An Exclusive love

Chapter 34

Chapter 34. It’s Impossible That He Likes Me

Xin Qing wondered if there was something wrong with Ying Qingcang.

Recently, Ying Qingcang came back every night and pestered her as soon as they finished the dinner. He was also very gentle and knew how to restrain himself, even though he still didn’t say anything before leaving. However, compared with being crazy and speaking something to make her feel embarrassed, it was already much better.

“Do you think that he was stimulated by the striptease he watched last time?” Xin Qing, Zhang Mi and Shi Qianqian sat in the sweet shop in front of the school gate and had their afternoon tea. Xin Qing was unable to understand Ying Qingcang’s recent actions. So she asked for help from her best friends.

“Hehe, he became insatiable after watching that kind of show. Did he touch those women?” Zhang Mi said with an evil smile.

Xin Qing shook her head: “He won’t touch those women.”

“How do you know? He told you? ”

“He didn’t. But I just don’t think he will. ” Xin Qing didn’t know how this thought came up. She just felt that Ying Qingcang had never touched those women.

Shi Qianqian also agreed. She stared at Xin Qing for a long time before saying, “Maybe he likes you!”

“Haha, stop joking.” Xin Qing waved her hand, “It’s impossible that he likes me.”

“Why is it impossible?” Zhang Mi caressed her face, “You are our school beauty!”

Xin Qing did not want to talk about this topic and quickly took the two back to school. In her opinion, Ying Qingcang would never like her. Because she knew very well that Ying Qingcang hated this relationship even more than she did. He had said very clearly that it would be better if she didn’t appear.

That was why he treated her so brutally in the beginning. As for now, Xin Qing couldn’t figure out why, so she stopped thinking about it. Her design draft was completed, and she made an appointment with the jewelry company today. She wanted them to review her works, and more importantly, she wanted to make sure what materials they could offer and then she would take them to the factory.

Ah Che sent her to her destination. It was a jewelry shop in the old city. It wasn’t too big and looked quite old. Compared to those luxurious jewelry shops on the market, it was really …

Xin Qing was a little worried. When she walked into the shop, she found that half of the counters were empty. There were only one or two waiters who were sleeping behind the counters, let alone customers.

“Ah Che, do we come to the wrong place?” This place was definitely out of business.

Ah Che seriously shook his head. “Miss, this is the place. The jewelry shop which is called Beautiful Love.”

It’s alright. Xin Qing took a deep breath. Since she had arrived, she should stay and find someone to ask first.

“You must be Miss Xin!” A middle aged man in a suit and leather shoes walked out in a hurry and extended his hand towards Xin Qing.

Xin Qing shook hands with him, and politely said: “Nice to meet you. This is Xin Qing, and this is the certificate issued by my school.”

The man took it and checked it politely: “You can call me Manager Lu. Shall we go to the back and see the factory first?”

“Thank you, Manager Lu. I am sorry to trouble you.” Xin Qing heaved a sigh of relief. She was afraid originally that she would hear something like “we’ve already stopped our business”. But when she entered the production plant at the back, she was completely stunned.

“Miss Xin? Miss Xin?” Manager Lu called her a few times before she finally regained her senses. She stammered as she pointed at the jewelry on the table.

“What … what are all these? ”

Manager Lu chuckled: “Miss Xin, you are kidding me. You should know them!”

Yes, she actually knew. Xin Qing’s eyes were wide open. The jewelry at the edge was from the Royal Family of 17th century. They looked very familiar, because they were the ones that she and Young Master Shen bought on the auction previously. The jades in the front row were all of high grade and glass types. And there were a few necklaces behind them. The diamonds on them were almost as big as the eggs of pigeons.

Any one of them could save the shop in front which seemed to be going to close down at any time.

“These are yours?” Xin Qing tried her best to speak normally.

Manager Lu nodded: “Yes, we bought them not long ago.”

“Then… the shop …” She spoke incoherently.

“Oh! The shop. ” Manager Lu said carelessly, “Our company is preparing to move, so we closed the shop.”

Xin Qing was relieved that her works for the competition would be guaranteed. So, after seeing a few boxes of high-quality diamonds and gems, she calmly picked out what she needed. Then, Manager Lu called two men over. Xin Qing gave them her draft and explained some details to them.

“You want me to take it back?” Before leaving, Xin Qing was shocked again. Manager Lu asked her to bring one of the royal jewelry away.

Manager Lu said seriously: “Miss Xin, we think highly of you and believe that you are a very promising designer. This piece of jewelry is kind of guarantee deposit. If you design a few works for us after you graduate, we will give it to you, but if you don’t meet our requirements, then we will take it back.”

Xin Qing felt that something was wrong, “Then why did you give it to me now? It’s too valuable.” If she remembered correctly, this necklace could was auctioned for over ten million yuan.

“Hehe, we’re investing!” Manager Lu explained to her: “If you become famous and turn up your nose at our small company, how should we get you? So please take it as the payment we make to you in advance.”

In the end, Xin Qing gave in. She didn’t dare to take it, so let Ah Che carry the box while Manager Lu politely sent them to the door. Just as they were about to go, two people came in. Xin Qing glanced at them and her face changed suddenly.

“Why are you here?” Xin Pengfei did not expect to meet Xin Qing here.

Xin Qing didn’t want to talk to him, so she shook hands with Manager Lu and said goodbye. However, she was stopped by the young man who came with Xin Pengfei.

“You’re my half-sister Xin Qing?” His eyes were sizing up her wantonly. Xin Qing frowned as she looked at him. He looked more or less like Xin Pengfei, so he should be his son.

Xin Haoyu greeted Xin Qing pervertedly, “I’m your brother Xin Haoyu. But I’ll be glad if you call me Haoyu.”

So disgusting. Xin Qing really wanted to puke on his face. At this time, Xin Pengfei frowned and asked Manager Lu.

“Manager Lu, the terms we talked about previously are pretty good. Don’t you still want to sell the company to me?”

Manager Lu politely said: “We are not selling.”

“Not selling? Then what will you do with your bank debt? ” Xin Pengfei did not believe it.

Manager Lu looked at Xin Qing and said: “This is our problem. It has nothing to do with Mr. Xin!”

“Manager Lu, I’ll be leaving first. Thank you!” Xin Qing didn’t want to see the father and son, so she turned to leave.

Xin Pengfei stopped her again: “Hold on, is it you?”

“What?” Xin Qing looked at him in bewilderment.

Xin Pengfei did not utter a word. He only frowned as he calculated in his mind. What a coincidence that he met her here. Could it be that Ying Qingcang bought this jewelry shop for her? But when he thought it again, he felt that it was impossible. If Ying Qingcang wanted to make a woman happy, he wouldn’t buy such a shop that was filled with debts and was about to close down.

Then why did this mean girl appear here?

“What are you doing here?” he asked Xin Qing.

Xin Qing could be sure that the school had kept the fact that she was going to participate in the competition, or else Xin Pengfei would have known it.

“If you refuse to cooperate with me, you won’t be able to participate in the competition. Why do you find such a company that is going to close down?” Xin Pengfei looked at her coldly.

However, Xin Qing smiled brilliantly, as she said exaggeratedly, “Oh, I’m here to make the work I designed, otherwise how should I participate in the competition!”

“What do you say? You’re going to participate in the competition?” Xin Pengfei could not believe it, for he had never heard Xin Yudie mentioned it.

“Yeap! If not, why do I come to the jewelry company? ” Xin Qing stopped smiling, and slightly moved closer to him: “Tell your lovely daughter, I will make her lose miserably. She wants to defeat me? Your daughter is not worthy of it. ”

Xin Haoyu wanted to smooth things over. He waved his hand and smiled, “Aiya, Xin Qing, you are also father’s daughter, right?”

“Me? Humph.” Xin Qing glanced at the gloomy face of Xin Pengfei, “I am a human being. I don’t have a father who is even worse than a beast.”

Xin Pengfei raised his hand and was about to hit her. However, he was suddenly grabbed by Ah Che and violently pushed down the stairs. Xin Qing looked down at him from above.

“Remember, one day I will take back all the things you owned my mother!”

Seeing Xin Qing stalked off, Xin Haoyu helped Xin Pengfei who was sitting on the ground up, “Old man, you really get old and your eyes are useless. Xin Qing is much prettier than Yudie, but you did throw such a valuable daughter out. Tsk, I’ve said that you should retire early and hand the company over to me, but you’re still unwilling. ”

“Shut up!” Xin Pengfei pushed him away and left in a rage. After they left, Manager Lu took out his phone and dialed.

“It’s me, President Ying. Yes, all is done well. Alright, I understand!”

Xin Qing carried the jewelry that is worth of ten million and returned to Ying’s house. She carefully placed the box on the bed. She was happy that she had made Xin Pengfei lose face. Looking at the necklace in the box, she delightfully touched it. This was the one she liked best. However, she did not plan to keep it. When there was a chance, she would return it. It was too expensive. If it’s lost, she could not afford it even if she sold herself.

In addition… she had already been sold. Thinking about it, a thought suddenly flashed through her mind. It couldn’t be that Ying Qingcang bought the company? This thought only stayed for a second before it was ignored by her. Ying Qingcang had no reason to do so. He even didn’t know that her qualification used to be snatched away.

Ying Qingcang, who had done something good but was still misunderstood, was having a meeting in a good mood. Thinking about the call just now, he felt that he had made the right decision to buy the jewelry. Xin Qing seemed to like these things very much.

“Do we have a diamond mine in South Africa?” He suddenly asked.

The directors, who were reporting, were all stunned. What did he mean? Then everyone looked at the manager in charge of South Africa. The South African Department was immediately under the great pressure.

“Pre …President Ying, you said that you are not interested in the diamond industry, so …”

Ying Qingcang glanced at him: “Did I say that?”

The director of South Africa Department stiffened and immediately shook his head. “No, you didn’t. I’ll fly to South Africa right now and personally find the mine!”

“Mm. You have to be fast.”

When he returned to his office, Young Master Shen was sitting on his big office chair.

“Give me the bottle of wine you kept preciously, for I’ll sell you some news!”

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