America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 438 Medical Complex

After inspecting my three companies in San Diego.

Abel did not leave Santiago.

He even stayed here for a night.

Compared with San Francisco and Los Angeles, which are basically controlled by the California consortium, San Diego started later because it is an important base of the US Navy.

The Texas consortium also has a certain influence here.

But it doesn't matter now, as about 1/2 of California's electricity supply and 3/4 of its gas supply have fallen into Abel's hands.

Plus Abel’s influence in Silicon Valley.

Today, Abel is gradually gaining the same influence in California as he has in New York.

California-Texas-New York, these three regions that connect the United States together, are Abel's most influential places.

The next day, Abel showed up again at a company's headquarters in San Diego.

This company's stock price was also severely affected by the sharp decline in the U.S. stock market after September 11 last year.

Because of its particularity, it has become one of the more than 200 listed companies that Abel rescued.

“…Growth hormone is a great product that has saved many children from the misfortune of never growing taller. For these children and their families, it is like an angel descending and bringing them good news.

San Diego.

In the headquarters of American Genetic Engineering Technology Company.

Abel and the company's chairman, Arthur Levinson, browsed the company's patent wall, which was modeled after Qualcomm, while smiling and praising the biogenetic pharmaceutical company.

American genetic engineering technology company, referred to as Genentech.

It is a biotechnology company founded in the 1970s by venture capitalist Robert Swanson and biochemist Dr. Herbert Boyer.

It is considered the founder of the biotechnology industry and is a relatively outstanding but not outstanding one among thousands of pharmaceutical companies in San Diego.

It was listed on NASDAQ as early as 1980. After the 1990s, he also transferred his stocks to the New York Stock Exchange, which has a larger market.

After 9/11, while rescuing the market, Abel acquired 11.9% of its shares.

Later, it successively acquired many of its shares, accounting for 35%.

He is currently the largest shareholder of Genentech.

Fight for the health of mankind throughout your life!

Standing next to Abel, Arthur Levinson, the chairman of Genentech, smiled and said respectfully:

This is the company slogan of Genentech, but it is not just a slogan. It is also the biggest goal that everyone working at Genentech strives for! Growth hormone is just one of our contributions to mankind.

The growth hormone the two are talking about is a secondary growth hormone produced by Genentech for young children with growth defects. It is a treatment for dwarfism.

It is also Genentech's first successful product.

It was with this product that Genentech was successfully launched.

A drug makes a pharmaceutical company boss. In the United States, this kind of thing is common.

The medical complex is one of the top five in the United States. As long as it is done well, the dollar bill is really huge.

It's based on trust in Genentech in this regard.

Abel said with a smile: So in San Diego, instead of going to giants like Pfizer, Novartis, and Amgen, I came here to find Genentech. It's for this reason.

As one of the most dynamic clusters of innovative biomedical industries in the world, the San Diego area has more than 1,000 biomedical technology companies and more than 80 related scientific research institutions.

Genentech is considered outstanding here, but it is actually not very eye-catching.

There are several companies of similar size and technology in San Diego.

And it happens to have good scientific research capabilities in genetics and biopharmaceuticals.

More importantly, compared with other pharmaceutical companies.

It already has more than 35% of shares owned by Abel.

Since June last year, Abel has established two medical research institutions in Houston, Texas.

They are based in Houston, and their research direction is the convenient exploration of human longevity and related medical technologies.

This is a medical research institution founded by Abel for himself and his family.

Abel's approach can be considered very common in the United States.

Bill Gates, who is well known to Chinese people, announced the establishment of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation just two years ago.

This foundation, in addition to providing tax shelter for Bill Gates, avoids being deprived of most of his wealth by the U.S. government’s horrific inheritance tax in the future.

More of its funds are invested in drug and medical research.

Externally, Bill Gates claims that he is doing this to benefit mankind and overcome the diseases that are terrible to mankind.

In fact, most of the money from Bill Gates's fund is invested in longevity medical care.

In parallel time and space, Bill Gates later accepted donations from Xiao Mazi and many other wealthy people.

Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent on research.

No one believes that these rich people gave so much money to Bill Gates just to develop a few drugs to cure diseases.

The key is that after more than ten years of development, the number of drugs produced is very small, and the investment alone does not yield any output.

At that time, Bill Gates said that the research direction of the fund would only last for thirty years.

Fund operations will be terminated after thirty years.

When he said these words, Bill Gates was almost 60 years old.

Add 30 to 60 years old, and you are almost 90 years old.

At that time, if no good results can be obtained from the research.

Bill Gates's lifespan is almost running out.

Now, the medical research institution established by Abel is basically similar to the purpose of Bill Gates.

One of the purposes of his visit to Genentech today was to recruit some talents for his medical research institution in Houston.

Of course, it was also the time when he began to pay attention to the performance of the pharmaceutical industry.

In the United States, the medical complex is a terrifying behemoth, not even inferior to the energy complex and the military-industrial complex.

It is a huge vested interest group that includes pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, medical institutions, and even insurance companies.

In 2001, Americans, who accounted for 4.68% of the world's population, consumed 46.7% of the world's health resources, with per capita health expenditures of US$4,873.

The total health expenditure was US$1.56 trillion, accounting for about 14% of the US GDP that year.

Just looking at this number, if the U.S. medical industry were a country, it would be the fifth largest economy in the world...

Why did Kennedy have so much imagination back then? It was because this leader among the Donkey Party leaders wanted to reform the U.S. health care system.

The reforms that this man wants to carry out are not the reforms that benefit the medical giants like Xiao Ao later, but the medical insurance reforms that are really beneficial to the people.

In that era of confrontation, Kennedy may not have done this to benefit the people, but to enhance the national power of the United States.

But by doing so, he obviously hurt the interests of many medical giants.

The subsequent result was that he happily went to ride in the convertible, and his imagination expanded happily.

From Abel's perspective, there are five mountains weighing on the heads of ordinary Americans.

The first big mountain is the military-industrial complex.

The second big mountain is the medical complex.

The third mountain is the legal complex with lawyers as the core.

The fourth mountain is the Wall Street financial complex.

The fifth mountain is the education-media complex.

Among the five mountains, Abel had already secured his position at the top of two, crushing the Americans below.

He is now considering whether he can sit on the top of the other three mountains.

That will make his position in the United States more stable.

Anyway, Americans, from the past to the future, will always be infinitely cut vertically.

There are also productive forces in other backward areas that can be exploited.

It can be said that it is the country least worried about bottom-up reforms or resistance in the world.

Then he is still afraid of an egg, so of course he can press it as hard as he can.

While establishing a medical research institution.

Abel's acquisition of so many shares of Genentech was based on this purpose.

But at this time, in order to avoid alerting giants such as Pfizer, Novartis, and Amgen in advance.

Abel just stayed at Genentech's headquarters for just over an hour like he was touring other companies he had invested in, and then left.

Later, he even went to the branches of Pfizer and Amgen in San Diego and took a look.

Although it is headquartered in New York, Pfizer, the world's super pharmaceutical giant, also has a very important branch in San Diego.

Many medical giants also have branches here.

In fact, San Diego is not the number one gathering place for pharmaceutical giants in the United States.

The Boston/Cambridge, Massachusetts area is the largest biopharmaceutical cluster in the United States.

Kendall Square there is known as the Wall Street of the global pharmaceutical industry.

There are more than 2,000 scientific research institutions and companies from the global life science field there, such as AstraZeneca, Thermo Fisher, Novartis, Pfizer and other giants, they are all there.

It ranks first among the top five job destinations in the life sciences industry in the United States and is known as the Gene City.

But Abel will not go there to seek their scientific research talents.

The reason is very simple, because those places are the nests of behemoths such as Morgan and Rockefeller...

Having said that, there is an interesting phenomenon in the medical complex in the United States.

That is the top ten medical industry gathering places in the United States, excluding two or three places such as San Diego.

The remaining places are all places where the top ten financial groups in the United States have the greatest influence.

Like Boston/Cambridge, Massachusetts, by the established East Coast consortium, and the San Francisco Bay Area by the California consortium...

Abel was very pleased with this.

He knew that this was a sign that everyone, as the boss of the consortium, was actually very afraid of death.

It's not that he is afraid of death alone, it's that everyone is afraid of death...

When I was about to leave Genentech.

Arthur Levinson, the company's chairman, said cryptically.

The company may need to relocate to the San Francisco Bay Area within a few years.

Because they promised to provide free venues and a considerable tax exemption.

Obviously, this is the intention of some old guys within the California consortium.

In this regard, Abel's reaction was more direct.

“If you consider the venue or tax exemption, you might choose Texas.”

He smiled and said: I guarantee that whether it is Houston or Tarrant County, they can provide larger free land and better tax exemption policies than San Francisco.

Facing Abel's statement, Arthur Levinson was a little stunned.

Before Arthur Levinson could speak again, Abel had already left Genentech.

On the way to San Diego International Airport.

Abel said directly to David in the passenger seat in front:

Let the two laboratories of Adam and Eve begin to openly recruit researchers. Pay attention to the screening. Even if spies or spies sneak in, they must be spies and spies who are useful for research.

Adam and Eve are the names of the two medical institutions established by Abel in Houston and Tarrant County respectively.

The research direction of both research laboratories is longevity or longevity.

They were established last year, and the first batch of researchers were researchers recruited locally in Houston.

However, although Houston has the best clinical research technology in the United States and even the world.

However, biological genetic research on longevity can only be said to be relatively ordinary.

If you want to conduct research in this area, you must recruit scientific researchers from other regions to strengthen the scientific research strength of the two medical institutions.

Abel had previously hidden these two medical research laboratories.

Now that he has gone to Genentech, Abel believes that the information on this matter will soon be sent to the desks of major pharmaceutical giants and even conglomerate giants.

In order to avoid letting these guys discover that they covet the medical complex.

He simply exposed his two research laboratories to them in advance.

Yes, that's right. Even though he, Abel Smith, is still less than 22 years old, he is the youngest core figure of the consortium in the United States.

But he is afraid of death and wants to live forever. The next best thing is to live long!

He's not afraid to let others know that.

Anyway, most financial groups are willing to invest in research in this area.

After all, 99.9% of the guys who control these consortiums are old guys.

They actually hope to achieve a breakthrough in this area more than Abel.

By exposing this fear of death, Abel also wanted to see if he could use it to cover up his ambitions in the medical complex.

It's best if you can hide it. If you can't hide it, it won't hurt if you can delay it for a while.

David was in the passenger seat, nodding in agreement.

Since then, Adam and Eve, two medical research institutions, have officially entered the eyes of many Americans.

Externally, like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, it is a high-end laboratory under the newly established Smith Foundation responsible for research in the field of medical and health.

Two more institutions have been added to the list of many longevity medical research institutions in the United States.

The difference is that it belongs to Abel Smith and the Smith family.

In other respects, everyone is the same and everyone understands it tacitly.

After leaving San Diego, Abel returned to Los Angeles and stayed in Beverly Hills for a few more days.

For a few days, he mainly hung out with Nicole Kidman and many Isha Angels who came to Los Angeles to work.

Jessica and Anne are both based in Los Angeles, but they have not been in Los Angeles recently because of filming movies.

Annie is in New York, filming Spider-Man. Because of the success of the first part, MGM Film Group chose to shoot the second and third parts this time.

The filming work is naturally harder and longer than last year.

As for Jessica, she has been the heroine of many A+-rated Hollywood movies.

She is now considered one of the most popular young actors in the United States, even more popular than Annie.

After all, no matter how you say it, the core of Spider-Man will always be the failed man.

The heroine is mainly used to show beauty and beauty, and at the same time to set off the most civilian superhero, Spider-Man Parker's vase.

This makes it difficult for Anne to be more popular with fans than Maguire.

Unlike Jessica, in the movies she starred in, as the female protagonist, her role was not much less than that of the male protagonist.

There are many roles, and if the director is more biased, she will naturally be more eye-catching.

On March 20, Abel got on a plane bound for Asia at Los Angeles International Airport.

Before boarding the plane, he received a report from the rock security staff.

That is, the Australian white sheep who lives in the mansion at 10410 Bellagio Road in Beverly Hills with Cate Blanchett has been found to have won the bid.

It is already foreseeable that another name will be added to the list of Smith ethnic groups.

After more than ten hours of flight time.

Due to the time difference, it is the afternoon of March 20th, Asia time.

Hanguo, Seoul Incheon International Airport.

A graceful, slender, and overall white Boeing 747 wide-body passenger aircraft landed slowly on the second runway of Incheon International Airport.

When the engine died, Abel's figure appeared after Edward.

Under the aircraft, privileges are used to enter the interior of the airport through special passages.

Li Fuzhen is already pregnant and is due to give birth in one month.

After seeing Abel's appearance, a happy smile appeared on her beautiful, plump face.

Uh huh...

Half an hour later.

Departing Incheon International Airport and heading to the central area of ​​Seoul.

In the middle of a convoy of Cadillacs, in a specially transported Cadillac monster carriage.

After much difficulty, Li Fuzhen was finally let go.

It tastes better.

Looking at the eldest princess of the Samsvng Group, Abel said with satisfaction.

Li Fuzhen glanced at him coquettishly, and said softly:

You are so rude and you are not afraid of hurting the child...

It's okay. I have experience. Generally speaking, there is no problem. It's just that I can't do that kind of...

Abel said with experience.

Ikana in Santa Barbara, California, and Paris, especially Ikana, were pregnant at about the same time as Lee Fujin.

While Abel was in California this time, of course he also visited the two future mothers of his children.

With a lot of experience, Abel can speak very clearly about this aspect.

What else could Li Fuzhen say.

She was born in the Samsvng Li family, and came out of the internal intrigues of the Han Kingdom chaebol, which was more cruel than the United States. She has a very clear idea of ​​her current position.

She knew that despite being in the Han Kingdom, she was now living a life similar to that of Queen Shou'er. Even her father, the invisible commander of the Han Kingdom Li Zaixi, had to pay great attention to her.

But the foundation of all this is only based on the man in front of him.

It actually doesn't have much to do with your own abilities.

Therefore, facing Abel, who was his benefactor, his man, and the father of his child, Li Fuzhen had always been submissive and submissive.

When she faced Abel, it was like Han Guo faced America...

After she was pregnant, her figure became more plump, and she was like a beautiful woman. From time to time, Abel would chat with her about the situation in Hanguo or Shouer.

Mainly Li Fuzhen was talking and Abel was listening.

Most of them are the careers that Li Fuzhen did during this period of time in Han State.

That is what she is doing here in the name of Abel's agent.

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