An Assassin's Anthem

Chapter 53 - A Baron Falls

Straightening her dress, Riley emerged from the castle. She looked out into the evening air and waved at the guards. Walking up to the side of the dormitories, she ducked into the shadows and triggered Assume Disguise. Her form flickered, and her outfit shifted.

Riley looked down at the tiny shorts and strange shirt that showed her shoulders. Pink hair bounced into view. “Are you just messing with me?”

[You look hilarious! ~Mischief]

Huffing, Riley jogged through the shadows. I’ll freeze to death! She raced up to the wall and triggered Ambush, appearing in an alley outside the palace walls. It’s time to talk to Althea, assuming she’s there.

Walking over to a pile of barrels, she climbed them, hopped on a roof, and ran, leaping across the rooftops.

Launching herself across the street, she landed lightly on a stone wall and raced down the street, vaulting over a merchant and landing lightly on the other side.

Jogging down the street, she entered the slums, pausing to wave at the boy standing there.

The boy stared at her and rubbed his eyes.

Chuckling to herself, Riley walked up to the rundown cottage. She knocked and stepped inside, knocking on the worn table.

Looking up, she scowled at the messy place. Dust and ash coated the table, chairs, and floor. It really should be cleaned. Riley spun and looked for a broom. Spotting one in the corner by the door, she walked over and was pulled into a hug.

Althea kicked the door shut behind her. “Finally,” she said happily. “Visit more.”

Riley looked up at the stealthy elf. She’s worse than Dad. She wriggled. “Hi, Althea. How did you know it was me? Can you see through my disguise?”

“Yes, I can.” Althea grinned and tightened her grip. “What brings you down here this evening? I did hear of some thieves who were killed recently.” She raised an eyebrow. “Are you collecting on the bounty? There is one.”

“Yes,” Riley replied. “And I was hoping to find out if there were others.”

“Happy to help,” Althea said, not breaking the hug.

Riley looked at the iron-strong arms around her body. What level is she? She blinked at the elf and tried to wriggle free. This lady’s a little nuts.

“Nope. You owe me a hug.” Althea smiled.

Riley reached out and hugged her. “You’re strange. Now, will you let me go?”

“I am not strange.” Althea pouted. “Wouldn’t you hug your close friends’ kids?”

“I don’t know. That never came up,” Riley said, pondering it. Is that what people do? Is this normal? She paused. I guess I hugged my friends. Maybe it is normal.

“You’ll understand in time.” Althea released her and walked to the table. She sat, pulled out a coin purse, and set it on the table.

Riley grabbed the broom and wiped off the chair, pausing to dust off the table. “Someone needs to clean this.”

Althea chuckled. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Riley set the broom down and grabbed the purse off the table. “Thanks.” She paused and looked at the elf. “Is my dad around?”

“He’s on a job.” Althea smiled. “I can help. What’s on your mind?”

Riley sat down. “If the mayor had been harvesting people and you had the crystals, what would you do with them?”

Althea grimaced. “Ah. A nasty business, that bounty. I’d feed them into a place of power. If they are avenged, you can use them. Is that your debate?”

Riley frowned. “They’re avenged. Is it bad to use them? It feels wrong.”

Althea smiled sympathetically. “I can understand that feeling, but you should reconsider. They will be surprisingly peaceful and will help your growth with a very strong choice, one to help them.” She paused. “If you are uncertain, bring them close and ask the crystal to act. The spirits and gods will guide them.”

Oh. That’s safer. Riley nodded. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Althea smiled. “You mentioned another job?”

Riley smiled and nodded. “I’m looking for another job. Mayors or barons in the princess’s territory.”

Althea quirked a brow. “Tipping scales?”

“She started it. I’m going to teach her a lesson of her own. Ideally, anyone close to her. I know that you know.” Riley grinned.

“Very well. I’d avoid any dukes for the moment.” Althea placed her hand up to her chin. “As it so happens, a nearby baron has been reported for stealing from his mayors.” She smiled and stood. “Can I accompany you?”

“You want to?” Riley asked, surprise spreading on her face.

“Riley, I do care about you. Your grandparents care deeply, and I’m not letting their granddaughter die.” Althea chuckled. “I don’t want to deal with an irate Roger either.”

Riley stood. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. Now, we can chat while we run. I can learn more about you.” Althea stood.

“Or I can learn about you,” Riley said, walking out the door and jogging toward the gate. That would be good to do. She looked at the elf and sped away from the slums. Will she hide? She is an elf.

Turning down a corner, Riley looked to her side.

Althea winked and vanished in a burst of green.

That has to be some ranger skill. Picking up her pace, Riley jogged onto the main road and raced down it, heading for the east gate.

Dodging through the crowds, Riley jogged through several before breaking free from the people. The wall and gate loomed ahead of her. Looking at the cobblestone road and guards, Riley waved and ran by, racing out of the empty city gate.

“Wild courier,” a guard muttered.

Riley didn’t hear the rest. She burned a charge of inspiration and ran toward the dark horizon, leaving the city and setting behind.

A burst of green flashed into view. Althea matched her pace. “Nice night for a run.”

“Tell me about you,” Riley said, focusing on the road and her growing speed.

“Fine, but you’ll owe me another visit,” Althea said, looking to the horizon.

“Deal.” Riley grinned.

“Very well. I’m Althea, and I am in my sixties, which is still quite young for an elf. I was tasked with visiting this kingdom about three years ago. I trained with your mother and care deeply for those stuck in these hostile lands. You are lucky to be alive, but I suppose you learned to hide your heritage at a young age. That likely let you get your skill.”

“Right.” Riley vaulted over a half-frozen puddle.

“And not to beat this to death, but be careful. If they discover that truth, you know what would happen.” Althea reached over and patted Riley’s back. “It’s easy to forget.”

Riley grimaced. It is easy for me to forget that now. Memories flashed through her mind, and she shoved them aside.

Althea turned toward her. “I could tell you of your mother. Did she speak of working in the groves?”

Riley shook her head. “No.”

Althea smiled. “Most of the elves spend some time in the groves or fields. Of course, your mother grew frustrated with it. She used to say that if Nature had placed a tree somewhere, it should stay there. I remember when we decided to take a little break from the pruning. We ran off to the brook to play and went fishing. I, of course, did not get covered in mud. No, I made the finest spear a ten-year-old elf could make…”

Riley smiled as she listened to a pointless story about the two playing in the water and trying to catch fish. The ground blurred, and darkness settled on the land. The two turned and raced to the northwest.

“… and when we walked back to the groves, the guards shouted. So, we bolted, racing back towards the city with the fish still in hand.” Althea smiled. “I remember her racing up with the fish flopping everywhere. She hit herself in the face.” She laughed.

Riley chuckled and shook her head. “Good story, but that wasn’t my mother.”

Althea chuckled with her. “Your mother was different then. She wasn’t always so clean. She got used to life in the city.”

“Oh,” Riley replied, blushing. Whoops. She does know that. “Sorry. Did you ever eat her favorite food?”

“Fresh bread and jam? Of course.” Althea turned. “Done testing me?”

Riley blushed, her cheeks burning. “Sorry.”

“It’s alright. I certainly understand. Trust was probably hard for you to get.”

Riley nodded, and her foot sunk into a shadow. She stumbled and was pulled upright.

“Know that I cared for her and do care for you.” Althea continued jogging alongside.

“Did you stay friends?” Riley asked. “How close were you?”

“Friends, yes. Close? No. We drifted apart. When she fled here to study, I didn’t know about it. No one did until she started sending messages.” Althea shook her head. “She said that she was considering a return. We encouraged it, and the letters stopped. The meaning was apparent when she never appeared.”

Riley swallowed. Her emotions seemed to stick in her throat. Mom. Her eyes watered, and she wiped it away.

“Sorry,” Althea said, patting Riley’s back. “She was missed by many.”

“Thanks for the story,” Riley said, slowing further. She shoved it all to the side and looked toward the distant city. That’s the target, and I should do it cleanly and quickly. She looked at her mana. Using it all was risky, but backup stood beside her. I’ll just do the same thing. That’s best.

“Be cautious,” Althea said with a growing frown.

Riley nodded and was shoved to the ground. She tumbled on the cold dirt, and a crossbow bolt streaked overhead.

Panic grabbed her throat, and she triggered Ambush, appearing behind a tree. Removing any plan to fight from her mind, Riley grimaced and ducked lower. Another bolt streaked through the air and thudded into a nearby tree. How high is their insight? She grimaced. Do better. The job is over.

Looking out at the nearby grounds, she failed to see Althea. Where’d she go? I need to call this. It’s way too risky. She carefully listened and failed to hear anything at all.


Althea grabbed an arrow from her quiver. Her vision was painted soft green, and her foe was bathed in starlight. Rage flooded through her, and she nocked an arrow.

Drawing the bow, she aimed high above the sentry’s head and fired. The arrow soared upward. Grabbing and nocking another, she drew back the bow and aimed for the man’s throat. The man dove to the ground, and she triggered Seeking Strike. The arrow arcing through the sky changed directions and shot straight down, sinking through the distant foe’s chest.

Althea turned to study the rest of the guards. Who else has that level of insight? She studied their reactions while pointing an arrow at them. No one moved, and she walked back to the tree. Should I tell her now? I could. It might help. It might hurt. What would my mother say? She frowned. Wait for the council.

She sighed. Maybe they’ll hurry for once. Walking over, she found Riley peeking out from behind a tree. She reached down, grabbed her hand, and helped her up. “We’re safe.”

“Sorry,” Riley whispered, blushing. “That was foolish, and I wasn’t thinking.”

“And he had a high range,” Althea said, patting Riley’s shoulder and turning toward the city. She studied the guards and debated what would come next. “This is very risky if I let you go. If you wish, I can go swiftly.”

“You don’t have to. I can try later,” Riley said. “Sorry.”

“We all make mistakes, Riley,” Althea said, patting her shoulder. “Jog back toward the capital. I’ll catch you.”

“Thanks.” Riley turned and jogged off down the road.

Althea spun and sprinted down the road. One minute. I have one minute to complete this mission. She tore down the road and melted into the dark, becoming little more than a shadow.

Racing to the gate, she didn’t slow; she sped up and slammed her legs into the ground, vaulting high into the air and soaring over the gate below. The guards lazed. The torches flickered, and she aimed for a nearby roof, landing lightly and racing off toward the dark keep on the hill.

Jumping from building to building, she hurtled across the rooftops and vaulted onto a balcony of the keep. I can’t wait to end this entire kingdom. Drawing her sword, she fed mana into it and sliced through the wood, carving around the locks and handle.

Swinging the half door open, she ignored the room and followed a trail of starlight down the hall and up to a door. Pausing in front of it, she kicked, smashing the door open with a thunderous crash.

The baron lurched up in his bed, and Althea dashed forward, slamming her blade into his chest. Spinning, she slammed her knife into the woman beside him and ripped them free. Blood sprayed around her, and the two collapsed.

Looking around the room, Althea wiped her blades on the blankets. Twenty seconds. Hurry it up. She triggered Hunter’s Mark and dashed out of the room, following the starlight.

Guards started shouting, and she smashed another door open, sending it slamming into the wall. The fragments scattered through the room, and she sprinted to the nearby chest.

Pulling out lock picks, she flicked them with blazing speed, pushing down pins and springs. It popped up with a clink.

Althea reached inside, grabbed the bag, and raced down the hall. The sound of footsteps filled the air, and she vaulted out the window, sailing through the air and landing on a rooftop.

Bounding across the rooftops with the speed and skill of a fleeing rabbit, she raced across the dark city, ignoring the chaos behind her.


Riley jogged along the road. A bell rang in the distance, and she increased her speed. Be safe, Althea. She frowned. I really botched it. Shaking her head, she kicked a rock and nearly went flying.

Focus! She barked at herself and ran along the dark road, heading back toward the capital and her bed. A smile spread across her face, and a heavy silence made her hair stand.

Gods, now what? Riley tried to spot anything. A chill surrounded her. No. Not that. She saw a burst of motion.

A smoky form wafted for her. A chilly gust of wind hit, and she panicked. She grabbed all her mana and flooded Psychic Strike, sending a torrent of light blue magic toward the wraith.

The wraith flickered and wailed. The icy sound ripped into Riley’s mind, sending a wave of pain through her. She turned away and ran, desperation driving her forward. Gods, no.

The wail grew in volume and then snuffed out. Riley didn’t dare turn to look. She sprinted, throwing herself along the road. A shadow flickered into view, and Riley dove, rolling through the grass.

Bruises and cuts formed on her arms, and Althea plucked her off the ground. “Sorry. Rotten wraith,” she huffed and slowed, setting Riley down.

“Is it gone?” Riley asked, peering out into the black and moving closer to Althea.

“Yes.” Althea frowned and looked out into the night. “We’re safe.”

Riley let out a breath of relief.

“Sorry to leave you like that.” Althea frowned. “Are you alright? I know the first time is the worst.”

“It wasn’t my first,” Riley whispered, shivering.

“Running will help.” Althea patted her on the back.

Riley nodded and turned. Thank the gods that Althea came with me. She resumed running toward the palace.

Althea jogged alongside her. “Now, let me tell you another story… Oh! I know. The time your mother ran away.”

“She didn’t,” Riley said, chuckling softly.

“She did.” Althea smiled and began her story.

She turned toward the palace and resumed her run.

Riley Milvsky

Level: 169

Bard (C)

Level: 110

Dominating Song D Use 30 mana to reduce nearby enemy strength, dexterity, and movement speed by 3. This effect extends 20meters, and the radius of influence expands by 1 meter for each inspiration spent.

Psychic Strike E Wield your mana to cause psychic damage to a target. Cost varies based on allocation.

Control Water E Manipulate the water around you. Cost varies based on amount.

Assassin (C)

Level: 110 + 12

Assume Disguise S +30 charisma. Enhance your current disguise by altering your displayed information and taking on the disguised form. Grants +5 levels to the assigned class. Perception and Insight suffer -250 levels against your disguise and -50 levels against your deception or stealth. Penalty applied: Gods’ Oversight.

Dancer's Form B +10 speed. +2 levels to assigned class. You may use a charge of inspiration to boost your movement speed by an additional 5 for a minute.

Death's Cloak A Slain enemies will grant experience to your base level and active classes. +3 levels to the assigned class. Perception and insight suffer -25 levels against you. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ambush B +10 speed. +2 levels to the assigned class. Costs one stamina to use. On use, you teleport to a shadow within 20 meters. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ranger (C)

Level: 110

Predatory Sight E Your perception and insight are boosted by 5. This boost is not reduced by low light or no light.

Manipulate Storm E Attempt to control or augment elements of a storm. Cost varies.

Ice Blade E Conjure a weapon made of ice. Costs 2 to 20 mana depending on blade durability.

Pretty E Your appearance is better, but it could be even grander. Use 1 mana to get a little help from Beauty! (Upgrade me again!) Penalty applied: Unequippable. Beauty may alter your appearance at her whim.

Spell Thief (C) Level: 110 Inactive.

Noble (E)

Level: 115 Inactive.

- -

Empowering Presence E Your subjects gain +3 strength, +3 dexterity, and +3 movement speed; allies within 20 meters count as subjects. You may use Bardic Inspiration to temporarily boost the range and the effect.

Inspiring presence D Your subjects regain 1 stamina and 1 mana every hour. Allies within fifty meters count as subjects. You may temporarily expand the range by 15 meters for each bardic inspiration spent.

Dexterity 680

Strength 338

Speed 252

Intelligence 338

Charisma 478

Stamina 570

Mana 668

Inspiration 279

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