Chapter 22: "Do you often share such personal insights about your colleagues..?"
Lucifer sat impatiently, his body language betraying his complete boredom. Restless, he began exploring the office, deciding the oppressive silence was too much to bear. Stepping back out into the hallway, he scanned for any sign of Caral Woodly and Dominique, who seemed to be speaking in hushed tones.
As Lucifer crept down the corridor, he detected the rich, alluring aroma of freshly roasted Irish coffee beans. Raven's reliance on her morning brew to maintain an even temperament was no secret to him. However, Lucifer's piqued interest stemmed not just from the enticing scent, but the conspiratorial manner in which Caral and Dominique conversed. Keeping to the shadows, he strained to overhear their secretive exchange.
Dominique's brow furrowed with anxiety as she said in a hushed tone, "You can't speak to Raven that way." Caral Woodly chuckled amusedly. "Raven is quite a cunning character, isn't she?" he whispered, his eyes narrowing as he spoke. "My intel expresses the impending danger Raven truly poses." Leaning in closer, Woodly's voice dropped to a conspiratorial murmur. "Apparently her family is quite the dangerous type. She is much more than I expected."
As he talked, Woodly's body language suggested an intimate familiarity with Raven, as though his intel had provided him with deep personal insights. His gaze was intense, and his movements were measured, betraying a heightened awareness of his surroundings - as if he was carefully assessing the potential risks of Raven's involvement in whatever matter had piqued his interest.
"Raven isn't to be messed with, Mr. Woodly," Dominique said sternly, her brow furrowed and jaw clenched. Her normally calm demeanor had given way to clear anxiety as she continued, "Raven is intelligent, and one mistake will ruin the plans her family has tasked you to accomplish." However, Dominique's fear may not stem solely from the crimes she and Caral Woodly are involved in, but from the impending danger Raven will pose as a result of Dominique's betrayal. Dominique's hands trembled slightly, betraying the underlying terror she felt at the thought of crossing Raven.
Lucifer's eyes narrowed as he listened intently to the hushed conversation between Dominique and Caral Woodly. With a casual adjustment of his impeccable Westwood tuxedo, he feigned disinterest, masking his true intent to gather information. "Ahh, I do love a good Irish brew," Lucifer remarked casually, his voice dripping with amusement as he glanced between Caral and Dominique.
Dominique, typically composed, now exhibited a heightened sense of unease. In contrast, Caral Woodly maintained his facade of confidence and indifference, determined not to betray any reaction to Lucifer's sudden presence. Lucifer knew that eavesdropping alone would not be enough - he needed to tread carefully, his every move calculated to extract the information he so desperately sought.
Lucifer studied Dominique's face intently as she spoke, noting the subtle cues that betrayed her true feelings. "Raven always preferred the Irish brews or German filter coffees," Dominique said, her kind smile not quite reaching her eyes. Lucifer observed the slight tension in her shoulders, the barely perceptible tightening around her mouth - signs that she was being genuine, but not entirely forthcoming.
Dominique's loyalty to Raven was clear, but Lucifer sensed there was more to the story. Was Dominique's apparent betrayal born of necessity, a choice made under duress? Or did she harbor deeper, more conflicted emotions - regret, perhaps, over a decision that weighed heavily on her conscience? Lucifer's keen powers of observation allowed him to glimpse the complexity of human motivations lurking beneath the surface, a window into the shades of gray that so often governed our actions.
Caral Woodly regarded Raven with a keen, almost probing interest. "Raven has very fine tastes, doesn't she?" he remarked, as though unaware of that fact himself. Lucifer's head tilted slightly, a hint of curiosity in his expression. "Do you often share such personal insights about your colleagues with potential clients?" he inquired, a touch of amusement in his tone.
Dominique remained outwardly composed, her emotions betrayed only by the slight tension in her shoulders. "Not often," she replied evenly, "but I did offer to make her coffee this morning, since it's still quite early." The calmness in her voice belied the subtle suspicion Lucifer seemed to harbor about her openness regarding Raven.
Lucifer then focused his ocean blue eyes on Caral Woodly. Mr. Woodly looked amused with Dominique, in fact, he looked rather pleased with himself. "Lucifer, would you like to accompany me for a drink?" Mr. Woodly said with amusement. Lucifer raised a brow with a interested smile. "Id be honored too." Lucifer said with a mischievous tone as though ready to cure his boredom with Mr. Woodly. Dominique looked nervous at Lucifer's tone. As though knowing any time shared with Lucifer was a dangerous game to play. Dominique remembers how she lost control of her desires and her mind when Lucifer was around. Dominique was about to speak before Raven walked into the room.
Lucifer smiled, shifting his gaze to Raven, seemingly pleased to see her. "Ah, detective," he said with a hint of excitement. "Me and Mr. Woodly will be going out to a bar." Raven simply rolled her eyes, not in the mood to entertain Lucifer's antics.
Mr. Woodly appeared reluctant, his expression a mix of confusion and hesitation. It was clear he didn't particularly want to accompany Lucifer, but felt oddly compelled to do so. Dominique, with a sweet, innocent smile, had just finished preparing Raven's coffee. Raven took the cup, bowing her head in silent thanks to Dominique, her focus still primarily on the case at hand.
"Do what you want," Raven said coldly to Lucifer, "and Mr. Woodly, keep your hands to yourself." She took a sip of her coffee, her tone indicating she had little patience for their shenanigans. Mr. Woodly looked at Raven with wide eyes, not only with amusement, but in fascination. He had wanted to make a gentlemanly exit by discreetly touching Raven, but was stunned when she deduced his intended action before he could carry it out. This both annoyed and amused Mr. Woodly. "My, you are quite feisty," he said with a wide smile. Lucifer chuckled, "Isn't she? She is quite the character," equally amused by Raven's perceptiveness.
Raven's body language exuded an air of practiced secrecy and confidence. Her unwavering posture suggested she was always acutely aware of her surroundings, as if mirroring the composure of those around her. Confident and aloof, Raven carefully observed Dominique, who studiously avoided making eye contact throughout their encounter. This uncharacteristic behavior from Dominique immediately raised Raven's suspicions. The only likely explanations, Raven deduced, were either something Raven herself had done, or a connection to Caral Woodly. Raven's abrupt command sent a jolt of unease through Dominique. "Dom, follow me," Raven said, her tone brooking no argument as she swiftly turned and strode into her office.
Dominique tensed, a creeping sense of dread settling in her stomach. She knew Raven had caught onto something - but what, exactly? Dominique hesitated, steeling herself before hurrying to catch up, certain she was about to be ensnared in whatever scheme Raven had uncovered.
Lucifer's blue eyes gleamed with amusement as he glanced at Mr. Woodly. "Follow me, I'm sure you won't mind a friendly evening down at my club," he said smoothly, guiding Caral Woodly out of the federal therapist's office. Caral Woodly's eyes widened slightly, a hint of unease creeping into his voice. "Ah, you're that Lucifer Morningstar. I should have known someone of your...caliber." Caral Woodly's body language was a study in contrasts - his stance was guarded and defensive, yet his chin was defiantly raised and his broad shoulders conveyed an air of forced confidence. Each measured stride betrayed an underlying nervousness, even as he projected an outward demeanor of self-assurance. It was the body language of a man trying desperately to mask his unease.
Lucifer sensed the tension in Woodly's shoulders, the man clearly uncomfortable with Dominique being left alone with the stern, cold Raven. Lucifer chuckled, his tone dripping with confidence. "Someone of my caliber, you say? Mr. Woodly, you're wearing the finest tuxedo I've seen in over a decade. And you're complimenting West Wood's finest? I'm flattered."
As they walked towards the elevator, Lucifer's keen gaze studied Woodly, noting the man's subtle shifts and darting eyes. It was clear Woodly was nervous, likely worried about being caught in whatever unlawful activities had brought him here. Lucifer's amusement only grew - he relished the opportunity to unravel the secrets behind Woodly's unease.