America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 440 Abel’s Lion King Theory

To be honest, Abel really looked down upon the profits that could be obtained in Han State.

Because in Han State, the truly profitable industries have already been completely controlled by several large chaebols.

As for these so-called plutocrats who dominate the local area, they have long been controlled by foreign capital, especially Wall Street.

Like Abel, since last year, he has successively acquired shares in many core enterprises of the Hanguo chaebol in the international market.

Some of these shares are even unlisted companies.

He can get shares in unlisted companies.

That was because of the economic crisis in Han Dynasty in 1998.

Even though Hanguo was an unlisted company, it was in a huge crisis.

In order not to die immediately, the chaebols also had to ask for help.

This gives international capital the opportunity to invade these core enterprises.

Abel obtained these shares at a high price from that group of people.

From the current perspective, Abel is suffering a bit from these shares.

Because to get them, the price paid by Abel was more than ten times higher than when they snatched them directly from the Han Kingdom chaebol.

In other words, it only took a few years.

The group of people who looted Han Guo's chaebol had an annualized rate of return of more than 1,000 percent.

Fortunately, Abel knew that he now seemed to be taking over from a high position.

But in fact, companies like Hanguo will all grow by leaps and bounds in the next 10 years.

In particular, the value of Samsung electronics and modern cars will be several times or even ten times higher than it is now.

Abel's money for buying these shares now will be fully repaid in two to three years at most.

The rest is all profit.

Economically, Hanguodu has been completely controlled by Americans called international capital, which is actually Wall Street.

From another level, the economy and political governance of Han State itself were very deformed.

This may have something to do with the fact that they were dominated by neon for a long time in their early days.

late last century.

With the support of the authorities, the chaebol forces of Han State all expanded wildly in a deformed and barbaric manner.

By the time the authorities reacted, they were too big to lose.

The chaebols officially control the country's economic lifeline.

It is better to say it is the Han Kingdom than the Samsvng Empire, or the Lejin Empire, or the Modern Dai Empire...

Under such circumstances, the only way out for other non-chaebol elites in Han Kingdom to see hope is probably the entertainment industry and prosecutors.

Not to mention the prosecutor's super single-plank bridge.

For the non-chaebol middle and upper classes in Han, although the main resources of the entertainment industry are still controlled by the chaebols.

But under the control of the chaebols, they still found a way to make money by exploiting the trainees.

People are the cheapest in Han State.

With the support of national policies.

In order to become stars, to live in the spotlight, and to be chased by fans, ordinary Han people can be said to have rushed into various brokerage companies to become trainees.

The brokerage company uses these cheap trainees to create profits.

After a batch of pressed ones is free of oil and water, the next batch can be cultured.

Using industrial assembly lines to create stars, this kind of fast food consumption can only be said to have small profits compared to other industries.

However, the middle and upper classes in Han State other than the chaebols have successfully managed this industry to achieve high sales, which can be said to be low cost.

The key is that this success can be replicated.

Once a company becomes famous in the entertainment industry, it can go public to make money. Fool and JYP are the best examples.

In Abel's eyes, the Hanguo entertainment industry is even more chaotic than Hollywood.

The A-bangs have become accustomed to the economic development model of the plutocrats' brutal expansion.

Entertainment companies are also in a state of chaos.

In Abel's view, even 10 years later it will be very brilliant, and even return to Neon, once stepping into Europe and the United States with one foot.

But the collapse of Hallyu is only a matter of time. In the end, only a few relatively large entertainment companies will be left.

Like other local markets in Hanguo, the market for the entertainment industry in Hanguo is also small.

What Abel finds so funny is that the Han people often talk about hundreds of millions, billions, tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions.

If you don't understand, you can really scare people.

For example, the Hanguo stock market has a market value of more than 540 trillion in Korean won...

The stock market with a market capitalization of 500 billion is really scary if you don’t know the Korean won exchange rate.

If converted into U.S. dollars, it would actually be about 350 billion.

The market capitalization of one company is almost the same as that of General Electric in the current U.S. stock market.

Most of Abel's investment here was due to his lion's mischief.

Of course.

Some current Korean entertainment actresses.

And the girls in the girl group in the future, in Abel's eyes, all of them are pretty... good.

This evening.

After dinner, Li Fuzhen took him to the same room as last time.

Abel feels that traditional Korean clothing and traditional Korean classical dance also have merits.

Early next morning.

In the hotel living room.

Abel, who had already washed himself and was wearing a spacious nightgown, saw the lioness who offered her prey to him.

Honey, does it taste okay? I hope they didn't upset you.

Li Fuzhen spoke fluent English and was extremely gentle.

Very nice, very well-behaved...

Abel smiled and went over and sat down next to her.

Li Fuzhen said in a soft voice:

My father and other old guys. They all know about your arrival, and now they are all outside in the executive lounge, waiting for your reception.

She is very good at talking and uses the word interview. .

The few tycoons of Han's plutocrats who were supreme in Han Kingdom, except for the senior prosecutors, and even the commander of Han Kingdom were helpless, were said to be Abel's subordinates and followers.

Then let's meet. The cooperation last time was very pleasant. When the Hanguo stock market recovers for a while, maybe I can cooperate with them again.

Abel said with a smile.

Li Fu has beautiful big eyes and a charming and coquettish smile.

This is a wealthy flower who is cold and sharp when facing other people, as sharp as ice lotus. .

But in front of Abel, she was just a submissive little woman who exuded charm and obedience from the bottom of her heart. .

Everyone has two sides, and Li Fuzhen is very typical. .

It is said that people control the sword, not that the sword obeys people.

Li Fuzhen was such a sword that was extremely sharp when facing other people in Han Kingdom, even her father.

And when in Abel's hands, she is a beautiful sword spirit that can be transformed.

Of course, the divine sword might bite its owner and turn into a demonic sword.

One day, if the master Abel loses his power and becomes a useless person.

Then don't blame the Excalibur, it turned into a Magic Sword in minutes.

Abel knew this very well.

And Li Fuzhen also knew what Abel meant by what he said.

I just hope that next time, these poor untouchables will not be so stupid and greedy, otherwise they will deserve it.

Li Fuzhen said with a smile.

Don't think she made a slip of the tongue.

Abel really knows, in the eyes of the second or third generation of the chaebols in Han State.

Ordinary Han people are really untouchables, like leeks, something that can grow again after being cut.

Capital plus feudal culture, coupled with distorted Han Confucianism, and the oppression of an elder brother's country and a father's country above.

This country is very sick in this regard from bottom to top.

Let me change my clothes. Abel stood up and said with a smile, Go outside to meet my father-in-law and the other presidents.

Hearing the word father-in-law from Abel's mouth, Li Fu really smiled.

She didn't like hearing Abel call Li Zaixi his father-in-law.

But because Abel said this, she felt that it was an affirmation of her status on his side.

This pregnant woman, who is about to give birth next month, will not let other female bodyguards help her because she is so happy.

She was busy herself, helping Abel change into a simple suit.

Then he meekly followed Abel and left the room where the Lion King was enjoying his trophies.

Follow the Lion King outside and meet the unimportant hyena leaders on the grassland of Han Kingdom.

Shilla Hotel.

On the top floor of the hotel, there is Hanguo's unique executive lounge.

Here you can overlook the Nanshan Mountain outside the window, the Shouer Tower and the intoxicating scenery of Shouer city center.

Here, Abel met Li Zaixi and others who might have been waiting here very early.

Several local tycoons saw Abel coming.

From a distance, they stood up with smiles on their faces, waiting for Abel's arrival.

Gentlemen, peace and joy!

Abel smiled and said hello in half English and half Korean.

Seeing that Abel was in such a good mood, Li Zaixi, Cui Xianzhong and others quickly spoke in English and started to laugh along with An Ning.

After greetings, Abel smiled and said: For Korean, this is all I know. Let's communicate in English.

Naturally, the local chaebol giants did not dare to say no.

Most Han people, especially the elite, speak very good English.

Who calls their ceiling? They will eventually have to face English-speaking Americans.

After Abel sat down, Li Zaixi and others also sat down.

After sitting firmly, Li Zaixi glanced at his eldest daughter, who was sitting next to Abel with a big belly.

This invisible leader of the Han Kingdom said with a bright smile:

Mr. Smith, we didn't know you were here until last night. Originally, we wanted to come over to greet you last night. But we were worried about disturbing your rest, so we came now. I hope you won't be offended now.

This is true. Abel really passed by when he came to Han this time.

The United States had long been prepared, but on the Han side, even Li Fuzhen only found out about it yesterday morning.

She wouldn't talk nonsense, so these old men really only found out about Abel's arrival last night through their pervasive network of connections in Han State.

As for their current attitude towards Abel, the reason why they are so respectful even seems a bit humble.

That's because Abel is now one of the super big shots even in the United States.

The future niece-in-law of the commander-in-chief of the United States, the core figure of the super consortium, and a top Yankee with great influence.

Any one of these titles would make the local plutocrats of Han State tremble.

What's more, Abel still holds many shares in their core industries and directly controls their lifeblood to a certain extent.

It can be said that the current Abel, to them, is like a powerful man from the Ming Dynasty who came to the Han Kingdom and looked at several powerful figures in the Joseon Dynasty during the Chinese Ming Dynasty.

That is the kind of person who is truly worthy of being a great person in the heavenly kingdom. Even King Han (the leader of Han Kingdom) must please him when he sees him.

Maybe it’s just a little bit worse than King Mai from a few decades ago.

Ha ha--

Abel smiled:

This is because I came here just to visit Anna. She has my child in her belly, and she is one of my lovers. Apart from visiting her, I didn't have anything else to do, so I didn't notify you. They are.

He said this shamelessly.

In the eyes of normal people, this is excessive and lacks respect for Li Fuzhen and Li Zaixi.

It's just that these Han people in front of them don't even have a little bit of this feeling.

Li Fuzhen was even a little touched, and Li Zaixi was still a little proud.

Because this proves that Abel values ​​her and Li Zaixi's daughter very much.

And inside her belly was Li Zaixi’s grandson.

The other old men even felt a little envious of Li Zaixi.

It can only be said that the feudal remnants of Han State are too serious.

I just took a look at the KOSDAQ index and the KOSPI index after the market closed yesterday. They haven't recovered much.

I'm still thinking about cooperating with you again to earn some pocket money and buy milk powder for the baby in Anna's belly.

But now that it looks like this, we can only give up temporarily.

Abel said with a smile again.

Listen to Abel talk about this.

Several chaebol giants all felt as if their eyes were shining brightly.

Last year, Abel led them to ravage the Hanguo stock market and slaughter the local leeks.

For them, who look good on the surface but can actually only share a small profit from the consortium, this is definitely a very generous additional income.

With the cooperation of Abel and Soros.

They were commanded to cut through the Hanguo stock market without any bloodshed.

Soros made over a billion dollars at the time, and each of them made hundreds of millions of dollars as well.

This income is almost as much as their family’s annual income.

Listen to Abel mention this matter again at this moment.

These are the same as the nobles in ancient China. They only have the interests of themselves and their families in mind, and never care about the country.

Now they are even talking.

In fact, Kosdaq has recovered very well, and our country of Han is developing very well. Mr. Smith, you can definitely...

I also think the KOSPI index is very healthy. It is a normal investment market. If Smith is willing, Xiandai Group will be very happy to cooperate with you.

Mr. Smith, maybe we can do what we did last year. I, Xin Bindong, am willing to continue to follow in your footsteps!

Me too, I...


It was very lively when I heard Abel mention this.

Even Li Zaixi was very moved.

It is a very bad behavior to unknowingly cooperate with Abel and cut off the wallets of investors in his own country.

Abel knew that these people were profit-oriented, but he did not expect that they were profit-oriented to this extent.

It feels no different from those Shanxi merchants in the late Ming Dynasty and early Manchu Dynasty in China.

Abel could only smile and shake his head slightly, and said:

Although everyone is happy to cooperate, we still cannot do this in the short term.

This is not because I don't like money, but because if it happens again in a short period of time, it will do great harm to Hanguo's stock market. More importantly, it will also have an impact on Hanguo's economy.

Now, the White House hopes that Hanguo can grow up and become a developed country in Asia other than Neon, which can more beneficially help the United States' Asia strategy.

Do you understand? Everyone, once in a while is fine. If it happens more often, Han's economy will collapse. This is a situation that the White House doesn't want to see now.

Americans are great at raising dogs, in every sense of the word.

If you kill and eat meat once in a while, that's fine.

Americans do this often, every few years. This is what Wall Street loves to do.

But if you kill dogs every day, it will easily collapse the dog pen.

At this time when the United States is still very full, if someone wants to do something like this, many Americans will come out to oppose it.

Only when the United States itself is hungry and needs to kill dogs for meat.

Even if the dog pen collapses, it still won't matter.

But that day, in parallel time and space, did not arrive until more than 20 years later.

There are also two kills.

One called Neon is fat and difficult to kill.

One named Smecta even had a little bit of resistance and started to struggle.

This is something for later, let’s not mention it for now.

Seeing Abel's attitude like this, Li Zaixi and others felt a little regretful.

But it’s just as Abel said.

They also understand the reason why their country and company can be strong and develop so fast.

That's because behind them, there's support from Wall Street and White House.

Samsvng Electronics and Hyundai Motor Group, as Korean companies, are able to sell so well in North America.

There is no need to be sanctioned at all.

That's because by their very nature, they are not pure Hanguo companies.

They are just American companies wearing Smecta skin.

That's it. Abel said:

I'll treat you all to breakfast. After breakfast, I'll ask you to go back to work. I'm really only here for two days this time. I'm going to Europe in two days.

Abeldu expressed his stance again.

Even if I want Abel to take them to cut meat and eat it.

Li Zaixi and the others could only choose to cease operations.

Let them go on their own?

The prosecutors of the Prosecutor Kingdom and the thugs arranged by the owner of the dog pen will teach them how to behave.

This chapter is on the 12th, so including tomorrow night's chapter, I still owe one chapter... Because tomorrow is the weekend, I promised to take my daughter to the park to play, and I was afraid that I wouldn't have time to type during the day, so I updated it in advance.

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