An actress in our midst! (web version)

55 – Oh, I love the magical girls!

As Nicole made her way to the school, she couldn’t help but to look around and extend her magical senses around her just in case.

No Jessica… Or Tepes.

Yesterday had been a huge shock for everyone. Max telling them was one thing, but actually seeing her as a general, many times more powerful than before, and decidedly not pulling any of her punches? It really hammered it in.

Although part of Nicole felt something was off about this. Maybe… this was an act as well? It could be. But why would she need to act like a genuine enemy to them? She had mentioned before that the demons were secretly the good guys trying to prevent the end of the world, so maybe… Just maybe, whatever truth she had learned at the trial compelled her to pretend she was evil. For the sake of the world.

She was probably grasping at straws, but she just felt like there was more to this.

Regardless, it was probably a good thing that they hadn’t had the chance to reveal their secret identities to Jessica before she went to the trials. If she really was evil now, there was no telling what she would do if she knew who they really were.

As Nicole walked inside the school, still no signs of Jessica, she noticed Max down the hallway and called out to him.

“Oh, hey, Max!”

He turned to face her and gave her a small smile, which she returned.

“Hello, Nicole.”

She liked the younger boy. Despite being a demon minion, apparently, he was nice, courageous, and incredibly skilled at and knowledgeable about anything related to magic. Although whether he really was a boy was still up for debate.

She walked closer to him and leaned in with a whisper. “Any news on her…?”

“No…” Max grimaced. “She didn’t even let us meet with her after school yesterday.”

That was definitely not good.

If, as Nicole suspected, the evil general thing truly was just an act, why wouldn’t she at least tell her fellow demons? Or maybe she did and told them to keep it a secret? No, that couldn’t be it. Max looked genuinely distraught and didn’t seem to be lying.

“It’s alright. Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out.” Nicole tried to raise his spirits.

Max forced another smile.

They quickly changed their conversation topic as the halls filled with more students. To Nicole’s horror, there were some of those who were admiring the cool new demon general Tepes as they watched yesterday’s fight on their phones.

Their entire skirmish had already made it onto the Internet. Various cuts and flashy aftereffects and all.

Some people had too much time on their hands.

Luckily, Erika and Sarah soon appeared and they collectively headed to their classroom after bidding Max goodbye as he headed to his.

There was a moment of tense silence between them after they took their seats. With Jessica skipping yesterday’s first day at school after the holidays, they weren’t sure whether she would ever appear at school again.

From what they heard about Sally… or Salem, she had completely abandoned her civilian life after becoming a general, so who was to say?

Minutes ticked by and the class was about to start. And then, to their surprise, a familiar figure walked into the classroom.

“Jessica!” Erika immediately shouted.

“Oh, hey! It’s been a while hasn’t it?” Jessica grinned, as if yesterday had never happened.

It was a familiar expression. Nicole didn’t think she was faking it but…

“What happened? You weren’t here yesterday,” Nicole asked innocently, eliciting a subtle glance from Sarah.

“Ah, well… You know my job? And the business trip I was on?” Jessica scratched the back of her neck.


“It seems that I did such a good job there that my boss promoted me again!” She beamed at them. “I’m one of the managers now!”

Managers. Right.

“Oh… Really…?” Nicole said carefully.

“Yeah. And, well, there was a lot I had to do because of that. Moving my things to another office, meeting my new loyal minions, and all that jazz. It took me a while to get situated, so I kind of ended up missing yesterday’s class.”

They all knew that ‘loyal minions’ wasn’t just a hyperbole.

“So how are you all doing?” she asked as she got herself seated as well.

The three exchanged a glance. Erika unsure, Sarah suspicious, Nicole thoughtful.

Should they…?

“Well…” Sarah drawled. “You know how it goes. Partying together every day. Enjoying the summer.” She eyed Jessica. “Too bad you weren’t there. You missed out.”

Jessica groaned. “Ah man… Don’t do that to me! You know I was busy…”

“Well, you should find some time for your friends then.” There was a hidden edge in Sarah’s voice. “Selling your soul to a corporation is just a recipe for disaster.”

Jessica noticed and glanced over to her and her eyes narrowed ever so slightly. “Come on now,” she chided. “You’re acting as if my boss is the demon lord or something.”

The three did their best not to react.

Sarah scoffed. “Knowing you? He very well could be.”

Jessica simply laughed, pretending it was all a joke. “Well, the cat is out of the bag then.” She grinned mischievously, as if she hadn’t just admitted to being part of the demon army. “Don’t worry. We made a promise, remember? Once I topple the demon lord and replace him, you’ll be the first one to know.”

All said in her usual joking manner. If they didn’t know better, they would genuinely think she was only joking. But…

“So… does that mean that you plan on fighting the magical girls?” Nicole asked. “I thought you liked them.”

That made Jessica pause, her expression going neutral, as she really looked at Nicole now. Nicole stared back, unflinching, along with the frowning Sarah and the still uneasy Erika.

Jessica seemed to have decided on something as her expression transformed into an evil smirk. “Oh, I love the magical girls!” She leaned in closer to them and Nicole could feel a subtle layer of magic wash over them. “There’s nothing more fun than bashing their heads in! I could get addicted to it!”

The trio flinched away from her.

“You…” Sarah started, but Jessica interrupted her with a chuckle.

“I knew it.” She grinned at her. “You know the magical girls, don’t you? You know them personally.” Her eyes swept over Nicole and Erika as well. “And not just you. All three of you know them.”

Their fists clenched but they refrained from doing or saying anything. A fight right here in the middle of the classroom would be disastrous.

“Well, how convenient.” Jessica leaned back as she regarded them. “And I thought I would have to keep making up bullshit in front of you. I guess that’s no longer necessary.”

“Jessica,” Erika whispered. “Why?” She looked devastated. “What… happened at those trials?”

Jessica’s eyes locked with Erika’s and she went silent for a few long seconds before finally replying.

“I found out what my dad has been doing this whole time.”

The non sequitur made them blink.

“Pass on a message to the magical girls, will you?” Jessica’s expression turned into a murderous glare. “The message is: ‘Feel free to kill the other new general.’”

With that, Jessica waved her hand and the veil of magic disappeared. She turned away from them and began digging inside her bag for the school books, leaving the trio utterly shocked.

A good few seconds of stunned silence later, Erika went to say something, but the bell ringing stopped her.

The three exchanged one last look before the teacher entered the room and the class began.

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