Anime: My younger sister, Sora, starts as an illustrator!

Chapter 9

With an income of 50,000 yen in the early morning, Kasugano Toru felt for a moment that he was already a rich man.

Of course, wanting to become a rich man with 50,000 yen is just a false illusion.

However, there is such a good sign right after the opening, and it seems that there will be a big harvest today.

Unfortunately, Kasugano Toru’s idea is just like his previous idea of becoming a rich man, which is also an illusion.

Those who have been jealous for a long time have decided to unite and snatch Kasugano Toru’s business.

The portrait that originally cost 1,500 yen is now only 1,000 yen, and buy two get one free.

In addition, these people intentionally or unintentionally gathered around Kasugano Toru and snatched all the business before him. He was in a state of leisure for the whole morning.

Involution is really everywhere.

Obviously, things like price reduction are not good for them, right?

I can only say that jealousy kills people.

But he didn’t care. If there is no business, then he will honestly hone his painting skills. Anyway, I only took one order from Erika today, which is equivalent to the income from the best business before.

What a rich man! It’s so satisfying to kill him!

The guys who tried to grab the business got bored and left here one after another soon.

Except for those who received the business and were still working hard on painting, everyone else returned to where they were originally.

Involution exists, but they also know that if they arbitrarily reduce the price for some inexplicable reasons, it will only make life more difficult in the future.

Of course, Kasugano Toru can’t see these things a long time ago. It’s not that he is blind, but he has focused all his attention on painting.

The painting”Alive” painted yesterday was actually because Kasugano Toru thought of his deceased parents.

Sadness comes from the feeling deep in the heart, but when Kasugano Toru paints, his hands always move with his heart.

Therefore, the painting yesterday was full of sadness and despair.

But today he is no longer the same as yesterday, and his mood now is far from the pessimistic mood of yesterday.

If you rank all the things that make people feel happy, Kasugano Toru believes that making money must be in the top three.

So even though it’s the same scenery, in Kasugano Toru’s painting, the steel forest becomes full of vitality, and the people coming and going become full of hope.

Everyone is trying to raise their heads, and they are coated with a layer of gold under the sun.

Well, I can’t brag about it anymore.

It’s just an ordinary watercolor painting. What kind of gold edge is that? That’s really nonsense.

“Kasugano-san?” Kasugano Toru, who had just finished drawing, was about to take a break when he heard a nice female voice.

“Kato-san?” Kasugano Toru was a little surprised. He had just seen Kato Megumi yesterday, and today he ran into her again on the streets of Tokyo.

Is this a small world?

“What a coincidence, I didn’t expect to meet you again today.” Kato Megumi gently pulled up the hair beside her ears. She was obviously a pure and beautiful girl, but Kasugano Toru swore that at this moment he only saw temptation.

Kasugano Toru nodded and noticed that the girl was still holding a shopping bag in her hand. Looking at the logo on the bag, it seemed to be a bag from a famous shopping mall nearby. It seemed that the girl had just finished shopping.

“Indeed, if Kato hadn’t said that, I would have thought you were deliberately following me.”After making a light joke, Kasugano Toru put away the paintbrush in his hand and began to clean up the mess in front of him.

Although they were just classmates, the two often made harmless jokes, and Kato Megumi also liked this atmosphere.

For a girl who was always ignored for some special reasons, it felt good to have such a friend with whom she could joke.

“Maybe it’s true, after all, I can see the unknown side of Kasugano-san.”The girl smiled as she looked at the palette that Kasugano-san was packing. She really didn’t know that this boy who had been her deskmate for a year actually had such a skill.

But it didn’t matter. Li Bai didn’t hold poetry competitions every day, and Lu Bu didn’t always kill people. He had to ride Red Hare or Diao Chan occasionally.

It wasn’t strange that Kasugano-san didn’t tell his story.

“Is this Tokyo?”As if she had just seen Kasugano Toru’s painting, the girl naturally leaned forward and approached.

“Well, that’s it.” Kasugano Toru didn’t care about the girl’s behavior.

Without women in mind, the operation is natural.

As long as I don’t have any worldly desires, no one can tease me.

Of course, Kasugano Toru didn’t think about it in some ways. In the past year of being at the same table with Kato Megumi, the girl has made such actions many times.

“Are you not going to paint anymore?” Seeing that Kasugano Toru not only cleaned the palette, but also took down the drawing board and prepared to put it away, Kato Megumi asked curiously

“Well, I have something else to do this afternoon, so let’s stop here in the morning.”

“What a pity, I also want to see what Kasugano-san looks like when she draws.” Kato Megumi was really a little regretful.

But Kasugano Toru didn’t hear it from her tone at all. This is a skill unique to girls.

Not showing emotions on one’s face, this is a skill that many people dream of.

Unlike a loser like me, I collapsed when I heard a mere 50,000 yen…

Not bowing down for a few pieces of silver, that is indeed the realm of a saint. In real life, let alone five pecks of silver, being able to have enough food and clothing is the lifelong pursuit of many people.

“There will be a chance next time.

“Kasugano Toru stuffed the drawing board into his backpack and said,”But there’s nothing good to see.

Drawing is actually a very boring thing, because it requires a long time to wait.

If you don’t have patience, you will find it boring.

” This is not what Kasugano Toru said nonsense.

Countless LSPs shouted”wife” to the exquisite illustrations, and licked the screens until there were water marks everywhere, but in fact, only the illustrators themselves know the real creative process.

Sometimes the lines that seem useless to others are actually the result of their repeated thinking and several experiments. If drawing is an easy and interesting thing, how could the Japanese Illustrator Association have only a few hundred people?

But Kato Megumi obviously doesn’t care about these problems. If it comes to patience, she must be better than anyone else, right?

“This is for you, consider it a gift for today’s encounter.”It was really a pity to find Kato Megumi, and after a little thought, Kasugano Toru handed the morning’s results to Kato Megumi.

“Is it really possible? Kasugano-san must have worked hard to draw this, right?”

“No problem, isn’t this painting just right as a gift for a friend?”

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