Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 143 Yu Xiaoyue, Come Here 1 Tour

Chapter 143 Yu Xiaoyue, Come Here for a Visit


Ying Rainbow's cough became more and more resounding, reverberating on the empty plank road around the mountain, and her cough grabbed everyone's heart.

"My lord, you, are you alright!"

"My lord! Rest for a while?"

The words of Yoko Abe and Mark did not slow down Ying Caihong, but speeded up her pace. She closed her eyes and said, "Speed ​​up, I can already feel it. ..."

Ying Rainbow's cough and words fell into the eyes of the tomb robbers on one side. The tomb robbers just watched coldly, without any fluctuations in their hearts towards the old woman.

Just like what Partridge Whistle said, the talent of yin and yang eyes requires special spells to maximize its power.

Ying Caihong's greatest power has already manifested in the Zodiac Hall. She is just exhausted now, and with her little manpower, she can't cause any disturbance in the entire team. Her life and death have nothing to do with everyone. Everyone didn't take her seriously and took her to heart.

Hu Bayi walked in the front, and after walking through a roundabout mysterious stone corridor, a bright light suddenly opened up in front of everyone.

A faint gray-white world appeared in front of everyone.

"Miasma? I'm afraid it's poisonous!"

"Put on a gas mask!"

"Put on your gas masks!"

Everyone took out their gas masks and put them on. They walked forward cautiously. At the end of the stone platform, there was only one thing that came into view.

At a glance, there are hundreds of dense bridges!

Hu Bayi looked at the stone platform in front of him, which was the size of a basketball court. At the end of the stone platform were two giant stone statues of bridge piers, and at the mouth of the stone beast, a bridge led straight to the end, and the bridge piers at the end forked into Three, three branched into four, four branched into five, five branched into six, six branched into seven...

At a glance, Hu Bayi's scalp is numb, probably hundreds of bridges!

"Look under the bridge!" The black blind man took a flashlight and looked towards the ground. At a glance, the bluish-gray fog was covered with bloody water like flaming magma. The whole scene was like a hellish sea of ​​blood. The fog and blood flowers are mixed together, giving people an extreme visual impact and psychological nausea and vomiting.

The blind man rubbed his heart, "Damn it, it's disgusting! What's under here! Why does it feel like a sea of ​​blood!"

Wu Tianzhen commented in a serious manner, "This should not be a sea of ​​blood, it should be a pool of violently corrosive chemical solvents formed by some kind of viscous underground mine. Look, these stone pillars of the bridge, are there layers of blood around the stone pillars? The wavy ripples, the stone pillars are like some kind of reaction catalyst rods. After the reaction solvent is poked into it, these viscous red liquids are continuously produced, accumulating over time, year after year, and more than 1000 years have passed in the blink of an eye. A layer of blood dissolves into the sea, just like the sea of ​​mercury."

Pan Zi said, "What will happen if it falls?"

Wu Tianzhen hugged his shoulders and thought for a while, "The result is the same as falling into the magma pool. Maybe no bones will be left behind. Of course, this process will definitely take longer than magma gasification, which means you will die in these strong acids. In the corrosive skiing solution, slowly melting from feet, hands, skin to internal organs..."

"Enough!" The black blind man covered Wu Tianzhen's mouth, "Little San Ye, can you stop being so perverted, you look like a pervert when you say these words, it's time for you to be like this, are you still my naive and innocent My little third master!"

Da Jinya glanced at the vast melting pool below, "Master Hu, I'm just curious, how do you think the ancients knew chemistry!"

Hu Bayao said, "Many Feng Shui masters are masters of chemistry, just like many carpenters are masters of physics, and many doctors are masters of poisons. Yang Zun can reach the level of Duke Yang, and it is nothing to make such a small thing."

The layman watches the fun, and the layman watches the doorway.

The people around looked at the sea of ​​blood below and murmured constantly, while Hu Bayi, Wu Laosan and the third partridge whistle of the insiders stared at the white bridges arranged in front of them. There was a pavilion in the middle of the starry bridge piers. Such as San Gai.

Hu Bayi said, "Crossing the Ghost Corridor, Stepping on the Moon Hall, Yuehu Pass, Phoenix Bridge!"

Wu Sansheng put his hands behind his back and spoke slowly, "The sea of ​​blood is like a sea of ​​fire. A high bridge is built on top of the sea of ​​fire. The bridge is like a hibiscus tree, lush and green. The hibiscus tree supports the phoenix. Hundreds of bridges are like mulberry branches. The flames below It is Sanghai, and in the pavilion on the top of Sanghai, there is a phoenix inhabited—the Phoenix Bridge is well-deserved! I, Wu Sansheng, have been able to see such a magnificent Fengshui layout in my life, and I am lucky in my life."

Partridge Whistle compared the height and distance, "At this angle, no matter how we do javelin shooting and zipline guidance, it is impossible to succeed. We must pass the bridge to get there, but there are so many bridges, how can we go?"

Wang Kaixuan was thoughtful, "Look, does the arrangement of the damaged planks on the bridge deck look like divination?"

Wu Laosan's eyes lit up, and he took a high look at Wang Kaixuan, "Sure, Fatty, you actually figured out something, it's really like divination!"

The fat man chuckled, "No matter how you say it, I'm still the captain of Mojin. Youdao means indecision is gossip! After I compared it like this, I really found out that it's divination! Hu, give them one!"

Hu Bayi glanced at the proud Wang Kaixuan, "I have already seen that it is divination, but the problem is, this thing is not easy to handle!"

Wang Kaixuan said, "You, you take out that compass, just read those few lines of searching for dragons and sharing money, and we will go there?"

Hu Bayi couldn't help but said, "What's the matter with you! Your few words of "Xunlongfenjin" are sesame opening the door. Wherever you go, if you say "Xunlongfenfenjin", the way out will appear by yourself?"

Wang Kaixuan scratched his head and said, "Isn't it?"

"It's your uncle!" Hu Bayi looked at the bridge in front of him, and introduced one by one, "From this bridge, from where we stand and extending outward, one life two, two life three, three life four, four The five births...a set is Taoist, one yuan, two instruments, three talents, four images, five elements, Liuhe, seven stars, eight trigrams, and nine palaces! Moreover, the hexagram palaces represented by each bridge pier are connected in series, and the two pier It can form a small formation of Liangyi formation, three bridge piers form a Sancai formation, five bridge piers a small five-element formation, and five large-scale small formations can form an anti-five-element formation, that is, a big five-element formation, not to mention It is said that there are eight trigrams formations and anti-eight trigrams formations in the back, interlocking formations, and infinite formations! Even if the super brain is used in this formation, it will take a long time, I, my human brain can't count!"

At this moment, the sound of coughing resounded from behind, and Ying Rainbow coughed and walked up to the people, "If you don't know which way to go, I'll go first!"

All the tomb robbers saw what Yinghong said, but they all looked at Hu Bayi.

Hu Bayi looked at Ying Caihong, "Chairman, this doesn't mean that you can solve the problem impulsively, as long as you make one mistake, we won't be able to get out of the Phoenix Bridge!"

"My lord, I am willing to go first!"

A foreigner rushed up the bridge without waiting for Hu Bayi to speak. He stepped on the dilapidated bridge planks and quickly reached one-third of the bridge, but when he was about to reach halfway, boom With a bang, I saw a blue flame rising into the sky under his feet. After a miserable howl, ripples spread out in the sea of ​​hellfire like a sea of ​​mercury below. The Dafenghuang Bridge Pass sets off like a forest of hell.

"Tsk tsk." The blind man said, "If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will be at a disadvantage! You have told me not to let you go, and you have to die! This time, you really are dead!"

Wu Tianzhen said, "I've said it all, the death time will be longer and it will be very painful, let's see, isn't it?"

In response to Rainbow's voice, he was angry, "Now, we must move forward! Touch Captain Jin!"

Hu Bayi said, "Must? That's death!"

Ying Caihong said, "Staying here is death! My time is running out."

Hu Bayi sneered, "That's your time, what does your time have to do with me?"

Ying Caihong raised his hand, only to see that Mark beside him had thrown away his coat, and he was strapped with bombs all over his body.

"What! Do you want to die?"

"Take him down!"

At the critical moment, Mark raised his watch, and everyone dared not move it.

Mark pointed at the watch and sneered, "This is a life-sensing watch. As long as my heart stops beating, it will immediately trigger the bomb on my body. I can tell you bluntly that the bomb on my body is enough to explode. Destroy everything here, the power can blow the ground into a huge crater hundreds of meters! You can try it! Kill me, and then die together!"

The atmosphere became tense, Ying Caihong was no longer alive, but now she wanted to drag everyone to die together.

At the critical moment, Lao Yangpi, who had been silent all this time, said, "How about I come."

Lao Yangpi walked out, which made everyone hesitate. How can this low-key old man who came with Hu Bayi solve this situation?

And Hu Bayi also approached Lao Yangpidao, and said in a low voice, "Old man, what are you doing? The scalps of the densely packed people in front of this place are numb, it was not done by humans at all!"

Lao Yangpi tilted his head and glanced at Hu Bayi, with a contemptuous smile on his wrinkled cheeks, "Have you ever heard that there is divination first, and then gossip?"

If Hu Bayi has realized something, "There is divination first, followed by gossip. People in the past used tortoise shells for divination first, and then used tortoise shells to deduce the lines of the eight trigrams in Hetu and Luoshu. I understand. You mean, this level, It is impossible to get through the Feng Shui formation, but only by using the way of divination?"

"Children can be taught." Lao Yangpi looked at Hu Bayi gratifiedly, "You are really smart, exactly the same as when I was young! Fengshui in this world can be attributed to gossip, and gossip is attributed to divination, so the real masters all It starts with Fengshui first, then learns gossip, and finally learns divination. Divination is the most difficult and the most test of talent. Even though I have studied Fengshui for so many years, I only have a little understanding of the way of divination."

Lao Yangpi took out a package from under his sheepskin jacket. When the package was opened, there was a piece of tortoise shell inside, a piece of scarlet tortoise shell!
On the side of the tortoise shell, there is also a Huozhezi and a golden Ruyi.

Lao Yangpi held the tortoise shell and aimed it at the Phoenix Bridge in front of him. The fire folds were gently burned under the tortoise shell. The lines on the tortoise shell showed a reddish light effect visible to the naked eye, as if the laser was electrified. The lines of divination line spread out, and after a crisp sound, a very fine crack opened on the left side of the tortoise's carapace.

The old sheepskin tapped Jin Ruyi lightly on the crack, and there was a crisp sound, and then the tortoise shell pattern cracked, this time split into two, and the left side of the two tortoise shell lines had light, while the right side had no light!
Lao Yangpi raised his head and said, "Let's go, pass the first pier and go left!"

While speaking, Lao Yangpi walked up.

Hu Bayi looked at the old sheepskin tortoise shell, his eyes sparkled, and he couldn't help praising, "Old man, where did you get this baby! Fuck, it's amazing! This tortoise shell is just like radar. Which way can you get it?" Let's go, which road can't be taken, you can tell it at a glance, it's much easier to use than my Xunlongfenjin horoscope."

Facing the praise from the younger generation, Lao Yangpi seemed somewhat relieved, "Do you want this tortoise shell?"

Hu Bayi made no secret of it, "Think."

Lao Yangpi said, "I can give it to you, as long as you call me Daddy."

Hu Bayi was a little unhappy, "I didn't say, I told you whether you can change your habit of recognizing your son everywhere, we don't have the same surname, why should I call you daddy!"

Passed the first pier, then passed the second pier, and then the third pier!

When he reached the seventh pier, Lao Yangpi stood there with his shoulders hunched, motionless.

"Old man, what's the matter with you?"

Hu Bayi glanced at Lao Yangpi who was leading the way. The next moment, Hu Bayi took a step back and stepped on the foot of Wang Kaixuan who was following behind.

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help saying, "Old Hu, what are you doing, why are you going back? Take your feet away!"

Hu Ba took it back again, Hu Bayi looked at Lao Yangpi in front of him. At this moment, Lao Yangpi's arm, which was supposed to be shiny, looked skinny at this moment. He was trembling all over his body. His face, the folds on his face are exaggerated to the extreme, like the skin of a Shar Pei dog, pulling it out crazily, moving his head, it will sway constantly, his face shape is more and more like a yellow dog. Skin, and when he opened his mouth, teeth that were shattered like a fox leaked out...

Hu Bayi resisted Lao Yangpi who looked like a monster, and murmured, "You, what happened to you!"

Lao Yangpi opened his mouth, pointed at himself, Hu Bayi raised his hand to carry Lao Yangpi on his back, Lao Yangpi said weakly, "Go left, boy!"

Hu Bayi walked towards the eighth pier on the left with Lao Yangpi on his back.

Hu Bayi walked on the Fengshui bridge with divination lines, and kept asking, "Are you hiding a lot of things from me, old man? At the beginning, was that old yellow-skinned man absorbed by you?"

Lao Yangpi lay on Hu Bayi's back, his voice was as difficult as that of Huang Pizi, "You can see it, the old man will not hide it from you."

"At the beginning, when I, you, Lao Wang, Ding Sitian, and we entered the devil's base together, after the coffin of death was opened, the old yellow man was resurrected! At that time, the Bana flower bloomed with light, and under the Bana flower, all living beings died, old man Huang Pizi threatened us, or die together, or achieve symbiosis with it and escape?"

"I have no choice, I choose to live with it."

"It's the old Yellow Immortal of Yuanjiao, the kind of high-level Yellow Immortal who has already cultivated inner alchemy, it's Huang Daxian. Compared with it, the one you killed can only be regarded as a little Yellow Immortal."

"It told me that after I die, I will use Yuanjiao's technique of transforming a dragon into a long life, that is, I will be buried face down for seven days after death."

"I know what it thinks, but I am not willing to be used by it and become a thoughtless puppet, so I didn't follow what it said. I let my herdsman's son throw me into the Hundred Eyes Cave. Since then, I have used the light of the Bianhua copper emblem in the Baiyan Cave to suppress Huang Pizi's backlash, and by the way, I have given it back!"

"I got all the Taoism of Huang Pizi, I also got its inner alchemy, and I even got a bronze emblem of the other shore flower!"

"I'm the biggest beneficiary of Baiyan Cave—cough!"

Hu Bayi tilted his head and looked at Lao Yangpi, who had almost turned into a yellow-skinned face on his shoulders, "I can't tell whether you are a yellow-skinned man or an old sheepskin, but can you tell me, since you know everything, why do you Come here again!"

Old Yangpi stooped, "Because, I want real longevity. There are Bianhua flowers here, and I want to get them! Old Huangpizi's lifespan is not much, at most five years, and I will return to the West. When you come back this time, let me go to the west." I came up with the idea to come down and take a look.”

Hu Bayao said, "You are so confused! How can there be such a thing as longevity in this world!"

"Yes." Lao Yangpi's eyes were firm, "I saw a real immortal, and more than one."

Hu Bayai said, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Lao Yangpi whispered in Hu Bayi's ear, "Let me tell you, the real meaning of the bronze flower emblem of the other shore is that there are three flower emblems in total. The first represents the past, the second represents the present, and the third represents the future. The past is the past, which is the flower emblem that Wu Sansheng saw, and now it is power, the real magic weapon representing Princess Aogu, which is the shaman artifact in my hand, the South Sea Turtle Shell, and the third future represents new life, is Resurrection, the next pier is the end of the Phoenix Bridge, the Phoenix Nirvana Pavilion! When the time comes, put me down!"

The tomb robbers arrived in the middle of the Phoenix Bridge, in the middle of the Phoenix Pavilion like a canopy, and there was a stone platform in the Phoenix Pavilion, and a vertical coffin was placed on the stone platform!
The tomb thief looked at the vertical coffin in the middle of the Phoenix Pavilion, and in the middle of the coffin was a shining Bianhua bronze flower emblem!
"It's here!"

Ying Caihong rushed forward to grab the bronze flower emblem!
"Don't move!"

The black blind man next to him kicked over and kicked Ying Rainbow to the ground, "What the hell, don't move around, are you trying to kill us?"

At this moment, Hu Bayi put the old sheepskin in front of the coffin, Hu Bayi looked down at the terrifying appearance of the old sheepskin, "You, do you still have the strength?"

Lao Yangpi looked at Hu Bayi, but his eyes showed a bit of compassion, "I have seen the result of this divination. On this road, someone must stay behind to start a new longevity, just like the price of a new life. It's the death of a person..."

Hu Bayi looked at Lao Yangpi, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

At this time, Wu Sansheng accepted Lao Yangpi's words, "What he said is the truth."

Everyone looked at Wu Laosan, who stood in front of the vertical coffin, his eyes shining, "Everyone, actually, there is something I haven't finished telling you, and that is the second bronze flower emblem seen in the middle." Complete content!"

"Actually, it's not that Princess Aogu and Yang Zun are missing, but there is a grievance behind them."

"Aogu's mood has been broken, and he has never made any progress since then. A Baoji decided to send a surprise attack south for his daughter! Taking advantage of the chaos in the Central Plains, he took down Yang Zun and a large area of ​​grain-producing counties and cities in one go."

"However, what Aogu didn't know was that when she fell for a love trick, Yang Zun was not immune either."

"Yang Zun was also recruited. Yang Zun returned to Yang's house. He saw Yang Gong who was hiding from the world by feigning death. He told Yang Gong that he could not forget the ancient goddess. Yang Gong was very sad. Yang Zun didn't understand why grandpa did this."

"And Yang Gong told him the ultimate secret, he just wanted to open Yang Zun's eyes."

"This eye is called the eye of Fengshui. As the saying goes, it is the eye of wisdom. It is said that this eye has eight trigrams in the left eye and nine palaces in the right eye. When the two eyes merge, the dragon veins in Fengshui suddenly appear in front! It is the supreme mind eye opened by the world's top wise people."

"The Wisdom Eye also has another name, the Heartless Eye. Those with the Wisdom Eye are all human beings who are as wise as demons. In their eyes, emotions are all superfluous things, so there is the saying that the Wisdom Sword cuts love."

"Mr. Yang used feigned death to support his life. In fact, he wanted to open his eyes of wisdom and leave the world to start his own career. But before he left, he couldn't let go of Yang Zun, so he conspired to let Yang Zun open his eyes of wisdom. You can open your eyes, but Yang Zun finally did not pass this test, after three months later, on the night when A Baoji went south, Yang Zun died of illness, and that night, there was heavy snow in the south of the Yangtze River!"

"Yang Gong came to the grassland with his grandson's body and his last wish. He and A Baoji confessed all the secrets. A Baoji expressed his regret. Yang Gong asked A Baoji to dispatch countless craftsmen to bury Yang Zun and Ao Gu in the grassland. Down here, such a magnificent tomb has been built."

"Yang Zun's last wish is to protect Aogu Wanshi forever."

"So, the Phoenix Terrace on the Phoenix Bridge in front of you is Yang Zun's tomb."

"Behind Yang Zun's tomb is Aogu's tomb."

The third uncle told the whole story, and everyone was dumbfounded at the moment.

I thought it was just a farce of a scumbag from the Central Plains, but the ghost knows that it is a two-way ending.

Hu Bayi looked at the third uncle, "Then, who designed all these bronze flower emblems and left words?"

Wu Sansheng was a bit bitter, "It's Yang Gong, Yang Gong left everything behind, the most wrong thing in Yang Gong's life."

At this moment, a figure rushed forward, "I don't care about Yang Gong and Yang Zun, I must get the flower emblem, my Zun can't hold it anymore!"

In the next moment, Abe Yoko was only seen as a phantom, grabbed the bronze flower emblem on the vertical coffin, and yanked it down, and the bronze flower emblem was pulled off!
In the next moment, the entire Phoenix Pavilion was on fire, and the flames below spread and rushed to the top of the head. Inside the raging flames, a faint shadow came out from the vertical coffin. Ruthlessly, Yoko Abe's body on the opposite side burst into flames!

"It's Yang Zun!"

"Is Yang Zun dead but not stiff?"

"Yang Zun was a powerful man before he was alive, and the corpse after death may not be able to be dealt with by ordinary people! Run!"

There was only one road and bridge behind the Phoenix Pavilion, and everyone fled away one after another.

Seeing that Yoko Abe's whole body was about to be burned to the ground, Ying Rainbow rushed out, her pupils shining brightly, "Yin Yang Dharma Eyes, God and Ghost Piyi—"

The shadow of Yang Zun in the flames was just an understatement, the next moment the flames roared, and Ying Rainbow's whole body was burned, and his pupils were slowly lifted out of the flames, the pair of yin and yang ghost eyes seemed to be beautiful The works of art release dazzling brilliance!
"It's now!"


There was a roar, and in the next moment, I saw the old sheep jumping up, his crooked body rushed into the flames, snatched the pair of yin and yang ghost eyes, and slammed towards Hu Ba I lost it.

Lao Yangpizi roared, "Boy, take it! Without this, you will never learn the six skills of the Fushi! Go away!"

The next moment the black and white flames merged into his body, Hu Bayi trembled all over, "Old man, what should you do!"

Lao Yangpi stood in front of Yang Zun with a shrill voice, "Let's go!"

"Back then, I killed Ding Sitian, today I will give my life back to you!"

"Hu Bayi, I will pay back Ding Sitian's life!"

"My Lao Yangpi can be buried here with Feng Shui genius Yang Zun, and this life is not in vain!"

"Fehn - up!"

At the last moment, Lao Yangpi forcibly broke the fire tortoise shell in his hand, and the next moment, Foehn fell from the sky, and Foehn turned into a terrifying demon dragon, which roared and rushed towards the Phoenix Bridge.

On the Phoenix Bridge, Yang Zun turned into a fiery phoenix. The phoenix held its head high, its feathers bathed in divine fire, and soared into the sky. The moment the phoenix and the demon dragon collided, countless waves of blood rolled, and the stone pillars and piers of the Phoenix Bridge collapsed one by one, and the pier fell down. Finally, there was only a coffin lying horizontally in the Phoenix Pavilion. Inside the coffin was a white bone, which was the bone of Yang Zun. On the side of the bone was a snow-white old yellow skin, with its hands clasped together, and its abdomen, A cracked inner alchemy, tortoise shell fragments all over the ground.

At this moment, Hu Bayi couldn't tell whether he was Lao Yangpi or Huang Daxian.

Hu Bayi stared at the final Phoenix Terrace, where the final Foehn Dragon and Phoenix charged.

Wang Kaixuan patted Lao Hu on the shoulder, "Let's go, Lao Yangpi has a decent ending."

Hu Bayi looked at Wang Kaixuan, and Hu Bayi was thoughtful, "You know Lao Yangpi is Huang Daxian, right?"

Hearing this, Wang Kaixuan said strangely, "I don't understand what you mean!"

Hu Bayi stared at Wang Kaixuan, and suddenly grabbed Lao Wang's neck with his hand, "When we went in together, besides Huang Daxian, there was actually a family fairy, that is the white fairy and hedgehog fairy in Yang Erdan's body. The sheepskin was swallowed by Huang Daxian, and you picked up a hedgehog fairy, which is the white fairy, right? Otherwise, you can escape unscathed every time, you must be protected by the family fairy, right!"

Wang Kaixuan looked at Hu Bayi's hideous expression, "I, I don't know what you are talking about..."

At this time, Partridge Whistle said, "Old Hu, don't get excited, Fatty may not even know that he was approached by Baixian!"

Pan Zi also pulled Hu Bayi away, "Old Hu, calm down, I know Lao Yangpi is your friend, he is considered decent, don't take your anger out on the fat man, the fat man doesn't know anything! Let's go! "

Hu Bayi was dragged away, and on Nuo Da's flame phoenix stage, there were a few more figures strangely.

A snake-tailed iron man, a zombie general, and a potted plant.

Tie Miansheng looked at the remnants on the Phoenix Terrace, feeling somewhat melancholy, "The word love has no origin, no habitat, no understanding, no where to go, no where to end."

King Lu Shang said, "Speak human words!"

Iron face said, "As strong as Yang Zun, we can't escape the word love, how can we escape the shackles of love?"

Xu Mingdao, "Yang Zun died of depression in the end, and Yang Gong took the bones to be buried with Aogu, so he should let his descendants live forever. Why did he use the flower emblem of the other side as a guide to attract everyone?"

Xu Ming's calm question caused several guys to hesitate.

That's right, since it was Yang Gong who buried Yang Zun, why did he leave the flower emblem of the other side? Did he want future generations to dump his grandson's corpse?
At this moment, Tie Miansheng said, "It's a sacrifice. Duke Yang has attracted greedy people and tested their spiritual sense. His real idea is sacrifices, to attract sacrifices that are good enough and able to pass the level." !"

King Lu Shang said, "Then eat third uncle and the others?"

Tie Miansheng flicked King Lu Shang with his tail, "Can you bring some light to your brain, the sacrifice is not only eaten, but also seized! Don't forget, I was put there by you as a sacrifice to feed Jiumei , As a result, Jiumei suffered from indigestion and was killed by me! If my guess is correct, the bones in the coffin must not be Yang Zun, but Ao Gu, or something else! And the bone inside is Yang Zun, Yang Gong's real idea is to let his grandson seize a tomb robber and achieve the same resurrection as me!"

The little snake sent out a divine thought, "If this is the case, then why is the Khitan script written on the flower emblem on the other side?"

The little snake's soul asked a question, stopped Tie Miansheng, and Tie Miansheng said, "It may be that Yang Gong felt that this was not suitable for his identity, so he used Khitan characters..."

"Fart!" Xu Ming said, "Don't extrapolate, the truth is not what you said, it should be Yang Gong and A Baoji's agreement to resurrect his daughter in the future, so A Baoji agreed to Yang Zun and his daughter to be buried together, I hope I can see my daughter in my lifetime, so the one inside must be Princess Aogu. Princess Aogu is waiting for Duoshe to be resurrected alone, and this must be Yang Zun! After all, Yang Gong had opened his wisdom eye back then. I don't care about my grandson Yang Zun anymore, he just repays his share of karma, and then pursues the path of eternal life."

The little snake said, "My lord's deduction is more reliable, but I think we still need to open Aogu's coffin to have a thorough look at what's inside."

"Agreed!" King Lu Shang said, "Then, let's go! Open Aogu's coffin!"

Tie Miansheng said, "Wait, can't we pick up the rubbish on the ground?"

Xu Mingdao, "Put the old Huang Pizi and Yang Zun into the coffin and close the coffin lid. After all, Huang Daxian is also a long-lived person, just like us, he should be decent. Yang Zun is a generation of geniuses, and he should be decent after death."


"My lord is so merciful!"

Tie Miansheng rolled up the coffin, and at the moment it was rolled away, it suddenly rose up, and in the next moment, a stone tablet appeared in front of everyone!

"Damn it! There are organs!"

"What's going on! The organ hides the organ!"

"What is written on the stele?"

Tie Miansheng looked at the handwriting on it, and murmured, "Damn it, Mr. Yang, you're so late!"

The little snake said, "What is written on it!"

Tie Miansheng said, "What Yang Gong wrote is almost the same as what the Lord deduced. At the beginning, Yang Gong brought Yang Zun's body to the grassland and met A Baoji. A Baoji said that Yang Zun's last wish could not be fulfilled. To kill Yang Gong, unless Yang Gong can find the legendary Bianhua and save his daughter. Yang Gong has no choice but to perform this technique and pass on three Bianhua copper emblems. The bronze emblems come together to the tomb of Princess Aogu. He will be taken away and become Aogu's substitute puppet, Aogu will be resurrected, after Yang Gong showed Abaoji the magic, Abaoji believed it and built this big tomb!"

King Lu Shang said, "So, if you go in, you will be taken away? Tell Lao Jiu quickly..."

"Notify me!" Xu Ming said, "I haven't hanged up yet! I'm here, and Lao Jiu won't be taken away for a day! Is there anything else written on this stone tablet?"

Tie Miansheng pulled down, "There is a line below that says, Yu Xiaoyue, come here for a visit..."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone shut up.

Yu Xiaoyue, come here for a visit...

The queen is here!
Luna is not dead this time!
On the other side of Xu Ming, Tianjunjian said wildly, "I just said, my master is invincible in the world, how could he die? If you kill the minister, my master will not die, hahaha..."

The white camel comforted Xu Ming and said, "My lord, it's actually okay to be the door-to-door son-in-law. I was the first-generation queen's licking dog, and you go to be the second-generation queen's door-to-door son-in-law. The two are the brothers, the son-in-law, who will last forever...Ah!"

Xu Ming kicked the white camel into the air, bared his teeth and said, "Improve the food tonight, eat charcoal-grilled camels!"

(End of this chapter)

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