Apocalypse Reset: My Crab Can Heal the World!

Chapter 96: Underground Dwarf Parties

Barns raps his knuckles against the heavy wooden door of Commander Seifa Brahn's office. A moment later, it creaks open, revealing Wanda, the dark-skinned, sharp-eyed captain of Lantafort's defense force. She stands with her usual no-nonsense posture, hand resting lightly on the ornate hilt of her rapier.

"We heard you had arrived. Please. Commander Brahn is expecting you," she says, stepping aside to let them in.

Barns smirks, glancing at Skado as they enter. "News travels fast around here, huh?"

Skado crosses his arms, his expression as smug as ever. "We knew you were coming before you even got on the train. Lantafort exists because we've always remained cautious. Not even seven apocalypses could stop us."

Barns sticks his bottom lip out, making a stupid face. "So you're saying Lantafort could survive an eighth?"

"Not testing THAT theory anytime soon," Wanda mutters, closing the door behind them.

Inside, Commander Seifa Brahn is seated behind a heavy oak desk, her stark-white braid resting over her shoulder. A stack of documents sits neatly beside her, but she pushes them aside the moment they enter. Her piercing gaze locks onto Jennifer first, and she gestures toward the chair across from her.

"Please," she says smoothly. "Sit."

Jennifer does, squaring her shoulders and keeping her posture as perfect as possible. Barns notices how rigid she looks, but to her credit, she doesn't let her nerves show on her face.

"You must be our new Ambassador from Dimartino," Seifa says, folding her hands together, taking quiet stock of all Jennifer's quirks and features, including the hard-not-to-notice jugs hanging from her chest.

"That's right," Jennifer replies, her voice steady. "It's an honor, Commander. My name is Jennifer Mowze."

"Please. You will be my honored and valued line of diplomacy with the great kingdom of Dimartino. Call me Seifa."

Jennifer nods, taking the comment in stride. "I understand, Miss Seifa. I'm ready and eager to prove myself!"

"Let's hope you still feel that way after you've spent some time in Lantafort," Seifa muses. "This is not Dimartino. Our people are not easily impressed. But, if Commander Barns has faith in you, then so will I. I believe you will find your place here, and come to love the Hidden City as we do."

"This place is wonderful!" Jennifer exclaims. "Oh, I've always been something of a homebody, so living underground is kind of…exciting!"

Commander Brahn leans back in her chair, observing her for a moment before nodding in approval. "Good. Then we'll begin your orientation tomorrow."

The meeting doesn't last too long - mostly logistics, finalizing Jennifer's accommodations, and ensuring she knows where to go in the morning. Barns lets most of the conversation wash over him, his job mostly just to make introductions and ensure Lantafort that Jennifer was a real person and not a random woman he picked up at the pool.

Not that he'd ever do that.

Commander Brahn also has a quick chat with Clancy - but she quickly discovers that she's far better off communicating through Barns and Jennifer.


Once the meeting is done, Wanda escorts them back out. As they step into the hallway, she stretches her arms behind her back and makes an offhanded remark.

"Well, if you're free tonight, you might want to check out the Festivale."

Barns raises an eyebrow. "Festivale?"

Wanda smirks. "The one night a year humans are allowed in the lower levels. The dwarves throw a party that makes Dimartino's wildest nights look like a child's tea time."

Clancy immediately perks up. "DANCING? MUSIC? FOOD? WOMEN?"

"Mostly alcohol," Wanda corrects. "And a lot of other things that probably shouldn't be repeated in polite company. We keep the police presence minimal on the lower levels, and in exchange the dwarves agree not to let things get too wild."

Clancy clicks his claws excitedly. "FESTIVALE FOR KING!"

Jennifer seems intrigued, though a bit wary. "And they just… let us go down there?" Stay connected with My Virtual Library Empire

"They let anyone down there tonight. If you can handle it." Wanda smirks. "But if you embarrass yourself, don't be surprised if you're thrown out. Literally."

Barns exhales, shaking his head. "Why do I feel like this is going to be a mistake?"

Clancy clicks again. "NO MISTAKE. FUN FOR KING."

"Alright, alright," Barns waves him off. "Let's get something to eat first. No way I'm going into whatever madness this is on an empty stomach."

They stop at a restaurant tucked away in one of Lantafort's many stone-hewn streets. It's got a cool vibe - a seafood place. Though Barns wonders where they're getting their seafood from.

Unfortunately, Clancy can't fit inside.

Barns stands in front of the restaurant, scratching the back of his head. It's open to the street, but the interior is small enough that nothing will get Clancy in without destroying something.

The owner, a thick-bearded and no-nonsense man, leans on the counter. "That crab eating too? I can get him a bucket of some fish, he's welcome to eat it where he is."

Clancy clicks enthusiastically. "ACCEPTABLE."

True to his word, the owner brings out an actual bucket filled with smoked fish, steaming hot and juicy. Clancy happily dives in, dunking his claws into the bucket and devouring whole fish with gusto.

Jennifer, Barns, and Skado sit at a nearby table as humans do.

"So," Barns says, watching Clancy go to town on his meal, "first impressions of Lantafort?"

Jennifer wipes her hands delicately on a napkin before answering. "I like it. It's not quite as cozy as Dimartino, but I can see myself getting used to it."

"Coziness aside, I think you'll be quite happy here," Skado notes. "The city's been abuzz with chatter about Dimartino ever since Barns' first visit. I think everyone will want to talk to you and hear about our new allies."

Their meal doesn't take too long. Barns orders something simple, and Jennifer, ever the professional, eats with proper etiquette despite the casual setting. She wants to make a good impression. By the time they're finished, the streets outside are buzzing even more than before as it dips later and later into the night.

Festivale is beginning.

"Oh, gosh," Jennifer frets, looking at some of the others who are clearly headed to the lower level. "We're really not dressed for the occasion, are we? Look at us! We're a pack of dusty travelers."

Skado ponders for a moment. Most of the men are topless or wearing open vests of some kind. The women, on the other hand, are all in glittery dresses. It seems sequins/shimmer are part of the dress code.

"There's a shop nearby that sells this kind of thing. I suppose since it's a special occasion with my fellow Ambassador, I can shell out some coin for you all."

They take a pitstop to purchase some clothing. Barns opts for tight leather pants with gaudy gold suspenders - he looks ridiculous, but any lady will be sure to take a second or third look. He's an attractive man showing off all the right things.

Jennifer, on the other hand, purchases a shimmering dress in ruby red that her chest barely fits into. If all the women will be gawking at Barns, all the men will be STARING at Jennifer.

They buy Clancy a shiny fedora, too, and throw it on top of his shell.


"Aren't you getting anything, Skado?" Jennifer asks. Her vivacious side is starting to blossom in her new outfit. Seems like she's very influenced by what she's wearing - the consummate professional that Jessica has been today is at stark contrast with the circumstances Barns first met her in.

"Me?" Skado blushes. "N-no. I wasn't planning on joining you all. I'm not comfortable showing off any skin."

"Ohh, you don't have to!" Jennifer exclaims, smacking him on the shoulder and dragging him to the men's section. She points out a dapper but conservative jacket that matches the pants he's already wearing.

"...Fine. Only since you asked nicely. But I doubt I'll stay long."

On that, everyone in their group of four was ready.

"Alright, gang," Barns says with a cheeky grin. "Time for some underground dwarf partying."

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