An Assassin's Anthem

Chapter 45 - Groups

The sun was shining brightly on Friday morning. Students walked across the palace grounds, heading toward the frost-covered stables. Horses looked up and snorted, sending clouds rolling into the air. A line of carriages sat out front, and several guards were hitching the horses to them.

Riley looked at the carriages. Oh gods, no. She looked at the horses. Can I please just ride one? Or run? I’d rather run than get in the rattling carriage of death.

Magus Victoria smiled and walked forward. “We’ll be heading for the place of power in the royal forest. Keep in mind that this is an untamed location. Death is permanent. Injuries are permanent. Do not get yourselves killed.” She walked down the line, handing each student a healing potion. “We’ll travel by carriage. You may ride on horseback if you prefer.” She gestured to the stables.

Yes. Riley happily headed for the stables. To her surprise, the others from her group did the same.

“The carriages are the worst,” Dwight said. “Smart of you to go for horseback.”

A voice of assent rose from those nearby, and Riley walked up to one without a saddle. She happily patted its nose and let it sniff her. Spinning, she grabbed a thick pad, tossed it on the horse, and vaulted onto its back.

“No saddle?” Dwight asked.

“No. Not at these speeds. The saddle hurts,” Riley replied, patting the horse, who stood there contentedly.

Adjusting the reins, Riley reviewed her progress from the week.

[Your base level has advanced: 126 → 152!]

[Assassin has advanced: 105 → 110!]

[Bard has advanced: 105 → 110!]

[Ranger has advanced: 105 → 110!]

[Spell Thief has advanced: 105 → 110!]

[Noble has advanced: 70 → 80!]

She smiled. Lying about spying was worth it. It had freed up some time, though the prince kept wanting more for his mountain of paperwork.

Pulling out of her musing, she looked around and patted her horse. A guard whistled, and the group began traveling down a back road that led toward the royal fields.

Riley tucked herself close to the horse and let it follow the others down the winding road. Emerging from a gate, her horse picked up speed, and the carriages behind her started clattering like they were being actively destroyed.

She smiled and looked out at the barren fields. Frost clung to the shadows in the dirt. A few workers were out working in the fields. The horses surged forward, shooting across the landscape while the carriages bounced wildly.

Looking at the forest, Riley leaned against the horse, enjoying the wind streaming through her hair. The fields turned to forest. The trees blurred around her. How fast are we going? Riley studied the horse.

[Horse - Level 321]

[Speed - 482]

So, it’s going two and a half what a normal horse can. Riley looked at her own speed and sighed. Maybe someday.

Looking up, Riley saw a wall and an open gate. Guards and a barracks sat inside. The group slowed and entered the small encampment with dozens of guards patrolling around it. Each turned and studied them.

A seeker walked out of the temple and studied the group. Riley felt the skill surge and roar through her. She let the skill see that she was, in fact, Riley. It abated and fell away.

A guard walked up. Riley handed him the reins and slid off the horse, landing lightly on the ground.

Reaching down, she checked her gear and ensured it was ready to go. Then she jogged up to the prince.

“Again, do not get yourselves killed,” the magus said gravely. “The advantage of such places will be apparent. Take advantage, but don’t be foolish.” She gestured to the prince.

Riley followed the group into the small temple and walked toward the glowing green arch. She took Dwight’s hand and walked up. The arch faded, and text appeared.

[You have entered a place of power and are being transported. All damage inflicted on you will persist, including death. Resources are temporarily recharged for your trial. May you find your path!]

Cliffs appeared around them, forming a small canyon. Riley swallowed and looked up at the towering walls of sandstone. She turned and studied the cliffs, searching for any signs of what they were facing.

“Be safe,” Timothy said sternly. “We’re here for the first floor and possibly more if there is a clear way to get it. Otherwise, we leave.” He focused on the path through the ravine.

To her surprise, the four boys took positions in front of her.

“Stay in back, Riley. Use your magic and your bow. Tell us if you see anything.” Timothy strode forward, his feet crunching on the stone.

Riley nodded and pulled down her bow. She nocked an arrow and resumed scouting while following the noisy boys in front of her.

Why are they so loud? She frowned at the noise and listened. The birds and bugs went silent. Pausing, she spun and then looked up.

Five blue wyverns flew overhead. Looking like miniature dragons with missing legs, the creatures tucked their wings and dove.

“Above,” Riley barked, pulling back her bowstring and releasing. The arrow flew through the air and sunk into the wyvern’s eye. It screeched and flailed its wings, knocking into the others. Bolts of fire and earth flew upward, slamming into the creatures and causing a rain of blue blood to fall.

Riley grabbed another arrow and fired. The arrow flew and was knocked aside by a spiraling wyvern that crashed toward the ground.

Abandoning stealth, Riley ran, bolting away from the plummeting creatures.

The wyverns slammed into the ground with sickening thuds. The boys pounced, hacking into them with their swords and sending blue blood splashing around them.

Riley looked for anything else while the corpses and blood turned into a glowing ribbon of light. It looped and formed a chest.

Reaching forward, Timothy opened it and took the crystals, handing one to each before returning to the path and striding forward.

The group walked down the path. Riley scanned the air and heard a soft chittering. “Stop,” she whispered, bumping into the group. Then she listened and moved forward.

“What is it?” Dwight whispered.

“Give me a moment. Watch from above.” Riley poked her head around the corner and saw a large cave. Chittering and hissing were echoing out of it. She walked forward and peeked inside.

A group of kobolds were chittering at each other, gesturing at a clutch of wyvern eggs. Riley snuck back to the group and started signing. “Kobolds. Twenty. In tunnel.”

Timothy nodded and strode forward with his shield and sword at the ready. Riley nocked an arrow and followed. The group moved quickly and raced to the tunnel entrance, forming a wall of shields and swords. Riley jumped onto a boulder and fired.

The kobolds jerked up. The arrow sunk into one’s throat, sending a spray of blue blood across the ground. Earth and fire blasted into the room, sending several flying. Riley aimed at another and fired. Her arrow sunk into the kobold’s head. The rest of the lizard-like creatures charged, racing forward only to be cut down by sword, flame, and stone.

Riley sent one final arrow. Why is this so easy? It seems too easy. She frowned and went to retrieve arrows.

Timothy opened the next chest and handed out the crystals. He looked at the group. “Mana and stamina check?”

“Half,” Dwight said with a nod. “Should be enough for the one or two left.”

“Same,” the others said instantly.

Riley cleaned off her arrow. Well, that explains it. They aren’t planning for floor two or anything beyond this one. She grabbed her other arrows and placed them in the quiver.

Kamal walked forward and poked an egg. “Aw. I was hoping it’d be persistent. Can you imagine a wyvern pet?” He sighed and smashed it open.

A burst of heat filled the room, and Riley spun. “Incoming!” she shouted.

A massive wyvern roared, spewing a cloud of green venom toward them. The first bolt of fire hit it, and it exploded, sending a deafening boom through the chamber.

Riley reeled. Blood trickled from her ears. She grabbed an arrow and fired. The wyvern flailed and roared, causing the arrow to bounce off its skull.

Another bout flame and stone ripped forward, pummeling into it. Riley grabbed another arrow, nocked, and waited. The wyvern snapped angrily and opened its mouth. Riley shot the arrow into the roof of its mouth. A burst of flame and stone followed, burning and cutting into its open maw.

The wyvern snapped its jaws shut, spraying blood around it. Reeling, it staggered backward. Riley fired another arrow, sinking it into the massive yellow eye.

The wyvern staggered forward and then went still.

With her ears still ringing, Riley looked at the group. Am I really going to need to waste my potion? I need a healing spell. With a frown, she walked over to the group.

The wyvern streamed away. Riley felt the energy surge into her, and a chest appeared on the ground.

[Your base level has advanced: 152 → 155!]

“Alright!” Kamal shouted.

“What?” Dwight asked, rubbing at his ears.

Riley rubbed hers. She took the outstretched crystal and added it to her collection.

“Mana check?” Timothy signed.

“Out,” Kamal signed.

The rest did the same. Timothy looked at Riley. She signed back. “Full. Let me scout.”

Walking outside, she massaged her ears and hoped they’d improve while creeping along the chasm. After a hundred meters, it opened up, revealing a massive crater in the sandstone. Inside the crater were small caves and alcoves. Kobolds were everywhere, and at the center of them all was a small, green dragon sitting on top of its pile of treasure.

Riley leaned against the wall and studied. How do I kill that many? And how do I kill that dragon? Looking away from the mob, she studied the surrounding cliffs for anything she could use for a trap.

Finding nothing, she looked at the cliffs and backed up. Then she scaled up the sandstone, making handholds as she needed.

Scrambling up top, Riley looked out to see a desert. There was no water. There was just sand, stone, and very haggard plants. With a sigh, she found a rock and tied a rope around it. Then she descended and walked back to the group. “Kobold army. Juvenile green dragon. Desert up top. Have rope.”

Timothy nodded and followed. Riley led them to the rope. They ascended the vertical stone one by one and scrambled to the top. Then, they each peered out into the crater.

Riley wiped blood from her ears and used a tiny bit of mana to flush them. Then, she did the same to each of the others.

“Thanks,” Timothy said softly. “What do you think?”

“We can try to snipe them and have a retreat planned,” Riley said, pulling up the rope. “In terms of bulk destruction. How much mana do you have? Can you roll boulders on them?”

“Not with my mana like this,” Timothy said, shaking his head. “Maybe tomorrow. Think it’s worth it?”

Riley nodded. “We could kill some with boulders, but I don’t know how many. We could also try to kill some at range. Either way, we need time and cover. That means we need it to get dark.” She looked back at the creatures.

“Weaknesses?” Timothy asked.

Riley rapidly searched her mental library of liberated material. “Cold. They are reptiles, and it’s a poison drake, so fire on it.”

Timothy nodded. “So, we wait for nightfall?”

“And build some cover. Help me gather shrubs or any wood.” Riley approached a shrub and started cutting it from the ground.


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