Chapter 127: Chapter 251 - Human
Jay-Jay's POV
The ke-aga-aga sermon is about to begin. Kuya is probably in the mood—for preaching, that is.
"You never complete your school day! It's always a half-day, and yet, you're still late!" he scolded me while we were at the dinner table.
I kept my head down, focusing on my rice. Every now and then, I glanced at Aries, who was sitting across from me, but he wouldn't even look my way.
He'd rather stare at his hotdog.
"What's going on at your school?! You've already been removed from your class, and they haven't even assigned you to a new one!"
Why is he mad at me about that? If he's so curious, he could just visit the school and see for himself.
"The sermon is over. Now, eat," Aunt Gema said with a smile.
She was in a good mood, so Kuya should be too. But the moment I looked at him, he suddenly kicked me under the table.
Excuse me? I'm beautiful—why is he suddenly mad?
I overheard them talking last night. Apparently, there are investors from the UK interested in Tita's company. I think today is their meeting.
That's why they were up so early, getting ready—and why they woke us up too. Not that it has anything to do with us.
Whoever that investor is, may they be blessed. Coming all the way from the UK-UKay-UKay—I mean, the United Kingdom—just to meet Kuya Angelo. Over and over again! No wonder Kuya looks extra handsome today—just don't let him blow his nose in anger.
"Mom, you're really not coming?" Kuya asked before starting his meal.
"No. You'll handle it just fine."
"Alright, I'll call you with updates."
Aunt didn't reply. She just patted Kuya's arm and returned to the kitchen. I glanced at Aries just as he suddenly stood up.
"I'm taking a shower. Hurry up and finish eating," he told me before leaving.
And just like that, I was left alone with Kuya. Left alone? No, I was abandoned!
I quickly shoveled food into my mouth. I had a bad feeling about what was coming next.
"Jay-jay, I'm telling you! You're about to graduate! Don't do anything that will ruin your future!" Kuya warned.
I felt like I was in a speed-eating competition, chewing as fast as I could. I just needed to swallow and escape.
"Are you even listening—?"
"I'm done eating!" I announced, my mouth still full.
I jumped up and bolted from the table. Kuya shouted my name, but I ignored him.
I know I'm being bad, but come on! I'm not in the mood to sit through another one of his sermons. And besides, I can't tell him what's really happening at school. I can't even explain that we have problems of our own.
If he finds out, things will only get worse. He wouldn't understand anyway.
I headed straight to the bathroom to take a shower. This time, I have to go first—before Aries beats me to it again. I won't let what happened yesterday repeat itself.
Last night, Yuri called me. He found out who those punyeta animals were—the ones who messed with me. They were staff members of R. Sato, but for some reason, they weren't serious about kidnapping me.
I mean, what kind of kidnappers keep trying to put me to sleep—but always fail? Hello?! It's been happening over and over again, yet they never actually succeed.
It's like they're just messing around. Their whole plan feels more like a joyride than an actual crime.
After finishing my shower, I got dressed quickly. When I noticed it was still early, I sat on the edge of my bed and checked my phone.
I had texts from Gagong Baliw and Yuri. I decided to read President of the Shunga Lovers Club's message first—just in case it was important.
From: Pres. Yuri
Message: Do you want me to pick you up?
I snorted. No need—I'm going with the Horoscope. I quickly typed a reply.
To: Pres. Yuri
Message: No need. Sorry, Big Brother.
From: Pres. Yuri
Message: Wow. Haha. Ingat! I'll wait for you at the school gate.
Tsk. Stupid! Wow, he says. That redhead really loves teasing me. I ignored him and moved on to the next message from Gagong Baliw.
From: Gagong Baliw
Message: Almost
Look! Here's another one. What's 'almost'? This one must have been a blast typing the message. People really have a different way of looking at the world these days. What do they think they're doing?
I didn't reply to the talipandas. I might even catch his madness. Instead, I just stuffed my phone into my bag.
While putting on my shoes, I heard a knock on my bedroom door, followed by shouting.
"Hurry up, Jay! I'll wait for you outside!" Aries carried my destiny.
"Hey!" I answered lazily.
I hurried up; otherwise, my brother might get angry. It's already bad enough to check my horoscope—I don't need more bad luck.
After getting ready, I grabbed my bag and left my room. I was met by my older brother, who gave me a sharp look.
"Jay! I'm telling you—fix yourself!" he scolded, pointing at me.
I just flashed a peace sign with my fingers and smiled widely as I walked past him. As soon as I passed, I sped up. Aries was already outside, leaning against his car.
Damn, looking strong and handsome.
"You're so slow," he said before getting into his car.
I snorted. I was already hurrying! Did he expect me to turn into The Flash just to impress him?
I got into the car, and Aries drove in silence. I occasionally glanced outside, watching the cars behind us. I had to stay alert. What if that pest, Sato, and his crew showed up again?
Would Swiper no Swiping work on them?
The car slowed down as we turned into a subdivision. I wasn't familiar with the area, and I had no idea who lived here.
But my question was answered when I spotted a woman not too far away. HVIS uniform. Long hair flowing in the wind. Porcelain skin glowing. And, of course, her angelic face.
But she thinks like a demon.
I glanced at Aries. The idiot looked serious, as if he had no idea we had a problem with this girl. I wasn't even sure if we'd ever come to an agreement—I knew for sure we never really got along.
The car stopped in front of her. In front of Ella. This girl looked like she was about to collect her horoscope. She smiled as she approached and opened the door—on my side. Her smile vanished the moment she saw me. Hehe. I grinned at her.
"You're sitting in the back," I said, teasingly.
Her forehead immediately creased. "I... no... You have to move. Aries and I have something to talk about."
My brother and I exchanged glances. He just raised an eyebrow.
I stared at him, hoping he'd get what I wanted to say—that I should stay in the front, and Ella should go to the back. But he didn't seem to care. He just sighed and looked at the road.
"Please, Jay," Ella said, but it was obvious she wasn't really asking.
I felt like a bull about to charge. This girl was unbelievable! I huffed, jumped out, and moved to the backseat, almost slamming the door off its hinges. The wind nearly knocked my eyes out of my head. My blood was boiling again because of her.
You're so dead! One slap—just one!
Aries started the car again, but I noticed Ella reaching out to hand me something. I flinched.
"What is that?!" I snapped.
"MP3 player and a headset. So you won't hear anything we say," she said coldly.
I gritted my teeth. "Don't worry! I have my own."
I pulled out my headset and phone from my bag, shoved the earbuds into my ears, and cranked up the volume.
I was so annoyed, I didn't even notice what song was playing.
It's really hard being T.A.N.G.A.
Oh, mud!
I think the song was meant to be. It really resonates with me. I believe this would be a great team song for our club.
I didn't pay attention to the two people in front. Let them talk. No matter what they do, I don't care—even if they kiss and make out.
But that's not what they're doing. I even considered lowering the volume on my phone to hear what they were talking about, but I didn't want to risk someone noticing.
Don't try, or you might get hurt.
It didn't take long before we arrived at school. I got off first without even saying goodbye. Removing my headset, I placed it back in my bag along with my phone.
"Jay," someone called, grabbing my elbow.
I turned to see Yuri smiling at me.
"Oh, right. I forgot you were going to wait for me," I said, scratching my head.
"When someone isn't important, they're easily forgotten," he replied with a smirk.
I blinked at him. "What are you fighting for?"
"My love for you," he answered with a big grin.
I let out a laugh, though it was mixed with teasing.
"Ha. Ha. You didn't have breakfast, did you?" I asked, smiling foolishly at him.
He grinned like a child. "Not really."
He's crazy from hunger.
We both laughed and shook our heads before walking toward the auditorium. As we got closer, I couldn't help but feel nervous. I don't know why—I just hope we don't get into trouble like yesterday.
When we entered, I found something different from what I had expected. The room was eerily quiet, and the atmosphere felt like a church service.
The strangest thing I noticed was that the Ulupongs were divided into two groups. Mayo and Kit sat separately from the others, just the two of them, while the rest of the Ulupongs were on the other side.
Instead of joining the others like Yuri did, I decided to approach Kit.
"What's wrong? Why are you sitting here?" I asked.
"Please!" Mayo snapped, glaring at me.
Kit elbowed him, signaling him to stop.
"I'm not talking to you," I replied firmly.
Kit turned to me with a smile. "I'm staying away from them for now to avoid more trouble."
I scoffed at Mayo. "That's all?"
"Just trust me," Kit said.
I sighed. He really had to adjust because of these narrow-minded people.
"You shouldn't have to be the one adjusting for them," I muttered. "They should be the ones adjusting for you."
I heard Mayo let out a mocking laugh. "You really think they'd do that?"
I frowned. "Why are you talking so much? Did I ask for your opinion?"
I shot him a sharp look. "Leave."
"I don't want to!" I said defiantly, sitting next to Kit. "I'll sit here."
Kit suddenly glanced at the Ulupongs, so I followed his gaze. They were all staring at us, and some—like Drew—were glaring at Mayo.
What confused me was why Eren and Josh, who were friends with these two, were sitting with the Ulupongs.
I noticed Ci-N, who still seemed clueless about what was happening—just like yesterday when we went home. I had tried talking to him before, but he didn't respond.
Sir Alvin arrived, and although he seemed surprised by our seating arrangement, he ignored it and started teaching.
At some point, I glanced at Kit, feeling concerned for him. I couldn't back out now—almost all of Section E was here.
It's a good thing that King the pest hasn't arrived yet.
Our class with Sir Alvin ended, and at least I understood something—though I won't say what it is. If I do, it might disappear.
As I packed up my bag, which only had a few notebooks inside, I heard the hudlongs calling me.
"Jay..." Rory called. "'re here. Don't stay there."
I sighed. "I like it here."
"Don't stay there," Denzel repeated, sounding annoyed.
"Don't be stupid."
"You scoundrel! Sit here," Edrix said, annoyed.
"Oh, the skin! This is where I like it."
Let's harden our skulls.
"Jay-jay…" Kit called me. "…maybe you should be with them."
"I don't want to! I told you, I'll be by your side no matter what happens."
"Yeah, that… but not literally."
"You're here, Jay-jay," Drew said. "…you might even get infected with celibacy over there."
Hey, Gago.
Before I could even curse him, his face and Mayo's fist met. They got into another fight, each one targeting whoever they wanted to.
"Go away!"
"You idiot! Watch your mouth!"
I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. The worst part is that they attack their classmates randomly.
What else can I expect? They're snakes.
I let out a deep sigh. We waited for a few minutes before the two were finally pulled apart.
Drew's bruises and wounds were now layered with fresh scars and marks. It was clear that Mayo wanted to paralyze him out of anger.
"Are you done? Finished? Your fists have already kissed each other's noses—maybe you can stop now?" I said sarcastically.
"He started it!" Mayo pointed at Drew.
"You're crazy! Because it's true!" Drew shot back.
Mayo tried to lunge at him again, but five people held him back. Even Yuri and David were struggling to keep him under control.
"Is something wrong?" Ci-N asked, drawing everyone's attention.
"Aren't gay people the ones who dress like women even though they're men?" he asked.
"Uh… yeah…" I hesitated. "…but that's not all—"
"I know." He cut me off. "I know that even if they don't dress as women, they can still like other men."
"What are you trying to say?!" Mayo asked, irritated.
"I have a cousin. We were close because he was kind to me—"
"Now is not the time for your stories," Josh interrupted.
"—he pretended to be dead."
We all froze.
"…because the people around him judged him just for being gay."
"Is that why you're so quiet?" I asked.
He nodded as tears fell from his eyes. "I don't understand. I don't understand why people have to be judged just for being gay." He looked at me. "They're still human, right? They're still with us, right? They still help us, make us smile, just like anyone else. Nothing has changed about them, except that they admit who they really are. So what's wrong?"
That's what surrounded us all. I wanted to answer his question, but I couldn't. I didn't know how to explain it to him.
I didn't know what was wrong.
"Should I wait for Kit to kill himself before my question is answered?" he asked, wiping his tears. "…I already lost my cousin. Am I going to lose my friend too?"
Since I met Ci-N, he has always amazed me with the things he does and says. His talent, his persistence.
And now, he amazed me again.
Those words were a slap in the face to the snakes. Each of them avoided his gaze, some bowing their heads.
"Don't worry," Kit said, smiling at him. "…I'm not going anywhere."
I patted Kit's shoulder before walking up to Ci-N and hugging him tightly. Now, I could finally explain.
"There's nothing wrong with them. There was nothing wrong with your cousin or Kit," I said, looking at the snakes. "…The ones who judge them without understanding what they go through—they are the ones who are wrong. They're wrong because their minds are closed. They're wrong because they refuse to see beyond their own understanding. They're wrong. Not Kit. Not your cousin."
Ci-N hugged me back. He was still so young. Too innocent to fully grasp something he shouldn't have to question.
"Jay-jay's right," Edrix said. "We shouldn't have judged Kit in the first place."
"But you can't really blame us either. We've been close to him for so long, and then one day, he just… drops this on us," Rory said.
"Give us some time to adjust," Calix added.
"Maybe… but Kit is still our friend. So we'll learn to accept him," Blaster said.
At that moment, I suddenly remembered the Ulupongs I used to know. Those idiots—who, despite being total gagos, could still be trusted.
A sharp pain hit my chest. I shouldn't have felt it, but I couldn't help it.
"Hey, you!"
A shout interrupted me.
I frowned. What is she doing here?
"W-wait… is that Honey?" Felix asked, staring at the furious girl storming toward us.
She stopped right in front of me. Even Ci-N flinched and hid behind me.
"You're Jay-Jay, right?" she asked, eyeing me sharply.
"Uh… y-yeah?"
"Where is your stepbrother?"
I frowned, glancing at Felix, who looked just as confused as I was.
"Y-you mean Percy?"
She raised an eyebrow. "Do you have another stepbrother besides him?"
I shook my head. "What's the problem?"
"Then answer my question."
Something clicked in my brain. The way she was looking at me—it was irritating.
"And why exactly do you need him?" I asked.
Her eyes narrowed. "Your. Step. Brother. Owes. Me. A lot."
What has Percy done this time?