Amplify (A RWBY Story)

Chapter 69: Train to Argus

Author's Note: Chapter 69.... hehe, nice.


The rest of the two weeks flew by fast. During that time, Ryder trained his semblance and Magic with help from Ozpin. Ozpin was impressed with the progress Ryder has made. He kept mentioning that beating a Maiden is no easy task and it's something Ryder should be proud of. Especially an Evil Maiden. But training wasn't the only thing Ryder did. He spent it with his new girlfriend, Weiss. When they broke the news to the others that they were officially dating, they were happy for them. Ruby and Yang already knew because well they were there when the two became official. Ryder did his best to balance both training and quality time. By the time the two weeks ended, the group knew it was time to head out for Atlas. First stop, Argus. They were currently on the train towards Argus. 

Ryder was in his own room on the train inspecting his gauntlets and loading it with Dust cartages. Once he finished loading them up, he just sits there in silence before he looked at the satchel carrying the dragon balls. With one left to find, he's hoping he'll find it in Atlas. If not, he'll need to start searching the ocean more thoroughly. He stands up from the bed and went to grab the satchel before the train shook causing him to stumble. Confused, he rushed the window and looked outside, he could barely see what looked like Manticore Grimm attacking the rear of the train. His eyes widen before he clenches his fists. He turns away from the window and looked at the Dragon Balls. He then rushed out of the room and towards Team RWBY. He finds them with their weapons out of the room. 

"We got Grimm!" Ryder said. 

"We know, come on." Ruby said, gesturing for Ryder to follow her and the team. 

Ryder followed the team, and they manage to get outside of the train and climb onto the roof. Once on the roof, they see incoming Manticores and a Sphinx Grimm launching an assault. There were two Huntsmen preparing to fight but one of them gets snatched and carried off to his demise. Ryder then activates his Semblance's first stage and goes to 10X. 

"Kill as many Grimm as you can." Ryder ordered. 

Ryder then charged forward at high speeds. He punched one Manticore in the face and launched it backwards before he dodged the jaw of another and then another. He chambered Fire Dust into his gauntlets and unleashed torrents of flames forward at the Grimm. He burned two to death before three more move around his flames and charge him. Ryder dashed backwards before he used his speed to strike all three Manticore's in the neck, breaking it and killing them. Ryder then sent an uppercut upwards and into the stomach of another Manticore before chambering lightning and sending high volage through its body. This kills the Manticore. Ryder then dodges a fire blast from the Sphinx. 

Ryder just grins before he raised his right hand into the air. Lightning crackled before a disk of magical energy formed. Using his own version of the Destructo Disk, Ryder charged it up before throwing it at the Sphinx. The Sphinx dodged the disk, but the disk cleaved through three Manticores before dissipating. The Sphinx dove at Ryder who dodged it by flying to the left. The Sphinx landed on the train and Qrow engaged it. Ryder flew down to Weiss as he saw a Manticore sneaking up on her. He kicked the Grimm away and landed behind Weiss. 

"You okay?" Ryder asked. 

"I am now." Weiss said. 

"TUNNEL!!" Oscar shouts. 

Everyone looked forward and saw a tunnel approaching. 

"Woah!" Ryder exclaimed in shock. 

Everyone rushed to get back inside. Ryder picked up Weiss and used his speed to quickly get back inside with Ruby following behind. Once back inside the train, Ryder put Weiss down. Ryder looked at the door. 

"That was close." Ryder comments. 

"Maybe too close for comfort." Weiss adds. 

The group entered the train car and made their way over to Oscar and the other Huntsmen that was with them. The Huntsmen's arm was in pain after he smacked into the tunnel entrance at full speed while trying to get back inside. Qrow pushed past Ruby and Weiss and stormed up to the Huntsmen, grabbing him and pinning him up against the wall. 

"I said, turn those damn things off." Qrow ordered harshly. 

"Those things are keeping us alive!" The Huntsmen argues. 

Ruby looked out the window and saw the Grimm entering the tunnel to chase off after them. Everyone then hears the sounds of babies crying and they all turn to the other car where civilians are standing. All of them are scared. Ryder got flashbacks to the Fall of Beacon, all the lives that were lost. He couldn't let that happen again. He clenched his fists at the memory of those deaths. He felt a gentle hand grab his own. He turns to see Weiss giving him a worried glance. Ryder calms down as Weiss places her other hand on his shoulder. Ruby turned and walked towards the Huntsmen and Qrow. 

"Look, maybe if you bozos had been doing your job and not shaking down passengers maybe we wouldn't be in this-" Qrow said before being stopped by Ruby who put a hand on his arm. 

Qrow looked at her before backing away. 

"Please just shut off the turrets." Ruby asks, calmly. 

Jaune walked over to help convince the Huntsmen. 

"Trust us." Jaune said. "We know what we're doing." 

Jaune proceeds to amplify the Huntsmen's aura to help heal his wound. The Huntsmen was amazed before he looked at everyone else. 

"Fine." The Huntsmen said, giving in to their demands. 

Nora then got an idea. 

"Ren. Could you use your Semblance to mask everyone on this train?" Nora asked. "With the guns off and emotions hidden they might lose track of us." 

"I've never attempted to effect this many people." Ren answered. 

"Well, you've never had Jaune's help before." Ruby points out. 

"That's right. Jaune could amplify your aura giving you a much greater effect." Ryder said. 

"Yeah, that's an alright plan." Qrow said, agreeing with this idea. 

Ren looked worried. 

"Don't look so worried Ren. You can totally do this." Nora said, trying to encourage Ren. 

Ozpin then took control of Oscar, with Oscar's permission of course. 

"I'm afraid there's one complication." Ozpin said. "Grimm are also attracted to this." 

Ozpin gestured to the Relic of Knowledge which hung on his belt. 

"What's that?" The Huntsmen asked. 

"None of your business." Qrow answered before turning to Ozpin. "Oz are you serious?" 

"Why wouldn't you tell us that!?" Yang asked, sounding angry. 

"Yeah, why the hell would you withhold that very crucial piece of intel." Ryder said, joining Yang's anger. 

"I-I..." Ozpin said, hesitating. 

"It doesn't matter right now." Ruby said, interrupting to stop any hostilities. 

However Blake, Yang, Weiss and Ryder don't think so. 

"Every second we're onboard this train. We're putting everyone else in danger." Ruby stated before looking at Ren. "Get the passengers to the front cars. You'll still mask the emotions and still kill the turrets. We just can't come with you." 

Ryder didn't like where this was going. 

"If we cut the back cars with us and the Relic on them. We can deal with the Grimm." Ruby explains before she turns to Jaune. "You just make sure everyone else makes it safely to Argus." 

Jaune finished healing the Huntsmen and walked over. 

"Only if you promise you'll meet us there." Jaune said. 

"Promise." Ruby said, giving her word. 

"I'll go with Team RWBY; you guys could use the extra set of hands." Ryder said. 

"no." Ruby said. 

"What?" Ryder asked. 

Ruby turns to him. 

"You need to get the Dragon Balls to Argus. We can't risk having both relics in the same place at once." Ruby said. 

"Then I'll give them to Jaune. I'm sure he can protect them." Ryder said, insisting he go with them. 

"Ryder." Qrow said, walking over. 

Ryder looked at Qrow. 

"It's best if the Orbs stay in your care. You know the most about them. If we were to lose you somehow, we lose our only shot at using the Dragon Balls." Qrow explained. 

Ryder didn't agree with this, and his face said it. Weiss grabbed his hand which makes him look at her. 

"Ryder." Weiss said, looking into his eyes. "We'll be fine." 

Ryder still hesitated. 

"I Want you guys to be safe." Ryder said, his voice a whisper. 

Weiss smiles and gently places her hand on his cheek comfortingly. 

"We will be. We have each other." Weiss said. 

"Besides, I'll be with them." Qrow said. "I'll make sure everyone stays safe." 

Ryder looked at him while Weiss moves her hand away but still, he hesitated. He then sighed. 

"Alright." Ryder said. 

What followed next was the group moving everyone to the front cars of the train, during which Ryder grabbed the satchel containing the Dragon Balls. After everyone was moved, the group moved to their positions. On the roof of the train, Ryder stood at the ready with Nora. Jaune and Ren stood ready to activate their semblances the second Ruby gives the signal. Ryder had the satchel containing the dragon balls on him. He was still heavily against this plan but had no time to argue. People's lives were at stake. The howling wind and the snowflakes surrounded them. The train cars are detached by Blake, and they begin to rapidly part away from each other. Ryder eventually turned to Nora before he heard Ruby's voice come from Nora's scroll. 

"Now!" Ruby said. 

Ryder gave a thumbs up to Jaune and Ren which told them to carry out the plan. Soon the entire train and everyone in it and on it turns grey. Ryder looked at his hands. 

"Woah. This is weird." Ryder mumbles. 

Ryder looked off to the distance and noticed that the cars that Team RWBY, Oscar and Qrow were on are gone. Vanished in the storm. He looks visibly worried and Nora sees this. 

"Hey, they'll be fine." Nora said. 

"I hope so." Ryder said. 

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