Another Me

Chapter 31 (part 2) *

I finally saw Jeff. He was dressed as a medieval king and acting like a good host. He would talk to one group of boys before going to mingle with another. He must have seen me because he excused himself and made a beeline to me. His outfit looked professionally made and judging from the fur lined cloak and silk embroidery it was very expensive.

He gave an overly dramatic pose and said, "My lady, you finally made it."

Unlike his happy tone, mine held puzzlement as I asked, "How'd you know it was me?"  My outfit gave me the appearance of a short willowy boy. While I was short, there had to be other short people, right? It couldn’t be my face because it was completely covered and with the sports bra compressing my boobs enough that the oversized flannel shirt, I was wearing, hid the rest. So, I wasn't sure how he knew.

"Even if you were in a crowd of millions, I would always know where you are." His eyes seemed alive when he said it, making the clock hands inside his irises more obvious.

"Really?" It wasn't hard to believe, there was a lot of magic that would allow him to spot me inside such a crowd.

"Of course." He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world and then added, “Come with me and I’ll introduce you to some of my friends.” He held out his hand, waited for me to put mine into his and held that pose until I finally felt guilty and placed mine into his. His grasp was warm, firm, but oddly soft. I was used to people that did manual labor, their calloused hands. Jeff’s hand was as smooth as a girl’s. He held onto me as if I was going to regret it. I did but I wasn't so uncouth as to yank it away.

We walked together through the room as he introduced me. He only let go when he proudly said, “This is Stephanie, the girl I was talking about.” After that we made small talk and it didn’t take long to know that, at least for Jeff, this was a way of making business connections. Most of the people he talked to, were the sons or daughters of influential people. They didn’t say much but after talking to so many people, I was pretty sure he was raising funds to open a business. He was only sixteen to seventeen years old and had the ability to convince older college students to believe in his vision. I was impressed by his ambition and business savvy.

But even if I was impressed, after a few hours of listening to him talk I was bored and thinking of leaving. It wasn't that he ignored me, far from it. He had made sure that I had food and drinks whenever I was thirsty or hungry. The fact that he knew showed he had been paying attention. But I had no interest in factory management or manufacturing and my eyes had glazed over with all the technical talk.

Stifling a yawn, I finally said, "Jeff, I have to leave."

He looked disappointed and asked, "So Soon?"

"I have a curfew." One that was a few hours away, but I wasn't going to say that. The party could have been fun. As we walked there were people dressed as mermen and mermaids swimming in the pool, bio-mages using spells to shift into humanoid animals chasing each other around a gaming room, and people sparing. Everywhere I looked people were having fun. But watching others having fun, wasn't fun at all. Not having Victoria here was really regretful.

"Okay, I'll drive you back."

"No, you're the host and should stay to entertain your guests." I pictured the party spiraling out of control while he was away. It wasn't all that impossible. During the time we moved around, he had steered us to areas where a fight or accident was about to happen. At first, I thought it was a coincidence. But it happened too often, and I began to think Jeff had the ability to know when trouble would happen.

"Okay," his eyes dimmed as he finally gave in.

"Thanks for inviting me. I'm going to go," I was already half turned as I gave my final farewell and mixed into the crowd before he could come up with a reason for me to stay or for him to leave. But I didn't leave. I needed answers about my ability to copy spells and short of robbing a sperm bank, if they even existed in this world, the linked rings seemed like a perfect opportunity to get them.

Having walked around, I knew the layout of the house and I dodged into an emptier area before slipping the ring onto my finger. As it faded from sight, I felt a connection to the other ring. I figured it was similar to letting the other person know I was "online". I must have been right because soon I got a mental invite. I confirmed it and soon I was inside an empty eight by eight room. Unlike what I heard; it wasn't dark. Instead, the man standing across from me was pitch black, as if he was a walking shadow.

As I looked, I realized I couldn't make out any distinctive details. Even so I could tell general things like he was around five' seven, overweight, with short hair. As he spoke, his voice was distorted but obviously male, "Oh good, I was beginning to think Larry lied to me." He moved over to me and as his tiny penis swayed between his legs, I realized he was naked. "He claimed you were the best he ever had, so I gave up a rare rainbow ring. But that was a half hour ago." He said the last part as if I was to blame for making him wait.

A little nervous, I looked down to examine how I looked. Like him, I was covered in a black haze, but I could see my bare skin below it. I was as naked as he was. As for his rambling, I realized "Larry" had tricked him to get rid of a ring that had been inactive all night. My thoughts were interrupted as his fingers pinched my nipples. He used too much force. I moved away from it causing my breasts to stretch as he pulled on them. My breast distorted and the pain intensified. I snapped, "Let go! You're hurting me!"

Unexpectedly he did. "Sorry, sorry, I'm just nervous." My nipples throbbed as he apologized and my interest in trying to figure out if this was linked to the void dwindled. And if that was the only reason, I was here I probably would have tried to leave.

I rubbed my aching tits and finally said, "It's okay just be gentler." My voice wasn't my own and hid my displeasure. It came out more like a computerized female voice that was more monotone. I didn't wait for him to make another move. I had already realized that when I was excited, a little bit of pain added to my pleasure but if I wasn't it just hurt. Because I was far from excited, I knelt and placed my hand on his little member. My thought of him being a "grower" was proved wrong quickly. His dick that was three to four inches was already as hard as it was going to get. Even worse was that it wasn't thick either. My pinky might be bigger than he was. But I wasn't here for pleasure and took it into my mouth.

Being small, had its advantages and it easily fit. I could also easily wrap my tongue around it and used it to tease the head but before I could even really start, he came. A "UGHHHH" came from above me before I heard, "Low Level Biological Magician DNA Acquired. Absorbing, analyzing, adapting... Extracting, Randomizing Highest Level Spell... Congratulations Acceleration Spell Learnt". I knew that spell because my mom used it. Acceleration was level two and increased movement speed. I almost lost it because I couldn't help linking it with how fast he finished. Maybe that spell had a side effect.

I was startled because I hadn't even started sucking yet. His cum tasted more bitter than those I tasted before. Still, I made sure not to swallow. I wanted to test to see if it disappeared. Sure enough, the taste faded as soon as I heard the words, and I was fairly sure I was right. However, I wasn't a hundred percent. With his size, I couldn't discount that he just didn't produce a lot of cum.

He shouted, "Wow, Larry wasn't lying" before somehow leaving. With him gone, I was forced out and back to where I had been standing before I put the ring on. I had wanted to get another spell but he left too fast. Should I stay? Fifteen minutes had already passed since I left Jeff. The longer I was here the more likely I would be caught. While people seemed ok with it, I really didn't understand why and figured discretion was the better option.

Before I could decide, another invitation message chimed in my head. I accepted. Why not test it one more time?  But before I could even make the guy's shape I heard, "Damn it, why are there so many children here tonight?" Then I was kicked back out.

I waited another fifteen minutes and was about to give up when my ring notified me once again. Once again, I went into the room and saw a taller shadow man standing across from me. Still a little fat, but the black shadow between his legs was around six to seven inches. Worried he might be a little "grabby" like the last guy, I made the first move and closed the distance before sinking to my knees without a word.

Because he was bigger, I had to take him into my mouth more carefully or my teeth might drag across his bulbous head. After giving several blowjobs, I knew the basics. I also knew what most men liked. So, once I adjusted to his size, I started bobbing my head. I was trying to find the right angle to deepthroat him. Being so small, I had to tilt my head perfectly, or I'd end up choking. But before I could, he stopped me, pulled out, and pushed me over so I sprawled onto the floor.

He stated like it was a given, "I want to use your big tits" before kneeling over me. My body was between his legs, and he placed his dick into the valley of my breasts. Then I heard a "skkkeeeggghhh, pppffttt" right before something wet splattered onto my body. He squeezed my tits together before I realized that the fucker had spit on me for lubrication. Without another word he started tit fucking me. The head of his dick would tap my chin with every stroke. I figured I could tilt my head down to let it into my mouth but allowing him to cum on me would allow me to broaden my test. So, I laid on the hard surface of the room and let him amuse himself until he came.

He didn't seem to notice my disinterest and after five or so minutes I felt his hot liquid splashing across my chest, neck, and chin. He got up, and I quickly scooped his seed up using my fingers and put as much as I could into my mouth. I wasn't sure if it would survive the transition between here and the outside world. Again, I didn't swallow, but the taste lasted only until I heard, "Medium Level Earth Magician DNA Acquired. Absorbing, analyzing, adapting... Extracting, Randomizing Highest Level Spell... Congratulations Adobe hut Spell Learnt". The slimy cum in my mouth had vanished, but my skin was still slick with his residue.

I used my nails to scrape a little more off my skin and sucked it off my fingers as the shadow man watched. The voice inside my head didn’t sound, nor did the taste go away until I swallowed. Still, some of the anxiety I had been feeling was let go. Ever since Ann had gotten her period, I noticed I never did. After quickly calculating, I knew I had been here for over forty-five days. Even I knew girls got their periods monthly, and when I didn’t get one, my thoughts went right to the worse option… Pregnancy.

That was part of the reason why I stayed tonight. I needed to know if men’s cum disappeared when I got spells. Now after two experiments, I was strangely confident that any cum inside me would be “processed” while any outside would stay but could not be used to get spells again. Because it didn’t disappear the residue could make me pregnant. To me, that was a horrifying thought, so I had to be careful. But if I was right, why hadn't I gotten my period? Stephanie obviously had pads in her purse, so my body was likely to have gotten them before. The only thing I could think of was that my body changed when I arrived. But for how true that was, I couldn't be sure.

But I was basing all this off only two trials and everything I “learned” could just be my wishful thinking. I still didn’t know enough about my abilities and body. For example, what happened when the absorption failed? Did the man’s stuff stay or vanish? Besides the way people left after satisfying their needs, it was unlikely I’d find out today anyway. I was still happy with what I learned but when I looked up, I noticed the man was still there. He had grown hard again and when he saw me finally observing him, took a step closer so that his pitch-black rod was pressing against my lips. I thought of leaving and a message popped into my head [Leave Yes / No].

I considered my options, then thought “no” and opened my mouth. I wanted more spells and spending a few minutes to get one didn’t put me at a loss. This time he didn’t push me down but let me use my mouth. I did my best to make it quick. I found the right angle and took him all the way, while using my hand when I let him slide out. He lasted for over fifteen minutes until he finally grabbed my head, forced himself all the way down my throat, and unloaded into me once again. His cock swelled and twitched inside my throat causing me to gag and I tried to break free from his grasp. I couldn’t breathe but he seemed to enjoy the sensations of my esophagus contracting around him member and held me tight; dead set on not letting me go until he finished. I didn’t wait and quickly thought yes as the [Leave Yes / No] notification that appeared in my head.

I kept coughing as "Medium Level Mind Magician DNA Acquired. Absorbing, analyzing, adapting... Extracting, Randomizing Highest Level Spell... Congratulations Heart's Comfort Spell Learnt" sounded in my head and I appeared in the little nook I found earlier. What a bastard! I got up and made my way to the front door. As I did, I pulled off the ring and tossed it onto an end-table while cursing men in general. Why did they all seem like pricks in this world?

I had enough and used my phone to order a car. On my way home, I looked over the two spells I didn’t know about. ‘Adobe Hut’ seemed to make a small building with two rooms and had enough strength to repel some of the less powerful beasts in this world. While ‘Heart's Comfort’ had a calming effect on a person or mutated beast you cast it on. In gaming terms, it helped with aggro against a single target and the target will tend to ignore you for a short time unless provoked. 

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