Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 41

Chapter 41 Why are you here

Xie Yaoshi got out of the car in peace, walked slowly to the side of the jeep, and took a look close to the driver’s seat. Su Su, with two braided braids, was lying on the steering wheel. I don’t know what was wrong. He didn’t move. The neck is as white as jade, exquisite and elegant, and I want to carry it when I look at it.

Xie Yaoshi raised his hand and tapped the car window gently. Su Su, who was lying on the steering wheel, suddenly raised his head, tilted his head vigilantly, and widened his eyes when he looked at Xie Yaoshi.

“it’s me.”

Seeing Su Su’s appearance, Xie Yaoshi’s stiff face was loosened. This girl was like a rabbit before the end of the world, and still like that after the end of the world, but the rabbit also has such a strong and vigilant look. What showed in his eyes was not the panic and unacceptability of the end times, but the surprise for him who appeared suddenly.

Su Su opened the car window, raised his neck slightly, spit out the sour gas in his stomach, looked at Xie Yaoshi, and asked: “It’s all so late, are you coming out for a walk?”

Her words made Xie Yaoshi laugh. When is the time, the entire earth is living in panic, Su Su is still in the mood to make a joke? She made Xie Yaoshi’s tight heart, suddenly relaxed, and asked:

“What’s the matter with you? Uncomfortable.”


Su Su nodded and rubbed her stomach. Her pregnancy reaction was getting bigger and bigger, so she drove the car for a while, and she felt like vomiting all the time, and her stomach still felt very empty.

“Go back, it’s so late, go back and take a good rest.”

Seeing Su Su always suffocated but didn’t dare to vomit because of the miserable zombies around him, Xie Yaoshi’s tone eased a little, but Su Su shook his head, opened the car door, raised a watermelon knife in his hand, Walk inside the police station.

“I have a friend in it.”

“What friend?” Xie Yaoshi stretched out his hand, grabbed Su Su’s arm, and wrinkled his brows tightly. “Worth you to take such a big risk?…You still came to rescue people alone?”

What Xie Yaoshi doesn’t want to say is that Su Su’s friend might have become a zombie right now. She is a little girl who came to save people without knowing how high the sky is. Isn’t she afraid of becoming a zombie too?

“very important!”

Throwing off Xie Yaoshi’s hand, Su Su took a watermelon knife and walked two steps quickly, and opened the door of the police booth outside the police station. A zombie in a police uniform rushed out. Xie Yaoshi saw it, what did you expect? When Su Su unexpectedly went to pull the door of the police booth and shouted, before he had time to rush to Su Su’s side to rescue her, Su Su raised the watermelon knife, and when the zombie threw out, he cut the zombie’s head with a knife. Down.

The black and red blood flowed slowly from the round hole, because the blood of the zombies was no longer flowing, so it was very sticky, but like black and red yogurt, it flows a little and solidifies in the hole. On the edge, Flesh Mozi sprayed Su Su and Xie Yaoshi together. At this moment, not only Su Su vomited, but Xie Yaoshi also stooped to vomit.

Su Su vomited because she had too much pregnancy reaction, and she was uncomfortable after smelling the **** smell. Xie Yao Shi vomited. It was purely disgusting, but just after he vomited, he saw Su Su’s little white rabbit. , Jumped to chase the head of the zombie that was rolling away, and slashed it again, like cutting a watermelon, splitting the zombie’s head, and picking out a marble-like crystal nucleus from it.

Xie Yaoshi vomited again.

“Wow, this crystal nucleus is full of energy.” Su Su’s finger was stained with black and red blood, twisting the crystal nucleus in his hand, looked at the street lamp, and said to himself, “Fortunately, I was Get rid of it, or you will have to upgrade.”

Zombies will also be upgraded. Not all zombies are so easy to kill, but not all zombies will be upgraded. Zombie upgrades are the same as humans with supernatural powers. Look at the odds!

Putting away the crystal nucleus in his hand, Su Su turned around and went to pull the door of another police booth. When the zombie inside came out, he cut his head and collected the crystal nucleus. Xie Yaoshi was watching from behind Su Su. After watching, his eyes gradually deepened. A little white rabbit like Su Su can quickly adapt to this sudden apocalypse in such a short period of time. What can’t he do?

Early in the morning yesterday, Xie Yaoshi was still in the hospital, dealing with Su Su’s killing of Bai Luoluo, and Xie Qingyan being bitten by Bai Luoluo. For some reason, a large group of people fainted suddenly beside him, and he stood up again. At that time, these people became zombies, or the two of them ran fast, and those who did not ran out of the hospital never ran out in the end.

As long as a normal person faces such a sudden hell, there is nothing that does not feel fear or fear. The only difference is that who can recover from such a blow faster, human beings cannot just flee, as the primates of all things. , If you can’t take up a weapon to fight back, sooner or later there will be a dead end.

Quickly do a good job of mental construction, Xie Yaoshi raised his gun and walked into the police station behind Su Su. There were still no zombies on the short journey from the gate to the police station. Su Su turned around and looked. When Xie Yaoshi actually followed up, he frowned and asked:

“I haven’t asked you yet, why are you here?”

“When Qingyan and I entered the community, they saw you driving out. I was afraid that you didn’t know that the outside world had changed and it would be dangerous, so we came out to look for you.”

Hearing this, Su Su glanced at Xie Yaoshi’s back. Xie Qingyan and Xie Yaoshi were together? The Volvo that entered the Apple Villa area just now belonged to Xie Yaoshi? ? No wonder she thinks the license plate is so familiar, because it is Xie Yaoshi’s car, then Xie Qingyan was bitten by Bai Luoluo, did not become a zombie, but has evolved into a supernatural person? Will Xie Qingyan follow right now? Just look for a chance to kill Xie Qingyan!

But Zhanmu looked at it, and there was no trace of Xie Qingyan behind Xie Yaoshi, not even a personal figure, Su Su’s face couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.

“Qingyan didn’t come, he was waiting for you at home.”

Seeing the disappointed expression on Su Su’s face, Xie Yaoshi raised his brows slightly, but he explained Xie Qingyan’s whereabouts. He thought that Su Su would feel a little comforted by saying this, but Su Su sneered. Took a sip,

“Wait for me? I thought he was afraid and didn’t dare to come out. Don’t beautify Xie Qingyan’s image for Xie Qingyan. I don’t know his virtue yet?!”

In the shadows, Xie Yaoshi stiffened Yu Xuan and stood still. He paused slightly, looked at Su Su’s face, and asked with some disapproval: “Su Su, why did you and Qingyan have trouble doing this? ”

Su Su didn’t speak, looked at Xie Yaoshi, turned her head, and continued to walk forward. After two steps, she turned her head back and looked at Xie Yaoshi who was following her.

“I don’t need you to find it, and you don’t continue to follow me, go back and protect Xie Qingyan.”

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