted/inflicted]? Another transmogrification [miscast/fuckup/disaster] like with lady Esstrey? Try and create more of your [knockoff/bootleg/imitation] kind?" Cathy is still glaring angrily at Kyla, who is still bear-hugging me.

"Greetings lad-" Eden makes the mistake of having bad timing. "WHAT?!" Sounds the small chorus of nation leaders, I'm rather grateful for his presence, because Kyla finally let go of my neck. I return the favor by giving him the greeting a comrade gives when saving them from rabid women.

"Yo" Truly, I am a champion of noble etiquette everywhere. The manlets by his side have already been scared shitless, but Eden is either fearless or foolish, as he only raises an eyebrow at our collective dignified greeting of the crown prince of the Empire. Alicia quickly devolves into incomprehensible apologizing, while Nylchai snickers at her.

"*Ahem* I was here to ask if you five would attend the start of year ball? It is being hosted next week." A ball? Is this medieval Euro- oh yeah it is.

"Fuck it, sure why not? Wouldn't be the craziest thing I have done." Eden raises his eyebrow even further. On one hand I can feel him regretting his decision to remind us, on the other hand Eden seems like a pretty chill dude to drink with. Mostly because he's not the biggest fan of slavery. I heard a lot of southern nobles complain about him for that exact reason.

Before the north-western clique can respond, as they are still cooling down from having a civil debate. I get blindsided by a seventy kilo barrel of beer with a beard.

"Alrite! Ya hear tha Eden? Esstrey will be joinin us fer a drinkin contest! Ya should see how much drink a fish can take!" Urist having heard enough is laughing loudly throughout the cafeteria, alcohol ever-present on his breath.

Gonna start posting this here every 5 chapters or so, since the main news on the story will eventually be acquired through the discord. Don't worry about me only being active there, I read all comments.

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