Ancient Vampire in a Modern World

Chapter 33

Keiji was sipping the wine that was served by the waiter like it was the best thing he ever tasted. His action didn't escape the eye of the manager who was observing him using the cctv camera.

"Don't cook the other dish yet wait for my command before you do it" said the manager to one of the staff and the staff go back to the kitchen and told to the chef what exactly does the manager even the tone of the voice and the actions were the same, this man was now currently using his power which is miming that is why he can copy the exact same thing that his boss did.

The head chef understood it and he just finish what he was cooking in a very fast pace it feels like he has eight hands because of his speed and it was because of his innate abilities called "octopus hands" after finishing the dish he looked at it carefully but then he suddenly threw it to thrash as if he saw a flaw. 

He really did see a flaw on what he cooked because he also had another innate ability which is called the "taste of the eye". After cooking one more time he looked at it again and said "perfect"

"Ok this is ready to be served," the head chef said and gave the food to one of the waiters.

The server covered it and was going to serve. The aroma of the food that he was holding even after it was covered was still oozing out of the lid and escaping.

Meanwhile, Keiji already drank three glass of whine that make the manager sweat a little bit because although he was the manager of this restaurant he was not the owner of it and he might be fired if Keiji ordered their three top dish without paying it and if he shoo away Keiji without enough evidence he will also be fired because that was the rules of this well-known restaurant.

The waiter place the food in front of Keiji in a very respectful manner. Keiji looked into the dish and when it was opened he almost lost his cool because what he was tasting these days was very new to him. He was not like this in the past and he and his family were very conscious about elegance and stuff but now he was acting like a peasant, but he never cares because it's not like someone could topple him or whatever.

Keiji gulped a mouthful of saliva as he smelled the dish in front of him, which was so beautiful like it was not a food but a work of art. It was a soup who was so red and looked like a real lava but there is also an orange-gold like soup that made it looked like it was a gold that was melt by the lava and in the middle the was the lobster's claw and head while it's body who didn't have any sign of shell and it was only pure meat.

Keiji picked up the spoon for eating a soup and tasted the soup using it which made the manager heaved a little sigh of relief because the man who ordered still knew how to eat like someone who could afford those dishes.

Keiji took a spoonful of soup and it really was tasty, the spiciness and the sweet taste of the apple and egg that was being combined that made a wonderful taste.

Keiji was really impressed by the food in this era unlike the food in his era where only plain salt and Keiji and his family was also full of vegetarians, but they drank blood. 

Which is why Keiji can't control himself a little. Keiji took another spoonful of soup which is a blend of red and orange-gold like thing. The taste was really good and Keiji decided to try eating the lobster now.

The manager who was watching Keiji was being relieved little by little but this was the part he was waiting for and going to decide whether to kick out Keiji or let him eat his meal.

Keiji picked up the lobster using the spoon and the mini tong that was also included in the tool set that was prepared by the waiters. Keiji put the whole lobster on the other plate which was already prepared.

He then picked up the mini knife and the mini fork and cut one of the lobster's legs, the lobster's meat was so soft that the person who was cutting it didn't even need to use force in cutting it, it was like a hot knife cut a butter.

*sigh…* The manager heaved another sigh when he saw how Keiji ate his food and it really looked like he was a son of a very rich man. "ok, cook the other dishes." 

Keiji ate the Lova lobster peacefully and when he was already going to eat the pincher claw of the lobster, then used his hand to reach it before sipping the tender meat of the lobster that came out of the claw. 

After eating all the meat and the soup was the only thing that was left, he raised the bowl using his own two hands and sip it *slurp* The taste of the soup made Keiji feel the same as when he was eating his mother's dishes.

The manager thought twice if he would confront Keiji first or let Keiji eat but he finally decided to confront him. He walked out of his office and went towards Keiji and said respectfully. 

"Sir, if you excuse me, may I ask if you know the price of the dishes you just order?"

"I don't" Keiji literally didn't know the price and he doesn't even have a single idea on how the currency works these days.

The manager almost cough because of Keiji's words but he continue to speak, " Oh, sir please excuse us if you feel annoyed but the dish you just ordered all in all is $500,000 , so sir may we ask if you have the capabilities to pay for it" he tried to be very respectful in every way towards Keiji but when Keiji replied

"I don't know" he stiffened at the same spot and almost can't say any words.

"is there a problem?"

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