Apocalypse: Opening All-attributes Fragments

Chapter 1121 Method


Wu Cang nodded heavily, and then explained: There are three realms closest to our Zhenfan Realm, namely the Savage Realm, the Great Thousand Realm, and the Twilight Realm.

Among them, the Twilight Realm is a neutral realm, while the Savage Realm and the Great Thousand Realm both want to invade our Pure Illusion Realm. In the great battle ten thousand years ago, there were experts from the Great Thousand Realm participating.

So, once Gu Batian sends out an invitation, the experts in the Great Thousand Realm will not refuse. At that time, you will not be facing only Gu Batian alone.

Hearing this, Su Chen's face became serious.

If he only faced Gu Batian alone, he would not feel the slightest pressure.

But if he was dealing with two people like Gu Batian, he would not be sure at all.

Unless the cultivation base can be raised to the level of the second star of the gods.

However, in order to be promoted to the second star of the God Realm, the energy points required are huge, and it is very likely that it has reached a huge amount of two million.

It is almost impossible to collect two million energy points in such a short period of time.

What should I do?

Su Chenxu squinted his eyes and pondered.

At present, the god-level powerhouses around him include Wucang, the awakened beast, and the god-level puppet of the machine race.

Awakened beasts are not good at fighting, and their real combat power is equivalent to the tenth stage of the holy stage.

God Realm puppets are also ordinary goods, and their combat power is very limited.

As for Wucang, with the starry sky ten thousand year wheel in hand, it is not bad to deal with the general one star of the divine realm, but it is a bit difficult to deal with the second star of the divine realm.

Therefore, they had no hope, and could only rely on him.

After contemplating for a long time, Su Chen suddenly thought of [Smart Chariot].

[Smart Chariot] It is only in the 21st level now, and it is still early to the final form.

It is not like [Mechanical Soldier], [Mechanical Soldier] is already considered the ultimate form when it reaches the tenth stage of the holy stage, and it can no longer be upgraded.

The [Smart Chariot] can continue to be upgraded, as long as it is promoted to the 24th level, it can completely stop a strong person like Gu Batian.

And he can take various ways to kill them one by one.

But the key point is that if [Smart Chariot] wants to continue to advance to the form, what it needs is not the mechanical heart, but an ore called Luan Qingjing.

Luan Qingjing didn't have one on him, and he didn't know where it was.

No one in [Chaos Dimension] knew about it, not even an ancient powerhouse like Venerable Shenyuan.

From this we can see how hard it is to find Luan Qingjing.

But for now, if you want to deal with Gu Batian, helping [Smart Chariot] to be promoted is the only solution.

With a tentative mind, Su Chen asked Wu Cang, Senior, have you heard of Luan Qingjing?

Luan Qingjing is a top-level ore. Its main function is to help puppets advance. Its value is even higher than that of Mechanical Heart.

Wu Cang seemed to know Luan Qingjing very well, and said slowly.

you know!

Su Chen's eyes lit up immediately, and he asked, Senior, where is Luan Qingjing?

We don't have it in the Illusory Realm, but we should have it in the Twilight Realm.

Wu Cang thought for a while, then replied.

The Twilight Realm...

Su Chen whispered, and then asked: Senior, is there a passage to the Twilight Realm?

Now that he has learned of Luan Qingjing's whereabouts, he must go to the Twilight Realm.

Are you going to the Twilight Realm?

Wucang was startled.

Entering the Twilight Realm is bound to encounter danger, and may even be buried there.

In addition, once Su Chen leaves, who will take charge of the overall situation here?

What will happen once the beast comes in?

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