Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 114 The so-called Ghost Cave Clan is just a Wild Stamp Clan——Three-body Zombie Ming

Chapter 114 The so-called Ghost Cave Clan is just a Wild Stamp Clan——Three-Body Zombie·Ming
Just when everyone was glad to stand in the sun again.

At the end of the Devil's Valley, there is an exquisite ancient city, the Tibetan Jade Palace.

Two shadows were sitting in front of a wall, and they seemed to have been punished to stand here for a long time.

The magnificent history of the ancient city of Jingjue is engraved on the wall. In the magnificent history, at a glance, it is all exaggerated scenes of Queen Jingjue's extravagance and lust. Countless people rose up to resist, but it is a pity that they were buried in the black sandstorm and Among the poisonous snakes.

A camel shadow looked at the picture on the wall, "My scepter tells me that the queen has been captured by your people."

With horns on the top of its head, it looks like a dazzled demon, shaking its head slightly, "Can you tell me when you plan to betray Queen Jingjue?"

Camel Shadow said, "From the time you got that sword, I knew that you and the queen are deadly enemies, I have raised my vigilance against you, because that sword can really kill the queen, I must keep you away from the queen! But, you are very smart, you are wary of me, I have no choice but to divert the queen away from here, away from you!"

"So at the moment when my scepter fell on your snake's head, I used the scepter to undo the backlash of your Peach Blossom Curse, and also released your physical body, transferring the queen's soul into another flame snake who didn't know why. And also deliberately transferred your divine sense into a flame snake, allowing you to simulate a series of deceiving signals to convince the Queen that she has successfully seized the house."

The devil said, "So you helped me resolve the backlash of the Peach Blossom Curse, which is also a show of kindness to me? Do you want to have a relationship with me?"

Camel Shadow said, "It's not a relationship, it's just a protection. I don't want you to hurt the queen. She is the white moonlight in my heart."

Xu Ming laughed. Xu Ming hugged his shoulders. His long purple hair was flying in the hall. His figure of more than three meters tall made the white camel look extraordinarily thin in front of it.

Xu Ming looked at the white camel with purple eyes, and said in a questioning tone, "Are you protecting this? You sent her into the flame snake, and then the flame snake was caught by my men again? Is this your protection? I I don't quite understand the brain circuit of you Gumo people, sending the person you want to protect to the hands of the mortal enemy?"

The camel stared at the demon and roared, "If she falls into your hands, and you have that sword, she will die. If she falls into the hands of your men, your men will not be able to kill her, you say , How can I protect it? How do you ask me to protect it? Everything is due to your arrival, and you have broken the eternal peace of the Jingjue Ancient Country!"

Xu Ming raised his left hand, pressed the camel's hump, and pressed it to the ground, "Hairy, be quiet! I don't want to kill you for the sake of helping me get rid of the backlash. If you Ho Ho, I'll pull out all your teeth!"

The camel was so angry that he still wanted to bark his teeth!

Xu Ming punched it!
Keba—a few camel teeth as white as jade fell to the ground, and the camel trembled angrily. It wanted to pick up the scepter.

But Xu Ming raised his hand, a purple flame flashed in his hand, and the Tianjun sword appeared in his hand, "Want to fight? I guarantee you will die in ecstasy!"

Luo Tuo looked at Xu Ming's murderous intent, looked at the ground, and said, "I don't want to disturb it, otherwise, you are definitely not my opponent!"

Xu Ming waved his sword down and sat in front of the stone wall, "Okay, everyone is in the latrine, don't think anyone is dirty, sit down and relax, we are being watched by that guy, and no one can leave the hall , anyway, your queen is not dead, and my subordinates are not dead, so why don't we let go and talk about some topics that can make us happy, topics of memories, how about it?"

The white camel also put down his scepter, and sat down in front of Shibi, "What are you talking about?"

Xu Mingdao, "Talk about your relationship with Queen Jingjue?"

The camel blinked its big eyes and became melancholy. It looked at the end of the hall and recalled the past, "Well, it's a long story. I was very happy when Yu Gaochang wanted to betroth his daughter to me. I have seen her before, she is like the most beautiful Central Plains woman in the works of the most brilliant painters, she is dressed in a light gauze, elegant like a fairy, people in Loulan call her Luna, and her father does not object to this name, after all, one who owns you The daughter of the two most noble ancestors in the Central Plains, Yan Emperor and Huang Emperor, is half and half of the girl, she is worthy of the title of God."

The devil said with great interest, "And then?"

Camel Shadow said, "Then, she asked me to take her to the Shenmu Garden. In the Shenmu Garden, there was a tree. This tree was a tree that grew up at the end of the Tianshan Dragon Vessel in the earliest days of the Shenmu Garden. She found that tree. The tree also said that this tree is very similar to a kind of sacred tree in Kunlun. She said that the tree can be used as a sacrificial object that only existed in the ancient tribes—the soul-emancipating wood. She brought the whole tree back and put it on the ground. In the snake cave, by the way, I have to remind you that at that time, the Prophet had already been destroyed, so we can easily bring the soul-emancipating wood in."

"She made a coffin out of the soul-calling wood, and put the Faqiu seal in the coffin, and then she jumped down and jumped into the snake hole."

"I was very scared at the time, and I was afraid of losing her. I didn't dare to tell my father-in-law Yu Gaochang, his daughter, that she jumped into the snake's hole."

"Later, I had a dream once, in which she appeared, and she said she was very grateful to me for giving her the Spiritual Wood. In return, she said that she would give me the ability to live forever, but this ability requires some sacrifices. cost."

"I said, if we could be together forever, even if it means turning into a camel, I would be willing."

Xu Ming looked at Prince Gumo, "Then, you woke up from the dream and turned into a camel?"

The camel glanced at Xu Ming, "What is camel licking? I don't understand, but I really protected her this time! She completed the so-called soul separation in the Central Plains in the snake cave. All the hatred poured into her soul of Emperor Yan, and then she left Jingjue Ancient City with her purest soul of Xuanyuan Huangdi, and the remaining soul of Emperor Yan became more and more powerful because of hatred, and finally became Queen Jingjue."

"She didn't break her promise, she let me and her realize the guardianship forever and be together forever."

"I'm very happy. If you damned humans and immortals didn't show up, she and I would want to stay forever!"

"It's you who broke our peace!"

Xu Ming looked at the camel and said pitifully, "A fool may have love, but Shabi doesn't. You are the purest Shabi I have ever seen. You are treated like a dog by the moon god. You are sold out by someone. You are also helping people to watch the door, you are the most immortal immortal I have ever seen offline, not one of them, you are even more stupid than my stupid subordinate King Lu Shang..."

When Xu Ming said this, suddenly, a voice came, "My lord, I think it is very impolite for you to compare me with this idiot. But I have at least come out of the sea of ​​suffering of love, now I am a ruthless person standing on the shore, I have seen through beauty and love!"

King Lu Shang appeared in front of Xu Ming, and Old Lu was about to approach, Xu Ming hurriedly opened his hand, "Don't come over!"

The white camel also said, "Don't come here!"

Only then did King Lu Shang notice that above the heads of Xu Ming and Bai Luotuo, a streak of black jade released a terrifying halo, as if it would come down at any moment.

King Lu Shang said, "This, what is the situation, my lord!"

Xu Ming said helplessly, "The jade on it is the activation mechanism of the real big boss Shenmu in Jingjue Ancient City. If you touch it, the Shenmu will be resurrected, and you will have to compare it at that time."

King Lu Shang said, "Then, what should we do?"

Xu Mingdao, "Bring the queen's soul here, Shenmu won't mess around when he sees her, what about the queen's soul?"

"The queen's soul is in Tie Miansheng's hands." King Lu Shang looked outside, "Tie Miansheng is still watching Third Uncle and the others, do you want her to come over immediately?"

"No need." Xu Ming said, "Sit down, let's chat for a while, anyway, Wu Laosan and the others will come back later, as long as the queen's soul enters the ancient city of Jingjue, the trigger mechanism inside will disappear, and then it will be safe By the way, let me introduce you to Lao Lu, the white camel in front of you is the Prince Gumo who was lying in ambush for us in his tomb before, he is a badass!"

King Lu Shang nodded, "Hello, Lao Yinbi."

The white camel rolled his eyes, "Millennium zombie, hum!"

King Lu Shang sat down, the three old men looked at each other, Xu Ming raised his hand and said, "Then, Gu Mo, please continue your performance!"

Prince Gumo said, "You just said, the immortal? What is the immortal?"

Xu Ming made a look, and the Lu Shang Dynasty followed Prince Gumo to popularize Xu Ming's set, "Immortal, as the name suggests, immortal, or the existence that pursues immortality, you are an immortal just like us, According to my lord's point of view, this world is a forest, pitch black, and you can't see your fingers. Every immortal is a hunter with a gun. The moment we find other immortals, we will kill other immortals. , This is the Law of the Longevity Dark Forest."

Prince Gumo said, "What you describe is just the social atmosphere and members of Long Snake, not the question I asked, what is the immortal! If it is just an immortal to explain, it would be too vague , What kind of immortality, what kind of true immortality? Zombies who died like you, or some monsters that still look alive but are almost dead? Like me?"

King Lu Shang was stopped by the question. This question was too profound, and he hadn't thought about it.

King Lu Shang looked at Xu Ming, and Xu Ming pushed his chin, "It doesn't matter whether you live to die or you live forever. In fact, the key to the definition of a long-lived person is the control of time."

"Let me change the way you can understand it now. If we say that the world outside us now belongs to the three-dimensional world, and in the three-dimensional world, there is something called time."

"Then the question is, when did humans have the concept of time?"

"This problem can be traced back very far. In the absolute theory of relativity, without contrast, there is no existence, without material change, without growth and decay, there is no time. Therefore, in a sense, time does not exist. For human beings, time is like a scale, a sign, and a code to record the order of things. Without these codes, time will become very chaotic, ranging from a war to cooking, otherwise we describe it It can only be that a long time has passed, a while has passed, and the time that humans talk about is more of a state of time scale."

Prince Gumo said, "So, time can be reversed?"

Xu Ming shook his head, "I once heard a time hypothesis. If the speed exceeds the speed of light, you can achieve a certain level of time reversal. That is to say, you can touch the past of the things you see."

Prince Gumo became excited, "Is this true? Can I get back the original Moon God? Right, what is the speed of light?"

Xu Ming pressed the white camel's hump, "Don't get excited, I'll tell you slowly. I think this time assumption is wrong, because superluminal speed is also a manifestation of speed. You see our planet outside the year, but what you see is actually the planet a year ago. At this time, you are rushing towards the planet at 360 five times the speed of light. Do you think the planet you saw at that time was a year ago? The planet before? No, no, you still see the planet a year later, the first day of the year."

Prince Gumo was completely dumbfounded, the white camel's eyes widened, it was at a loss, it was just a camel, and the other person told him about science.

At this moment, King Lu Shang listened with gusto, "My lord, according to your opinion, what is the essence of time?"

"Good question!" Xu Ming said, "the essence of time is cause and effect! It's like the essence of science is metaphysics! Just imagine, time is a scale, a scale that records the process of changes in things, but if we If we control the changes of things, does it mean that we control time? Can we who control time be called immortals?"

King Lu Shang said, "What you said seems to make sense, but I don't completely agree. How can we control the changes of things?"

Xu Mingdao, "To control the changes of things, one must start from controlling one's own body. The first step in the practice of immortality is to control the body's metabolism. Why are zombies a model and excellent group that live to death? That's because zombies don't have metabolism at all. , or in other words, there are some non-essential metabolisms, and human metabolism is very fast, and it is out of control, so zombies live longer than humans, and tortoises do this very well, they control metabolism very slowly, Most tortoises are quite alive."

"Controlling our own changes is equivalent to saying that our time scale may be different from that of humans. Their metabolism is fast, and their daily metabolism is our year. Therefore, they live for a hundred years, and we only live for a hundred days. This is the principle of time asymmetry."

"The same time is not equal for different creatures."

"It's like this big guy under our buttocks. It looks like it has lived for tens of millions of years, but its metabolism may be zero. It is very likely that it is still a cute little guy when it is old."

"As for time control, for example, working overtime can speed up a person's metabolism and make people age early. Overtime work is a terrible time accelerator!"

"For example, chemical fertilizers can accelerate the growth of plants, and chemical fertilizers can also be regarded as a time accelerator."

"For example, some special medicine ingredients can increase the storage time of food after being added, and change the shelf life of food. It can be regarded as a panacea, which prolongs the time!"

"If there is a medicine that can change a person's metabolism, then this medicine will become the legendary elixir of immortality. Therefore, from this perspective, the elixir of immortality that Qin Shihuang was looking for theoretically exists, and the type very much."

King Lu Shang said, "My lord, I seem to be more lost."

Xu Mingdao, "Okay, let's not talk about the definition of immortals and time nihilism. Let's talk about something interesting. What is the meaning of existence of immortals? It is to construct a new direction of human evolution, or it can be said that human beings In the direction of degeneration, our fundamental goal is to construct a new civilized universe higher than human beings, and lead the metaverse human beings to immortality in this new civilization.”

"But there is only one human metaverse, and there are many immortals. Each immortal has a different definition of his own time. At this time, it is necessary to compete for who is the strongest immortal, and then the most powerful immortal leads the human race. The metaverse is going to prosper, which is why the law of the dark jungle is suitable for all immortals, because immortals fight each other, unless the time scale of this immortal and a certain immortal is the same. In this case, it is like me With the inclusion of Lao Lu, we can achieve the same time scale, then we are a new small group of immortal civilizations, and we will eliminate other civilizations that are not ours!"

"Stop!" The white camel couldn't help it anymore, "I'm going to blow up, stop talking, please!"

King Lu Shang said, "Yes, my lord, since that's the case, then explain to the Ghost Cave Clan!"

Xu Ming said with a smile, "I am good at interpreting metaphysics in a scientific way. The Ghost Cave Clan is just an experiment of the immortal civilization. The core of the Ghost Cave Clan is the tree, the Tianshan Shenmu, also known as the Kunlun Shenmu, and then The second core is the queen. They cooperate to infect the people around them on a time scale, and want them to integrate into their own civilization, that is, to stamp these people with their own stencils. Unfortunately, these human beings are very fragile and cannot accept their stencils. It was finished, and then some Guidong people discovered that if they could use the scales of other civilized holy objects to baptize their steel seals, they could restore ordinary people, and they betrayed Shenmu. For the wild stamped tribe, the Muchen Bead they seek is actually just a sacred object of the Snake civilization. It is true that the Snake Sacred Object can wash away the Sacred Wood curse from them, but the Snake will give them a new curse, so this is A wireless matryoshka, partridge whistle looking for Muchen Bead, itself is a wrong and outrageous thing, to really solve the curse, the only way to solve the curse itself is to completely destroy the Kunlun Shenmu, so that it will be done once and for all, and the hens who put the stencil will all die. If you die, the steel seal will naturally disappear."

King Lu Shang looked at Xu Ming sincerely. At this moment, he realized that being the boss is not only about having big fists, but more about having a very structured view of the world, of the immortals, of everyone, and being able to understand For the order and laws of this world, only by understanding the principle of the immortal from the source can one understand the next step.

Partridge Whistle has been looking for a lifetime, but it is also a wrong choice.

The Lord said the key in the last sentence, kill the Kunlun Shenmu, and the curse will be lifted naturally!
Yes, the Lord is right!
King Lu Shang flattered him, "The master is wise, he is rich in learning, knows the past and the present, and the cowhide goes to heaven..."

The white camel never forgot, "I have no objection to you killing the Kunlun Shenmu, but the queen cannot die. She is a part of the moon god, and I will protect her forever. I will not allow you to kill the queen!"

"She is the eternal white moonlight in my heart!"

(End of this chapter)

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