Chapter 77: Strange Conversation with the Principal...
Oblivious to the thoughts of Andriel, Ethan and his team made their way towards the principal's office. They had been informed a day prior to report to her office before they went for the opening ceremony which she would be obviously not attending due some reasons unknown.
With no knowledge of why they were supposed to go there, they left the surprised and bustling crowd of students and entered the feared domain of the principal. It was just as how they knew it, suffocating and dominating. Without waiting for a second time, they entered the pagoda-like office of the principal.
Once they entered, they headed towards a door up ahead which was her private living quarters. Knocking, Ethan waited a bit nervous at whatever shit was going to happen.
No longer had he knocked did the door open. In front of him was a woman in a long black dress with a black veil covering her face as usual. Even without seeing her beautiful face like the other time, his face turned a bit red. Just her figure could cause him to cheat on his girls but with insane willpower, he fought every stupid suicidal thought in his head.
"Oh! There you are. Come in." Miss Carmen said to them, her black eyes glowing mischievously under her veil which no one could see. She led them to a cozy living room and beckoned them to sit while she offered glasses of water.
"Now let's get to it. This is a proposal, mostly to you three." She said pointing to Trevor, Clara and Emily.
"Yes. It is a Tyrant position proposal. The normal ways to become a Tyrant is to either duel a Tyrant for his or her position or like Ethan's, prove your strength and be accepted by all the Tyrants. What I am proposing is that you stop holding back and prove your strength. You will know later why I am saying this."
"I also know of Ethan and Trevor's evolutions along with Ethan's enlightenment, so your title will be modified a little." She said, looking at Ethan causing him shift nervously in his seat. How she figured it out was a mystery just as her face was a mystery was to most apart from them.
"I will have a private conversation with Ethan now. Lamair, I place them in your care. Teach them what it means to be a Tyrant, and you should also stop holding back. You've been in the 7th position for too long. Ethan follow me." She said while rising up and taking Ethan's hand, earning expressions of surprise from all of them.
Ethan looked towards them and lo and behold, Clara was looking at him with a chilling gaze while Trevor was giving him a huge congratulatory wink-that was why he was his best friend. No doubt. And this solidified the system's claim of they being related in some way. With a nervous expression, he followed Miss Carmen into a smaller room with two chairs facing a fireplace. She beckoned him to sit while she sat beside him on the other chair.
She slowly removed her veil while sighing.
Ethan stared in awe as her fair almost white face came into view, her black eyes locking in a strong gaze with his greens. They stayed like this for almost 2 minutes before Miss Carmen broke the silence.
Miss Carmen: (leaning back in her chair, her expression unreadable)
"Ah, Ethan, always so diligent. Your progress is certainly impressive, but no, that's not why I called you here today. I've been keeping a close eye on your progress... in more ways than one."
Ethan: (frowning slightly, confused by her vague statement)
"More ways than one? I'm not sure what you mean, ma'am. I've been trying my best to keep up with everything."
Miss Carmen: (smiles slightly, a hint of amusement in her eyes)
"Oh, I have no doubt about that. But life is about more than just keeping up, isn't it? Sometimes, it's about... catching up with what's already been set in motion."
Ethan: (trying to follow her train of thought)
"Set in motion? I'm... sorry, I really don't understand. Is this about my future plans after graduation?"
Miss Carmen: (tilts her head, studying him as if he's a puzzle she's trying to solve)
"Future plans, yes... but perhaps not the ones you're thinking of. Tell me, Ethan, have you ever considered how much of your life has been shaped by decisions made long before you were aware of them?"
Ethan: (caught off guard, shifts in his seat)
"Uh, I mean, I guess... everyone's life is influenced by things beyond their control, right? But I don't see how that relates to me specifically."
Miss Carmen: (leaning forward slightly, her voice dropping to a softer, almost conspiratorial tone)
"Indeed. And yet, some decisions are more... binding than others. Agreements made on your behalf, for example. Promises you might not even know exist."
Ethan: (feeling a growing sense of unease)
"Agreements? Promises? I'm sorry, but I really don't know what you're talking about. Has someone made a decision about my future without telling me?"
Miss Carmen: (smiles again, but there's something almost sad in her eyes this time)
"Perhaps. Or perhaps it's something you were never meant to know until the right moment. You see, life has a way of... arranging certain encounters. Like yours and mine, for instance."
Ethan: (utterly baffled, trying to keep up)
"I don't understand. Is this about my awakening or Tyrant ceremony? Did something happen with my acceptance?"
Miss Carmen: (laughs softly, a sound that's both warm and unnervingly cryptic)
"No, Ethan, nothing so mundane. This is about something... deeper. Tell me, have you ever wondered why you've been given certain opportunities here at Anbord? Why doors have opened for you that remain closed to others? To you a mere commoner?"
Ethan: (taken aback, tries to piece together her cryptic words)
"I... thought it was because I worked hard? I've earned those opportunities, haven't I?"
Miss Carmen: (nods thoughtfully, but there's a knowing look in her eyes)
"Oh, you've earned them, certainly. But sometimes, hard work is only part of the equation. Sometimes... it's about connections you're not even aware you have."
Ethan: (leaning forward, now more confused and a little frustrated)
"Connections? What connections? Are you saying someone's been pulling strings for me behind the scenes?"
Miss Carmen: (sighs softly, almost as if she pities him)
"Not pulling strings, Ethan... more like... setting the stage. Your path was set long before you stepped foot on this campus. In ways you might not be ready to understand just yet. But you will, soon enough."
Ethan: (getting more agitated, trying to get a straight answer)
"Look, Miss Carmen, if there's something I need to know, just tell me. I don't understand why you're being so... vague. Who's been making these decisions for me?" he said, shocking even himself of the audacity of his words to the feared principal.
Miss Carmen: (stands up, walks over to the fireplace, looking out as if lost in thought, ignoring his outburst)
"Some things are better left discovered in their own time. But let's just say... you're not as free as you might think. There are certain... expectations tied to your name. Ones that even your mother tried to shield you from."
Ethan: (eyes widening in shock, his heart racing)
"My mother? What does she have to do with this? She's never mentioned anything like that..."
Miss Carmen: (turns to face him, her expression unreadable)
"Ah, but mothers often carry burdens their children never know. I was her student once, you know. She was... very thorough in her attempts to protect you. But some things... cannot be avoided."
Ethan: (staring at her in disbelief)
"You knew my mother? She... she never told me about you. What kind of student were you?"
Miss Carmen: (smiling mysteriously)
"The kind that learns to see the bigger picture. The kind that understands... sacrifices must be made for the greater good. And sometimes, that involves... arranging alliances."
Ethan: (completely thrown off, trying to make sense of everything)
"Are you saying there's some kind of... alliance involving me? What, like an arranged..."
Miss Carmen: (cutting him off, almost playfully)
"Betrothal, yes. But let's not get caught up in labels. Call it... a partnership that was decided long ago, before you even understood what the word meant."
Ethan: (practically shouting now)
"A betrothal?! To who? I don't even—how is this possible?!"
Miss Carmen: (shrugs elegantly, as if it's all a minor inconvenience)
"Possible? Oh, it's not only possible, Ethan. It's... inevitable. But don't worry. You'll meet her soon enough. After all, some things are simply... meant to be."
Ethan: (standing up, overwhelmed and confused)
"This... this is insane. You can't just—how can you expect me to accept something like this?! I already have girlfriends I love. Even my mother accepted them."
Miss Carmen: (waves a hand dismissively, her smile returning)
"Oh, acceptance is a process, dear Ethan. And you have time. Not much, but enough to come to terms with... everything. Now, I believe you have a ceremony to get to. It would be a shame to miss it, considering how... pivotal the next few days will be for you."
Ethan: (opens his mouth to argue, but no words come out, eventually storms towards the door)
"You can't just drop something like this on me and expect me to be okay with it."
Miss Carmen: (calling after him as he leaves, her voice echoing with a final note of mystery)
"Life rarely waits for us to be okay with it, Ethan. You'll find that out soon enough. Until then... I'll be watching. Carefully."
"Besides who said I can't share..." she murmured in a playful tone, her black eyes turning feline-like and her black cat ears which were hidden from view with her hair, wiggling.
Ethan, shaken to the core by his conversation with Miss Carmen failed to notice where he was going and bumped into Clara, almost making her fall but he swiftly caught her.
"Ethan? What's wrong? You seem lost." she said in concern.
"Yeah bro. You look like you are going to be expelled from the school." Trevor chimed in.
"It's nothing much. Related to my Tyrant position and evolution. She was just giving me advice. Let's go, else we will be late for the ceremony." Ethan said as he grabbed Clara's hand and led her out of the building the others behind him.
'Babe what's really the matter?' Clara asked in his mind. She had established a telepathic connection with Ethan.
'It's nothing really. I can handle it.'
'Are you sure?'
'Mm. I'm strong you know. I'm no longer the weak Ethan and as the principal said, I will no longer hold back.'
'Just know that I will always be there for you. After all, you marked me twice.'
'I love you!'
'I love you more!'