An actress in our midst! (web version)

59 – What the hell is this?!

“Little Red Riding Hood? Hmm… How about a twist where the wolf and the grandma had a secret affair and the protagonist misunderstood the whole time?” Jessica suggested.

“So… the wolf would get shot because of an affair? Seems like quite the extreme punishment.”

“Well then, why not make it a love triangle between the wolf, the grandma, and the huntsman!” Jessica grinned.

“So the girl is just an awkward third… fourth wheel then? The story is already getting convoluted.” Cody shook his head.

“Just the way I like it.” Jessica smirked.

Unfortunately, her hopes and dreams were immediately dashed the moment they made it to their clubroom.

People were already running around, and discussing things, not minding the two stragglers.

“Hey, what’s going on?” Cody asked the nearest person.

“Oh, we’re preparing for our first play of the year, of course!” the girl in question beamed at him.

“Huh? Wait, when did we decide on what we’re gonna be playing?”

Unfortunately, with both Jessica and Cody being busy with demon business, they had missed the first day back in the drama club. And in that time, everyone else had already decided what the first play should be, apparently.

“Just yesterday. Rick wanted to do something with the magical girls.”

“The heck? Since when do we do contemporary plays?” Jessica frowned.

The girl shrugged and pointed them over to Rick. “Blame him. I just make costumes.”

Jessica and Cody exchanged a glance and headed over to where Rick sat, looming over a stack of papers, and steadily writing on another one. Both recognized it as a script for the play.

“Rick? What’s going on? Violet said the first play of the year was already decided?” Cody started.

“Hmm?” Rick looked up. “Oh, you two! Yeah, we voted for it yesterday!”

Jessica scowled. “We weren’t here yesterday.”

The club leader shrugged. “Tough luck. You should have been here.”

“Come on! How come you decided so quickly? What did you even decide on? She said  something about the magical girls?”

“Yes! That’s right!” Rick beamed up at them. “It’s going to be a play featuring the new demon general Tepes and her forbidden love for Pretty Flame!”

Jessica froze, her mouth hanging open. “Wha–”

“Look here… Just like this!” Rick fished out his phone, fiddled with it for a second, and then showed them a video.

It was the fight between herself and the magical girls from yesterday. Except… with special effects. Close-up on her face when she had faked being startled, slow motion on her and Flame’s eyes as they glittered with too many aftereffects, weird echoey breathing sounds, and captions saying ‘I’m sorry I have to do this, my love…’

“What the hell is this?!” Jessica yelled.

“Hey, calm down… Why are you blushing?” Rick frowned before quickly ignoring the easily-excitable lesbian. “Anyway, this video gave me the idea! It’s gonna be something like Romeo and Juliet, except between a demon general and a magical girl! We voted on it yesterday and it won!” He beamed at them.




Jessica was too shocked by this black swan event that she didn’t even notice Cody fighting down laughter.

“Er… But…” Cody snorted. “Is that really a good idea?”

“Why not? It’s gonna be glorious!”

“No, I mean… Tepes is… a real person. What if she finds out we’re doing a play based on her? Isn’t she gonna be pissed?” Cody argued whilst sneaking a glance at the still stunned Jessica. “What you’re doing is gonna land you a Darwin Award.”

“Eh, it’s just a little school play. And she’s a demon. It’s not like she’s gonna be watching our play or anything.” Rick waved his hand nonchalantly.

“Uh huh.” Another glance at Jessica. “And what about Pretty Flame? She wouldn’t be happy about this, either.”

“Don’t worry! We’re doing a tragedy! Look!” Rick picked out some papers from the pile. “The Pretty Flame in the play isn’t going to return the feelings, so the real one shouldn’t have a problem with this.”

“I don’t think that’s the issue here.” Cody shook his head. “If we’re doing a play based on real people, we should get their permission first.”

Rick rolled his eyes. “It’s just a school play. Not that many people will see it. And besides, how would I ask? It’s not like I have Flame’s phone number or anything. Unless you do?” Rick quirked an eyebrow at him.

I do.

Cody sighed. “Alright, fine. But if Tepes or Pretty Flame find out and don’t like it, we’re blaming it all on you.”

“Sure, whatever.” Rick shrugged. “Any other complaints, then?”

“Who’s going to get the main role?” Jessica suddenly asked, her brain finally having restarted.

“Oh, we haven’t actually decided yet. I was thinking Melody could–”

“I’ll do it,” she firmly stated.

“Wha–” Cody couldn’t help his shock.

“I’ll play Tepes.” For some reason, an evil grin creeped up to her face.

“Hmm…” Rick put a hand on his chin as he looked at her. “You kinda look like Tepes I suppose. And you’ve always played the villains… Eh, you know what? Sure. We’ll try it with you in the main role.”

“Good.” Jessica smirked.

“... Huh…” Cody wasn’t sure what was going on through Jessica’s mind, but knowing her, she was probably enjoying the sheer absurdity of the situation.

“So who’s gonna play the magical girls?”

“Hmm? Well, we’re not fully decided on any of the roles yet. We’re still mainly working on the script.” He motioned to the stack of papers. “We’ve been hoping to decide on the roles today, actually.”

“Sounds good.” The smirk never left Jessica’s face. “How about we do something different, though?”

“Different how?”

“Have a guest actress play Pretty Flame. I know someone who would fit that role perfectly.”

Cody blinked as he realized what she was doing.

Rick, however, frowned. “A guest actress? Why? That’s not necessary.”

“Trust me. When you meet her, you’ll get just how perfect she is for the role.”

Rick eyed her with suspicion. “Hmm, I mean, I suppose we could try it…? Bring her here next time and we’ll see.”

“Splendid.” Jessica positively beamed at this point.

Cody could only shake his head at Jessica’s antics.

This was supposed to be a play with people only pretending to be the characters.

They weren’t supposed to actually be those characters.

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