Ancient One

Chapter 73 - False Renyizhen 8


Li Yunqi broke the long bamboo in the corner of the road with one hand, and directly inserted the head of Zixian on it, with a string of meatballs, shocking!

“This bamboo pole is called a hundred poles, and see how many heads can be hung up in the end.”


All the scholars are pale and chilly! Even Yu Zixian, one of the three sages, was able to kill the strings and kill his own so-called talents. It was even better than the ants.

Yan Jin and Gongsun let me stay on the spot, only to feel awkward in front of me, feeling extremely unreal. Yesterday, I was still with my own poetry, and the companion of the sleepy wind on the Qinhuai River, there was only a humble corpse, the skull. High hanging on the bamboo pole.

Li Yunqi grabbed the bamboo poles and walked to the face of Yan Jin. He said coldly without feelings: “Give you three time, shout to me over the top!”

Yan Jin squatted and sighed for the last bit of courage. He gnawed his teeth: “Shen can kill and not humiliate. Today, although dead, eternal eternal life! Although you are proud of it, you are still alive!”

Li Yunxiao did not pay attention to him, just a few lightly: “One!”

This “one” character is like a heavy hammer, slamming on Yan Jin’s body, letting him tremble constantly. Although the readers are mad, but when they really face life and death, who can hold it? He only felt that the time of the three interest rates was as long as a hundred years, but when Li Yunqi spit out the word “two”, he felt that he was too fast.


He screamed again and again, his eyes were full of complex and fearful colors, his lips were constantly shaking, and he was in a state of mental disorder.


With the word “three” spit out, Li Yunxiao’s indifferent look is unchanged, but the murderousness of his body is hurried, the yin and cold swords are stunned, and the cold light flashes at the bottom of the sun. Yan Jin only feels a sting in his eyes. Looking at the vague head on the bamboo pole, it seems to have become his own appearance, and suddenly the last glimmering like a dyke, smashed down.

“Ah! Don’t, don’t kill me! I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I am wrong, I am wrong, you let me go!” His spirit completely broke down, directly in Li Yunxiao I fell down in front of me.

The rest of the scholars, all the painful face-to-face, weeping, burst into tears.

Taiyin Hanjian is on the shoulder of Yanjin, Li Yunxiao is indifferent: “Read!”

“Read?” Yan Jin shook his head and looked at the scarlet characters on the banner. He suddenly burst into tears. This crying put down all the obsessions in his heart and cried: “Kong Renyi is fake.” Renyi, true king eight. Hey~~”

All the scholars are stunned, and they are sad. Confucian Wuchang, the most important thing is the Tiandi Jun relatives, no matter whether Yan Jin can save his life today, this insulting teacher is enough to make him unable to lift his head in this life.

Li Yunxi said with satisfaction: “Yes, this is still like a look.” His long sword was placed on the shoulders of Gongsun, and he said coldly, “What about you?”

Gongsun Jean also bowed his head in pain, but he was more refreshed than Yan Jin, and cried: “Kong Renyi is a false righteousness, a true king!”

“Haha, yes! You have eaten my cockroaches, and the head of the seeds has become a lot of light! These fake sins are in front of the young master, even the fart is not!” Li Yunxuan looked cold, pointing to the rest of the group of students cold channel : “Within the three interest, there are not shouting, all dead!”

A cool chill emanated from the Taiyin sword, and instantly enveloped everyone’s heart. It seems to have become dark above the sky. At the beginning, it is still Lang Lang Kun Kun. In an instant, the clouds are covered, making people extremely depressed!

“Say, I said!” Finally, someone began to collapse, crying and crying: “Kong Renyi is a false righteousness, really a king.”

Opened a mouth, and the three sages have already opened their mouths, and everyone has no worries, after all, life is important!

Time flies.

At this time, the people in the Lijia Mansion were all a bit stunned, thinking that they had got it wrong. They were all big daddy, how did they change? Become a pupil and benevolent? After listening to it several times and confirming it was correct, this ran to tell Li Baifeng to go.

Li Chunyang and Li Xian were also stagnant. They couldn’t believe it. Even if they were in front of their eyes, they still couldn’t believe it. These sages who worshiped the saints as the spiritual pillars even smashed Kong Renyi one by one. This completely overturned the cognition of the two people…

Li Yunxiao frowned: “How can you be so unhappy? I don’t want to hear someone unhappy. Now I have to be happy to give it to me. I am so happy! Add one, if someone is crying, someone will not laugh, Kill!”

Everyone took a breath of air and stopped crying. They began to laugh. “Ha ha, Kong Renyi is fake and righteous, true Wang Ba, haha, true Wang Ba, ha ha ha!~”

Li Chunyang fainted again! ~

Li Yunqi showed a smile and praised: “This is like a look!” He waved at Li Xian and handed him a hundred-headed rod: “Take this group of people around the country and walk three times, remember Staying at the points I just said, there are violators who kill innocents! The head is hung up! I want to see when you come back, how many heads are hung up!”

All the scholars and students were shaking and shouting desperately.

Li Xiangao lifted the bamboo poles, and with this group of people, he began to swim in the mighty.

Soon, the whole country was full of boiling up, and all the people ran out to watch. Everyone in the country heard a large group of scholars shouting.

“Haha, Kong Renyi is fake and righteous, true Wang! Haha, hahaha!~”

Li Baifeng is drinking tea in the house, but a group of scholars are demonstrating outside. As long as they don’t come in, he will sit back and relax. Everything will come back when the father returns.

“Four Lord, Four Lords”, Jia Ding ran in.

“What is so flustered? 9:527.” Li Baifeng put down the toon and panicked: “Is they coming in?”

Nine-five and twenty-seven hurriedly said: “No, four grandfathers, they are big and big, and they say that Kong Renyi is a false and righteous person. It is a true king, and he is very happy.”


Li Baifeng was stunned. He took a cup and took a sip. He gently put it down and meditated. “Is this too strange? Go, go out and see! Call Li’s guards!”

After they opened the door nervously, they found Li Jingyang and Li Yunqi standing at the door.

Li Baifeng said: “Old, old man? Yunxiao? You are back, what about the scholars?”

“Oh, useless waste!”

Li Chunyang’s face was very angry. When he kicked Li Baifeng, he strode in. Li Yunxiao smiled and followed the past.

Li Baifeng was somewhat inexplicable and wanted to keep up, but he was drunk by Li Chunyang. “You stand, go to the door to clean, don’t follow me and Yunxiao!”

One old and one less went directly to the small courtyard and entered the secret room.

Li Baifeng came to the door with a group of family members. He looked at the blood on the wall and two headless bodies. Suddenly, he was shocked. He thought: Couldn’t it be the father who killed the books and killed them? What about the body? Where did the body go?

After Li Yunqi entered the secret room, Chen Dasheng was still asleep. He checked the situation of the other person and frowned. “It’s worse than I thought, but it doesn’t matter. Since I shot, even if he wants to die, he can’t die!”

Li Chunyang nervously watched Li Yunzhen put a medicinal herb into Chen Dasheng’s mouth. He nervously asked: “How long does it take for him to wake up?” He knows Chen Dasheng’s current state, the longer he is comatose, the worse he needs to stay as much as possible. Awake state.

Li Yunxiao chuckled: “This is not awake.”

Sure enough, Chen Dasheng slowly opened his eyes and looked at the people in the room. He suddenly smiled and said: “It’s once again fainted, luck and wake up, I don’t know if there is such good luck next time.”

Li Yun said: “You try to stand up and see.”

Chen Dasheng looked at him like an idiot and squinted his eyes. “Stand up? I haven’t stood for five years…” Suddenly his voice stopped and his face showed a strange look, his eyes full of shock. The meaning!

“I, my feet have consciousness!” he excitedly excited: “Kid, how did you do it?”

Li Yunxiao smiled and said: “In fact, it is very simple. You are extremely cold. The Sun Zhengzong only knows that the refining of the yang will give you nourishment. can only cure the symptoms. The method of eradication is not only to neutralize the cold. Ice, but also to remove cold poison. My Xuan Huo Dan is able to smother the cold, but only the second grade, the grade is not enough. So you need the yang to help you heal.”

When he explained, Chen Dasheng had supported the wooden barrel with both hands, stood up from it, and slowly released his hands.

Li Chunyang was afraid that he would fall, and hurriedly went up to help, but he was hugged by Chen Dasheng, and he was so excited that he trembled, and he cried: “Big brother, after so many years, I finally can finally stand up again!”

“Good brother, good brother!” Li Chunyang was also excited, holding Chen Dasheng tightly.

After five years of suffering, when Chen Dasheng was tortured, Li Chunyang was not suffering.

Chen Dasheng wiped his tears and said happily: “Big brother, you really have a good grandson! I am so envious!”

Li Chunyang smiled bitterly: “This kid, this kid…” He found that he didn’t know what to say to describe this grandson. He suddenly sighed: “Hey, if you tell him something about you earlier, maybe you don’t have to I have suffered so much.”

Chen Dasheng laughed loudly: “I can stand up now, I am very happy, and there is no other luxury.”

Li Yunxiao smiled and said: “Chen’s father will lead the army in the next few days, but he can’t be so depressed.”

“Take the army to the east?” Chen Dasheng immediately laughed after a sigh. “Haha, you kid can really laugh.” He pointed at his head: “The Hummer career of the year, I can only recall here later!”

Li Yunxiao smiled and said: “Would you like to make a bet?”

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