Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 149 Everyone in it is talented, and the chapters are nice

Chapter 149 Everyone in it is talented, and they speak nicely
Everyone decompresses differently.

Some people like to drink, such as Pan Zi, who is addicted to food, but he still likes to drink if he can't hold alcohol.

Some people like massage, like blind people, who don't know which foot bath city to get a massage.

And Partridge Whistle likes to go to a mental hospital, especially when Partridge Whistle knows that there is an elder in the Fishing Fans Association who studied this postpartum care of sows with the president of the Pig Raising Association, which led the elder and the president to study together. After entering the mental hospital, Partridge Whistle felt that maybe he should talk to this elder about the pseudo-scientific and metaphysical proposition of longevity. ecosystem.

Follower Liang Xiaofei really wanted to come along, after all, this Ninth Brother is the future president of the Fishing Enthusiasts Association in the future.

Partridge Whistle just kept on doing nothing and asked Liang Xiaofei to take Xu Ling to the zoo to watch the big crocodile baring its teeth.

Liang Xiaofei took Xu Ling to the zoo to watch the animals bark their teeth happily, based on the principle that it is reasonable not to please Brother Nine, but sister Nine.

The psychiatric hospital that Partridge Whistle is going to go to today has a lot of background. It is a large multinational chain of psychiatric general hospitals. This hospital has a long history and a strong background. It has hospitals in major cities and recruits volunteers all year round. The partridge whistle got in without any effort.

"Hi, I'm a volunteer here to help! My name is Xu Jiu, and I made an appointment yesterday."

"Oh! I remember you. There are too few young people like you who are so enthusiastic and don't need money to help. Why don't you help and go to the back kitchen to cook!"

"Doctor, that's right. I'm majoring in psychology. I want to try treatment with mental patients."

"Is that so? It's okay, then you can choose a patient to do the subject yourself, I don't have time to accompany you in this kind of boring amateur treatment."

Obviously, the hospital is tired of this kind of psychology students doing internships in the name of volunteers. They can hardly do any heavy work, and they will bring some troubles to the hospital.

Partridge Whistle was not angry. According to the information of his branch, Partridge Whistle came to the No. [-] courtyard. Partridge Whistle looked at the familiar patients in hospital gowns, and felt a sense of peace of mind for a while.

Partridge Whistle quickly found the patient.

His surname is Zhao and his name is Pingchuan. He is one of the first batch of senior members of the Fishing Fans Association. He followed the first-generation president and was a strong contender for the second-generation president. Instead of suppressing him, he promoted him, made him the vice president, and even shared his experience in raising pigs with him. Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long, and Zhao Pingchuan was sent to a mental hospital together with the second generation president of the swineherd.

It's fine to go to a mental hospital, these two are still playing hard in the mental hospital, considering that these two belong to the fishing enthusiasts association, they both know everything except fishing Out of body, if there is no accident, the two people will definitely have an accident, so the Fishing Lovers Association separated the two, sent one to the nursing home in Ge City, and sent the other to the Abnormal Human Research Center.

Partridge Whistle approached. On a sunny day, Vice President Zhao Pingchuan held an umbrella and squatted on the edge of the flower bed to look at the ground.

Partridge Whistle looked around, picked up the same umbrella, and then squatted opposite him, imitating his appearance.

The vice president looked at the partridge whistle, and asked in a vigilant tone, "Are you a mushroom too?"

Partridge Whistle looked at the patient and said seriously, "No, I'm a mushroom."

The vice president hissed, "Then you are very lucky, you can live another night, and I will die soon, because the queen likes to eat mushrooms, and the queen doesn't like to eat shiitake mushrooms."

Partridge Whistle looked at the patient, "Is the queen looking at us? Where is she?"

Chairman Zhao ignored the partridge whistle, but looked at the ants on the ground and kept saying, "Queen, is a high-level life."

Partridge Whistle asked curiously, "Advanced beings, are they more advanced than humans?"

"No, you have fallen into a misunderstanding." President Zhao looked at the partridge whistle with a pitiful look, "You have fallen into the trap of thinking. Humans are not actually life and advanced life, just like many stupid human astronomers. They have sent a lot of signals towards the universe, they are eager to find advanced life forms, but their stupid idiots don't know that the way they search is actually doomed for them to be unable to find new advanced life forms, they are just looking for and Carbon-based organisms that are similar to humans, even if they can find them, they are similar to humans, or worse than humans! Because real advanced life does not live the same way as humans."

"Truly advanced beings, they don't need to breathe, they don't need words, they don't even need civilization!"

"The essential meaning of advanced life is that they can exist, and the conditions for this existence to the outside world are very simple. They may not need air, food, or even some air to survive!"

Partridge Whistle looked at Zhao Pingchuan, and he suddenly felt that what the old man said was very reasonable. The real high-level life may not need such low-level things as air and food at all, just like the Lord, the Lord has no food and air at all now. There is no demand, and even the deer grass Tianshan snow lotus, which is regarded as a treasure by human beings, is the same as the weeds on the ground in his eyes, and it is more of an incentive mechanism for low-level life.

Partridge Whistle tried to say, "The real high-level beings, in their eyes, have no other needs except survival. They have no desires, no joys and sorrows, no emotions, no joys, sorrows, and joys. Their enemies are theirs. The same kind, in order to survive, they can kill all the same kind, and devour the same kind, and then continue to become stronger."

Chairman Zhao smiled, it seemed that he saw the recognition of himself from the eyes of outsiders for the first time, Chairman Zhao nodded in relief, "A lot of what you said is correct, but you have overlooked one thing, this kind of The survival of advanced life is difficult to realize the independent existence of an individual, and their way of life is different from ours."

Partridge whistled, "For example?"

President Zhao pointed to the ants on the ground, "Look at these ants."

The partridge whistled, "Ant, isn't it an insect? Isn't it a very ordinary life?"

"No, you're thinking wrong." President Zhao pointed to the ants on the ground, "Look, each of these ants is very simple, they are born with the attribute of life, the queen is responsible for breeding, and the soldiers Ants are responsible for fighting, and worker ants are responsible for work. If you simply take out one individual, they are very ordinary low-level life forms, but if you look at them as a whole, you will find that this is a high-level life form. Ants The last is the brain, and the rest are its components. Do you know how terrifying such a high-level life is? Even if a large part of their torso has suffered a devastating blow, it will not affect the extinction of this high-level life. As long as there is Enough voluntary, as long as the ants continue to defeat their opponents, this advanced life will continue to expand, and this life mode I call the loose life mode."

Partridge whistled, "That is to say, companies, groups, all have this kind of life pattern?"

"Fart!" President Zhao was furious: "Your comprehension is too bad! What I said is that the loose model is the form of life, not the form of organization. Is the so-called company of human beings life? A group of people can't even share their own hearts. Can a person who cannot share the thoughts in his heart be a living body? The so-called loose life pattern means that at least one of them can ensure the transparency of all thoughts and all cognitions. This is the basic concept of life! Among human beings , four people in a female dormitory can have eight circles of friends, do you think this is a concept?"

Only with absolute sharing of thinking and sharing of memory can it be called a unified living body.

President Zhao's words hit Partridge Whistle's heart deeply once again, how similar the way of life of ants is to the way of life of the Lord!

The master can know everyone's thoughts, and everyone can't hide it in front of the master. This constitutes an absolutely unified giant life body. The master then builds an ant nest—Bai Yujing, distributes the elite core layer, and then passes through the layers The outsourced Yujing fairy thief, isn't this a new way of life?
Partridge Whistle looked at Chairman Zhao, "However, loose life like ants can be easily defeated. As long as we are careful, his so-called high-level super-organism high-level life will also be destroyed by low-level human individuals."

President Zhao looked at the partridge whistle, "That's because they don't know how to hide themselves."

As soon as this remark came out, the partridge whistle took a few steps back.


Finally, President Zhao mentioned the core that is almost exactly the same as the master, hide!
Hide yourself and do a good job of cleaning up.

Chairman Zhao looked at the partridge whistle, "If they know how to hide themselves, they will be like the legendary desert army ants, with hundreds of billions of them. When they dominate the world, can individual human beings still defeat them? Loose superorganisms Why is life a high-level life, because they have almost no upper limit! Human beings have too many upper limits, and the harsh living conditions limit our height, and the simpler the high-level life, the more they have no upper limit, that is, the eternal The truth is that simplicity means firmness. The form of life lies in the composition of life, not the composition of life. Is human individual composition more competitive if there is an infinite composition of life in complexity? No matter how strong you are, the cells will die 200 billion, and the opposite side can reproduce infinitely, this is not an order of magnitude, kid."

Partridge Whistle looked into Chairman Zhao's eyes, and Partridge Whistle wondered if he was really mentally ill.

But Chairman Zhao looked down at the ants, "Speaking of hiding, there are actually many types of hiding, and hiding like ants is actually very low-level."

The partridge whistled, "Is this still low-level? Discovery is destruction! When an ant nest discovers another ant nest, it directly destroys the other ant nest!"

President Zhao laughed and said, "Ants have discovered humans, but have ants wiped out humans? Obviously not. At most, ants only destroy their existences that are also ants."

The partridge whistle shut up, as if, what he said made sense, is the Lord hiding himself?Yes, but has the Lord really eliminated all threats?No, he just wiped out the same kind. At least the Lord is like an ant in the soil now, looking at the huge human society, trembling.

Partridge Whistle said humbly, "Then what kind of hiding is the best way to hide?"

President Zhao said, "The best way to hide your beliefs is to faithfully map your beliefs to other living beings and let them accept your beliefs."

Partridge Whistle looked at Chairman Zhao, "I don't quite understand what you said."

President Zhao said, "Have you ever heard of religion?"

Partridge Whistle hesitated, "Religion?"

President Zhao said, "I don't want to prove that religion is correct and gods are real. I just want to say that religion is a very successful example of concealment. Look at those religious liars. They say that they are gods. The stupid concepts that really exist are all medieval things, but they dared to show them and show them to real scientists. As a result, those scientists didn't think it was fake, and they all believed it. Maybe they They don't believe it in their hearts, but at least they really believe it on the surface. In this way, religion hides their true secrets. This is the most brilliant way of hiding. Everyone knows that you are fake, but only you I know you are real, do you understand?"

Partridge Whistle looked at President Zhao's face, thinking about the master Xu Ming's strategy.

Maybe the Lord's current law of the dark jungle is right, because his ant nest is still small.

But what about over time?When the ant nest is big enough, there will be powerful human beings intervening, maybe there will be some other huge force in the world to chop up the master.

At this time, Chairman Zhao stood up and closed the umbrella, "Don't expect advanced life forms, because this is not something that can be pursued by luxury, just like flowers will bloom, water will flow, and stones will crack. It’s not that they really obtained the advanced life mode. If one day the advanced life mode appears on my body, I will not be grateful or sad, because the fate is up, this is the ultimate metaphysics Questions, qi and fate, this involves causality, which is too troublesome. We humans have been studying causality since the moment we were born. It is said that gossip is the closest, but gossip is not complete, and gossip may only be in line with the ancients. , is not suitable for modern people, this is a difficult metaphysical question to study."

Partridge whistled, "Is there a big difference between metaphysics and science?"

Chairman Zhao laughed, "Science is a part of metaphysics, and it's only a small part. Let's make a metaphor. Science is a hair of yours, which is something that ordinary humans can understand, and more of you My hair is metaphysics, these hairs are not understandable by ordinary people, just like cause and effect and fate are not understandable by ordinary people, so metaphysics never needs too many bases and the number of ordinary believers! They only need a very small number Genius, only true geniuses can promote the development of metaphysics, and even those one or two geniuses can directly push metaphysics to a new peak!"

Partridge Whistle nodded and said, "I probably understand what you mean."

President Zhao shrugged, "No, you didn't understand, you didn't understand the true concept of metaphysics and science at all, human beings always think that science can explain everything, and they want to use scientific hair to explain other metaphysical hair, this is It’s like taking an octopus to explain an elephant. It’s too nonsense. A new discipline needs a new starting point. Humans still want to use Newton’s three theorems of mechanics to study Zhuge Liang’s fortune-telling by calling bones, Liu Bowen’s sesame seed song, Yuan Tiangang The push back map, God, this is not a concept at all!"

Partridge Whistle tried to ask, "Is the Shaobing Song and Tui Bei Tu the same thing?"

President Zhao said, "No, although they are indeed similar, they are just two relatively similar hairs. The picture of pushing the back is prophecy and divination, and the song of biscuits is the reincarnation of cause and effect. If there is anything similar between the two of them, it is Their way of deduction, they all got it through gossip and observing the cause and effect of human relationships."

"This kind of observation is very subtle. By discovering these subtle changes, Yuan Tiangang and Liu Bowen mastered the equivalent of the change, gained insight into the law of cause and effect, and created the profound meaning of hair in line with their era. Their profound meaning It is obviously outdated to get our generation. Although most of them are still right, more of them are not right. It is meaningless to study their content. The most important thing is to study how they understand the subtle changes and reach the profound meaning. !"

Partridge Whistle nodded and said, "So, I should go to Chaoge Shaobingge and Tuibeitu to have a look!"

"Idiot!" President Zhao suddenly started cursing, "I told you so clearly, why can't you remember it! I have a headache seeing you now!"

"I repeat for the last time, it's the method and the process! What you're looking for isn't the achievements of Yuan Tiangang and Liu Bowen, those things don't match us now!"

"What you're looking for is their biography, the key and process of their achievement, or even dig up their tombs! Knowing what they did before they were alive, you can guess the ultimate mystery of their era!"


"What you have to do is to rob the grave!"

"Turn down the tombs of all the predecessors you think should be stolen!"

"Tomb robbery is the ultimate of human beings, and the ultimate mystery of human beings' ascension!"

"If I had a choice, I would definitely dig the tombs of Yuan Tiangang and Liu Bowen in my next life! No matter how bad it is, the tomb of Liu Bowen's younger brother Wang Zanghai is also okay!"

Partridge Whistle looked at President Zhao, and his heart was extremely complicated. The ultimate goal of life is to rob the tomb!

In this way, the Lord is so wise!
When I was still looking for the result of the Longevity Profound Truth, the Lord already knew that it was most important to find a way to comprehend the Longevity Profound Truth, because the result of other people's Longevity Profound Truth was not suitable for my own Longevity!
Therefore, the Lord has always insisted on robbing the tomb!I have been dragging the immortals out one by one to ask them about the process of longevity, constantly summing up their ways of comprehending longevity and lessons learned, and starting their own enlightenment of longevity!

My lord, what a genius!

Partridge Whistle wanted to say something, but President Zhao didn't bother to chat with Partridge Whistle this time, his eyes were full of tiredness and disappointment.

Maybe Chairman Zhao thought that this kid was a good young man who could understand his own knowledge, but later found that this kid was an idiot, it was really a waste of time.

President Zhao pointed to the north exit, "Okay, I'm leaving first, you should go to eat quickly, by the way, the cook at No. I can eat more braised pork."

The partridge whistled, "Aren't you going to eat?"

President Zhao said, "I'm full from chatting with you, and I'm very full now. I want to go out for a walk."

President Zhao got up and left. It was only at this moment that his coughing back reminded Partridge Whistle that he was a mental patient. He had a completely different style from President Swineherd. Elegant, at least he behaved elegantly.

Partridge Whistle looked at Chairman Zhao's back, raised the corners of his mouth, and said, "Old Zhao, are you still in the Air Force today?"

As soon as this remark came out, Lao Zhao, who was walking halfway, was startled slightly. In the next moment, he ran back furiously, pointed at the partridge whistle's face and said angrily, "You are the air force, and your whole family is air force! My old man Zhao’s fishing level is the best in the world, when did he fly in the air force? How dare you compare with me? No pumping, no frying! Let’s compete fairly.”

Partridge laughed happily. Before, Liang Xiaofei said to himself that everyone in the Anglers Association regards a question as a deadly enemy, that is, are you in the air force today?

This association belongs to an association that knows everything except fishing, so as long as you specifically find fishing that they don't know how to disgust them, they will quickly break through their defenses.

Partridge Whistle wanted to break old Zhao's defenses, and then set out the background of the Fishing Fans Association.

The partridge whistled, "Who do you usually fish with? Where do the people from the Fishing Federation come from? What background do they have? Can I join?"

Old Zhao glanced at the partridge whistle, "A group of fishermen, why are you asking so clearly? Let me tell you, there are three rules in the Angler Association. Don't ask about your background unless the other party voluntarily reveals their identity! Second, don’t ask the reason, you just like fishing! The third and most important thing is absolute obedience, the president dominates the plenum, and other members follow an extremely strict membership system. , Level [-] bullies Level [-], that’s the truth! As for you want to join? Hehe, we don’t accept trash, the Fishing Lovers Union has a strict quota limit, if you kill one of us, you can become a member of us! What do you think you Can you kill me? If you can’t, there is a way. Find an elder above the seventh level to be a teacher, and you can also become a fisherman through connections. I see how qualified you are, are you interested in worshiping under me?"

Partridge Whistle just took out the secrets of raising pigs, "No need, I have already paid my respects to the pier."

Chairman Zhao glanced at the postpartum care of the sows and was ecstatic, "Is the pigger dead? Haha, I won!"

"He's not dead yet!" Partridge whistled, "So you didn't win."

President Zhao stomped his feet angrily, his eyes were fierce, "Old man Ge, I don't believe he lived longer than me! His theory of bacterial life cannot compare with my theory of loose life, he must not be my opponent!"

Partridge Whistle looked at President Zhao's firm appearance, and said hesitantly, "Then, have you ever thought that someone can combine the bacterial life theory with the loose life theory?"

Chairman Zhao rubbed his hair, stared at the partridge whistle, took a few steps back, his face was full of grotesques, "Impossible! How could such an existence exist? If there is really a combination of advanced life structure model and advanced life composition model , then he will become a super life form that surpasses advanced life forms, and it is even said that he is not a life form at all, it is a god!"

Partridge Whistle doesn't know what a god is, but Partridge Whistle can be sure that Xu Ming is the guy who fused the two theories of life. He used the composition of bacterial life and the structure of loose life, and he is still constantly stealing the life of immortals. Longevity experience self-perception of his own longevity, and fortunately, he is also a member of his loose life structure.

(End of this chapter)

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