An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 55

Chapter 55 Sophia

After the combat troops recovered, Ptolemy returned to the forward base Solomon.

In the amalgam submarine, a silver-haired young man could not see the graceful smile that he maintained all the year round. “This thing can’t be explained by black technology, or is it a real alien?”

At this time, the submarine was trying to maintain the balance of the ship, because just below them were three sea fog submarines and two warships skimming at a high speed of more than 80 knots, and the shock wave of the sea almost sank the three amalgam submarines directly.

“There are also those human-shaped weapons, which are not our design style at all. Those human-shaped weapons are not AS at all, and the luminous wings that are deployed at the end. Can those bodies actually fly?! So why should I accompany the secret? Silver’s troops fought on the ground, and how did the floating warship stop there, the anti-gravity engine?! Isn’t that technology completely impossible to produce samples?”

The intruding and chaotic coalition forces let Leonard, who has always been graceful and calm, no longer calm down.

From the outside of Ptolemy’s medical room, everyone in Ian watching the unconscious Chidoriya was also discussing the amalgam unit just now.

“The fuselages that appeared on the three submarines just now should be the amalgam units shown in the data.”

“Well, and it seems that Mithril deploys so many ASs here to ambush the amalgam. Look at their combat deployment, basically they set up a pocket array facing the direction of Tokyo Bay.”

“My friends of mithril and amalgam should be crazy now, after all, this attack is too nonsense…”

“Emmm… Just treat it as we are eradicating disputes. You see, one body was chopped off, and the other was scared away. It’s really gratifying, gratifying, and gratifying. You must know that this group of people was originally going to be in Tokyo. Rushing. Anyway, how is the situation in Vladivostok?”

“It is expected to start operations at 0:00 tomorrow, and the fleet is now resting on the periphery of the combat area to determine the combat status of the troops.”

“…The expected awakening time that Chidori wants is 1 hour later, shall we stand here and wait stupidly?”

“…Let’s have supper first…”

Off Vladivostok, Mithril submarine, son of Danu

“Colonel, there is an emergency communication from the combat forces in Tokyo.” First lieutenant Colonel Madukas reported to Captain Teresa Testarosa, who looked particularly like a pretty Correspondent A. “From Karininsang? Please connect.”

“Colonel, Tokyo was attacked by unknown combat troops, the AS combat troops were all destroyed, and the Chidori will be hijacked. Please give instructions.”

“All off? All 24 of the latest m9s?” Tessa called up the real-time monitoring screen in Tokyo, and found that there was no picture of Tokyo’s devastation as imagined. “What about the casualties?”

“No one was injured, but morale was extremely low.”


“The battle ended in 35 seconds. It took 35 seconds from the first M9 to find the enemy aircraft to the last M9 losing combat effectiveness, and there were only 12 enemy aircraft. Our soldiers will be cut within 5 seconds of receiving the enemy. The hands and feet of AS, so the total combat time is less than 10 seconds, and the remaining 25 seconds are the enemy planes moving on the road.”


“Yes, the opponent has been fighting with cold weapons similar to single-molecule swords, and those fuselages can fly. Mao Cao Chang discovered that the opponent still has a 400-meter-long floating warship staying above the battlefield.”

“Floating warship? 400 meters long? Can fly?”

Tessa became more confused as she listened.

“The details will be sorted out and sent to you later. Now we request an emergency evacuation.”

“Well, permission, let the personnel of the damage control department in the city assist you in recovering the wreckage, and the transport helicopter units on standby in the open sea will pick you up.”


“Unidentified troops took away Chidori without hurting one of us, and also equipped with equipment that has crushed us for at least one generation…”

“Colonel, I think it’s better for us to focus on the current combat.”

“Yes…how is the situation of the combat troops?”

“The AS3 aircraft and 12 ground combat personnel have been in ambush at the predetermined location.”

“Very well, wait for them to come now.”

Not far from the Mithril troops’ ambush circle, the Holy Bretania Empire’s heavy floating battleship, the Indomitable.

“His Royal Highness Schnezerlu, His Royal Highness Cornelia, His Royal Highness Lelouch, the enemy transportation convoy is about to enter the combat area.”

“Notify the troops to start operations as scheduled and implement plan C.”

“Yes, YourHighness, all units are delivered, and plan C is implemented. The knf unit takes off, and there are 5…4…1 from the emp detonation, detonation. The hostages rescued the troops and set off.”

In the center of the convoy, a small emp bomb was detonated, and the shock wave at the time of detonation directly lifted the BTR-90 armored vehicle just above it.

“Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Ask the base for help, hurry!”

“Sir! The radio burned out! We were attacked by emp!”

“Then fix it quickly, driver, take us out of here.”

“The vehicle is stalled and can’t be started!”

“Cut, fire flare, black, three!”


“Everyone, prepare to fight, comrades, the day of sacrifice for the Soviets is here!”

The convoy commander pulled out his gun, opened the door and got out of the car first. The remaining soldiers also took out assault rifles and anti-tank rockets one after another, and the vehicle-mounted turret also faced the battle in manual mode.

“This is R2. The vehicle in which the VIP is riding has been confirmed and the attack has begun.” The first reconnaissance special-equipped Vincent flew over the convoy against the barrage of 14.5mm and 5.45mm bullets.

Eleven Vincents lifted the optical camouflage and flew down from the air. Among them, three of them were hand-held 40mm long tube kmf with assault rifles spitting out flames, and 40mm armor-piercing high-explosive projectiles were fired at the armored vehicle that was firing. After a few crisp noises , The armored vehicle was hit and exploded.

The remaining 6 Vincents used hand-held 7.62mm machine guns to suppress Soviet infantry. Two Vincents pulled out the MVS and cut the two savages that accompanied them into sticks.

In the second after the last armored vehicle exploded, 12 special units equipped with individual armors smashed to the ground after a brief deceleration of the rocket engine.

“Sir, our feet are on the ground!”

“The rescue operation begins!”

Twelve people rushed to the truck carrying the whisperer and killed the truck driver. 12 people surrounded the truck. Three of them stepped forward and forcibly opened the locked door of the carriage. Inside, an experimenter in a white coat hijacked the whisper. He put a scalpel against her neck and put her in front of him.

“Don’t come here! Get out, or I’ll kill her!”

The captain of the Federal Special Operations Squad was a bit embarrassed. He just wanted to activate the infrasonic weapon to directly stun the opponent, but the armored AI prompts that the hostage cannot withstand the infrasonic weapon, and the probability of death exceeds 90%. However, the directional energy weapon cannot target the opponent who is completely blocked by the hostage. .

“Forget it, Mr. EL, where are you, we need you.”

The team leader uses brain quantum waves to contact the els in the team.

“Just in the car, you can move at any time.”

“Then act, It’snowornever.”

“No problem, leave it to me.” Then the team leader saw that the blade of the scalpel held by the researcher slowly deformed into one??…


Then several metal tentacles stretched out from the interior of the car body, which stunned the experimenter severely, and gently lifted up the whisperer. After confirming that the other party was in a coma, and after the hostages lay down, the metal tentacles merged into an els girl.

“Perfect completion of the mission… Team… Captain? Why did you leak this expression?”

The team leader drew out his pistol expressionlessly, loaded it, and shot at sister Els.


The ends of the els girl over there flicked out the tentacles, and the ends of the tentacles absorbed the bullets in turn. Then 3 ?? bent out on the top of the head.

“Shoot early next time…”

“Oh…” Looking at her expression, I guess she will play like this next time…

“The Indomitable, the hostages are guaranteed, and we are back.”

“Understood, the inflexible descended. The optical camouflage was lifted.”

Only 500 meters away from the Indomitable, the truncated Mithril people did not even dare to scold their mothers. Because they saw that the stern of the floating battleship had three 3-gun 600mm guns pointing at them…

Captain Mackaran tried to drive his newly issued M9D, the ECS enhanced version quietly left, but even in the invisible state, the opposite side was firmly locked on himself, because he could even see the shells deep in the barrel… And the turret is turning with its own movement.

“This is Uruz1, call TDDHQ.” Captain Macalan considered for a while and took the initiative to break the radio communication.

“This is HQ, please speak.”

“The battle failed, and the target person was not captured.”

“Please explain the situation.”

“Three minutes ago, the target entered the ambush with 300 meters, and was intervened by a third-party unknown force and detonated an electromagnetic pulse bomb. 12 flying ASs destroyed 2 ASs and 7 armored vehicles within 15 seconds. The Mini AS landed and took the target. Now I want to disarm the ECS and show okay.”

“Huh? You were discovered?”

“Yes, a 3-gun 600mm naval gun is now aiming straight at my body.”

“It’s the flyable AS and the floating warship again… will it be the same organization… Uruz1, disarm the ECS, indicating that there is no hostility to retreat slowly.”

“Uruz1, understand. Full machine, ECS, normal mode, raise the weapon to face the enemy ship.”

“Uruz4, understand. ECS is cancelled, normal mode.”

“Uruz5, understand.”

“Uruz1, look! That barrel is glowing!”

“Huh?” Lieutenant Macalan looked up at the gun barrel. “Luminous? Is it the legendary beam weapon?!”

The central barrel of a main gun was slowly beginning to glow, but no shells or light beams came out. Rather, when the luminescence reaches a peak, the brightness of the luminescence does not change, but starts to flicker.

“…Captain, the opponent is using a luminous signal… and it’s Morse code.”


“…Repeat, if you want to contact us, please email xxxxx@…”

“Uruz5, did you record the battle?”

“It has been recorded.”

“Well, the whole plane retreats and joins forces with the ground forces. It doesn’t make sense to stay here anymore.”

“To understanding.”

On the Son of Danu, Tessa was already sadly pulling her braid down. “What do those people want to do? And who are they? A new AS that is more than a generation more advanced than us. There are also warships flying in the sky that I dare not think at this stage… They still need to whisper with such technology. The one?”

“Colonel, Uruz1 sent a video and an email address.”

“Put it on the main screen.” In the screen is a scene where the battleship’s gun barrel uses the bright light emitted when it is charged to emit a light signal.

“…Lian or not contact…”


“Do you really dare to think about it, Admiral Makarov.” Schneizer’s expression was surprised and awkward. “Use the battleship’s main gun for luminous communication.”

“It doesn’t matter what method he uses, as long as the function is realized.” Makarov was quite disapproving.

“Yes, but do you say they will contact us?”

“Definitely, they can’t hold back their curiosity.”

“His Royal Highness Shunezerlu, the troops have been contained.”

“Understood. The fleet turned 180 degrees and we returned to Fort Solomon.”

The camera returns to Ptolemy.

After everyone went to the cafeteria to have a hot pot, the greasy people returned to the medical cabin and waited for Chidori to wake up.

After 5 minutes, Chidori will wake up.

She opened her eyes and sat up slowly. I looked around, and finally quietly looked at Ian, who was closest to me.

Ian looked at her in the same way. I always felt that the Chidori was not right. After using part of Tiki’s power, Ian realized that Chidori’s consciousness was still asleep, and now it was another one that occupies her body. awareness.

“You…you don’t want Chidori.”

“Ah, I’m the one who wants it, why do you say that I’m not the one who wants it?”

“Because you are not here… If you remember correctly, Miss Sophia?”

Hearing this name, Chidori’s expression became dull. “It’s been a long time since I heard this name, outsider. You did a lot of homework in advance.”

“Outsider? It seems you know a lot too, Miss Sophia.”

“I have observed you for a period of time. The technology you use is not on the same technological development path as this world. In addition, you seem to pop out overnight without warning. Under comprehensive analysis, you are outsiders. The probability is greater than that you are a local mysterious organization. Do you think so, Alien Sang. Moreover, I see in you my hope of liberation.”

“The hope of liberation…” Ian chewed Sophia’s words. “Then how can we relieve you? And we can’t contact you.”

“My body is in Yansk City. Just take my body off that instrument. As for contact, have you proposed quantum communication theory?”

“Yes, and we still have this.” Ian mobilized his brain quantum waves. I found Chidorya (Sophia) in front of Shangqian who could actually be linked.

“You can even link to me? That’s so much more convenient.” Sophia directly disconnected the link he wanted with Chidori, and instead only linked with Ian.

“Hey? Where am I…? Who are you!…” The consciousness that Chidori wanted was restored in an instant… She really is a vitality girl.

“Speaking of which, I see you are snatching whispers, do you also want these black technologies?” Sophia found that after 21 years, she could finally talk to people again, and she was very happy.

It just… makes Ian feel cold in his back. UU reading

Because Sophia’s body is currently caught in the air by some cables, her hair is gray, and her bare skin is pale because she hasn’t seen the sun in 21 years, and her body is all gray. All in all, it is an image of a hanged female corpse with a disheveled hair.

And with the stability of the brain quantum wave link, Ian can have the sense of seeing her…In other words, Ian is looking at things now, next to his focus, he can see a smiling face Hanging the female corpse, but when he focuses on that image, the vision will disappear or shift.

“Well, these technologies have a lot of reference value, such as the imaginary string repulsive force field generator, the miniaturized palladium reactor, and the technological cycle increase phenomenon caused by the whisperer.”

“Huh? I know the first two, what’s the last one?”

“It’s what you are doing now. Send the technology at point A in the future to point B in the past. At this time, this technology will also develop in this timeline. Then, at point A in the future, we can have more This technology is advanced.”

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