Angelic Alliance- (Standard Rank)


Meanwhile back at the station, officer john went to boss at the station to complain on what he just seen to understand, when officer john made it to boss, he asked him on who was that? But boss preferred to not answer, and that made officer john argue again because he needs to know to manage it so boss sighed and told officer john that the name was evil forever the leader of all evil masterminds, and that he is searching for the unlimited power that we possess. John starts to calm down and understood boss, but officer john wanted to go and destroy him immediately, but boss stopped officer john and told him that evil forever is way to powerful and that officer john must train more.  

John sighed and trusted what boss was saying, but then the station started to shake and officer john and boss knew they were under attack, so they both ran to the surface of station to manage this mess, but then everyone was shocked to see that it was evil johnnis himself! He was here to evilise officer john, and officer john was seeing his evil brother holding a familiar syringe, and it was the same replica of the one evil much tried to use. Officer john tried to tell his brother that he does not know what he was about to cause, evil johnnis was confused but did not buy It and started to continue attacking everyone to get to officer john, but officer john was not going to be taken down that easily not without a fight. Then they started to fight but officer john was getting weak because evil johnnis grown stronger, so officer john brought out his sword and slashed the white powerful beams at evil johnnis, but evil johnnis still had the same ability and both different slash beams collided with each other causing a shockwave to happen.  

After the shockwave, officer john and evil johnnis were both on the ground weaker than ever so the officers helped and went to arrest evil johnnis, but he was able to get up again then instead of fighting again he ran off into the distance with a glimpse of good on him. Officer john and his officers saw this and looked on the ground seeing the syringe that was supposed to hit officer john to turn him good, so officer john had an idea to experiment with the syringe and find a way to reverse its effects and make a vaccine that should devilize him back to good, so officer john and his team started the experiment while also keeping track of evil johnnis. 1 year later, the vaccine is almost completed, but an alarm went off saying that evil johnnis is attacking a school and that officer john needed to head there to stop him and keep him busy before he finds out what the officers are doing so officer john got in his super police car and went to the problem to stop it.  

When officer john made it there, he went to the school field at where evil johnnis attacked, and surprisingly he appeared and officer john spoke trying to talk sense into him, but he wouldn't still listen, then evil johnnis suddenly spoke with a chuckle, you ready to die?! Then all of the sudden a whole army appeared and it was clones of him but with different colors, then officer john noticed its all of his different types of emotions of himself, so officer john knew it was a trap now and that this fight wasn't going to be easy and had no choice but to fight so evil johnnis doesn't know what officer john is planning so he fought against all of the different emotions and knew every single one has a different reaction because its emotions and there were some duplicated with the same emotion so officer john had to use a lot of his strength to hold them off, the happy emotion came first, and officer john thought that the happy one would do anything to him, but it wasn't, it had a smile but still picked up a big fight, HOW THE FUCK IS THIS THING HAPPY WILE FIGHTING!  

Officer john says in an angry shocked voice, then officer john finally destroyed it and notices that the emotion crumble into rocks when defeated, so officer john thought that it would be easy to destroy the rest, but the more he killed the harder it got because, officer john was getting to the negative emotions and that the negative ones are stronger than evil johnnises positive ones because evil johnnises brain doesn't know much about the positive side, but is very powerful on his negative side, so officer john had to step up his move because he was about to get to the powerful ones, and the first one is his anxious side and the reason why that one is very powerful Is that it has more focus because he worries constantly about his surroundings and has higher reflex do to fight or flight response making his reaction time faster so officer john had to be careful and fought around the box by making him to anxious to a point where he gets out of control then officer john knocked him out by hitting a certain nerve on his neck to make him go paralyzed for a certain time, then officer john had a chance to stab him and destroy him before it got conscious again.  

After officer john was done killing the anxious emotion, he was suddenly ambushed by the last three most powerful emotions which were, anger, sadness, and insanity, and officer john had to be more alert for insanity because he is the craziest and the strongest one. Officer john got into his stance and was ready, but then evil johnnis appeared chuckling that, he will not survive this battle, but as soon evil johnnis walked away he had that same glitch again just like last year, but instead of officer john giving up just by seeing that glitch happening again in front of him gave him the strength to still put in a little more power and still have hope to finish this once and for all and heal him.  

Then officer john went in for the attack immediately with no stopping and no fear in his eyes going straight to the sadness and stop for a second to wipe the tears of the sadness emotion to distract it so officer john can destroy it and that was a success and got that that done quickly, but the anger one got afraid but started to get really angry which made him also be unable to focus because of how much anger was inside him and just made him missed all of his shots of his lasers and that made it easier than expected and was able to easily teleport behind and stabbed him right in the back and destroyed him also, but officer john wasn't ready for the inanity emotion because it immediately started to attack. 

Officer john making him fall to the ground but it was enough for officer john to get up again without a scratch and started to fight once more again, like he was a new person and just evil johnnis witness this right in front of him made him scared, but shockingly the insanity emotion was still picking up a fight and started to use it abilities, and started to manipulate reality having extra swords and 100% speed of his movement that made officer john puzzled and was hit, then evil johnnis said no for a second then shut his mouth and ran, that made officer john and the insanity emotion pause for a second of disbelief on what they just heard, then officer john had a chance to push the insanity emotion away with a sarcastic side punch and chased after evil johnnis and stopped right in front of him and told him what he just said but evil johnnis still was hardly not listening and ran off with officer john unable to catch him, then officer john turned around and blasted a massive beam from his finger tips onto the insanity emotion and obliterated him to pieces since it was still distracted still from what It heard, then officer john got a message that the serum was completed!  

Officer john was thrilled on what he heard and went straight back to the station to commence phase two of the plan. Once officer john made it back to the station, he called a group up meeting in the laboratories planning room where every project is agreed on and designed perfectly, then officer john told them to bring the serum in on how it works, the scientists of the officers explained that how they did it was just making it like a normal vaccine by just finding the evil energy cells and revert it into good cells of purity and turn it into a serum that takes someone's evil energy cells into good and purity cells and protects that person from being turned back to evil, kind of just like on how a virus works! Everyone especially officer john was proud of this and clapped his hands then everyone else did also. The meeting was a success and to celebrate that, everyone had a party with drinks of alcohol for everyone!  

The next day when everyone was off the alcohol and woke up the station TVs were hacked again but this time it was evil johnnis, dear officer john! I will show no mercy against you or this world and that you will witness my constant reign of terror across the world and that I will finally kill you! Good luck. Evil johnnis finishes talking with a desperate glitch at the end, and everyone thought they were still dreaming or still high, but everything was real and that just as evil johnnis said on constant reign of terror, he was not joking because multiple alerts started to pop up on everyone's comms and officer john knew that evil johnnis is on their tail and is trying to slow them down, so officer john replied with a new plan by creating more stations around the world to handle the constant terror while officer john and the others finish their main project on turning evil johnnis back to good.  

Several months later, the stations were finished across the world and was able to prevent most problems made by evil johnnis, but evil johnnis still caused too much damage killing millions around the world creating the world into magma and ash, slowing down the officers once more to worry about the new apocalypse that evil johnnis put onto the world and officer john had to think "another" plan again, and that made officer john mad and exhausted but before he started to freak out, one of the scientist officers informed officer john that the project was already completed and that they also have an extra surprise that starts off and reverses the apocalyptic world and turn it back to its normal state. Officer john was happy to hear this and began the ultimate trap for evil johnnis!  

One week later, evil johnnis was attacking everyone and all the officers that slows him down but suddenly the officers just ran away, then a massive super sonic boom happens then and evil johnnis shook in fear knowing who it could be and turned around slowly and saw officer john coming out of his new portal with a new device that creates portals! Officer john also has another device in his hand and told evil johnnis, are you ready to see your surprise? Evil johnnis was confused on what officer john was saying but immediately knew, NOOOO! Evil johnnis says while yelling, then the device was activated and the entire ground shook around the world and bright stands of light appeared then combining into a powerful beacon and there were more than one beacon there were multiple around the world powering up at the same time, and then a massive beam came from all of them and was shot at the atmosphere of the earth and created a massive shield that covered the whole planet to prevent other evil master minds from entering and the shield was also a healing device and repaired the whole world back to normal.  

Evil johnnis was furious, and chased officer john, and officer john ran leaving a note behind that shows the location on where officer john will be at next, and evil johnnis decided to go to that location immediately to shut down the shield, but when he made it the entrance was empty, then officer john appeared and said, "THIS IS YOUR OFFICIAL DEFEAT EVIL JOHNNIS!" Then a shrinking device appeared next to evil johnnis, then he gasped with fear, "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Evil johnnis says in anger while being shrunk. Once evil johnnis was shrunk, officer john got him into a jar, "just like a fly in a jar" officer john says with a chuckle and went to the station. When officer john made it to the station, he took evil johnnis and called the others to go to the testing chamber sector -z52!  

Once everyone made it to the testing chamber, officer john told the scientists to come with the machine that will contain the serum and should start to revive evil johnnis back to good. So everyone got to their positions and got the mini evil johnnis out and got him into the middle of the machine where evil johnnis is held in this protective glass ball, then once evil johnnis was secured, the scientists inserted the serum onto the machine and just with one flick of a lever, the machine was activated and the serum began to travel into the machine for it to be able to hit evil johnnis. 

Once the serum hit evil johnnis, a massive shockwave was created pushing everyone back further and then evil johnnis broke out with his eyes closed and grew back to normal size, then with a second of silence a miraculous thing started to happen, evil johnnis began to move but screamed in pain, officer john was worried on what's going on but the scientists say that was normal, then the screaming stopped and white eyes appeared on evil johnnis and made an insane energy pulse and fell to the ground. Everyone thought he was dead and officer john went to check on evil johnnis and shockingly evil johnnis woke up and said brother to officer john for the first time and both broke up in tears and hugged each other in gratefulness and everyone cheered on for officer john getting his brother back and went to celebrate. 

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