Anime: My younger sister, Sora, starts as an illustrator!

Chapter 5

Eriri Sawamura Spencer panicked.

After coming back from outside, she had been sitting in front of her drawing board for four or five hours.

But until now, the drawing board was still empty.

She suddenly realized that she could no longer draw.

Or rather, after seeing the painting skills of the boy this afternoon, Eriri felt that the pictures she drew would never be able to achieve the kind of effect that touched people’s hearts.

“What should I do? The deadline is coming soon. Why did I have to meet that guy today?”Helpless, Ying Lili once again used her trick of shifting the blame.

As long as there were no outsiders around, she was no longer the perfect young lady, but a willful and arrogant beautiful girl.

“Eriri, it’s time for dinner.” A woman who looked 80% like the girl knocked on Eriri’s door. If you only look at her appearance, 99% of people would think that this woman is actually Eriri’s sister.

Forget it, she’s still Eriri’s sister.

After all, the size of her chest… emmmm, it’s really hard to describe.

Of course, people who have such thoughts must not know that this woman who looks big is also flat-chested.

Sayuri Sawamura, who originally took advantage of the rare weekend to watch a whole BL series, was in a very good mood at this time. She was about to take advantage of the dinner time to tease her daughter and make a perfect ending for the day, when she found that her daughter was sitting in front of the drawing board with a dull look in her eyes. The drawing paper was empty.

There was a pencil drawing next to the drawing board, but because of the angle, Sayuri Sawamura could not see it clearly. But this didn’t bother her. She just had to take two steps forward, right?

When she got closer, the pencil drawing came into her eyes.

“Ying Lili, this is……”Sayuri Sawamura felt like she had suddenly lost her ability to speak.

Because from that simple, even crude painting, all she saw was despair.

“Ah, Mom.”Yili finally came back to her senses and looked at her mother. It was hard to tell whether the expression on her face was funny or sad.

It was really confusing to see her mother’s wonderful expression at the sad moment when she couldn’t draw.

This mother and daughter really love and hate each other.

“”Eri, did you draw this picture?” Sayuri Sawamura was a little worried. Although she knew her daughter wouldn’t be so depressed, she decided to ask for precautionary purposes. What if something happened to her daughter recently that they, as parents, didn’t know about? Don’t wait until it’s too late to regret not asking a question.

“No, this was drawn by a boy I met today.” Eriri told her mother everything she saw and heard on the streets of Tokyo today. Sayuri Sawamura was amazed and teased at times.

“No wonder Eriri was in a daze just now, it turns out she is in love.”After listening to Eriri’s story, Sayuri Sawamura put her arm around her daughter’s shoulders and said jokingly

“”Mom. Stop it, why do you think about these weird things all day long?” The blonde girl pushed her mother away in disgust. She was already an old lady in her thirties, why was she still so in love?

Sayuri Sawamura shook her head mysteriously:”No, love is the most sacred and happiest thing in the world. Back then, your father and I……”

“Stop, stop, I don’t want to hear you reminiscing about the past.”Seeing her mother’s nostalgic expression, Eriri knew that this guy was going to start showing off his affection again. Sayuri

Sawamura was a little unhappy when her daughter interrupted her, but as a qualified mother, she would not argue with her daughter.

At most, she would try to get back at her from somewhere else.

“Well, Eriri is starting to dislike her mother now.” Seeing Eriri about to retort, Sayuri Sawamura quickly spoke before her daughter:”But when I said Eriri was in love just now, I wasn’t kidding.”

“It has been several hours since you came home. Isn’t that person’s image all over your mind?

Although she was reluctant to admit what Sayuri Sawamura said, Eriri had to admit it.

Since she came home, she has indeed been thinking about the boy who painted.

“But I’m not in love, I just admire his painting skills!”

Eriri convinced herself.

Yes, this is not love, this is just admiration for the strong!

Seeing her daughter like this, Sayuri Sawamura couldn’t help but know what Eriri was thinking.

But thinking of what her daughter experienced in elementary school, she had to be extra alert.

She would not be so merciful to those who wanted to take advantage of her daughter.


Kato Megumi is busy in the kitchen.

She is a sensible girl. Her parents work hard for the family and provide her with a worry-free environment.

In order not to make them too tired, the young girl has taken the initiative to take on the housework.

Cleaning the room, cooking dinner, making lunch boxes, these trivial things have all become well organized under the girl’s dexterous little hands.

The girl even has enough time to hum two songs she likes.

“Xiaohui, are you in a good mood today?” Seeing her daughter’s look, Kato Hui’s mother was a little curious.

How could her daughter, who had such a calm personality, actually encounter such a happy thing?

“Of course, when I went to the supermarket today, I ran into my high school classmate”

“Is it your boyfriend? Seeing her daughter’s eyes narrowed with laughter, Kato’s mother also wanted to make fun of her.

“No, I’m just an ordinary classmate.” Kato Megumi shook her head

“But Xiaohui has never been so happy because of an ordinary classmate before.”Mother Kato still doesn’t want to let her daughter go.

It’s a rare opportunity to remember her daughter’s existence, how can she not improve the mother-daughter relationship?

“That’s because the person this time is very interesting.”Kato Megumi pursed her lips, obviously thinking of Kasugano Toru’s funny expression when they met in the supermarket this afternoon.

When they were in school before, this guy always liked to say some inexplicable things.

“So, next time if there is a chance, invite him to have a meal at home.” Seeing her daughter’s expression, Kato’s mother became more certain.

Her daughter seemed to have the signs of love.

Japan’s view on premature love… No, in the eyes of Japanese parents, there is no such thing as premature love.

Not to mention high school students, even junior high school students and elementary school students… Forget it, elementary school students are a crime, so let’s just say junior high school students.

Even if junior high school students fall in love, the family generally will not object.

Kato’s mother is also an ordinary Japanese parent. If her daughter really falls in love, she will not only not object, but also send her blessings.

However, there is one thing that she cannot give up as a parent.

At least she has to check for her daughter, and not just any cat or dog can deceive her lovely and well-behaved daughter.

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