An omnipotent being who is chilling now

Chapter 1: Just power granting

This is FF will be like mega short maybe 8 chapters or less.


"dear nyarlathotep can you tone it down in destroying multiverses stop showing our daughters destruction"

I couldn't help berate one of crazy, insane, obsessive wife of mine out of a couple. The embodiment of madness as she is one nympho, lustful woman. Especially when she could get pregnant in the normal way. 

Don't even get me started how I now an outer god became this powerful closer to boundless though I don't want to end up like that old ass azathoth who is "sleeping". 

You become that powerful that you will loose all your senses sight, thinking or feel anything. I just kept myself as i'm now besides I love or had to come to love this life. 

"HUBBY~! It will require lots of spoils and maybe 10 more children!"

I was standing beside floating in the cosmos then to where nyarlathotep was in a world where if I remember that had a big purple titan sort of person against a man with a shield some demi-god with lightning powers, a man with a robot suit. A little boy with robot suit similar to a spider. 

And many others I can't seem to remember wait....


Multiple cute to beautiful figures rushed towards me hugging me. Glomping all over my body as they were my precious daughters. Some belonging to nyarlathotep while the others belonged to yog sothoth and shub-niggurath. My three crazy wives well all of them was slightly less impulsive as I was there to hold them back except for yog she was normal in a sense.

Crazy how I had outer god beings as my wives capable to do anything with a snap of their fingers and i could do the same. 

"hey girls"

I doted on them but was stern sometimes though that barely came out of me. My lovely precious jewels. All of them were becoming extraordinary beautiful like those jade beauties of the cultivation worlds. Well a term that greatly compliments them.

I talked to them spending some time with them until all of them left through a portal as the oldest took them back home well it wasn't the void. It was a world where we ruled having it's on supernatural and human realm mix together. 

"papa can I ask of something from you"

"What is it kurumi?"

"I want a baby with papa!"

Her eyes stared at mines anticipating for an answer boring right into my very being. As she begun to pant thinking of lewd things as expected of her being the daughter of the sadistic, nympho shub-niggurath.




"I want a baby!"

"BWAHHAHAHAAHAH! Such morality is gone from you hubby~ why not impregnate your own blood daughter it would be such a thrill for you~"

I groaned knowing how being this all powerful was like incest was nothing if he committed it who would judge him? No one as he can do what he wants. 

Seeing kurumi press her body against mines as nyarlathotep just finds it funny thinking what would happen in the infinite future. 

"You wouldn't make our daughter wait for an unknown amount of time billions would just be insane....besides~ I think it would be a turn on for you if you impregnated her and she gave birth to a girl then she grew up to love you and the cycle repeats~! Bwhahahahaah! Just thinking about it makes me imagine how I would be a great-great-great-great grandmother!"

Nyarlathotep cackled as she found it amusing and funny how he would infinitely breed his daughters one after another keeping the bloodline pure. Besides she rather her husband be the man for her daughters as other men are just pebbles compared to him. 

She cared for her family happiness and if incest was the key she could care less of such irrelevant matter. Besides she had about 50 children of her own and well they were going to make more most definitely. 

"Please papa~!"

Her eyes were given off a hint of seduction as she press her growing bossom against my chest. As her hands grab my crotch.

"Papa should defile this naughty daughter of yours~ I need to be disciplined~"

"You win"


I grabbed her nice soft ass and kneaded it causing her to moan. 

"I can't wait~"




"Do you desire power?"

I was standing before a young boy who was wearing a spider type robotic suit. As time stopped all around being my work. As the purple titan was about to snap his fingers with that gauntlet that had the so called infinity stones as this young boy calls it.

"Can you grant me it!?"

I was talking like the devil asking for his soul in return I chuckled in my mind.

"That I can do"

Hmm his potential isn't to bad maybe he could be at tier 4 out most. I felt generous to make this young boy become powerful. What should I give him?


That should do

"You'll be granted the [martial god system] "

Instantly a robotic voice spoke into peter's mind as his eyes widened at the information he was receiving a system a power that could make him powerful more so than thanos. The figure in front of him wasn't lying.

"What do I call you?"

Peter felt like kneeling as he knew the man before him was uncomprehensible. His aura made him feel like he should kneel for respect. But he didn't know that Lance was able to suppress his overbearing aura that could destroy this world in an instant. 

"You can call me R.O.B meaning ROB"

Yep hey readers i'm that ROB from every Fanfic that you have read that has granted powers to your MC's. Making them powerful to multiversal level thanks to me you get to enjoy reading that fanfic.

[A/N: Oi oi!? Breaking the fourth wall!]

Oh hey author sure i'm just greeting the readers, I shrugged at the author who is not shock feeling like he expected this well he probably did.

[A/N: Of course! Now stop breaking the fourth wall I need my readers to not see our monologue between each other!]

"Well then I should get going but you'll be transported to another world to get stronger than come back here to your home world don't worry I'll regress this world before this purple thing has his eyes on your planet and time will you'll began a new life"


I left before he could say anything as the system should explain a bit more or repeat what I said in a more easier way for him to understand. 

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