Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 243 This is not called rebellion, this is called revolution!

Chapter 243 This is not called rebellion, this is called revolution!
"Master, why do I feel that the current situation is a bit unfavorable to us!"

"What do you mean it's a bit unfavorable to us? What the fuck is wrong with us right now? The upper, middle, and lower lanes have all been stolen! The partridge whistle on the top lane can no longer be contacted. King Shang’s whereabouts are unknown, and Zhang Sanye, the next road development road, has become a sterilization road under strong pressure. The third child can’t protect himself, let alone the blue BUFF of the snake god, who is also running into other people’s wild areas! Lao Tzu’s base is now shivering and hiding in the other side Under the Highland Tower, as long as the opponent detects Lao Tzu, it will be a dead end! Ten deaths and no life!"

"My lord, shall we surrender now?"

"Surrender? The premise of surrender is that the other party has to accept surrender. This is not a game. This is a real competition for life advancement. The weak can only belch. Surrender is impossible. Surrender is impossible. We can only fight back."

"Then how can the Jedi fight back?"

"I also want to ask this question."

In the Soul Gathering Coffin, Boss Xu and Qingtu stared at each other. Even Feiheng Armor, Overlord Halberd, Li Wangguan, and Tianjun Sword, who were outside the matter, could feel the embarrassing situation at this moment.

Four artifacts floated around the general, and the Overlord said, "His grandma's, why don't you go out and present the king!"

The general raised his beautiful purple claws and waved them in a graceful arc in the coffin, and the Overlord Halberd was blown away directly.

The general's purple-black pupils released his spiritual thoughts, "It's numb! Who do you think I am? Is it your master Xiang Yu? Can you destroy a hundred thousand Qin troops at the mouth of the Julu River? Do you think this is Li Chungang? Wudi City Borrowing tens of thousands of swords to take Wang Xianzhi's head? Shit! The current situation of this seat is only an iron cage away from being a prisoner! When is this, and can you speak so mindlessly?"

Seeing that Xu Ming slapped Qiu Fei's Overlord's Halberd, the other three artifacts looked at each other and remained silent.

Xu Ming looked at the three artifacts, "You three, don't pretend to be dead for me! You three eat and drink here every day, but each has a master behind you. These I don't care. My Bai Yujing family has a great business and can afford to support you three." , but! Now I have run out of ammunition and food, waiting to die in this pit No. [-]! If the three of you haven’t done anything yet, then don’t blame me, Xu Ming, for turning my back on me! When the time comes, I’ll let Qingtu take you all out! I, Bai Yujing, throw them all out, there are super zombies who claim to be immortals outside, the three of you will be targeted by them soon, and that bastard Long Xianmao is so good at deduction, it will definitely be postponed to the one behind you Messenger of the Lord, let's finish the calf together..."

Each of the three artifacts did not speak.

At this moment, there was a loud bang, and there were thunderous bangs in the sky, and the next moment, the outside of the coffin of death shook.

A majestic old man's voice came, "Fellow Daoist has just arrived, according to the rules of Mengyuan City, you will be quarantined, and we will not let you go until you take the Qingxu Pill!"

The old voice disappeared, and Xu Ming let out his spiritual thoughts, only to find that outside the No. [-] pit where he was, there was a terrifying giant black iron cage that was filled with thunderous luster. The iron cage locked the entire boulder floating island in No. [-] pit. stand up.

Tian Junjian muttered, "Okay, the three-piece iron cage for the prisoner is in place, what are you talking about...ah!"

Xu Ming grabbed Tianjun Sword, tortured him crazily, his hair was trembling, and he said angrily: "You bastards, it is my misfortune that I can know you! Raising you is the biggest failure of my life! "

Seeing Tianjunjian's situation, everyone was dumbfounded. The general was on the drug, and if this continued, the general would eat up everything in the coffin!
Li Wangguan, who had been silent for a long time, said, "Baidi, I have a plan to fight back!"

Fei Hengjia glanced at Li Wangguan, "You have it? You can't! This situation is a situation where there are ten deaths and no survival for military strategists. What's your plan?"

A small figure with blurred facial features appeared in front of the Crown Prince Li. It was the phantom of Prince Li. Prince Li said, "All the strategies in the world are based on the human heart. From the communication between the Lord and those guys outside the tomb just now, I found that I asked two questions. The first question is that King Xian did not have a source of information, and the source of the news was quite accurate and timely. Baidi entered the tomb of King Xian with his front foot, and King Xian found Baidi's invasion with his back foot, which is enough to see that King Xian The alarm mechanism is very perfect, our first step is to find the alarm system outside King Xian, call the police!"

Xu Ming listened to Li Wangguan and said, "I know, what can I do?"

Prince Li smiled and said, "Understood, you can operate! Use a series of information to deceive King Xian! This is the second strategy! From the communication between the Lord and those guys just now, I can It is certain that although those immortals have a strict hierarchy, they have not truly separated from the emotions and desires of mortals. This can be seen from the two mercury-infused little zombies. They miss their benefactor, Hu Ba, who once rescued them. one!"

"Once there is gratitude, there will be jealousy! Jealousy is a very wonderful desire, which can increase the secretion of the hormone dopamine, improve people's mobility and resistance! Although I don't know if those guys outside will have it. There will be such things as dopamine, but they must have the emotion of jealousy! They just changed their appearance, not genetic mutations, and our next excuse is to continue to fabricate the status of the upper-level immortals domineering, the dragon curculigo and fish-flesh immortals. Words, and then provoke the lower immortals to rebel against the upper immortal king!"

Xu Ming interrupted Prince Li's words, "Fabrication? Does this need to be fabricated? This is a fact! Look at the current branch of the Immortal World, what a complete exploitation system the upper nine floors and the lower nine floors!"

Prince Li nodded, "What Baidi said is very true. This is the truth. Youdao does not worry about being few, but about inequality, not about poverty, but about injustice! In this way, Mengyuan City, the water dragon will be dizzy, and it will fall into Chaos!"

"At any time, as long as the situation is chaotic, we have a chance. The Lord can definitely fool the immortals at this time, come to me to repair my sword, kill for nine days, sprinkle my blood, and go forward. The magnificent poem of the fearless human race!"

Prince Li's words are soft and gentle, but this scheme is really killing people invisible.

Hearing these words, Xu Ming's appetite whetted for a moment, "The plan is very good, who will execute it? How about His Royal Highness the Crown Prince go out and do it by himself?"

Prince Li panicked, "Bai Di, this execution still depends on the person, it doesn't matter what I want, isn't it a death sentence?"

Han Dao said: "In my opinion, it's best for the children to be deceived. It's better to give Qingtu to those two children. Qingtu will spread the idea of ​​rebellion. The opportunity is right, and then a Mo Daoshi will have an eye, and stir up rebellion in the Yellow River. I still don’t believe in traditional programs like this one, I can’t make a King Xianwang to death!”

After Xu Ming thought about it, he looked at Qingtu beside him, "Ah Qing, have you understood after talking so much?"

Qingtu was very excited, "It is Qingtu's honor to die for the Lord! Qingtu must have encouraged them to rebel against the Immortal King!"

Xu Ming laughed and said, "This is not a rebellion, it's a revolution in the fairy world! Remember it! It's a revolution in the fairy world!"

Qingtu nodded, "Yes, it's the Immortal Revolution!"

Xu Ming nodded, "Go, find those two boys, and become their toys! Then surround the interior from the outside, take the route of encircling the city from the countryside, don't expose it too early, we still have to wait for reinforcements from the outside!"

Qingtu said, "Yes!"

Qingtu disappeared.

Prince Li watched Qingtu leave, "Who is Baidi going to ask to do the first step of investigating the intelligence network?"

Xu Mingdao, "Wu Sansheng."

Prince Li said, "Wu Sansheng? He's just a non-staff member!"

Xu Mingdao, "But this non-staff is much more reliable than regular workers, especially Wu Laosan has great ambitions, as long as he can grasp his ambitions, he can be more agile and proactive than Qingtu. .”

A jade shadow appeared in Xu Ming's hand, and he tapped on it lightly.

In the next moment, hundreds of miles away, Wu Sansheng, who was sleeping in the tent, sat up cleverly!


Pan Zi was snoring and hugging the black blind man, Xiao Hua was sleeping gracefully, but the scars on his face had not healed, and there was a smell of blood in Nuo Da's tent, in this faint smell of blood, everyone slept Hearty, it shows that these days are not peaceful.

These days, everyone has entered the depths of Zhelong Ridge, and various prehistoric creatures in the depths of Zhelong Ridge emerge in endlessly.

There are black poisonous toads as big as adult cows, and myriads that stretch more than 20 meters long, not to mention the messy snakes and even the super-primary mutated gymnosperm hybrid plants that have become extinct in the Phanerozoic Cenozoic. These plants can no longer It is said to be plants, they spray all kinds of seeds, and when the seeds fall on the animals, the animals will become the bodies of their seeds, constantly providing various nutrients to the seeds, so that the animals will become more and more crazy.

Therefore, the animals here all have one temper, that is madness!
Absolutely crazy!
The first time you see someone, you are jealous, but you have to hate, and you will die if you create conditions.

This caused the grave robbers to be in a cycle of 25 hours of uninterrupted high-intensity fight-flee and fight-flee after they came in. You said you want to stop?nonexistent!

Ghosts, zombies, prehistoric creatures, demonic plants.

Everyone even began to suspect that this place was still in the human world.

How can there be so many strange powers in the world?In other words, there are so many strange powers and gods in the human world. This world is not the world of ordinary people, but a world of supernatural powers.

In the dark tent, Wu Sansheng unzipped the chain of his sleeping bag and walked out.

The night watchman looked up, "Third Uncle, why aren't you sleeping?"

It was Wang Shouyi who was watching the night today.

For Wang Shouyi, Wu Sanxing didn't like him at first. He didn't know his origin, and he didn't know what Yangming Academy was doing.

But I can't stand Lu Fengxian. Boss Lu said it was reliable!

Boss Lu took his own head to vouch for Wu Sansheng, if my brother Wang Shouyi turns his back on someone else's son, then you will take my head when you come back!I, Lu Fengxian, will never talk nonsense!

What does it mean to come back?Is Lu Fengxian not here?Yes, Lu Fengxian didn't come!

Boss Lu said that a sage has a saying, and a man has self-knowledge. With my ability, I can open a very good hotel and earn a little money. As for climbing up and becoming a Buddha, that is impossible. , I will not participate in the cooperation.

After Lu Fengxian introduced Wang Shouyi to Wu Sansheng's team, he went straight back to his hotel and continued to be his Taiping boss.

Wu Sansheng sat down and noticed that Wang Shouyi was holding a token of respect in his hand.

Wang Shouyi observed Wu Sansheng's eyes, smiled and picked up the order, "Lv Fengxian gave it to me, Lu Fengxian said, throwing out the order at a critical moment may save my life."

Wu Sansheng said, "Lu Fengxian is very kind to you!"

Wang Shouyi's mediocre facial features were full of smiles, "Brother Lu is a man with a heart and soul. Although our Confucian ideas are different, in the original sense, what Dong Zhongshu said is in line with what Confucius said, and my ancestor Wang Yangming created the theory of mind, which was also developed on a large scale. It borrows from the words of Confucius Dong Zhongshu."

Wu Sanxing looked at Wang Shouyi. This young man's face was always filled with a gentle and calm smile. The feeling of being flattered and humiliated gave people a kind of tranquility. He seemed to have a natural power that calmed down the manic heart.

Wu Sanxing said, "What is learning of the mind?"

Wang Shouyi smiled and said, "Well, it's a long story! Let me just chat with Uncle Third."

"My ancestor Wang Yangming created a book called "Biography and Xilu". There is such a sentence in it. Mr. Yangming said, happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy are inhuman? Ignoring the words and actions, and even the rich, the poor, the poor, the suffering, and life and death are all events!"

"In translation, all the love and hatred we experience are just a change in our own human feelings. We seem to be dealing with love, hatred, fame and fortune, but we are actually dealing with our own emotions. , Therefore, the fundamental purpose of practice is not to perform psychological massage and get rid of sins like Buddhism, but to find a reasonable mentality that can deal with everything in the world, and reasonable emotional handling methods!"

"For example, let's say love. What is love? Is the end of love the nine-dollar certificate? Or is it about having sex together? Occupying the other person's body?"

"Neither. In the final analysis, love is a series of emotional judgments that we personally have on a certain object. It is a tacit understanding of mutual loyalty and the pain of mutual betrayal."

"Who are we dealing with in love? The one in love? Nope! We're dealing with our feelings! Our feelings tell us I love her, so I go with my feelings!"

"And what we have to do is to negotiate with the feeling, tell the feeling that I don't love her, and convince myself that I can convince myself."

"Love, career, life and death, from the beginning to the end, we are all in the process of finding our feelings. If we can compromise and solve our own feelings, then we will reach the point where Mount Tai collapses in front of us without changing our face, and everything withers in front of us without blinking an eyelid."

Wang Shouyi's words deeply moved Wu Sansheng. The mediocre facial features of this young man seemed to be the ultimate rational endorsement in this world. His every word and every word brought Wu Sansheng a new way of understanding the world. .

Psychology is one's own knowledge.

An absolutely selfish lore.

Love does not exist, success or failure does not exist, the heart is impermanent, and everything is impermanent.

Wu Sansheng looked at Wang Shouyi, "So, has Brother Wang reached the level you mentioned?"

"It's far away!" Wang Shouyi said with a smile, "I was almost killed by a millipede controlled by a quilt seed yesterday. But without changing face, the realm where success and failure are nothing but things outside the body is still far behind!"

Wu Sansheng said, "A person who can absolutely control his heart is extremely terrifying."

Wang Shouyi thought for a while, "Absolute rationality means absolute irrationality. It is impossible for a person to control his own heart. The study of the mind just makes people compromise with themselves and their hearts. It is impossible to subdue their hearts, but there is one thing. I can be sure that in the process of constant struggle between myself and my heart, people will acquire some extraordinary abilities. As long as my state of mind is high enough, the injury in my eyes is not an injury, but a kind of past without interfering with me. I can also ignore the attacks on me, and even those so-called strange powers and chaotic gods are full of arrogance in front of me, and they are all ashes!"

Wu Sansheng nodded, "He is extremely knowledgeable, I still don't want to join the third child! Otherwise, you can go in and rest for a while, and I will be on the night shift."

Wang Shouyi said, "Okay, then I'll go in and rest."

Wang Shouyi got up and left.

(End of this chapter)

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