An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 84

Chapter 84 The Battle of Lum

“Really, don’t be so capricious in the battle.” Amuro talked about it when he saw the Iao plane rushing into the enemy’s battlefield, and then fired dozens of anti-armor missiles to destroy the more than ten MS that was about to encircle Iao.

“Isn’t you behind me?” Iao stepped on the head of the first warrior, jumped in front of the second warrior, activated the beam sword hung under the beam rifle, and cut the second warrior in half. .

“Using me as a pedal!” The first warrior was shot and exploded by the Amuro machine before he finished speaking.

“Yao, don’t do too fancy moves, you will be scolded.”

A flash of lightning seemed to flash across Amuro’s eyebrows. “Huh? What’s coming…this pressure…is there!”

Amuro used the onboard beam cannon to fire in one direction, but there was nothing there.

“Not here?” The three beams hit the large beam cannon/beam saber component of the meteor equipment. Amuro ejected the two components urgently, and then took out two shotgun bazookas from the weapon bay at the back.

“What is…missile? No…unmanned aerial vehicle?” Amuro zoomed in on the bit that was captured by the sensor and identified as a missile.

“It’s nothing terrible if you see it.” Amuro tried to break the bit with the remaining two double beam rifles on the rocket launcher and meteor equipment.

“Throwing around… Iao, when are you going to watch the show?”

“Isn’t this the evasive habit of that unit.” Three light beams fell one after another, breaking three bits.

“Are there!”???? 2

While the bit was destroyed, the Amuro and the duo sensed an instant increase in malice.

Six beams shot at the source of malice at the same time. The approaching Emmy saw a bad situation and quickly evaded, but the engine was destroyed, leaving only the attitude control nozzle to operate.

“Kun Amuro, that machine seems to have some secret look, capture it.” Iao always felt that this ma gave him a strange feeling.

“Same feeling.”

“Meteor 05 to Meteor 01, captain, capture the enemy’s new weapon and request to be escorted back to the fleet.”

“Go, Shixielan 04 will also go back with you.”

Upon hearing the order, Amuro and Iao pushed the Emmy away from the battlefield. The subsequent carrier-based aircraft force of the First Fleet has also approached.

“Hey, go through the back door, you said the driver of this thing is a man or a woman.” Iao smashed the shell of the Emmy. He winked at Amuro’s video avatar, indicating that the contact communication channel was open.

“What’s wrong, the official second generation, it sounds like a young woman inside. Didn’t you hear her voice just now?” Amuro also gave a smirk, saying that he knew that he even tried to connect with the enemy. The camera inside the body can see the face of the driver inside.

“How long did the prisoner of Zeon army last? Three days?”

“Two days will not work. The three-day one is the one from the Battle of Smith Sea.”


Two second-generation officials, you scared the pilot of the Emmy.

But the pilot of the Emmy remained unmoved, and even took off his helmet, revealing a funny expression.

“Next time you will scare the prisoners of war, remember to bring malice, the children of the Federation.” The voice of the pilot of the Emmy appeared in the minds of the two official second generations. “Also, can I get in touch with Kasbal Deikun of Zeon Republic? I am his good friend, please contact him to lead someone. I didn’t shoot down the Federation fighter in the battle.”

The two second-generation officials looked at the Indian girl who had put the seat down, lying comfortably.

“It seems that I have picked up an incredible character… Hey, go through the back door, don’t stare at others’ faces!” Iao found that Amuro’s face was almost on the screen, and shouted angrily.

“Who opened the fire! This way the battle will be exposed! Forget it, no matter what, the fleet, nuclear missile loading, launch preparation!” Dozlu squeezed the armrest directly… Seeing the federal fleet in the distance accelerates directly After that, Dozlu realized that starting with the MS team launching a nuclear strike, the warship unit’s head-reaping operations were directly impossible. “In this way, it’s head-on.”

“The loading of the missile is complete, and the enemy fleet is about to enter the effective range of the naval gun.”

“All bombs are launched! The ships are the fastest, free to face off! Charge!” Dozlu’s seat armrest was completely broken.

“Admiral, the enemy fleet fires anti-ship missiles.”

“There is the possibility of nuclear missiles.”

“Well, you can’t let go of a shot!”

The anti-aircraft artillery of the Federal Fleet began to throw barrage on Zeon’s missile group. Tiam suddenly found that his vision was blocked by the trail of countless shells.

“…Is the enterprise-level air-to-air firepower so exaggerated?” This is the first time Tiam has boarded the enterprise level on the battlefield.

“Admiral, the firepower of the new Salamis class is not bad.” The staff officer beside him calmly helped one of the fallen glasses. “The nuclear bomb fired by the enemy ship seems to have been detonated.”

Not only the anti-aircraft guns, but also the main guns that can target the missile area are firing beams in an attempt to intercept the missiles. Moreover, the continuously waving beams seemed to have a low interception efficiency. The beam of a main gun directly hit the warhead of the nuclear missile, and this tactical hydrogen bomb with the equivalent of 3 million tons was instantly detonated.

The explosion of two kilometers in diameter directly gnawed a corner at the Zeon formation.

“It’s not good to go on like this… It’s too much loss to maintain the formation by the center of a nuclear bomb, but the air defense fire density of the dispersed formation is not enough, the missile will surely cause losses quickly, it’s troublesome…” Tiam’s index finger Knocking on the armrest was a headache.

“Admiral, Gabriel is calling urgently.”

“Take it over.” Tiam picked up the communicator in hand. Looking down at Ian’s face that appeared on the screen. “In our combat operations, you’d better provide me with news that is worth listening to you in the rain of nuclear bombs.”

“I’m not sure what kind of hydrogen bomb used by Zeon military. If it is triggered by a nuclear bomb, then you have made a lot of money. Start the neutron jammer, and that device can stop the nuclear fission reaction within a radius of 150 kilometers. In addition, This equipment is only available on the No. 13 ship Barr, so you don’t need to look for it on the Titan.” Ian finished a sentence at a speed close to that of Hua Shao. “But this device consumes power…”

“…” Tianmu was stunned by a burst of high-speed Japanese. But after reacting to what is meant by halting the nuclear fission reaction, I kept Ian’s communications and directly found the communications of Jean Barr, “Captain Thoreau, your ship is equipped with a device called a neutron jammer, and it’s activated immediately. it.”

“Huh? Yes, Admiral. Start the neutron jammer immediately.” The captain gave the order directly before putting down the communicator.

“Yes, neutron jammer, start.” With the start of the instrument, this enterprise-class battleship carrying experimental equipment, a large amount of electricity poured into this equipment, and even caused some air-to-air facilities for more than 5 seconds. And the radar’s power-off and shutdown.

And the loopholes in the firepower net of these 5 seconds caused 3 missiles to be leaked in.

“It’s over!” Tianmu could see that the three missiles rushed directly to the Jean Bar, which was 300 meters away, and the nuclear bomb marks on the missiles were clearly visible.

Cic exclaimed.

“Knock it down!” The voice came one after another.

“…The power consumption is huge…” Ian’s voice stopped because he saw an expression of life and death on Tianmu’s face.

“A nuclear bomb came in?”

Tianm turned his military cap straight, nodded, shrugged and spread his hands.

Then three missiles exploded, and the upper half was stuck on the hull of the Jean Barr.


Uranium 235: I want to fission! I want to explode!

wgaaaaah! !

Neutron jammer: No you don’t want to.

Uranium 235: Oh good. Cute.jpg

There was silence in cic for several seconds. A large group of people kept their respective actions trying to avoid the nuclear explosion and looked at the nuclear bomb that was magnified several times and inserted into the hull of the Jean Barr.

“It seems that Zeon has not put into the use of laser fusion hydrogen bombs, Admiral Tiam, teach Zeon to be a man with a naval gun that the Federation is proud of.” Ian can also see the battle report, the three dumb bombs. It was magnified ten times and placed on the battlefield intelligence network.

“Humph, I’ll use you to say it.” Tianmu returned to his normal commanding posture. “Xiao Chen, help me get the spacesuit helmet back, the fleet, the bombardment formation expand! Send Zeon home.”

Tianmu put on the spacesuit helmet again, and it didn’t matter whether he wore the spacesuit or not in the face of a nuclear bomb, but if he didn’t wear it in a conventional artillery battle, he was looking for death.

The Federal Fleet, which had not been threatened by nuclear bombs or hydrogen bombs, launched a bombardment formation with a carefree attitude.

“Captain, under the influence of the neutron jammer, the output of the fusion furnace is now less than 70% of the normal output.” The agency chief reported.

“Got it, admiral?”

“The enemy should be the same. The shelling started! The beam cannon should not intercept the missiles. It is not good for us to detonate the hydrogen bomb. By the way, let the Barr pull out the three missiles and be hit by the beam.” Amn glanced at the three missiles stuck in the hull.

“!!! Captain! The Fusion Furnace is suddenly working hard!! The reason is unknown!” The chief of Zeon Gwajin-class reported suddenly.

“Captain! The nuclear bomb could not be detonated because of its location. Our hydrogen bomb… can’t be used?” The gun commander reported a strange phenomenon.

“Can’t use it? Has the expiration date passed?” Dozlu was puzzled.

“Impossible, these were all made 3 weeks ago! However, more than 30 hydrogen bombs that have reached the predetermined position have not detonated, and a report of the failure of the nuclear bomb used as the trigger has been sent.”

“What the **** is going on…” Dozlu floated to the front of the bridge. “Did there be traitors in the A. Ba Waku Fortress who made nuclear bombs with unqualified nuclear materials? Or… the EFF found a way to interfere with the nuclear bombs…”

“Commander Dozlu, the enemy fleet’s formation has changed, and it is suspected of switching from an assault formation to a standard artillery formation.”

“Then it must be the confederacy. The whole fleet communicated, while shooting at the same time, spread and turn in. After leaving the battle, part of the fleet retreated to Fort Solomon, and part of the fleet retreated to the Fortress of Abba Vaku. Don’t panic. , We haven’t thoroughly…”

Thousands of beams shot from the side of the Zeon fleet.

“Kun Tianmu, do you miss me?”

“It’s too slow, Mr. Huaken.”

“But 15 minutes later than you, but your experience was wonderful enough.”

“Shall we change?”

“Forget it, my heart can’t stand it, Captain Kenser, activate the neutron jammer. Fleet assault, intercept the Zeon fleet array!” Huaken sat back on the command seat.

After Huaken issued the order, the third fleet that rushed from the compound vertical array, turned 90 degrees and then transformed into a fish-scale array, and then accelerated while being bombarded.

“Sorry, the first battle was all over, Zeon guy. The fleet accelerates and concentrates its artillery fire!”

“The formation of the enemy fleet, completely collapsed, is leaving the front on its own. Do you want to pursue it?”

“Let the Barr report that the neutron jammer is overheating and will be shut down.”

“What? What about the three nuclear bombs?”

“It has been towed by the boat to 30 kilometers away.”

“That’s good, there is no need to pursue it. How is the situation with the aviation unit?”

“The first wave of 36 killer whales returned to the team, the second wave of killer whales only had 14 fuselages to the first fleet, and the rest were all destroyed. The ms team returned to 41 aircraft and the cockpit 67 returned to the team. Now the hive class and Colombia Class 1 is recovering the MS team, and now the carrier-based aircraft of the First Fleet has taken over the battle against MS in the sky.”

“It’s so miserable…” Tianm looked at the list of pilots marked as KIA. “What about the fleet loss?”

“16 of the Salamis class were sunk and 24 were damaged. Each of the Enterprise class was damaged, but not much.”

“Fortunately, Mr. Huaken, don’t chase it. Please send an aviation pair to the scene above to help clean up the battlefield. There may be a living pilot. Moreover, the neutron jammer is running for too little time. You may be caught Fight back.”

“Okay, I see.” Huaken took off his helmet. “The pursuit stops! Join the second fleet.”

“Admiral, the enemy fleet has retreated.”

“I see, let them go.”

“The large refrigerator on Luna II, do you miss us ”

The combined MS and fighter formations of the First Fleet have approached the Zeon Special Assault Group.

“Are you the Hong Kong police? You can only wash the floor after a while!” A reloaded Gundam dodges a rocket and counterattacks with a short tube of 80mm Gatling fixed in his right hand.

Both the Shixielan equipment and the meteor equipment have been abandoned. The missiles are consumed within 10 minutes of the start of the battle. The external equipment will be damaged or the ammunition will be exhausted. Now Luna II All of the stronghold defense mobile suits are fighting with the Gundam body, only the super iron ball is still supporting the battlefield with live firepower, and it is afraid to use the cruiser-class Mega particle cannon to bombard it for fear of accidentally detonating the hydrogen bomb in Zagu’s hand. .

“Boys of the First Fleet, be careful of those green bodies. They have hydrogen bombs in their rocket launchers!”

“Got it! The Zeon fleet is already retreating, why aren’t these children running?”

Commander Jim, who came for reinforcements, rushed up and cut off Zaku’s arm with a lightsaber, then kicked Zaku flying, and stopped in front of a Gundam with the kickback.

“Probably I don’t know… It’s a young soldier after all.” Gundam raised his head and looked at the high-mobility Zaku team, the Warriors, the Great Demon team, and the Ma team, who could not see the tail flames. “Just sold them… Zeon’s scum.”

“Hey! Your fleet is already retreating! Your superiors are also retreating! Put down their weapons, stop the engine, and surrender!” A white Gundam opened the full-band communication and shouted loudly.

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