America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 463 The arrival of the black ship in the new century

Abel finally declined Mukesh Ambani’s invitation.

Firstly, he was not familiar with the other party. It was even his first time in India.

I really have no impression of Mukesh Ambani.

Secondly, before Abel came to India, the Smith Group certainly made preparations.

We have conducted an investigation into the situation here in advance.

So Abel knew that in recent times, it was the time when Mukesh Ambani and his brother Anil Ambani were at their worst.

The father of the two brothers is Dhirubhai Ambani, the former richest man in India.

Dhirubhai Ambani passed away two months ago, leaving behind a huge fortune.

Just die, Dhirubhai Ambani is old after all. And no one really knows how much affection his two sons have for him.

The key is that Dhirubhai Ambani did not leave a will at all.

With tens of billions of dollars of property in front of them, Mukesh and his younger brother Anil naturally began to fight openly and secretly, which can be described as fighting.

Because he is the eldest son and has a relatively high position in the company.

After Dhrubhai's death, Mukesh became the successor chairman of Reliance Group and Anil became the general manager.

Anil Ambani has always been subordinate to his elder brother since he joined the group.

And he feels that his contribution to the group is no less important.

Such a result naturally made Anil dissatisfied.

But Mukesh thought everything was natural, but it was his younger brother's complaints that threatened his status.

So in the past two months since he took sole power, Mukesh Ambani has carried out a series of actions to weaken Anil's power.

One of the most powerful moves was to turn the Reliance Refining Company, controlled by Mukesh himself, into a base that controlled the operations and ownership of the entire group.

For this reason, Anil secretly united with the board of directors to fight, but was refuted by his brother in an email sent to all employees.

In this email, Mukesh claimed that he would be fully responsible for Reliance Group affairs and that the group ownership issue had been properly resolved.

This move so angered Anil that he directly took his brother to court on the grounds of false accounting.

After this behavior was reported by the media, it even caused a major shock in the Mumbai stock market.

At this time, Mukesh Ambani came to him.

Abel wouldn't think it was just a accidental encounter.

Based on the idea that doing more is worse than doing less, Abel took the initiative to avoid suspicion.

After all, Abel's main purpose in coming to India this time was to go to Padmanaba Swami Temple.

In addition to matters related to the achievement of this purpose, in other aspects of India.

Abel was not very interested.

Yes, helping Mukesh Ambani may help him get the Padmanabhaswamy temple.

Don’t underestimate it, Ambani has this level of influence in India.

The problem is that Mukesh Ambani’s younger brother, Anil, is not a good person either.

Anil can fight evenly with Mukesh even when he is in a disadvantageous situation.

Either there is someone standing behind, someone supporting Anil Ambani.

Either Mukesh Ambani cannot compare with Anil in terms of his ability to fight.

Only in this way can the outcome of the fight be almost the same when you have the upper hand.

Obviously helping Mukesh Ambani will inevitably arouse the jealousy of Anil Ambani.

This can easily make the other party make a fuss about the Padmanaba Swami Temple.

Abel also had little interest in developing in India.

Naturally, he didn’t show much interest in Mukesh Ambani’s overtures.

The contract was signed smoothly the next day.

Indians are famous all over the world for being pushy.

Since they liked the bite, Abel went along with it.

Abel gave them the opportunity to shine. The world's richest man personally accepted interviews with a large number of well-known local media in India.

What Zee-TV India, Awakening Daily, India Times, Paskar Daily, Beautiful Malayala...

Because they knew Abel was coming, almost all well-known journalists from India were present on this day.

During the interview, Abel naturally praised the three brothers.

There is no need to spend money to say good things, and many conditions in India are indeed not bad.

In Abel's mouth, he almost said that the 21st century is the century of Indians.

His compliment naturally made the Indian media practitioners present very happy.

Everyone knows that once this kind of news spreads, the sales and ratings of our newspapers or TV programs will be extremely exaggerated.

This is the world's richest man, an American conglomerate boss, praising India so much!

On the surface, he is more patriotic than anyone else. In fact, Indians, who worship foreigners more than anyone else, love this kind of news the most.

In this way, Abel said something free of charge in the interview, and since then his joint venture company in India has been established.

On the third day, the Smith took Abel and left New Delhi.

And little Laura returned to the United States as early as yesterday.

That is, when Abel was bragging to the Indian media, she got on a Smith Financial Group business plane and left New Delhi.

After 8 hours of flight time.

A Boeing 747 taking off from Indira Gandhi International Airport begins landing at London Heathrow Airport.

After taxiing on the runway for a period of time, the four Rolls-Royce flight engines were shut down one after another.

All engine sounds disappeared, the plane stopped, and Abel and his party began to disembark.

It’s different from the last time I came to London.

When Abel came to London last time, he already had a certain reputation.

But most of his fame was limited to the United States at that time.

His name appears occasionally in Europe, but his influence is not very great.

This time he came to London again, although it was only less than a year apart.

But his influence in London and Europe is no longer the same.

Not to mention anything else, just the arrangements he left here made many people in Europe pay special attention to his return.

Secondly, he is now the richest man in the world.

American billionaires come to Europe, no big deal.

When Warren Buffett, Soros and Bill Gates come to Europe, they sound very different.

In the world of capitalism, the status of well-known super businessmen is often not inferior to that of national leaders.

Nowadays, the name Abel Smith is actually louder than the above three names in Europe in many cases.

So when he came this time, although it was not the center of attention, he was still under the close attention of many parties.

Not to mention the three days he spent in India.

Many things related to him happened in the international financial market.

Since the beginning of the so-called Iron Lady, Britain has regarded the financial industry as the backbone of the country's economy, and its citizens have paid more attention to his arrival.

Abel and his accompanying assistants and bodyguards, about a dozen people in total, walked down the hanging ladder.

Passing through the business passage, I saw Jess, the president of Smith Capital (UK), who was coming to pick him up at the entrance.

Oh, Jess is no longer the president of Smith Capital (UK).

He is now CEO and Chairman of Smith Financial Group, Europa Region.

Jess is now responsible for Smith Financial Group, most of its business in Europe.

Looking at this capable general, Abel had a smile on his face, nodded with satisfaction and said, Well done this time!

Thank you boss for your compliments, boss, please...

Jess smiled brightly. He knew what his boss was praising him for.

This time though it was David Mellon who went to Singapore.

But in fact, Jess, who is in London, the financial center of Europe, has also contributed a lot.

Such huge funds and so many foreign exchange futures positions.

It is impossible to operate it just by relying on the dozens of people in Singapore.

Among them, the staff in London and the staff in New York also contributed a lot.

On the New York side, they were worried about some unspeakable Wall Street tactics.

Such as physical power outage, or even physical interference.

With the power and means of Rockefeller and Morgan, this was entirely possible.

Therefore, New York is not the place that contributes the most because it does not dare to contribute.

In the end, it was naturally the people from London who contributed the most.

Abel's praise of Jace at this time was referring to this aspect.

After coming out of the airport, the scene in which Abel and his party were waiting naturally aroused the curiosity of many people.

When walking to London Heathrow Airport, an arranged place.

Reporters and paparazzi swarmed in from both sides and immediately blocked the path of Abel and his party.

Mr. Smith, what do you think about your investment company taking away tens of billions of dollars from Neon Bank in a few days?

Mr. Smith, Neon Bank President Yu Hayami, claims that you are the most barbaric financial barbarian and Neon's most unpopular person. What do you think of this?

Mr. Smith, during this USD/JPY financial turmoil, it is said that you finally teamed up with Morgan and Rockefeller to star in all this. Is this true?

Mr. Smith, since you acquired the Manchester United club last year, you have never been to the Red Devils to watch a game. Is it because you don't actually like football?

Mr. Smith, which industry will you invest in the UK this time?

Mr. Smith, what do you think about the Neon Man's anger towards you?

What do you think of the current financial risks in the UK?


The flashing lights and the noisy and crowded scene made Abel's bodyguards feel like they were facing an enemy.

But in fact, Rock Security had already prepared for this kind of scene.

The bodyguards with stern faces pushed away the journalists who kept pushing forward, and spread out their familiarity, covering Abel's figure.

Abel raised his eyebrows. Before coming to London, he knew there would be such a scene.

But I didn't expect the scene to be so big.

A bunch of British journalists who don't care what he wants to do in the UK.

And almost all of them asked questions related to Neon People.

It is obvious that funds from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Neon must be at play here.

After all, as the second country in the world that can do external propaganda for its own country.

Neon’s influence on global media is only slightly worse than that of the United States.

But this time, Abel somewhat understood the Neon Man's anger.

Anyone who has been robbed of tens of billions of dollars will never be able to remain calm.

What's more, it is still a powerful economic power. It is definitely angry and angry.

It's just that the people who did this are Americans, and the Neon people cannot use physical means to retaliate.

Then the other party is not allowed to use some means of public opinion and money to vent their emotions?

After thinking for a while, Abel made a gesture.

The Rock Security staff quickly responded.

Then after selection, reporters from several newspapers in Europe of Smith Media Group were selected.

Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Daily Express, Daily Star, Glasgow Herald...

The lucky reporters of these media outlets had their microphones checked and then brought them to Abel.

Other British journalists were extremely envious.

But we also know that these reporters are all British people working for Abel.

Abel is their boss, and of course they can enjoy some privileges in front of Abel.

With the microphones of reporters from his own newspapers in front of him, Abel smiled his signature smile.

Faced with this group of British and European reporters who are more cunning and rude than American reporters.

Let me clarify, Neon's Mr. Hayami has been pursued by the Neon Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office for economic crimes. It is said that so far, no one has been able to find him. So what this criminal said has no meaning at all. There is no credibility.”

Secondly, winning and losing in the financial market are very normal. It's just like when you go to Las Vegas or Monaco to play, you can't win money because you are highly skilled or blessed by the goddess of luck. And if you lose money, you blame and Are you talking to other gamblers or the casino itself?

Essentially, the international financial market is a super casino. If you want to avoid losing money, it is very simple. That is to never end up.

I would like to suggest that fellow Neon colleagues, if you feel resentful towards me because you have lost money on investments, then there is no need to worry about me, then just don't engage in this industry in the future.

And if they don't listen to my advice and continue to be in the industry.

Then all I can say is...

Facing a large number of flashlights and reporters with collective expressions of excitement.

Abel smiled again and concluded:

Next time they face me, they're going to lose. And they're going to lose even more.


Reporters faced Abel's unkind rebuttal to the neon people who accused him.

It almost caused the European and British reporters present to have an orgasm.

Two days ago, when Abel was still in India.

In the international financial market, the financial turmoil of USD/JPY has finally come to an end.

As a result of this financial crisis, Neon people and many bulls who were not decisive enough suffered heavy losses.

Among them, Neon People suffered the most losses. The Wall Street Journal said that they lost hundreds of billions of dollars because they frantically covered their positions after early losses.

The New York Post was even more exaggerated, saying that the loss of neon lights this time was second only to the bursting of the bubble ten years ago, and the value is impossible to estimate.

The more pertinent New York Observer believes that Neon Man's direct economic losses this time are approximately US$70-80 billion.

If the position is not covered, it may only be 40 to 50 billion US dollars.

However, its indirect losses, such as the sharp rise and fall of the Japanese yen exchange rate in a short period of time, and its impact on the neon economy are difficult to estimate.

In short, this time, the Neon people must lose the most.

This can be seen from the drastic personnel changes that have taken place in Neon Bank in the past two days.

For example, Yu Hayami, the president of Neon Bank mentioned by the reporter earlier, is now the former president.

He has been clearly removed from his position, and a series of position changes have taken place at the top level of Neon Bank.

Later, there were news reports in Tokyo about Hayami Yu's investigation.

In addition to these, many economic and business people in Neon have come forward to implicitly accuse Abel Smith.

Like Yu Hayami, he accepted an interview with Neon's Yomiuri Shimbun just a few hours before he was put under investigation.

The Yomiuri Shimbun is a national and very influential newspaper of the Neon family.

At its peak, it achieved daily sales of 20 million copies of the newspaper.

Even more exaggerated than the Wall Street Journal.

In an interview with The Yomiuri Shimbun.

Yu Hayami simply said that Abel Smith was the financial barbarian targeting Neon this time.

It was the disaster that Neon Bank encountered after the 21st century, which was like the attack of a black ship.

During the interview, Hayami Yu played up Abel's crimes to the extent that he was almost the sinner of Neon.

Except for Hayami Yu.

This time, there are also many well-known business figures on the Neon side.

People like Masatoshi Ito, Masaru Yanai, Yasuo Takei and others also said something during the interview.

These people are not as direct as Hayami Yu.

What they said was relatively obscure, but they could all be easily associated with Abel.

Abel spent the next two days in India.

The international financial and financial media suddenly discovered that there was another big deal, and it was related to Abel Smith.

That's why the Neon people are accusing Abel, and the reason is because Abel made the Neon people's money.

So these British journalists, European journalists.

When they were interviewing Abel just now, most of the questions they asked were related to the Neon Man.

Of course, the same thing as Abel thought.

Many people have also received funds from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the questions they ask will be more intense and more biased toward neon people.

And Abel's reaction just now was almost like saying to the Neon Man:

Cai, don't play. If you still want to play, I will continue to fuck you next time.

Such a direct and domineering statement.

Naturally, the good European people who have always looked down on neon, but are very jealous of the development of the neon economy, have a collective climax.

To some European journalists, there is no conflict between taking funds from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and discriminating against Neon people.

What's more, Abel's direct confrontational stance makes it easier to attract readers and viewers.

It is this kind of dramatic stuff that readers love to see.

News of Abel's stance can bring greater help to their ratings and sales.

Of course, the reporters were even happier and more excited to let Abel shoot at the Neon Man again.

To their disappointment, Abel's bodyguards had come over and blocked them all.

Although they were unwilling to do so, the reporters could only watch the world's richest man leave away with his entourage.

Watching the crowd disappear.

William, a reporter from The Times, couldn't help but sigh in a low voice while checking the negatives of his camera:

As expected of Americans, they are tough when facing neon lights.

Next to him, reporter Jack, a colleague from the Guardian who had always been familiar with him, smiled and said:

The Neon Man was too arrogant before. He also wanted to buy the United States. He was taught a lesson 10 years ago, and now he is being taught a lesson again. Tsk tsk, these little potato pieces are really targeted by Abel Smith. If you are targeted, there will be good drama in the future.

The reporters all sighed and agreed with the opinions of these two reporters.

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