Apocalypse: Mad Necromancer’s Troops

Chapter 10: Loot Drop

Chapter 10: Loot Drop




They must be survivors.


This world hasn’t turned everyone into zombies; there are still survivors out there.


In the distance, the bus sped down the road like a scene from a Hollywood movie, zombies being either flung aside or crushed into paste.


Cars and obstacles in the way were violently pushed aside, and the bus kept moving forward.


The number of zombies behind the bus kept growing, but they still couldn’t keep up with it, falling far behind.


At this speed, barring any surprises, the bus might actually make it out.


Once they hit the main road, they’d be halfway to safety.


The roads there are wider, and the zombie density isn’t as bad as it is in the neighborhoods.


Wu Heng kept his eyes glued to the street, following the bus’s movements.


Just as the bus reached an intersection and began to slow down for a turn.


Suddenly, with a crash, the storefront window on the roadside shattered, and through the flying glass, a massive dark-red figure charged straight at the slowing bus.




The enormous zombie slammed into the bus, causing it to sway violently.


Out of control, the bus crashed into a utility pole with a loud bang.


The bus stopped, smoke rising from it.


Before anyone inside could react, zombies swarmed the bus from all directions.


Through the gaps in the horde, he could see panicked stabs of metal pipes from inside the bus.


The survivors were still trying to fight back.


But the sheer number of zombies they had attracted was overwhelming, a constant flood pouring in.


From the looks of it, even if the bus could start up again, they wouldn’t be able to break through.


Wu Heng watched from the rooftop.


He felt anxious but knew he couldn’t do anything to save them in this situation.


If he tried to go over there, he’d only become zombie fodder.


After a slight sigh, his attention shifted to the massive creature that had toppled the bus.


A humanoid being, likely over three meters tall, with dark-red skin and absurdly muscular upper limbs, its muscles bulging like tumors, radiating explosive power.


"What the hell is that?"


The zombie teddy had grown from an ordinary size to something almost lion-like, and this zombie had clearly undergone a similar mutation.


Its combat power had reached terrifying levels.


To smash into a bus with just its body was terrifying strength.


The dizzy giant zombie staggered towards the bus.


It casually flung aside the zombies in its way, raising its fists and smashing them down on the bus.


Thud, thud, thud!


With each heavy blow, the bus’s protective panels caved in, and the iron bars on the windows started to come loose.


As the opening widened, zombies flooded into the bus, frantically tearing at the flesh inside.


The chaos didn’t last long.


In just a few minutes, the bus stopped shaking.


The horde, like wild beasts that had lost their target, began to quiet down and disperse.


The bus, now crumpled and deformed, hung with dismembered limbs.


From start to finish, Wu Heng hadn’t seen how many survivors were inside or what they looked like.


The giant mutated zombie turned and lumbered back into the roadside shop, disappearing from sight.


Wu Heng just stood there, feeling a greater sense of danger in his situation.


Whether it was the zombie horde or the giant mutated zombie, both put him under pressure.


With his current number of skeletons, facing either would be a death sentence.


"I should stay low for now, build up my skeleton army until they’re big enough."


He muttered, watching as the horde gradually dispersed.




Suddenly, a wandering zombie caught his eye.


The zombie was wearing a blue shirt, nothing special about it, but Wu Heng’s attention was drawn to its belt.


A black leather belt, with a black strap hanging from it, and at the end, a black handgun dangled by its leg.


"A zombie bringing me a weapon?"


In battles with zombies, he could rely on his skeleton warriors, and as long as he didn’t take risks, things were manageable.


But in a place like Blackstone Town, where everyone had a profession.


He lacked a reliable means of self-defense in case something unexpected happened.


If he could get his hands on that weapon, it would boost his safety significantly.


Pulling a trigger was much easier than drawing a bow.


"I need to find a way to get that."


He muttered, starting to think of ways to acquire the gun.


Charging out wasn’t an option.


It would be best to lure it over somehow.


After some thought, Wu Heng looked at the climbing rope in his hand.


It might work.




On the street.


A rope dropped from the sky.


It looped around the zombie, tightening suddenly and pulling it to the side.


The sudden force caused the zombie to panic, looking around frantically, growling in confusion as it moved uncontrollably to the side.


The zombie struggled in confusion, being slowly pulled up the side of the building.


Wu Heng stood on the rooftop, directing his skeleton warriors to adjust the pull, avoiding balconies and railings to prevent any mishaps.


Nearby, two skeleton pigeons perched, their bodies made of white bones but with membranous wings.


They retained their original ability to fly.


The lasso on the zombie was set by these two skeleton pigeons.


He didn’t have the skill to lasso a target from such a distance.


Even with the skeleton pigeons dropping the rope, it had taken over twenty attempts to succeed once.


So, during the pull, he was extremely careful.


He didn’t want the zombie to drop halfway up.


Finally, the struggling zombie was hauled onto the rooftop, and before it could get up to attack, countless cleavers came down.


The zombie was quickly chopped into a corpse.


Wu Heng crouched down, pulling off the zombie’s pants and grabbing what he wanted.


Handguns weren’t unfamiliar to him.


They were common in movies.


Plus, he had played a game called ‘Gun Simulator’ before, learning about assembly and use.


He was a bit of a cloud shooter.


So, even though this was his first time holding a gun, he wasn’t unfamiliar with it.


He ejected the magazine, finding nine bullets inside.


After carefully searching the corpse, he didn’t find any extra bullets.


Maybe it only had this one magazine, or it lost the rest.


The gun was in good condition, with no significant wear.


Wu Heng held it, trying to chamber a round and aim, but didn’t want to waste a bullet by firing.


After practicing a few draw-and-aim moves, he put it away.


Today’s haul was pretty good.


After converting the corpse into a skeleton warrior.


He cleaned up and prepared to return to Blackstone Town.




Back in Blackstone Town.


Wu Heng went to the blacksmith to inquire about ordering the iron ladder.


But it turned out his idea was a bit too naive.


Even if the ladder could reach across, the production time alone would take half a month.


The blacksmith also suggested.


Using sturdy wood to replace the iron ladder, or a simpler method, using a rope to connect both sides and climb across.


Wu Heng listened, nodded in agreement but didn’t say much.


A plank that long would be hard to find, and even if it spanned the distance, it might buckle under the weight.


The rope idea was fine for him, but not for the skeleton warriors.


So neither method would work.


Leaving the blacksmith, he went to the tavern for a meal.


He watched a few strongmen arm-wrestling, and by the time he left, it was getting dark.


The streets were nearly empty.


As he walked into the alley leading to his place, two figures followed him in.


Just as they entered, they saw Wu Heng standing still, waiting for them.


"Kid, you’re pretty sharp!" one of them said.


Neither of them seemed nervous despite being spotted.


"What do you want?" Wu Heng asked.


He had felt someone following him since he left the tavern.


At first, he thought it might be guards watching him, but these two were clearly not guards.


"Kid, we’re a bit short on cash, so we’re going to borrow some things from you."


As soon as he finished speaking, the leader lunged like a leopard, sprinting toward him.


As he moved, his hands brushed behind his waist, drawing two short blades that reflected the cold moonlight, sharp and deadly.


Wu Heng quickly glanced at the second man.


The other guy remained at the alley entrance, leaning against the wall, carefully watching the surroundings.


A lookout!


These were experienced robbers.


They were confident, thinking one could handle him.


As the attacker closed in, Wu Heng stood still, eyes locked on the target.


When the distance shrank to three or four meters.




The deafening gunshot rang out, the bullet hitting the man in the abdomen.


His charge halted abruptly, pain twisting his expression.


What the hell?




Just as he managed to utter a word.


Bang, bang, bang!


Three more gunshots rang out.


His chest, abdomen, and shoulder were hit in quick succession.


The force of the bullets pushed him back a couple of steps before he collapsed, writhing in pain, unable to move.


He had thought this would be an easy target, but he had underestimated him.


"Help..." the man turned to look at his lookout partner.




Another gunshot, this time piercing his eye socket.


【Experience gained: +64.】


The system prompt confirmed that the man was dead.


Wu Heng raised his gun, aiming it at the other man rushing toward him.


The lookout froze, eyes locked on the weapon in Wu Heng’s hand.


He glanced at his fallen partner, then slowly backed away, step by step, until he reached the alley’s entrance.


His eyes filled with hatred as he glared at Wu Heng, then he turned and fled.


All around, the noise of the gunshots had attracted attention from the neighbors.


Wu Heng looked down at the body, wrapped tightly in thick leather armor and a cloak, with little blood seeping out.


He picked up the dropped weapons, wrapped the body in the cloak, and dragged it inside.


Not long after.


Bang, bang, bang!


There was a knock on the door.


The landlord’s voice called out, "Wu Heng, are you inside? Did you hear those loud noises just now?"


Wu Heng opened the door, saying, "Yeah, I heard it. Who’s causing such a racket at night?"


The landlord gave him an annoyed look and glanced into the room.


"As long as you’re okay. It’s not safe lately; make sure to lock your door at night."


"Will do."


After the landlord left, Wu Heng practiced his spear, the sound of stabbing the wooden target echoing through the room.


Outside, the chatter continued, with guards coming by to inquire.




The next day, at dawn, Wu Heng headed back to the zombie world.


It seemed like it rained last night.


The skeleton warriors were covered in glistening raindrops.


The rain had washed away the grime from their bones.


Wu Heng had the skeletons carry the body from last night to the rooftop.


Then he started stripping the gear from the corpse.

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