Apocalypse: I Have a Super Farm

Chapter 77: select

Compartment 02.

The provincial military police who followed Yuan Zhenghong put the sealed file on the table and opened it easily.

Inside is a document.

At the top of the document, there are five solid gold star seals.

This is already the fifth-level archive!

In the non-war era, this level of archives is almost the highest level.

The instructions that Wang Dongchuan gave to Yang Yong before were only two stars!

Rough calculations, this level of documents, I don't have the opportunity to touch it at all in peacetime.

"Ms. Yuan... is this?" Yang Yong asked tremblingly, cold sweat dripping from his forehead: "The fifth-level secret order, or...or should I avoid it?"

As the head of the military and police bureau, Yang Yong naturally knows the hard truth of "what status can participate in what level of action". With his administrative status, he is not enough to have access to fifth-level documents.

This kind of document is extremely confidential, and once it is leaked, it will be extremely troublesome.

Even Yang Yong felt extremely tricky.

This is a hot potato!

He subconsciously didn't want to cause such trouble.

"Although you are not eligible to participate in the actions in this document, there is a special secret order for you." Yuan Zhenghong waved his hand, and then found a secret order from the document.

Printing on special paper requires special paint to show the font.

Twenty seconds after the font appears, it will be automatically destroyed.

There is absolutely no possibility of a second leak.

Yang Yong took the secret order with trembling hands, and after painting it with the special paint backed up by the military police department, a large line of characters appeared on it.

"According to the wartime regulations! Yang Yong, director of the Nancheng Military and Police Bureau, all actions are subject to the command of Chief Inspector Yuan Zhenghong!-Yanhuang Guoan Three Divisions"

Yang Yong's face suddenly turned blue when he saw the six words "Yanhuang Guoan three places".

This department is directly under the leadership of all military police in Yanhuang.

In ancient times, this department is equivalent to "six doors", dominating the world and catching fast!

When Yang Yong saw this, he immediately saluted: "Nancheng Yang Yong, follow the order!"

The rest has nothing to do with him.

After seeing the scarlet five-pointed star seal on the secret order, Yang Yong already knew that the rest was definitely not something he could participate in at his level.

Now that Yuan Zhenghong came with a secret order from the Ministry of National Security, all the power of command of the Nancheng Military and Police Department was handed over to the other party, and he could temporarily abdicate and let the wise.

Maybe... even the big bosses of the municipal party committee have to temporarily let the wise...

Yang Yong muttered in his heart.

Seeing this, Li Tianran rubbed his fingers silently, and began to murmur more and more.

Things seem to get bigger and bigger.

Now even Guoan is alarmed?

Tianran Li doesn't think he has such a big energy.

A Welsh gang in a mere trivial area, although it has caused some trouble to the surrounding towns of South City, but in the entire Yanhuang, it is nothing more than a scumbag at best!

Li Tianran didn't think that by simply destroying Wells, he would be able to attract awards from the Ministry of National Security.

"Go out!" Yuan Zhenghong waved his hand very majesticly, and said, "Do you know how to reply to Wang Dongchuan?"

"I understand!" Yang Yong nodded repeatedly.


The gate closed again.

Li Tianran and Yuan Zhenghong were the only ones left in cubicle 03.

Yuan Zhenghong smiled, threw the file in front of Li Tianran, and said solemnly: "Let's take a look!"

Li Tianran looked at the portfolio in his hand, obviously very light, but at this moment he felt that this thing weighed more than a thousand catties.

Especially the five scarlet five-pointed stars made Li Tianran feel that he was holding five peaks in his hands at this time!

"Your joke is too big!" Li Tianran smiled pretentiously and placed the file on his right hand: "I am not a member of the military and police. I am not qualified to view this file. "

"This file was originally brought to you." Yuan Zhenghong smiled.

"Bring it to me?" Li Tianran was stunned.

"To be precise, it was brought to a class of people like you." Yuan Zhenghong added again.

Li Tianran was even more confused.

Yuan Zhenghong walked over, opened the portfolio himself, took out the contents and placed it on Li Tianran's knees.

Except for one file, the rest turned out to be dozens of photos!

Li Tianran lowered his head, picked up the photos and looked through them.

The first one made Li Tianran feel a strong sense of discomfort.

It turned out to be a bison with a face resembling a human face on its back. It was like an elephant, with fierce horns, and red eyes. It was raging in the city!

Continuing to scroll down, there are still a few photos, which are all about this bison.

In some photos, there are several human corpses under its iron hoof.

In the most horrible picture, it crashed a house with double horns!

It's not that Li Tianran has never seen a mutant beast, but it is the first time that this one looks so disgusting and has such a terrifying power in the photo!

"This is the mutant beast that the patrolling sergeant found in the Kerangmar Mountains five days ago. Like other mutant beasts, it also changed its body shape after eating irradiated vegetation." Yuan Zhenghong said: "But The difference is that its body did not collapse and die a few hours later like other mutant beasts. Instead, it became stronger and stronger. It began to attack humans and other beasts, and even its habits changed dramatically, and it began to eat. meat!"

"Because the Kerangma Mountains belong to the frontier area, it took a lot of effort for the patrol personnel to find the foothold of this mutant beast, but we found that... not only was it mutated in size, it even had its IQ. Upgrade!" Yuan Zhenghong rubbed his eyebrows, and said in a deep voice: "The soldiers patrolling the frontier encircled it several times, but failed to kill it."

"Not only that... Two days ago, the Frontier Military Camp discovered its whereabouts again through a drone, but found that it was eating, and the food it was eating was..." Yuan Zhenghong was silent for a moment, did not speak, but used an old one. The finger tapped his forehead.

Li Tianran suddenly felt a chill.

Gnawing human heads?

"Later, we found traces of human faces on its back."

Yuan Zhenghong's voice was not loud, but revealed an extremely icy tone.

Li Tianran's breathing became heavy.

"Do you know what this means?" Yuan Zhenghong asked in a deep voice.

Of course Li Tianran knows.

This means that the direction of genetic recombination of this bison did not go in the direction of deterioration, but, like Godzilla, opened the genetic lock!

"A new species is being born!" Yuan Zhenghong said word by word: "And this species poses a great threat to mankind!"

Li Tianran felt a little depressed in his chest.

Just now, he was still experiencing a battle of wits and courage with the military and police, thinking of countermeasures to exploit legal loopholes, but in just a few minutes, he switched to the interface of science fiction.

This sudden change in painting style made him a little unacceptable for a while.

"The most important thing is that this is not an exception." Yuan Zhenghong said: "In the Southern Xinjiang Mountains, we found a great ape, nearly thirty feet tall! In the depths of the North Sea, a fishing boat caught a double-headed sea. Lizard, as a result, the entire fishing boat was slaughtered by this sea lizard..."

"In the southeast..."

Following Yuan Zhenghong's words, Li Tianran kept flipping through the photos.

A mutated behemoth appeared on those photos, their faces were hideous, and their limbs also changed drastically.

There is a great ape covered with spurs, a rat king the size of a scalper...

And along with the rampage of these mutant beasts, the land they passed through was full of blood and blood.

Before the mutation, humans were the masters of this land, squeezing the realm of beasts to the extreme, but after the mutation, these beasts that did not die because of the mutation began to madly retaliate against humans and expand their territory!

"In Yanhuang territory, we have found no fewer than five actions of this perfect mutant beast, and this number will continue to grow..." Yuan Zhenghong said in a deep voice.

The main source of wild animal mutations is the vegetation on the ground that has been irradiated.

Although most of the radiated grass and trees in the urban area have been processed at this time, there are still large tracts of radiated grass and fruits in some nature reserves and wild farmlands.

When the beasts have no food sources, they will eat radiated fruits.

If there is a one-in-100,000 chance that the wild beast did not die suddenly after eating the radiated grass and fruit, and a mutation occurred, and among these changed beasts, a perfect mutant appeared in a million heads, then this chance It is also extremely scary when placed within the scope of the whole Yanhuang.

Within Yanhuang, there are more than a dozen nature reserves and some natural pastures.

These wild animals add up to a billion, excluding those that died of freezing due to low temperatures!

What is one millionth of a billion?

Nearly two thousand!

Li Tianran couldn't imagine what it would be like with 20,000 mutant beasts in the shape of elephants raging in the city.

And the most important thing is not that their body shape has changed.

But they have wisdom.

If it were just a simple physical change and a surge in power, Li Tianran didn't think they could cause much loss.

As long as it is a carbon-based creature of flesh and blood, it is impossible to survive under a cannonball!

But be afraid...The plot in the science fiction movie takes place in reality.

Godzilla and Chimera reappear in the world.

After all, no one knows whether there is an upper limit for evolution.

These mutant beasts, as they slowly become stronger, will they awaken some weird powers?

"These are...people?" Li Tianran then flipped through the photos, but the next one was no longer a mutant beast, but a photo of a man.

"He was a spy sent by the Sakura Nation to our country. He made a big move in the southeastern city of Yanhuang and Huang..." Yuan Zhenghong said softly: "Not only the Sakura Nation, the international situation is chaotic now, and all major countries are beginning to talk to neighbors The country sends spies and agents to either create chaos or inquire about intelligence and prepare for war."

"This is from the European Union..."

"This is from an extreme organization ic..."

"this is……"

Yuan Zhenghong gave a series of introductions.

Finally, the photos are over.

"This is the situation in Yanhuang now. We need to face more than an enemy." Yuan Zhenghong said sternly: "There are some small countries that have been wiped out in just a dozen days, and we are also likely to be at any time at this time. There is a conflict with the EU, and the problems facing Yan and Huang are very serious."

"We have both internal and external troubles."

Yuan Zhenghong said: "In order to solve the current dilemma, the upper-level has formulated policies, and Guoan personally issued this document!"

Li Tianran took over the document.

"We want to form a special team specifically to target the threats of mutant beasts and spies in the country." Yuan Zhenghong said solemnly: "We must gather personnel who have performed well in all aspects, commanding power, individual combat capability, and latency. Ability, assassination ability, and chasing ability, as long as they meet one of them, after being assessed, you can join this team."

Li Tianran looked at the document and finally understood the real purpose of Yuan Zhenghong's trip.

"You mean, want me to join?" Li Tianran felt his throat a little dry, and asked softly.

"We estimate your ability based on Wang Bing's confession. If Wang Bing did not lie, I would give you s!" Yuan Zhenghong smiled and said softly: "The perfect combination of commander power and personal combat ability, You are a perfect leader!"

"I think you praised me too much." Li Tianran finally understood at this time why no one continued to investigate the matter of his own standard firearms.

Compared with what Yuan Zhenghong said, Li Tianran's guns and the source of the guns have become unimportant at all!

"The Wells gang are just the lowest-level criminals. They are just a group of brainless stupid pigs." Li Tianran waved his hand and said, "If you just draw a company from the army, you can beat the opponent."

"So, do you admit that you did that thing?" Yuan Zhenghong seized the loopholes in Li Tianran's words and said hurriedly.

"..." Li Tianran raised his eyebrows.

He just wanted to refuse Yuan Zhenghong's invitation, so he subconsciously told about Wells.

It's just that he doesn't have any regrets now.

He didn't think that Yuan Zhenghong and Yang Yong had gone so far and produced so many secret orders just to make him tell the truth and take his criminal evidence!

He has determined that what Yuan Zhenghong said is the truth.

"The sergeants in the company are well-trained and can naturally wipe out Wells." Yuan Zhenghong said with a smile: "But you are different. You have never received orthodox training, but you can show such an amazing record. You have proven you Your own excellence! If you train again, you will be able to become the leader of this plan!"


Yuan Zhenghong extended a hand to Li Tianran~www.readwn.com~ with a deep voice: "Come together! You will become the creator of history! You will get the supreme glory!"

Li Tianran looked at Yuan Zhenghong's hand, and suddenly there was a burst of passion in his heart.

A boy is born in the world, and he makes contributions!

On the battlefield, holding an iron knife and steel gun, galloping between the whistling, rolling enemies head to the ground, paving a path to the highest glory for him!

Which man doesn't have a dream of racing on the battlefield?

Li Tianran is no exception.

At this time, there was a set of craft uniforms hanging in his bedroom!

In the past, due to many reasons, he missed an opportunity.

But now, the best opportunity lies in front of him, as long as he reaches out, he can get it!

How will he choose?

"Actually, it has always been my dream to join the military camp." Li Tianran said softly.


Outside the door of compartment 03.

Yuan Wen and Han Han stood there with weird expressions on their faces.

Yuan Wen didn't expect to hear these words.

What she didn't expect was that Hanhan also heard these words with her.

She knew how seductive Yuan Zhenghong's words were to men.

But how cruel is this to Hanhan?

Hanhan is only seven years old. If Li Tianran joins the barracks, Hanhan will definitely not be able to follow.

The two brothers and sisters can only be separated!

Hanhan stood there blankly.

Yuan Wen knelt down, she gently hugged Hanhan, and said softly: "Hanhan, don't cry, this matter is not necessarily..."

Hanhan turned his head and showed a bright smile: "Hanhan doesn't cry, Hanhan has said long ago, no matter what choice the cauldron makes, Hanhan will support him."

"Even if... he wants to leave me."

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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