An Incubus Life

Chapter 13 Too Much of a Good Thing

Thanks for reading.  If you like the story give it five stars!  Patreon is on chapter 24, with 25 being posted soon

Chapter 13

I checked my phone in the morning and had four texts.  Three were from Mary.  The first was that her uncle had told her father that she had parked up at Highpoint park after practice.  The next was that she was grounded.  Her father had checked out her car and she hadn’t had time to clean up the mess in the car and air it out.  He easily figured she had been up to something.  She assured me that my name was left out of it.  The third text was that she would see me at school and that she was only grounded till next year, January 1st.  She included the last with an emoji with its tongue hanging out.  In a way, this was good until I could figure out what effect my ability had on aether cores from my siphoning vortex.  Lydia’s core had been upgraded according to Iris so did I upgrade Mary too?

The fourth text was from Iris.  She wanted to meet at lunch to discuss some things.  Things were in quotes.  I speculated that might be about my encounter with Mary or about our trip Saturday night to DC.  I wasn’t going to worry about it.  

Since it was Friday the bus stop was buzzing with excitement for the weekend.  Rob and his sister talked about the Monroe’s, the old couple their mom worked for.   They were having a massive party.  They wanted to know if they could stay at my house.  It was going to be from Saturday to Sunday and I was planning to go to DC with Iris.  Well of course this was putting me in a sticky situation.  I would either have to say no or let them in on my plans with Iris.  

“Hey Rob I actually plan to head to DC with Iris on Saturday,” both Rob and Sophia looked stunned.  “Yeah, we are going shopping.  If you two want to come over after hockey tryouts and cover for me that would be great.”  I knew Rob would be in.  The question was if his gossip sister would bite.  “Iris will give you $100 if you keep the secret I added,” gesturing at Sophia.  She may be a gossip but she also kept her word. If I could buy her off it should seal her lips.

The bus arrived and Sophia still had not decided.  On the bus, she sat in front of us.  Halfway to school she turned around and said, “The $100, an anchovy and pepperoni pizza Saturday night and you have to escort me to the freshman dance in April.”  Rob was shocked but I just said done and we shook.

Sophia was tiny even for a freshman, just 5’2” and maybe 90 lbs.  She had a cute Latino face but I was not interested in her.  She was more like a younger sister to me.  She liked salty and spicy food so that was why she wanted that abomination of pizza.  Rob looked defeated and said, “You could have at least bargained a little!”

I shrugged my shoulders, “It’s not my money and I don’t have to eat the pizza.  If I didn’t agree to take her to the dance she might have asked for her friends to come over Saturday night and hang out in my room.” Sophia turned and her eyes lit up at that missed opportunity.  

Rob asked if he could order his own BBQ chicken pizza at least and I conceded him the point.  I would be paying for the pizza since any money Rob made his mother put into a savings account for college.  

At school, I didn’t see Iris or Mary until lunch.  Mary was leaving the first lunch period as I was heading in and she stopped for a second to talk.  Her aether core didn’t look that much brighter than our encounter yesterday.  Definitely not a tier 1 core in terms of brightness I guessed.  I wish I had a way to numerically read a person's aether core.  “Hey Caleb how is your day going,” she asked with a big bright smile.  

“Pretty good.  Sorry, you got in trouble yesterday,” I said with a genuine tone of sympathy.

“Ugh, I know my dad is so overprotective.  If I had cleaned the seats and driven home with the windows open I would have been fine.  At least I know for next time,” her smile turned to a lecherous grin.  

I returned her grin and noticed Jake eyeing us talking a short way down the hall.  I thought about giving her a hug, kiss, or something to make him mad but decided not to be petty.  “I have to get lunch but I will see you in school on Monday.” She realized she wouldn’t see me for a few days and looked sad.  “Send me a text if you want to talk though,” I said while walking away.  Maybe that last bit was a mistake but it made her smile.  

At lunch, I sat with Rob and half-listened to Sophia brag about me being her escort to the freshman dance.  I was almost done with lunch before I realized that Iris hadn’t sat at our table.  I didn’t see her in the cafeteria either, “Rob was Iris in class today?”

“Yeah, I saw her today.” He looked around and didn’t see her.  “I think she went to the library study rooms for lunch.”

Sophia elbowed me, “Hey Caleb did you beat up the entire boy’s rowing team yesterday?”  The gossip queen must have collected her daily coppers from the school rumor mill.

“No, I just beat a few of the varsity guys on the rowing machines at the boathouse.  Nothing too big.” I said as I finished my lunch on the tray quickly.

“Well Caleb there is talk they are going to get you back for whatever you did,” Sophia said in her adult voice as a warning.  

I wasn’t concerned and messed her hair as I stood.  “I’m going to the library to see Iris,” I left lunch early.

I checked the individual rooms in the library and found Iris.  The doors had small windows so it was clearly her.  I tried to open the door. It was locked but Iris looked up.  She was surprised and alert then relieved when she recognized me.  She opened the door and I slid into the room and she closed and locked the door behind me.  My senses immediately smelled arousal.

Thankfully the rooms were soundproof.  “Ugh, Caleb.  Glad it’s you,” she said walking a little funny as she sat in the only chair.

“Yeah, I thought you wanted to talk at lunch.  You didn’t show so I came to find you.”  I sat on the table.

“I was experimenting last night with your…fluids. I learned a lot.  I brought your saliva to school so I could periodically check its viability.  I made a mistake thinking it needed to be absorbed in the mouth or genitalia.  I misread the text in the demonology book…that is just the best way to maximize its effectiveness for succubi.  It can be absorbed through any skin contact.” She finished, clearly embarrassed.  My eyes widened. 

“Yeah, and I called you an idiot.  It was only a few drops that I spilled on my jeans.  It is going to take about another hour before I come down.” She breathed heavily and squirmed in her seat.  “Good news is your saliva is essentially a potion unto itself. No processing is necessary.  Its half-life is really long too.” She moved some more in her seat and I could tell by the smell and her movements she was rubbing her pussy on the chair’s edge.  “I don’t think it lost its efficacy even after two days.  It might not even activate until it touches the skin. It’s amazing stuff.” She finished talking with a heavy sigh and I wondered what the hell had she been doing yesterday since she had skipped school.

“Anything I can do to help?” I asked as she continued to squirm in the chair.  I had to get to math class in about 10 minutes.

“No. I just need time for it to work itself out of my system,” Iris relayed.  “I wanted to let you know about the other sample but we can talk after school.”  She obviously wanted me to leave so I nodded.  I was a little concerned about Iris but left for class.

For my last period, I remained in the library as Iris had a class and couldn’t leave school early.  When school ended I went to her truck and waited for her.  She had changed into her gym clothes.  I was about to ask a question and got a glare and she said she didn’t want to talk about it.  

Iris drove us to her house and I remained quiet.  She was a mess from being in an aroused state for a large period of the day.  She went inside and I followed.  She went upstairs and the shower started running.  

I helped myself to a soda. It was almost an hour before she came down the stairs.  She ignored me for a good five minutes.  Her hair was wet and she was wearing loose yoga pants and a tee.  I could see the outline of her nipples as she was without a bra.

She finally spoke, “So I think we can get four or five thousand per ounce for your saliva.” I guess she wasn’t going to talk about her experiences with it. 

“That’s good.  What about the milk.” I asked trying to add some humor.  

She ignored my insinuation I was her milk cow. “I paid to get some access to research on the Magus Arcanum web.  There are two types of incubus semen.  One can be used in basic potions and valued around $1000 an ounce,” she took a pull from my soda I had left unattended.  “The other type is much more valuable as it has life essence.  Apparently, your sample isn’t viable to fertilize a woman as it has no life essence in it.” She tossed the empty can in the trash.

“How do you know?” I asked concerned.

“It would have a strong aetheric glow in your aether sight if it had life essence.  My glasses just showed a minimal glow when I examined it,” she said matter of factly.

What? “So I can’t have children?” I was shocked.  I hadn’t thought about it as I was still so young.  But it was the first real negative effect of being an incubus I had encountered.

“I don’t know how but I think you can.  You have to infuse your life essence into your seed.  I don’t know how that works but incubus life essence-infused semen is worth more than $10,000 an ounce.” She smirked.  Why was she smirking?

I retreated into my mind space and took up my incubus handbook.  $50,000 per shot?  Hell yeah.  Nothing that I could find though in the book.  I tried my banners, willing what I wanted and it worked.  A new ability was added, Infuse life essence, tier 0, which requires 1000 life essence to unlock.  That was good news… sort of.  I couldn’t have children now but I could awaken an ability to make it possible.

Returning from my mind space I spoke, “Sorry I can’t make the life essence seed.”

“Well, no matter.  I got the bull semen container and special one-fluid-ounce containers. I have twenty containers but I still need the dry ice.  I just need to pick it up.  Couldn’t get liquid nitrogen but dry ice will work. Just need the deposits from the cow,” She smirked.

She pulled out a large white bucket.  She unclamped the lid and inside was a neat rack holding 20 canisters.  She pulled out the rack.  “The dry ice will sit in the bottom.  It should keep everything viable for a few days.”  The canisters I inspected were all thick and insulated. Iris continued, “I will head and get the dry ice and you can start on the samples.”  She motioned to the cleaned condoms on the side counter.  

It wasn’t long before I was alone and wandering the house.  I checked Iris’ room first.  Her bed was neatly made again and I was going to check out other rooms without aether wards.  I froze as I noticed two pairs of patties on the chair by her desk.  The strong odor in the room masked it but when I picked them up they had definitely been worn and used recently.  I inhaled and her scent was strong.  I guess I know what she did yesterday.  She did mention testing the saliva. Did she leave the panties here for me? I mean I used her panties once to get off and now she thought I needed them?  Well, it would make it easier for me.

I got to work and had three white balloons ready by the time she returned.  I decided to take the a little control back and told her, “I want to get some practice in before tryouts tomorrow.  I got three samples for you to put on ice.  Thanks for the props, they helped. Oh I also need $100 to bribe Sophia to not tell my parents where I’m going Sunday.”

Unfazed Iris said, “No problem, text me when you finish tryouts.”  I could tell she was still a little put off that I wanted to play hockey against humans.  

I thought I should try to throw her off her game as I left, “While you were testing my fluids I tested my abilities yesterday.  If you have time on Monday take a look at Mary Taft's aether core and see if my efforts had any effect on it.”  

Iris was stunned and froze giving me time to leave.  We could talk about it tomorrow on the ride to DC.  When I got home I spent two hours working with my stick on the pavement.  It wasn’t the same as the ice but I just wanted to get the feel before the tryouts.  Dad stopped by to wish me luck.  He had to go pick mom up at the airport as her flight got into DC at 11:19pm.  He would get dinner in the city and wait for her.  I told him that Rob and his sister were sleeping over Saturday because the Monroes were having a party.  He was fine with it.  It wouldn’t be the first time.

I went upstairs and showeredd up and then lay in bed in my boxers.  I checked my phone.  Paige said Mary was coming down on December 5th to stay overnight and if I could convince mom and dad I could join Mary for the trip.  She put some lewd emojis after.  Mary had sent me five texts.  I knew I shouldn’t have told her it was ok to contact me. 

She said the boy’s rowing coach was asking about me.  She said she was looking forward to when she was no longer grounded.  She was done with practice and wanted to know what I was having for dinner. 

I definitely opened a can of worms.  I texted her some short responses.  My final message was from Iris.  She had 14 tubes on ice and four sample containers for my saliva ready.  Of course, one girl wants my body and the other one wants my fluids.  My dreams were of the two tearing my body down the middle as each pulled from one side.

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