Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 154 Needle, Feather, Nail and Thorn

Chapter 154 Needle Feather, Nail Thorn, Ten Fingers, Stormy Flying Stars, Heaven and Earth

Today is the beginning of winter, and it is also called Dongzi on the high slope of the loess.

In the old courtyard at the head of the village in Fengjia Village, the smoke from the kitchen was curling up.

A large bowl of scallion and meat dumplings, dried bean pods with sausage meat, another bowl of scrambled eggs with leeks, and half a bottle of Lao Bai Gan that was frosted last night.

Ma Boldly gritted his teeth, glanced at his brothers, and muttered, "Fifth leader, have Master Shuan's dumplings been delivered?"

A brother with a big head on the side said, "Brother, it has already been sent! I sent it early this morning."

A brother at the side said, "Brother, what kind of god did you think Li Chunlai was looking for? How could they live in the guest house and not be thrown away?"

"This." Ma Boldly pushed his chin, "Ghost knows!"

After eating the dumplings, Ma boldly rubbed a cigarette and smoked it. This is the most comfortable time for Ma boldly. At this time, Ma boldly will think of some of his past events, some unbearable past events.

Ma Daudao is not a pure local hooligan, he has become what he is now, Ma Daudao feels that his ancestors have an inescapable responsibility, if he had made clear about the cornucopia and the rich tree before his death, he would not be so unlucky.

Ma Daudao's ancestor, what did he do?
Two words, tomb robbery.

Ma Bold's ancestor was a tomb robber, and he was an extremely rare type of tomb robber, named Nan Paizi.

The school of Nan Pao Zi is not as good as Tu Fu Zi, Zong Di Xian, and Mountain Chuan Gui, let alone such a world-renowned organization as Huangzuan Tomb Raiders. Nan Pao Zi is purely a small rural school, similar to Wing Chun in boxing. The status in Li can't be said to be big, but you can't say he is small.

Nan Paozi’s style of doing things is not the same as other factions. The imperial diamond combined with the times, bold innovation, bomb electric drill, nine-door Fengshui Gemyu points gold points, these are all for the first bite, that is, for the big head .

Nan Paizi doesn't eat the first bite, they call it filter pit.

The filter pit, as the name suggests, is to filter the buckets that have been turned upside down by others, and eat some leftovers from the big brothers, as long as they can fill their stomachs.

The normal situation is that other tomb robbers opened up mountains and broke doors in front of them to feast on. Nan Paozi waited until his eldest brother tomb robber passed by, then went in and picked up some rags, got enough food and clothing, and it was over.

Therefore, Nan Paozi is not interested in first-hand tombs. They know that they have the ability to go to big tombs to seek death. Nan Paozi studies most of them are second-hand tombs. There are too many institutions, and if you have nothing to do, you can still pick up the corpses of a few first-hand tomb robbers, and get a bonus from the same industry. It can be said that Nan Paizi is following the pastoral tomb robbery school of making a fortune with a muffled voice, and a small fortune means a well-off life.

According to the tradition of Nan Paozi's school, Ma Daudao and his brothers all have their own nicknames, one knife, two sides, three flowers, four people grabbing, five leaders, six people falling, seven A coincidence, the arrival of the Eight Immortals, nine barrels to touch, and a full house!

Does it sound familiar, like a drinking order?
That's right, it's the drinking order. Nan Paozi's cultural level is really not flattering. They are not as educated as the old Jiumen, and they are not as good as the old northern school. In Nan Paozi's own words, we are a stinky tomb robber, and we are not a decent person. What's the point of doing so many bells and whistles? It's better to honestly choose a name that doesn't bother you, so you just play around with yourself. Jiuling became a quack nickname, and since then he has become half a quack, half a country bumpkin.

Ma Daudao is a knife of this generation of Nan Paozi. He is ruthless, talks a lot, and is particularly decisive when encountering things.

Just like the last time the village asked someone to fight drought, most people dared not do it, so Ma Daudao and a group of brothers dared to do it.

Satisfied with food and drink, Ma boldly said, "What is the origin of the person Li Chunlai is looking for this time? I heard that there is an elderly man who seems to be a university professor?"

Wu Kuaishou said, "What's so great about a university professor? Last year when I went out to receive goods with me, I met an old man. He was a professor of archeology. I didn't even want to talk to him. We lived in peace and harmony. After we entered the village, we found the old village. He fell in love with a peony wood Eight Immortals table, and I fell in love with a Tang Sancai bowl! He shot first, and he used a A commonly used move in traditional antique reselling is called stealing the sheep!"

"The university professor's random flower is just like you want to buy an antique plate, but that plate is a cat's food bowl, you buy the cat first, and then use the food bowl as a gift for you. Leading away, this trick does not cost a dime, and it has been tried and tested repeatedly, but it is a pity that he is not good enough. In the process of negotiating the Eight Immortals table, he missed his feet. It is obvious that he is the kind of person who teaches too much, and then he can't speak well Master, it turned out that the people in the mountains are not fools, they immediately found out that their Eight Immortals Table is a treasure, apart from anything else, the people in the mountains dare to speak up, 100 million, less a penny, let me go! The professor will be very miserable were kicked out."

The Eight Immortals on the side said, "Fifth Brother, what will happen to the Eight Immortals table at the end?"

Wu Kui proudly showed off, "I am the second one to go. He is high-spirited and unwilling to leave. He wants to see how I am making a fool of myself. I am not as stupid as him, especially the people from the mountains. You go!" The result of messing around once and revealing the truth is that if you do it in the future to collect antiques, the people in the mountains over there will be very vigilant!"

"I went to buy a load of high-quality blue and white porcelain official kiln bowls! I carried the bowls to the mountains to sell, and the price was not high. A bowl costs two yuan. The bowl is good, the porcelain is solid, and it is beautiful! You know, people from the mountains I love to take advantage. I carried the bowl to the foot of the wall of the family of Tang Sancai bowls, and that family also bought a lot. When they got new bowls, the old ones would be thrown away. I enthusiastically gave them the old ones The bowl was thrown away, and the family still praised me for coming, just like that, without any danger, I tricked the Tang Sancai bowl into my hands."

The brothers asked one by one, "Fifth brother, how much money will you make in the end!"

Wu Kui lowered his head and said nothing, Ma Daudao said in a bad manner, "You were caught for the price of a fart, and you went in and squatted for a month, and I was the one who fished you out! You still have the face to say such a shit !"

And the fifth leader sighed, "I still underestimated the shamelessness of that university professor. I thought that as a scholar, he shouldn't make things difficult for our family, but the ghost knows that old man can't afford it! That old man actually reported me , He also said that I resold cultural relics and would confiscate them! Then, then, I went in and lived for a month, his grandma’s, in my opinion, these cultural people don’t have a good thing, the more they read, the worse they are, you must Be careful of those scholars, they are old and bad..."

When all the men were muttering, Qiqiao said, "Brother, do you think it's useful for us to guard Feng's Village? If they don't come, shouldn't we be guarding?"

Ma boldly said, "No, the last place where Hanba's tomb appeared is here, unless they are really a group of archaeologists, not tomb robbers, if they are tomb robbers, they will definitely come here! We have to make a plan at that time , although they may be first-hand tomb robbers, we Nan Paizi are not easy to mess with, we can't let outsiders look down on us!"

Wu Kuaishou said, "That's right! After all, we were the first to discover this tomb. Logically speaking, we have the final right of interpretation, and we must not let outsiders overwhelm us!"

When everyone was chatting lively, there was the sound of riding a bicycle from the side, and the sound of beeping cars came, and Ma boldly said, "Come on, someone is here! Put away your stuff and clean your face, they are Qianglong, we local snakes can't be worse!"

At this moment, at the entrance of Fengjia Village, a convoy of off-road vehicles parked at the entrance of the village, mighty and imposing.

On the leading off-road vehicle, Wang Kaixuan looked up at the old man blocking the road in front of him, a little displeased, "Hey, old man, get out of the way!"

And the old man sitting on the rock was holding a stick. He stared blankly at Third Uncle's convoy, showing no intention of getting out of the way.

Wang Kaixuan got out of the car, walked to the front of the road, looked at the old man, "Master, we are going to work in the village, let's go down?"

As he spoke, Wang Kaixuan put the old man up with his hands and was about to send him away.

But, something weird happened.

Wang Kaixuan put his hand on the old man's shoulder for an instant, the strength in his body disappeared, and then the old man turned around and hit the stick directly on Fatty Wang's belly, Fatty Wang flew upside down and fell to the ground hard .

Hu Bayi, who was playing with his mobile phone in the car in front of him, was stunned for a moment, what the fuck, did the fat man's body-protecting qigong fail?

Why was he laid down by an old man?

Hu Bayi hurriedly walked down, before he could speak, another person walked in front of Hu Bayi, it was Xu Jiu!
Xu Jiu walked to the fat man's side and looked at the fat man. Wang Kaixuan just couldn't stop crying, except for the severe bruise on his stomach, there was no serious problem on his body.

Partridge Whistle walked forward, looked at the dull old man dressed in dilapidated weather and dust in front of him, clasped his fists respectfully and saluted, "The phoenix is ​​singing, at that high hill."

The old man seemed a little surprised, he glanced at the partridge whistle and said, "The phoenix tree is born, and it is facing the sun."

Partridge Whistle laughed and said, "It turns out that you are the village guard, and it was our brother who offended you."

The old man didn't make things difficult for the partridge whistle, but said, "The road in the village is difficult, don't let the car enter the village, it will damage the feng shui of the ancestral graves in the village, you just come in."

"Okay!" Partridge Whistle nodded, "I'll let them leave the car outside."

The old man nodded, and walked towards the village with a wooden stick. His fallen figure was so small that he couldn't be compared with the master who was able to hit a fat man on the ground with a stick.

Hu Bayi walked to the side of Partridge Whistle, looked at the old man in front, and said hesitantly, "Brother Jiu, what is the origin of this man?"

Partridge Whistle's eyes looked a little reminiscent, "Have you ever heard of the village guards?"

Hu Bayi shook his head, "No."

The partridge whistle looked at the back of the village guard, "The village guard is also called the town spirit man."

"There is an old saying that no fool makes a village. It is said that there will always be one or two fools in this village, who are mentally deficient, or mentally abnormal."

"Most of them are in good health, alone and without a family. They are busy in the village all year round. They don't ask for money, but they just ask for a bite to eat."

"The old people in the village will respect them very much, saying that in order to protect the peace of the land and water, they sacrificed one soul and two souls. That's why they are foolish and foolish, reincarnated as fools, and solve disasters for the villagers."

"There's even a saying that the village guards were all extremely vicious villains in their previous lives, and they were reincarnated as fools. One is to atone for their sins, and the other is to frighten the five evil spirits with a murderous aura."

Hu Bayi said, "So evil?"

The partridge whistled, "It's better to believe it than to believe it. Think about it, the Hanba and the Iron-headed Dragon King are so noisy, and the people here are not at all dangerous. Do you think it's a fluke? Immortals Fighting, there are not too few things that mortals suffer, and those that can make gods fear it can only be said that there are masters on this earth who kill gods."

After partridge whistle said this, he turned and left.

He does not mean that.

The last sentence of Partridge Whistle was just a casual remark, but it set off a storm in Hu Bayi's heart.

Immortals fight, mortals suffer!
Think about my hometown that was flooded. When my grandfather survived, the weather in that hometown was smooth, not to mention the dragons, and I didn’t even see a thunder.

But after a few years of grandpa's death, someone saw Dilong appearing in the water, and the waves directly flooded their hometown.

It can be seen from this that my grandfather was almost half a villager in the village back then.

Not long after, Partridge Whistle notified the members behind to get out of the car one after another. As for what happened to the village guards in the front car, both Partridge Whistle and Hu Bayi expressed silence. decent thing.

The third uncle is wearing a brand-new developer's antique coat today, and he looks like a nouveau riche. This does not mean that the third uncle is tacky, but that the third uncle wants to save face.

You came to the village with such a big fanfare, and you said that you are a tomb robber, which is unreasonable.

In such a place where the customs are relatively down-to-earth, if you dare to say that you are a tomb robber, the locals will let you go directly to the government.

The third uncle's excuse today is very loud - help the poor!
Uncle San is a fruit tycoon and plans to set up a dry-land jujube base here to drive the local elderly population to get rich together.

Whether it is for public or private reasons, this reason is very decent, and the jujube base is indeed not expensive, and a few million can be built. For Wu Laosan, as long as I can turn over the tomb in this place, The jujube garden will definitely be built for you. I, Wu Laosan, don't have many other things, but a lot of money.

Sure enough, as Uncle San and others marched into Fengjia Village and began to visit, the village head was soon disturbed. The village head was a grizzled old man who kept booing and warming to Uncle San. It felt like a grand event for attracting investment. .

And the third uncle took the opportunity to let his subordinates start to look for suitable places to grow dates separately. For a while, the big guys moved separately. The horse is bold.

The wooden door opened with a creak, and Lao Jiu, Hu Bayi, and the blind man walked in with smiling faces.

Dozens of men in the courtyard surrounded the three of them, and the whole scene had as much gunpowder smell as it wanted.

Hu Bayi looked at the crowd, and turned his eyes to Ma Daudao, "My friend, you are the Ma Daudao Li Chunlai was talking about! Why didn't Lei kill you!"

Ma boldly looked at Hu Bayi with displeasure, "Li Chunlai, how dare he betray me?"

"Betrayal? Does he have the guts?" Hu Bayi said, "It's just that it's really not good for an honest man like him to lie. I can tell at a glance that Li Chunlai is lying. There is no dead person, because the real dead person, he will not be so plain, his kind of coward can not sleep for a month when he sees a dead person, and he will not tell me about the dead person flatly!"

Ma boldly looked at Hu Bayi, "You have a very powerful mouth, I wonder if your skills are as powerful as your mouth, come on!"

In the big courtyard, dozens of men jumped up together, screaming with hands and feet, and smashed towards the three of them.

Partridge Whistle, Black Blind Man, Hu Bayi saw this, he was so happy, three people and all kinds of non-human fights along the way, finally came to fight with a living person, it is really a rare opportunity!

The partridge's whistle sinks into the dantian, its strength penetrates its arms and wrists, and it kicks out with one leg, unstoppable, with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers!Seven or eight men lay on the ground like an arhat.

The figure of the black blind man stabs straight at the enemy's throat, like a solitary smoke in the desert, going straight, falling down when touched, hurting when touched, and his hands are very black.

Ma boldly saw this, and immediately sensed that something was wrong, and rushed to kill Hu Bayi, who was the leader.

This horse made a bold move with a bit of martial arts foundation, standing upright with his left foot, sweeping down with the front of his fist, attacking Hu Bayi's lower third.

Hu Bayi grabbed Ma Bold's shoulders, jumped up, and directly caught Ma Bold's neck with a deadly move of scissors and threw it out!

Before Ma Bold got up, Hu Bayi stepped on his heart, and said cheerfully, "With this little ability, you still have the courage to fight with your Grandpa Hu!"

Ma boldly looked at Hu Bayi and the others unscathed, while his brother had already fallen to the ground. It seemed that the opposite side was not enjoying himself, and he was still kicking people to make up for the knife. The brothers rolled on the ground in pain.

"Stop beating!" Ma boldly said, "They are all from Jianghu, our family admits it! It's a mistake!"

Hu Bayi clapped his hands, "Blind Brother, Ninth Brother, stop kicking, we are here to discuss business, not to fight."

"Yes, for business." The black blind man boldly lifted the horse up, and grinned, "Harmony makes money! I heard that you have a tomb in your hand? Is there such a thing?"

Ma Boldly looked at Hei Xiazi's ferocious smile, he had never seen such a ruthless person in the world, Ma Boldly Ruthless and Hei Xiazi were not at the same level at all.

Ma boldly promised, "There is a tomb."

Partridge whistled, "Where is the tomb?"

Ma boldly trembled, "It's gone."

The partridge whistled with itchy teeth, and grabbed the horse boldly with one hand, "Why is it missing?"

Ma Daudao was directly lifted into the air by the partridge whistle, and he said dancing, "Did Li Chunlai tell you that on the night when the tomb was dug out, it rained heavily, and then an iron-headed dragon king flew out of the Weishui River and came to our place?" There was a battle between the land and the red light, and the next day I took my brothers to find the tomb, and the tomb was gone, and all the treasures in the tomb were gone, except for the embroidered shoe in Li Chunlai's hand!"

Hu Bayi laughed, "Ma Daudao, are you making arrangements for us to play?"

Ma boldly looked at the three of them in disbelief, and seemed to remember something.

Ma boldly shouted, "When you worship the mountain, you must worship the Blackwood Mountain. There are many tall people on the Blackwood Mountain. The needles, feathers, nails, and spines are held by ten fingers, and the sky is blown by the rainstorm and flying stars!"

Hearing these words, Hu Bayi loosened his hand from Ma Bold's neck, and his eyes were a little frozen, worshiping the mountain scriptures!

Is this person from Blackwood Mountain?
What is Blackwood Mountain?

The partridge whistle cupped its hands, "It's kind of interesting, friends from Heimu Mountain! Listening to the rainstorm pear blossom needle, you are still a rare hidden weapon mechanism Yanshidao!"

Ma boldly said in embarrassment, "The descendants of Yanshi really don't dare to be a descendant. I have forgotten all the work of my ancestors, and I have never seen a rainstorm pear flower. I will do this mountain worship formula. Please take care of me."

The words of Partridge Whistle and Ma Daudao made Hu Bayi very curious.

Hu Bayi asked curiously, "What is this?"

The partridge whistle is like a treasured saying, "Those who walk the rivers and lakes and eat by hand, as well as people in the green forests everywhere, in order to distinguish between black and white, they all use the name "mountain" respectively. Each "mountain" represents an independent industry or industry. System. All walks of life report to each other with the big incision, also known as "Shanjing". The famous mountains in the world are "36 big mountains and 72 small mountains". For example, the carpenter Yanshi belongs to "Black Wood Mountain"; It is "Moon Mountain" that makes a living by juggling ancient color tricks and juggling; it is "Honeycomb Mountain" that sells hidden weapons and gunners, and those in Taoism have always called themselves "Arctic Mountain."

Worship the mountain and go to the Arctic Mountain. The Arctic Mountain is full of purple air. There are 72 famous mountains in the world. Only this mountain is shining golden.

When visiting mountains, you must visit Kunlun Mountain. Kunlun Mountain is taller and has many gods, and Changsheng is higher than Kunlun Mountain.

At present, there are no waves in the four seas. It turned out that high mountains came across the sea, and a cloud hung in the northwest, covering the mountain and producing purple smoke.

After the Black Mountain is the White Mountain, and the Black Mountain and the White Mountain are all mountains. The east mountain kites come from the west mountain, and the golden wind is in the nine days.

Passing through the high mountains and looking up, there is a gold plate on the mountain, and the gold plate is followed by a silver plate, and the plates are all prefixed with bee.

A mirror illuminates two mountains, showing the golden wind blowing all over the face. I don’t know where I passed the bee mountain, and I know the gold and silver bee sign?

Reaching for the stars requires the help of Kui Xing, moving mountains does not move Changsheng Mountain: what is burned is the incense of dragon and phoenix, and what is drunk is sea water from all corners of the world...

Everyone's eyes widened when they heard the Partridge Whistle narrate the complete mountain worship scripture, especially Hu Bayi.

Hu Bayi asked Guo Zhanxing at that time, what is the complete scripture of worshiping mountains?
Guo Zhanxing said he didn't know, only the elders knew, how did Brother Ninth know?
Partridge Whistle just said boldly to the horse, "Brother is from Heimu Mountain, if you think about it, you know what Changsheng Mountain is for!"

Ma boldly said, "I know, you are tomb robbers, the ancestors who opened mountains and dug graves, old robbers passed down from ancestors."

These words made Partridge Whistle obsessed with embarrassment, what an old bandit is!Are you praising us or scolding us!

The partridge whistled, "In this case, then you should tell us the truth, where did the tomb go? We are all gangsters, we are all open-minded people, and we won't take it all by ourselves. Is it possible to divide it evenly at that time! "

"I think so too!" Ma boldly said, "The ones from our Blackwood Mountain are Nan Paizi, a small sect that doesn't matter much, it's not as good as your Changsheng Mountain, but the tomb really disappeared, if you don't believe it , I'll take you to see it!"

"Okay!" Hu Bayao said, "Take us there to have a look! I want to see it, so the big tomb can disappear out of thin air?"


"go together!"

The three Lao Hu and Ma Daudao went out and walked towards the place where the bone pile was hit last time.

(End of this chapter)

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