Apocalypse: Mad Necromancer’s Troops

Chapter 15: Adventurer Squad

Chapter 15: Adventurer Squad


Hearing that they would be heading out of town tomorrow, Wu Heng's expression changed instantly.


Wasn’t the Adventurer’s Association supposed to be a cushy job? Why was he being sent on a mission on his first day?


"Uh, Captain, is there really a mission so soon?" Wu Heng asked.


He was completely unwilling to go.


Fighting zombies to level up was one thing, but going out of town would expose him to many dangers.


Seeing Wu Heng's expression, the captain smiled and said, "Our squad was just formed, so it won’t be a difficult mission. We’re just assisting Blackstone Town in investigating something, nothing to worry about."


Hearing this, Wu Heng felt a bit more at ease.


After all, he had already joined the Association, so it wouldn’t look good to refuse.


"Alright, Captain, I understand."


The captain nodded, "Good, don’t be late for our squad’s first operation."


With that, he stood up and left with the long-legged beauty on the team.


Wu Heng stood at the door, watching them leave the alley before he closed the door.




Outside the alley.


As they walked away, the silver-armored captain softly asked, "What do you think of the new recruit?"


"On first impression, he seems fine, not annoying at least." The blonde beauty replied, then curiously asked, "Is he really a necromancer?"


"You saw it yourself—his skeleton is proof."


"His room was too sparse, though. There was a training dummy in the corner, but it didn’t look like a mage’s place, let alone a necromancer’s," Karenna continued.


Every mage is supposed to be a scholar. Even if they haven’t achieved anything in academia, they should at least have a few books or some experimental equipment.


But that room had none of those things; it was downright simple.


"Living in the crowded district, he’s different from those with inherited knowledge."


"Hmm, that makes sense."


As they reached the end of the street, they prepared to go their separate ways.


The captain reminded her, "Don’t be late tomorrow morning."


"Got it, Captain."




After seeing them off, Wu Heng closed the door tightly.


He picked up the items that had just been delivered and began to examine them.


The first was the appointment letter, which designated him as an "External Field Agent" for the Adventurer’s Association.


The rest of the text confirmed his status as an adventurer, stationed in the Ekor Kingdom’s Blackstone Town.


Besides the appointment letter, there was also a dark brown leather armor and an insignia tucked inside.


The captain and the beautiful woman from the Fourth Squad both wore such insignia to represent their status.


Wu Heng set aside the appointment letter and the insignia.


He then examined the new armor.


The dark brown leather armor was finely detailed, with metal plates on the chest and shoulders for added protection.


It had some weight to it, heavier than regular leather armor, but still manageable.


In this world, weapons are important, but good defensive armor is just as crucial.


The armor provided by the Adventurer’s Association was better crafted and offered more protection than the two sets Wu Heng already owned.


Now, he had three sets of leather armor in total.


After checking the delivered items, Wu Heng’s attention returned to the skeleton beside him.


【Skeleton Rogue】


【Level: 7 (0/14,000)】


【Attributes: Constitution 12, Strength 14, Agility 20, Intelligence 10, Perception 10, Charisma 5.】


【Traits: Hollow Skeleton, Basic Soul.】


【Specialties: Dexterous Hands, Trap Detection, Instinctive Dodge.】


【Abilities: Ambush, Lockpicking (Intermediate), Disarm Traps (Intermediate), Dual Wield Proficiency (Intermediate), Dagger Mastery (Intermediate), Light Armor Proficiency (Intermediate).】


【Dexterous Hands: Skillful use of off-hand weapons, grenades, scrolls, and tools with increased agility.】


【Trap Detection: Adept at sensing and locating pre-set traps.】


【Instinctive Dodge: Able to sense and avoid danger through instinct.】


No wonder this guy was on a wanted list—these are the best stats Wu Heng had seen so far.


He was far stronger than both Wu Heng and the skeleton dog.


After a quick review.


The attributes showed high agility and strength, which fit the rogue profession.


The abilities like ambush and lockpicking also confirmed this.


His skills were all rogue-like specializations.


However, lockpicking wasn’t very useful to Wu Heng since he hadn’t encountered a lock his bronze key couldn’t open.


There weren’t any particularly powerful skills, but the 【Trap Detection】 ability, which could spot pre-set traps, seemed useful.


Another notable point was that this skeleton had an Intelligence stat of 10.


That was on par with a normal human being.


Wu Heng retrieved the skeleton's original leather armor and two daggers and said, "Put on the armor and take up your weapons."


The skeleton rogue obeyed, removing its black cloak and donning the leather armor, while the two daggers were strapped back to its waist.


"This won’t do."


Even with the armor on, there were still plenty of exposed bones.


Since he planned to bring the skeleton along on tomorrow’s mission, showing bones in a human town like Blackstone could easily cause panic and trouble.


After thinking it over, Wu Heng retrieved the clothes, boots, and a full-face motorcycle helmet he had stripped off the rogue in the zombie world.


"Put all of this on."


The skeleton rogue dressed in the clothes, boots, and helmet, covering itself completely.


"Not bad!" Wu Heng was satisfied.


After a moment’s thought, he added, "You’ll keep your original name, Barson. Understand?"


The skeleton rogue nodded.


It really works?


"Barson, stand by in the corner."


The skeleton rogue obediently moved to the corner and stood there like a statue, awaiting orders.


With everything in place, Wu Heng moved to the wooden training dummy and began his spear practice for the day.


After finishing the first set, he paused to rest.


His gaze fell on the skeleton rogue, whose hollow eyes were fixed on him.


"Come, practice with me."


The skeleton rogue stepped forward, drawing its two shiny daggers.


"Uh… use these wooden sticks," Wu Heng said, handing it two short sticks.


It would be a joke if it accidentally stabbed him during practice.


They began sparring.


It went on until late at night, when Wu Heng ordered the skeleton rogue to guard the door while he went to bed.




Rumble, rumble~!


Wu Heng never imagined that the mission transport would be a train.


Calling it a train didn’t seem entirely accurate since it wasn’t powered by combustion—there was no smokestack like an old-fashioned train.


But its appearance and the tracks were no different from a train.


"What’s that thing wearing?" the long-legged female teammate, Karenna, pointed at the skeleton rogue.


The matte black helmet on its head had caught her attention.


"It’s a helmet!" Wu Heng explained.


"I know it’s a helmet, but why does it look like that? Who designed it?" Karenna pressed.


"Uh… no idea, is there a problem?"

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