America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 433 The Real Wakanda


The main residence of the Morgenthau family, in the study on the second floor of the banquet hall.

Facing David Rockefeller's opening statement.

Abel smiled, and waved his hand gently, fanning away the second-hand smoke that flew in front of him.

Mr. Morgan, Rockefeller, are you serious?

David Rockefeller and John Chris Morgan did not answer, but looked at him seriously.

This silence is undoubtedly expressing their attitude.

I see.

Abel suppressed his smile: Since you are serious. Then I want to know, gentlemen, what do you plan to exchange for it?

Abel kicked the ball back to the two hometowns.

That depends on what you want, Mr. Smith.

John Chris Morgan had an immediate response to this question.

David Rockefeller also nodded:

That's right, that's what I meant.

Two old guys, this is kicking the ball back to Abel.

Abel was silent for a moment, and then said something shocking, startling the two old guys who had always been very calm.

He said: What if I said, I want the Federal Reserve?

David Rockefeller's cloudy eyes widened.

John Chris Morgan's smile suddenly froze.

The Federal Reserve, the full name of the United States Federal Reserve Board, is the central banking system of the United States.

The public office of the Federal Reserve is located in Washington, DC, under the jurisdiction of the federal government.

But its actual organizational nature is that of a private banking system.

The key is that every time the Federal Reserve raises or lowers interest rates, or adjusts its monetary policy, or even just makes some remarks, it will have a huge impact on the world's monetary stability and economic structure.

To put it bluntly, since the end of World War II.

With the successful binding of petrodollars, this organization has become the de facto world central bank.

To put it bluntly, this organization, or the people behind it.

They are the real masters of this country.

He is the director of the world stage.

A true member of America's Deep State.

Families such as Morgan and Rockefeller, why do they have such a high status in the United States?

Because they are one of the largest shareholders behind this institution.

The composition of the shares of the Federal Reserve is very complex, and the identities of the shareholders have never been announced to the outside world.

Its equity holders and internal details are also one of the country's most top secrets.

Ordinary people in the outside world only know some general shareholders, but they have no idea about their internal details.

Fortunately, Abel is not an ordinary person, and now he is also one of the upper echelons of this country.

Abel knew that the two old guys in front of him, or the two families behind them, were the two largest shareholders of this organization.

That's why Abel made such a shocking statement at this time.

Something that shocked both old guys.


David Rockefeller half-smiled, Did I hear correctly? Mr. Smith, although I am old, I think my hearing is still good. Did I hear wrong just now?

Abel shrugged, Mr. Rockefeller, you heard me right. Also, I can say it again, that is... I want some power of the Federal Reserve Board.

David Rockefeller fell silent, and his face began to look a little bad.

At this time, John Chris Morgan spoke.

The frozen smile on his face bloomed again, showing good self-control.

Compared to David, John Cleese smiled almost the whole time:

Mr. Smith, you are actually one of us now.

Abel was not surprised when he heard his answer.

Because strictly speaking it is.

After merging with Texas Consortium.

Smith Financial Group holds a portion of First National Bank of Dallas.

The First National Bank of Dallas owns a small stake in the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas is one of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks of the Federal Reserve and is one of the shareholders of the Federal Reserve.

After putting on many layers of skin, Abel can now barely be considered a part of the people behind the Federal Reserve.

The problem is after wearing so many layers of skin.

Even if he has a slight affiliation, Abel has no say in this organization.

Not just Abel.

Texas as a whole doesn't have much say in this institution.

Among the 12 Federal Reserve Banks, the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas has a very average status.

The proportion of voting rights is very low.

Among the 12 Federal Reserve Banks, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has the highest status and has the most voting rights.

Next is the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, and then the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.

For example, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York alone occupies about 50% of the voting rights of the entire Federal Reserve...

If the Federal Reserve is half the world's central bank, then the New York Federal Reserve is half the U.S. central bank.

In other words, whoever controls the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is almost equivalent to controlling more than half of the Federal Reserve.

Of course, no one or any family can do it currently.

Not even Morgan and Rockefeller combined.

It is precisely because the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has the highest status.

Therefore, the major shareholders of the New York Federal Reserve Bank naturally have the greatest influence on this institution.

The Rockefellers and Morgans were one of the founding families of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and owned the largest share of the Reserve Bank.

This is also the reason why these two families have been able to thrive in the United States. This is the foundation.

John Cleese and David naturally understood.

What Abel meant was that he wanted some of the shares in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York that they held.

This is exactly why the two old guys had such a big reaction.

In fact, Abel did not know these things before.

It was he who relied on his own talent to climb to high positions step by step, and after becoming the main core of the Texas consortium.

He knew it so clearly.

At this moment, I was faced with John Cleese’s somewhat perfunctory words.

Abel smiled and said: I understand what you mean, Mr. Morgan. But I think you should also understand what I mean.

Before John Chris Morgan could answer, Abel retracted his smile and looked at the two old guys calmly and seriously.

Okay, let's take advantage of this rare opportunity for the two gentlemen to invite me for a confidential conversation. Then I also have something I want to talk to you about.

Same thing about the Fed, but this time I don't want a stake in the institution.

David lay on the sofa chair, smoking a cigar and staring at Abel without saying a word.

On a face covered with age spots, a pair of cloudy eyeballs exuded a serious expression.

John Chris Morgan was still smiling, but his smile was not as bright as before.

Please speak, Mr. Smith. The slightly younger John Cleese said softly.

I know two who are major shareholders in the New York Fed.

Abel spread his hands and placed them on the armrests of an antique sofa chair from the French Regency period in the 18th century in the study of the Morgenthau family.

Facing the second person who may be the master of this country, he was neither humble nor arrogant, and talked eloquently:

The other thing I want to say is that the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank's voting power in the Fed is consistent with its status when it was first created, but it is not consistent with the status quo in the 21st century.

We all know that in 1913, the federal government and Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act. According to the regulations, the entire United States was divided into 12 Federal Reserve districts, and each reserve district established a Federal Reserve Bank. 12 Federal Reserve Banks , constitute the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve.”

According to the economic development status, assets, and residents' savings status of the United States at that time, the New York Federal Reserve District was the savings district with the highest asset holdings, accounting for 50% of the United States.

So it was stipulated at that time that the New York Federal Reserve Bank had 50% of the voting rights of the Federal Reserve.

It made sense at the time and there was no objection from anyone.

Having said this, Abel paused and looked at the two old guys.

Taking advantage of the break in his speech, David Rockefeller took a deep breath from his cigar and exhaled the smoke while saying:

Mr. Smith, you are not a history teacher, and we are not students. What exactly do you want to say?

Abel smiled and continued to speak.

What I want to say is that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York at that time occupied 50% of the assets of the United States, so it had a corresponding 50% voting power, which was reasonable. But that was in 1913.

It's already 2002. Does the current Federal Reserve Bank of New York still hold 50% of the assets in the United States? No, so if it continues to hold 50% of the voting rights, do these two gentlemen think this is reasonable?

Texans think this is very unreasonable. In 1913, Texas' GDP accounted for only 2% of the United States. But now, Texas accounts for 9.9% of the United States' GDP. And New York The state is 10.5%...

At this point, Abel had already figured it out.

So... He looked at David Rockefeller and John Chris Morgan:

The Dallas Federal Reserve Banks of Texas, New Mexico and Louisiana feel that the allocation of voting power at the Federal Reserve since 1913 is unreasonable and outdated.

The rules that were almost 100 years ago may be time for appropriate changes. I talked to Mr. Slade Wilson, and he said that he and his friends felt the same way.

At the end of the sentence, Abel landed with a sound, and was already looking at John Chris Morgan and David Rockefeller with ugly faces.

Neither did David and John Cleese.

They originally wanted to talk to Abel about investing in Smith Financial Group this evening.

They want to try to seduce Abel with huge profits, thereby trying to extend their tentacles into the financial core of the Texas consortium.

As it turned out, the contact had just begun, and their bait hadn't been thrown out yet.

Instead, Abel threw a large depth charge at them.

Than Abel wants shares of the Fed.

What they cannot tolerate even more is the voting rights reform demanded by Abel.

This is actually easy to understand.

Something like the Federal Reserve is destined not to be controlled by one person or one or two families.

Even if Abel can really get the shares of this organization, the amount will definitely not be large.

Unless he can take down all the families in the United States alone...

Otherwise, even if they compromise, the number of shares in the Federal Reserve that Abel can obtain will be extremely small.

Just this part would make the two of them angry, but they would also understand.

Abel now actually proposes to reform the voting rights of Federal Reserve shareholders.

Why are Morgan and Rockefeller stronger than other consortiums?

In addition to their background, an important factor is that they are the loudest people in the Federal Reserve.

This is the benefit that the New York Fed's status brings to them.

If the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s voting power in this institution is reduced, it will also reduce their voice in the Federal Reserve.

No matter how low it is, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is still estimated to be ranked first.

The problem is that the difference between 50% and 49% is indeed only 1%, but in many cases, it needs to be decided by vote.

This crucial 1% can often play a decisive role.

And it may be reduced by more than 1%.

This bomb dropped by Abel.

For a time, the atmosphere in the study room of the Morgenthau family became extremely depressing.

At this time, John Chris Morgan, who had been smiling the whole time from the beginning, finally disappeared the smile on his face.

David Rockefeller even put out his cigar directly on the ashtray, staring directly at Abel with his cloudy and aging eyes.

The atmosphere was very bad, and Abel accepted it calmly.

The two old guys also didn't say a word for a long time.

The study was quiet for several minutes.

Did Slade Wilson really say that to you?

After a long time.

David Rockefeller spoke, his voice becoming hoarse.

Abel looked directly into his old eyes, Mr. Wilson and I are good friends, and many people know this. Oh, I also have a very good relationship with Miss Kayla Wilson. And Mr. John Stumpf. These Don’t talk about you guys, I don’t even know how many times it has been reported in the newspapers.”

After Abel finished speaking, the two old men, John Chris and David, interacted for the first time.

They looked at each other, both wondering if what Abel said was true.

Because this is important.

Slade Wilson is the core figure of the Wilson family in California.

The Wilson family is one of the controllers of the California consortium.

The key was when Slade Wilson was young, some thirty years ago.

The core figure of this California consortium, like Abel today, once raised a similar topic at an internal shareholder meeting of the Federal Reserve.

It’s just that at that time, California was not as powerful as it is now, and the California consortium was not as powerful as it is now.

In addition, Slade Wilson was not very determined at the time, and was persuaded afterwards.

This matter will be settled.

But that was then.

Now, more than thirty years later, California's economy has developed rapidly and it has become the truly largest state in the United States, both in terms of population and economy.

Speaking of Texas...the Lone Star State has always been rebellious.

Nowadays, the economy is second to none and New York State is dissatisfied. That is normal.

What's more, Texas is developing so rapidly now that a large number of states in New York State are beginning to decline.

It's normal for the anti-bone boy to be unconvinced.

Even in the past, Dezhou was severely beaten, and then found out that it could benefit from being in this big family, so it stopped being so aggressive later on.

If the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas really want to launch a challenge now.

It can really affect the current power structure of the Federal Reserve.

In the intelligence, Abel did have contact with Slade Wilson.

Slade Wilson also took the initiative to treat him to a banquet. At that time, the two were chatting and laughing at the banquet of the California Foundation.

The two people even left the crowd for a time and had a secret conversation for a long time in the sight of the crowd.

What exactly the two of them talked about is only known to them.

What David and John Cleese were afraid of were these two rebels, in case they really talked about something.

The status of these two people within their consortium can indeed affect the order of power within the entire Federal Reserve.

A Dallas Fed, not terrible.

A San Francisco Fed is in a bit of trouble.

If the two thorns are put together, even the big brother, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, will most likely be unable to suppress it.

Taking a deep breath, David Rockefeller spoke again:

Mr. Smith, do you know what will happen if you do this?

You will cause the stable Federal Reserve to become turbulent internally. And if this institution cannot perform its functions, the entire United States will be affected. If the United States is affected, the whole world will be affected.

If you do this, you are actively provoking a war. In the face of war, the only response will be war.

Do you understand the consequences? Can you bear it?

Ha ha--

Abel chuckled.

Mr. Rockefeller, I think you should understand the reason why our federation exists better than I do. It can exist because everyone can happily make money here. But the problem is... now you can happily make money , we can’t. We put in more effort, but we take less.”

The young Texan looked directly into the eyes of the two veteran plutocrats.

As for challenges, wars and the like...haha——

He laughed again: Didn't we fight once in 1861?

Mr. Smith. John Chris Morgan said in a bad tone:

Does your statement represent Texas or even California? You are starting a war!

Abel immediately asked: Mr. Morgan, how can you represent the entire east coast? Didn't you propose the war first?

John Chris Morgan was too blocked to respond immediately.

Because just like Abel, he actually cannot represent the entire Texas.

Morgan and Rockefeller also cannot represent the entire East Coast of the United States.

The United States is actually composed of more than 700 large and small families, as well as ordinary people or elites in their areas of influence, a strange African tribal country packaged and armed with modern civilization and technology.

Rockefeller and Morgan may be the two most powerful among the more than 700 tribes.

They can influence many small tribes, but they are only the leaders of these tribes.

If the alliance leader brings everyone together to make money, then everyone will naturally listen to the alliance leader.

If the alliance leader leads everyone to lose money, no tribe will be willing to follow them over time.

Rockefeller and Morgan are like this, and Shrub and Smith are actually similar.

This is America, a modern capital tribal emirate.

This is also the reason why it is difficult for outsiders to understand its internal system.

Marvel's Wakanda is a fantasy created to show the dark buddies.

The real United States is the real Wakanda only when looking at its internal power structure and system.

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