Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 168 The universe stops at 1 dimension, but life does not

Chapter 168 The Universe Stops at Eleven Dimensions, and Life Doesn't

Partridge Whistle departed two days earlier than Wu Laosan, but this did not mean that Partridge Whistle arrived earlier than Wu Laosan.

The Partridge Whistle stopped in Hetao City for a while. The Partridge Whistle wanted to send Xu Ling back to study, and to report safety to Zeng Daxian of the Fishing Fans Association, so that they, a detached fishing enthusiasts organization, would know their intentions. The president is not dead yet, don't rush to elect a new president, Partridge Whistle is very afraid of this group of members with unknown origins, unknown purposes, and extraordinary means, always feel that when they wake up, they will push themselves down, and then do something wrong. a new president.

Also, Partridge Whistle wants to meet Chairman Zhao.

The last time Partridge Whistle went to Longling Miku was directed by President Zhao. Later, after the master figured it out, he also pointed out that he would go to Longling, which shows that President Zhao is really talented in some divination. The divination ability on the Internet is a fight.

For Xu Ming, Partridge Whistle is very jealous and fearful. Partridge Whistle dare not talk too much with Xu Ming. After all, Xu Ming doesn't believe in the four words metaphysics and technology. Partridge Whistle's loose life and bacterial life theory, Xu Ming wouldn't listen either.More importantly, the master-servant rule between Xu Mingye and Partridge Whistle cannot be broken, and it is impossible for the two to get close.

But for President Zhao, Partridge Whistle doesn't have so many scruples. He is their future successor, and Lao Zhao and the swineherd really treat themselves as their own.

"Hello, I am……"

"I'm sorry, our abnormal human research center doesn't accept volunteers anymore."

"I'm not a volunteer. I'm here to see patients. I'm his family member for the person in the photo."

"Mr. Zhao has a family member? I remember that he seems to be a widowed old man. He is in the No. [-] courtyard, the back garden, and he should be fishing now."

"Has his condition stabilized recently?"

"It's not bad, but it has a tendency to be violent. I like to shout about god-level life forms at every turn. I don't understand anyway."

Following the nurse's guidance, Partridge Whistle quickly came to President Zhao's small courtyard. Under the afternoon sun, President Zhao sat alone in front of a washbasin with a fishing rod in his hand. There was some water in the washbasin. , but no fish.

Partridge Whistle sat beside Chairman Zhao, hugged his shoulders, and watched Chairman Zhao fishing seriously.

Chairman Zhao didn't seem to notice the partridge whistle, he just concentrated on holding the hook, thinking to himself, "Can fish take the bait?"

The partridge whistled, "This is up to you. If you find a place with fish, the fish will take the bait by themselves. If you keep fishing in this washbasin, how can there be any fish that take the bait?"

Chairman Zhao shook his head and said, "No, what you said is wrong. Whether a fish takes the bait or not depends on the fish. If a fish appears, it will naturally take the bait."

Partridge Whistle wanted to refute, but in the next moment, only a passing mental patient saw the fishhook in President Zhao's hand. The patient rushed over and threw himself into the washbasin. He stabbed the sharp fishhook into his mouth, and blood dripped all around. The mental patient kept devouring the fishhook, and kept shouting, "Hook me, catch me!"

This scene scared many nurses. The nurses swarmed up and pulled away the mental patient who swallowed the fishhook. The mental patient struggled frantically, "I am a fish, you want to catch me! I want to be you fish!"

Partridge Whistle looked at the scene in front of him, and then looked at President Zhao with an unbelievable look, "Are you doing experiments on immortals?"

"I was discovered by you." Chairman Zhao did not deny what the partridge whistle said, but said in a flat tone, "If I were the queen ant, then the fish just now was my worker ant, and it was biting my bait." At that time, he has temporarily formed a loose co-life with me, he is my worker ant."

Partridge Whistle looked at Chairman Zhao, "How did you do it?"

President Zhao said, "This is complicated, but you don't need to look at me like a monster. With my ability, it is very easy to brainwash a few mortals. Loose life forms It's just a theory I'm discussing, not all of me. No matter how many fish there are, fish won't make me an immortal. Fish can only make me infinitely close to immortals, immortals and fakes. There is a natural moat between immortals, this natural moat is called fate, fate is also called cause and effect, if you can’t understand this, you can never cross this generation gap.”

Partridge Whistle thought about it for a while, and decided that it's better not to entangle him anymore, and just get straight to the point.

Partridge whistled, "After you told me about the accident in Longling last time, I went to Longling and saw the high-level life form Jiaolong you mentioned."

Chairman Zhao shook his head and said, "No, the high-level life form I'm talking about is not a dragon. In theory, a dragon can only be regarded as a relatively rare wild species. In my eyes, he is no different from a big crocodile in a zoo."

Partridge whistled, "I don't quite understand what you mean."

President Zhao said, "After that thing appeared, it disappeared again."

Partridge Whistle listened to Chairman Zhao's words, thoughtfully, "You mean Yang Guozhong, the evil spirit?"

Chairman Zhao rubbed his fishing rod, "I don't know Yang Guozhong, and I don't know Yang Guozhong. I just want to say that that high-level life body is not something in our human world. At least its life model shouldn't appear in our world. The world! It should have degenerated for some reason, and then came to our world. Later, it wanted to escape, but was discovered by some advanced life forms in our world, and then it was forcibly left in this world. "

Hearing President Zhao's words, Partridge Whistle was a little dazed. The general process of what President Zhao said was almost [-]% similar to Yang Guozhong's life. Yang Guozhong was killed by Li Chunfeng in the end, which also verified our world. The fact that Yang Guozhong was forcibly left behind by the aboriginal high-level life form.

It's just that Yang Guozhong isn't from our world?Who is he then?Hate the Kingdom of Heaven?

It is possible.

Partridge Whistle still remembers very clearly that when Yang Guozhong was dying, he shouted that the Kingdom of Hate Heaven would not let Li Chunfeng go.

So, what is the kingdom of hate?Does Huntian theory really exist?
Before the partridge whistle could speak, Chairman Zhao stood up and said, "Wash my feet."

"This—" the partridge whistled, "I don't often wash people's feet, and the method may be rather blunt."

"It's okay." President Zhao said, "Wash your feet!"

Chairman Zhao stepped on the stainless steel basin, and Partridge Whistle washed his feet.

In terms of foot washing alone, Partridge Whistle is still not as good as Hei Xiazi. Partridge Whistle muttered while washing, maybe next time I meet Brother Blind, I should learn how to massage and wash feet from Hei Blind.

Chairman Zhao sat there enjoying the foot-washing massage from his younger generation, and said, "Swineherd and I are researching in two directions. Swineherd studies the inner life, that is, how life can achieve immortality from the inside, while I study the outer world. Now, that is, the composition of life, you should be very clear about this."

Partridge Whistle nodded, "Understood, what you are studying is the structure of life."

President Zhao said, "After you left last time, I got a lot of information about that active high-level life form through divination. Although its life fluctuation suddenly disappeared later, my loose life theory still achieved a qualitative breakthrough! It can even be said to be a great leap!"

Partridge Whistle asked in surprise, "A qualitative leap?"

President Zhao said, "Wash your feet! Don't open your mouth!"

"In the past, I always thought that ants were not considered as life forms, and a nest of ants was the real loose life form. But when I noticed the information of the active advanced life form, I felt that I was too superficial. An ant is a living body, and so is a nest of ants, the essence of life lies in its composition, and how to make it is about dimension.”

"After all, life depends on dimensions to survive. The level of dimensions determines the level of life composition. To study life in many dimensions, we must first study the space in which dimensions. Talking about life without space, or talking about space without life Ridiculous, so what I'm going to talk about next is space, but what I'm really talking about is life, and there's something in common between the two."

"Let's talk about zero dimension first. Zero dimension has no size, no space, no time, no proof of existence, and can't prove any existence. It is an imagined coordinate singularity, which can also be understood as the opening of the world. This is an imaginary point. , does not exist, of course, the swineherd objected to my point of view, he always thought that zero dimension exists, and his main research field is from zero to one, while my research is from one to infinite.”

"One-dimensional, that is, a line composed of countless points, can be simply understood as cells."

"Two-dimensional, a surface composed of countless lines. The symbolic creature of two-dimensional is ant. Ants only see planes. Ants can't feel three-dimensional three-dimensional models. They don't have a sense of three-dimensionality, just like we can't understand four-dimensional."

"The three-dimensional, three-dimensional world is the world we see now. This is a highly concentrated one-dimensional world. It can even be said that there is no so-called qualitative breakthrough from one-dimensional to three-dimensional. Fighting is just a short-term qualitative change caused by the accumulation of quantity. That’s all, it’s not a real qualitative change, so humans can be said to be three-dimensional life, but in the final analysis, there is no difference from ants, we are all relatively advanced two-dimensional life, the ultimate one-dimensional life.”

"And when the four-dimensional world appears, everything will be changed. Four-dimensional and three-dimensional are completely different civilizations."

"The fourth dimension involves a very interesting variable called time. I think time is also a point, a new point that is the same as the one-dimensional world. Think about it, a person's life is just from birth to death, from one point to another. A point, and the you I see at this second is actually just an instant section of your point on this line!"

Hearing Chairman Zhao's words, Partridge Whistle suddenly felt enlightened.

Before, the master also said similar words, it seems to be a four-dimensional bug!
It is said that we are all worms, and Chairman Zhao's discussion of life now clearly means that the current self is a section of worms!
President Zhao said, "I can see from your eyes that you understand my thoughts. I am very relieved. You are a good candidate for the swineherd. Let's continue!"

"The understanding of four-dimensional life is not as simple as the one point I told you before, or a section. It is just a metaphor. To make it more complicated, it is like we destroyed a nest of ants. The ants think it is a natural disaster. And we think it is a prank, just like the death of a person, sometimes we think it is a natural disaster, but more often it is just a prank, a prank from a high-dimensional life."

"Of course, don't take all abnormal deaths as pranks, or human disasters as pranks, just like you accidentally trampled to death a nest of ants. Maybe the high-level life itself didn't kill us in the first place. They Just didn't notice us."

"Our ability to control and destroy life in the next three dimensions also means that we are also controlled by life after the fourth dimension. We are to them what ants are to us."

Partridge whistled, "What about the five-dimensional space?"

Chairman Zhao said, "Five-dimensional space and six-dimensional space, you can simply understand it as the degree of continuous control over the time line, respectively, the advanced control of the time line lists the time line as a time plane, and can change this time plane, It is an advanced time control ability, and the six-dimensional space is the ultimate time control ability!"

"In the four-dimensional space, people can see themselves from birth to death, but they can't change it. This process is what many people often call predicting the future. They can predict and see, but they can't change it. Many ascetics can do it."

"After the five-dimensional space, people can see birth and death, can enter at a certain point, and can change, but they can't violate the time paradox. The metaphysics of this process is called reversing the future."

"When the six-dimensional space is established, people can completely change the starting point and end point of the whole person, ignoring the time paradox. At this moment, you will no longer appear on the timeline, and you will transcend the timeline! This process uses metaphysical words, It’s called transcending reincarnation.”

The partridge whistled, "Seven-dimensional space, is it a new starting point? A new concept beyond time?"

Chairman Zhao looked at the Partridge Whistle with relief, "You will answer quickly, that's right, the seven-dimensional space means a new concept, this concept can be understood as all the starting points and all the ending points converge on one person, And the existence of this kind of origin and result integration, I call it, comprehend the power of cause and effect, understand the cause of where they come from, and see the final result of their final end, they have mastered cause and effect, and understand reincarnation, they can already Create your own timeline and affect the current reincarnation."

Partridge whistled, "This is a little difficult to understand."

President Zhao said, "Let's use an analogy. Let's say that you have a gun, and a level [-] civilized person also has a gun. If he wants to use the power of cause and effect to influence you, he will use the effect of cause and effect resonance. Your own timeline created by yourself affects you. He said that he lost his gun, and you have to lose his gun. If he loses his gun, you also lose his gun. This is the principle of conservation of cause and effect. The fruit of one party is born, and the cause and effect must be conserved!"

Partridge whistled, "Then what's the point of doing this? They've all lost their guns, aren't they all dead?"

"No—" President Zhao said, "The conservation of cause and effect is for two timelines, but the interesting thing is that the timeline he is in is made by himself, and your timeline is a public timeline. Or it is not all the timeline created by you, you have not transcended reincarnation, then he said in his timeline that he lost a gun, but in fact he may have lost a banana, and your timeline is not controlled by you Yes, so you're literally going to drop a gun!"

Partridge Whistle said in horror, "This is deception! Causal deception! He deceived the guy in another timeline in his timeline, saying that he lost his gun. According to conservation, your gun must be lost too, but He doesn't have it, his gun is still there, and your gun is gone, so in a fight, he will definitely win!"

"No, this is not deceit." President Zhao said, "In his timeline, he is the master, do you understand? He said bananas are guns, and bananas are guns. He said horses are deer, and deer are horses." , in his timeline, he is the origin of cause and effect, he is a seven-dimensional living body, and he has all the right to explain! So the moment he threw the gun, he felt that the banana was the gun, but the public timeline is a public reincarnation , in this cycle of karma, your common sense is kidnapped by the public, and you can’t behave like him, pointing a deer into a horse, so you will throw away the real gun. In this way, you will have no gun, and if he has a gun, he will also lose it. There is no cheating on the timeline, because he thinks it is not cheating, it is the reality of the current moment."

Partridge Whistle understood Chairman Zhao's words, the seventh-dimensional life forms no longer need common sense, because they are in their own common sense world, and their thoughts are common sense.

Partridge whistled, "I understand what you mean, what about eight-dimensional and nine-dimensional life, and even stronger tenth-level and eleven-dimensional life?"

"This—" President Zhao shook his head and said, "I haven't figured it out yet, but I can be sure that the loose life structure is just a form of a two-dimensional life form advancing towards a three-dimensional life form. Unfortunately, This is a very slow way of evolution, and now it can only be defined as an excellent structure, a truly powerful life structure, should be an independent timeline controller to dominate everything, it is an absolute three-dimensional life ant king Leading the entire ant colony to the next level, every timeline fluctuation of the advanced life will bring huge changes to the life vassals who are also bonded, this evolution method is the fastest and most secure."

Partridge Whistle listened to Chairman Zhao's words and felt the power in his body.

The last time the master broke through, all the immortals of the direct lineage, all the Dao will be strengthened in a wave!
Even if he is himself, he has almost reached level 4.8, let alone the iron face student soared to level 5.99.

Could it be that the lord now has his own lifeline, and he has completely escaped reincarnation?
President Zhao patted Partridge Whistle on the shoulder, "Don't think too much, the dimensions of life are definitely not limited to the eleven-dimensional limit of the universe. After all, the universe is limited and life is infinite. On the road of evolution, it should not be The level of life is judged by dimension, but the level of life is judged by life. How many highest-level lives have appeared in a dimension, then this dimension is how high a dimension is. Too many high-level life forms and god-level life forms have appeared in our dimension. Our dimension is actually great, but human beings are not worthy of this greatness."

Partridge Whistle wiped his hands, stood up and said, "It's clean, President, why don't we go out for a drink?"

"Don't drink anymore." President Zhao put on his shoes and stood up, "I have begun to get rid of the low-level interests of human beings. I don't like eating, drinking and smoking anymore. I am only interested in life in higher dimensions. Interested in research."

Partridge Whistle looked at President Zhao, "President, what are you trying to study the composition of advanced life? Do you want to become a high-level life yourself?"

"Hehe!" President Zhao laughed as he looked at the partridge whistle, "Stop making such jokes. Whether a person is a high-level life is actually determined from birth. In this life, he can jump up and down at most one dimension. Birth is a high-level life, just like a human being, who is stronger than an ant at birth! No matter how hard this ant works, can it beat a human? This is a kind of barrier in life! And I just want to do this one day, if I If you can understand the circle of advanced beings, go to their circle and talk about something that I think is right! Maybe they will give me a hand."

"Imagine, you are chatting with your friends every day, and suddenly one day, an ant also drinks with you and drinks with you, how do you feel? Do you think this ant is very interesting? Although he is cowardly, But he has an interesting mind, so you'll give him a break!"

"I am this ant now. I can no longer change my origin of a low-level life. I can only make my thoughts, or soul, closer to a high-level life. This is a kind of metaphysical baptism and ascension of the soul."

Partridge Whistle hugged his shoulders, "Doesn't that mean begging for mercy from a higher life? Don't you feel ashamed?"

"Shame?" President Zhao looked at the partridge whistle with compassion, "Dignity and face are the most humble things in the evolution of life, and they are the hypocritical spiritual ideas advocated by human beings, a false word that should not appear in the evolution of life at all. It’s like arrogance and ignorance. Survival is the first priority. If begging for mercy can bring you immortality, then I will study a book on how to flatter, and turn myself into an expert in flattery, kowtow, and even To be a sycophant, don’t take yourself too seriously, and don’t take others too seriously, as low-level beings, we should remain humble.”

"It's getting late, I'll go first!"

"You've had a bloodbath recently, take it easy and play, don't lose yourself, next time I chat with no one, I'll be very upset."

Chairman Zhao dragged his erbatuo away, while Partridge Whistle was turbulent inside.

Dignity and face are the most useless things, a function word, a synonym for shame in evolution.

Indeed, what President Zhao said makes sense.

Partridge Whistle remembers that the Lord said more than once that arrogance is the biggest obstacle to survival, and the two most important words for arrogance are dignity and face.

However, Partridge Whistle hesitated again. If you give up your dignity and face, is life really meaningful?
"Get out of the way!" The sweeping aunt pushed a partridge whistle.

The partridge whistle hurriedly stepped aside, and left in a daze.

At this moment, the laughter of the sweeping aunts came from behind.

"Is there anything wrong with this kid's head? I've been chatting with an old mental patient for so long!"

"He even washed the feet of the mentally ill, how filial!"

"Speaking of which, that old psychopath is really rich. He drinks curry-flavored sedatives every day. He doesn't drink sedatives without curry..."

Hearing the ridicule, Partridge Whistle turned his head suddenly, and he had an epiphany.

Dignity and face are different concepts in different people, it is a function word.

It's like washing the dean's feet by myself. Others see me ashamed, but I know it's normal.

It's like raising a cat. You think the cat is pleasing you, but the cat thinks you are pleasing it.

Dignity and face are, in the final analysis, two function words. Different subjects have different definitions. Since they cannot be defined, how can they be included in the evolutionary sequence of life of extreme pragmatism step by step?

This is imprecise!Also irresponsible.

It seems that the evolution of life does not require dignity and face, and the function words of dignity and face will only appear in circle cultures with the same background and three views.

Partridge Whistle shook his head, turned and left the Abnormal Human Research Center.

Every time I come here, Partridge Whistle feels like returning home. Maybe I can open a private room here in the future, and I will also have a little curry-flavored tranquilizer every day, and then I will praise it, it is clean and hygienic, brothers!

(End of this chapter)

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