America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 411 dropped a big bomb on the NBA


When the red light on the time board lights up, the number changes to 0, and the long whistle sounds. The Rockets vs. Lakers game is over.

117 to 90.

Rockets 117, Lakers 90.

Judging from the entire game, today's Houston Rockets showed a style of play that seemed to be playing in their last playoff game.

It's as if if they lose today, they will miss this year's NBA championship.

The crazy Rockets didn't give the Lakers any chance.

Dayao has been working hard in the NBA for half a year and has reached his peak figure ahead of schedule.

Even if the techniques and tactics are not that good, the experience is not accumulated enough.

Today's performance was also very good.

In addition, today is Dayao's only rest time since joining the NBA, and he did not exceed half a quarter of the game.

Facing the OK combination of Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal, role players Glenn Rice, Derek Fisher, and Robert Horry, this may be the strongest Lakers team in the 21st century.

In order to win, today's Rockets cannot survive without going crazy.

This resulted in an exaggerated ratio of 117 to 90.

In fact, this score itself is not convincing.

Today's game is obviously special.

Even David Stern can only sit next to the Rockets owner as a foil.

One can imagine the official attitude of the NBA league towards tonight’s game.

They have always enjoyed the OK combination of star whistles. There is no doubt that they temporarily lost this benefit tonight.

As for the Rockets, only the immature Dayao could enjoy the star whistle from time to time. Today, almost all members enjoy it.

For the Los Angeles Lakers, head coach Phil Jackson is not a fool either.

Today's game hasn't started yet.

Phil Jackson has already spoken about the OK Group and appropriately expressed the attitude of the Lakers owner Buss family.

What is the attitude of the Bass family?

Of course, I wish the Lakers would lose badly in today's game...

The so-called NBA giant Buss family may have a somewhat weak reputation in the commercial sports world in the Los Angeles area.

But such little shrimps, when they raised their heads to face the behemoth from outside the territory.

Of course, you can hide as far away as you can.

The Lakers players are quite obedient.

Even the OK Combination, which is in full swing, has acquiesced in today's failure.

But as soon as they came on the court, the Rockets, who were becoming more and more ferocious today, aroused their nagging side that refused to admit defeat.

In the first quarter of the game, the hard-working Lakers were outscored 35:19.

The young Kobe was anxious, and when he got anxious, he got mad and forgot Phil Jackson's warning.

What's even more outrageous is that today's Kobe, the iron king's touch today is surprisingly good.

In the first 4 minutes of the second quarter, Kobe missed 5 three-pointers in a row and actually hit four...

When the game entered the third quarter, the Rockets only led by 15 points.

Phil Jackson became anxious later and replaced Kobe Bryant at the beginning of the 4th quarter.

Kobe was allowed to play until the last three minutes were left.

In the end, the result of the game is what it is now.

Regarding this situation, the Lakers fans in front of the TV and in the stadium would more or less boo.

But to say how angry he was, he really wasn't.

The Abel Smith who had made everyone so excited just now and made everyone yearn for a better future, he was sitting there.

At this time, Americans only think about the American symbol - let him win.

On the contrary, the members of the Rockets team, who had won the game and won big, were a little unhappy.

In the Rockets locker room.

Dayao, who is not that outstanding but is well protected by general manager George Postelos, did not look happy after the victory.

The little giant with extremely high emotional intelligence maintains good relationships in the team.

Even Steve Francis, the former boss in the team, is now very irritable towards this Oriental.

Because the little giant is so good at being a human being.

And his potential in the paint is obvious to the naked eye.

As long as you have played a game with Dayao and spent some time with him.

Any NBA player will believe that this Chinese native will become an insider superstar in the future.

Fake...even though he won, I still feel it's not interesting.

Steve Francis, who was wiping his sweat with a towel, couldn't help but muttered loudly.

The other team members all looked at the former boss of the team.

Everyone knows what Steve Francis is complaining about.

It was so obvious tonight for the Lakers.

Except for the young Kobe Bryant, the other members of the Lakers, especially the big shark.

It wasn't playing ball at all tonight.

Tonight in the Staples Center Arena, O'Neal played a human role.

This made the Rockets, who had won a big victory, lose any excitement.

At this time, everyone was not very interested.

Dayao felt that this kind of emotion was not good. After all, tonight was special.

The little giant stood up and wanted to say something.

At this time, head coach Pat Riley walked in.

Pat Riley is one of the famous head coaches in the NBA.

He won the NBA Coach of the Year Award three times in 1990, 1993, and 1997.

At the end of last year, the head coach was poached from the Miami Heat by Rockets general manager George Postellos.

It is not a difficult task for George Postellos to dig out this NBA's magic calculator.

Because this gentleman, in addition to being an excellent basketball team coach.

His life outside of basketball is also very successful. He is a famous American speaker and a famous fashion figure.

Among the 30 NBA teams, the one with the deepest relationship with fashion and media is of course the Rockets, which is backed by Smith Media.

With better development prospects and more generous remuneration.

Pat Riley jumped ship without hesitation and became the head coach of the Rockets late last year.

Bang bang——

After entering, Pat Riley applauded a few times and attracted everyone's attention.

Pat Riley said: Get ready for media interviews. Don't talk nonsense, today's situation is very special.

When the players all agreed, Steve Francis couldn't help but say:

Coach, what else can we say. Everyone knows what happened in today's game.

Pat Riley looked at Steve Francis.

Francis is a star player and the boss of the original Rockets.

Even now, Dayao, with his head coach and general manager behind him, can't actually suppress Steve Francis.

In June last year, after the Rockets acquired Dayao in the draft.

It has been undergoing rectification for half a year.

George Postellos got a lot of money.

But precisely for this reason, all NBA teams are very wary of him.

In addition, it will also take some time for Postellos to adjust the team's business and direction.

Until Pat Riley jumped ship, the head coach and general manager hit it off.

The top brass of the Rockets are already planning to use the big stick of checks given by the boss to give other basketball team owners a hard blow.

At this time, Steve Francis was already on Pat Riley's trade list.

Francis said these words at this time, which of course made Pat Riley even more dissatisfied.

The fortune teller smiled and did not reveal his bad mood.

Anyway, do what you should do. Let's go, the interview is outside.

Under the leadership of the head coach, the Rockets' starting players and bench players filed out.

In one of the largest conference halls in the Staples Center, reporters and preparations for interviews have been made.

When Pat Riley walked in with his team members.

The flashbulbs weren't very hot, and the reporters didn't seem very enthusiastic.

This is understandable.

Because of today’s game, everyone knows what’s going on.

Compared with interviewing the winners, some reporters who like to make trouble want to interview the Lakers more at this time and interview them about what it feels like to lose like this at home...

Phil Jackson is such a thief, how could he give them such a chance?

There were no interviews scheduled with the Lakers today, so they probably all got in their cars and left the Staples Center at this time.

When the members of Team Rocket were all seated at the interview table.

Only then did the reporters gain some enthusiasm, and some began to ask questions.

Mr. Pat Riley, as the head coach, I would like to ask you what you think of today's game?

Who is Pat Riley? This kind of hidden edge question is too simple for him.

The fortune teller smiled and was about to speak.

Suddenly, the door to the conference hall was opened.

First there were two black men who were not too big to lose to O'Neal and walked in.

Then everyone in the conference room saw a large number of people filing in.


There was an uproar at the interview site because of the crowd that filed in.

Surrounded by stars like a moon in the middle, it is Abe Smith who is the real and absolute core tonight.

The reporter, who was originally a little listless, seemed to have been injected with chicken blood in an instant, and his adrenal hormones were secreted crazily.

All the reporters went crazy, and many wanted to squeeze towards Abel.

Rock Security has already made plans for this situation.

A complete bodyguard team can easily isolate reporters.

The reporters, like everyone else, could only watch Abe Smith walk to the interview table with Pat Riley and the Rockets players with excitement and anticipation.

After being stunned for a moment, the fortune teller immediately stood up.

But Pat Riley found that the Chinese man sitting next to him reacted faster than himself.

The fortune teller suddenly understood in his heart - no wonder this guy is so highly regarded. Not to mention other aspects, just in terms of emotional intelligence, he is probably ranked at the forefront in the NBA.

Minutes later, flanked by David Stern and Rockets general manager George Postelos.

Abel came to Pat Riley and Dayao.

Under the watchful eye of the respectful Pat Riley, Abel easily picked up the microphone on the table and said with a smile: I hope my arrival will not disturb everyone.

Someone shouted immediately, No, no disturbance. Even if there are, we can't come to disturb.

Hearing what this man said, many people laughed, and the atmosphere in the whole room was pleasant.

Abel also smiled, and he patted Pat Riley next to him, who was flattered.

Because Shen Shuzi read an article on the Internet.

The article said that Abel Smith disliked physical contact with men.

Few men could give Abe Smith a hug other than a handshake.

Among them, only those men whom he trusted the most or who were expected by him would be tapped on the shoulder by him.

Pat Riley doesn’t know if what’s said in this popular article is true.

But now, the fortune teller hopes it's true.

After patting Pat Riley on the shoulder, Abel, holding the microphone, smiled at the reporters and said:

The core of everyone's interview today is Mr. Pat Riley and the Rockets players. I came here just to say a few words.

Before the reporters below could speak, Abel continued:

What I want to say is that the Rockets are going to build an empire. Listen up, it's not a dynasty, it's an empire!

Here, in my name, I extend invitations to all the All-Star players in the league for the first time. The Rockets will not refuse anyone who comes, and the Rockets will give you a big contract worthy of you!

To build a dynasty, luxury tax is not a problem at all!


He smiled and looked at the reporters below who were already in a frenzy because of his declaration, and the Rockets players around him who were agitated.

Abel continued: In addition, starting from this year, I will invite members of the Rockets to visit my family's farm in Texas every year. Of course, if you play too poorly, there will be no such treatment. .”

Okay, I'm done. Now, it's time for Mr. Pat Riley and the players.

Abel did not wait for the reporters to get angry, and began to attack the bodyguard team frantically, trying desperately to interview him.

He handed the microphone directly to Pat Riley, and in the helpless eyes of David Stern, he left with his people.

Abel actually knew that he made such a high-profile declaration.

After saying it, it can be said that it almost stung the hornet's nest of teams across the league.

It will make all teams panic and worry that their star player will be tempted to seduce him away.

I believe that many team owners will have nightmares after tonight.

Because let’s not talk about the super big contract that will definitely be very lucrative.

Just being able to visit the Smith family's farm every year is a huge temptation for any American.

This ambiguous sentence is too easy for people to imagine.

Can you become Smith's friend by visiting the Smith family's farm?

Even if it is just a possibility, it will make NBA All-Star players with billions of dollars extremely excited.

NBA players who have visions of life, or careers off the court.

For example, future James and other smart black players.

For them, the prospect of visiting the farm of the world's richest man is a possible class advancement.

Even just this possibility will make the Rockets extremely attractive to them.

Abel's simple words completely detonated the entire alliance.

Almost every team owner and manager with a superstar stood up the next day and accused Abe Smith of doing this, which will make the NBA lose the joy of competition.

The fact that the world's richest man has begun waving checks and making big offers to seduce top stars has made all NBA teams feel uncomfortable and worried to death.

Abel, who dropped a big bomb in the NBA, left Staples Center directly.

That night, he got on his own Boeing 747 at Los Angeles International Airport and left Los Angeles directly, returning to Texas.

Even though the CT scan showed no infection in the lungs, I had been coughing for half a month. I still have a fever today. I don’t know if it’s Fu Yang or if I accidentally caught a cold. I'm desperate for my body.

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