America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 388 The fuse that controls destiny

After taking a dip in the swimming pool, Abel felt satisfied.

In the sunny dining room of the villa, Abel started to have breakfast.

While having breakfast, take a look at today's newspaper.

[...Affected by a series of macroeconomic data, New York Mercantile Exchange gold futures showed a volatile trend. 】

[...The Ministry of Labor announced early this morning that the unemployment rate reached 7.2% in December last year, a new high since 1995]

[…In 2001, 2.6 million people lost their jobs, setting a new record since 1945. 】

[...A recession will reduce demand for goods and curb inflation. Suppressed by this news, gold futures fell to $298.5 an ounce in early trading. 】

Abel, who was wearing a white T-shirt and beach shorts, was holding a cup of iced coffee and sipping lightly, looking at the recent economic data and news in the United States presented in the newspaper.

After finishing his iced coffee, he put down the newspaper and looked up through the etched window lattice in the glass sunny restaurant.

He saw Kate, who was wearing a wide white dress, already up and lying under a sun umbrella next to the outdoor swimming pool, enjoying her leisure time.


Abel snapped his fingers, and the housekeeper came up with the maids.

Take away the newspapers and the dregs of his breakfast, coffee cups, etc. and clean them up.

As soon as the housekeeper and the maid exited, Alan Baker and two other members of the Smith Intelligence Group, as well as David Jones, the Smith family butler, appeared.

Good morning everyone.

Abel smiled and greeted them.

The subordinates responded quickly and then started working.

Mainly, Allen is reporting and reading some Smith Think Group, sorting out and revising various business intelligence, economic strategies, and suggestions for various companies under Abel.

This is what Abel does most of the time - breakfast meetings.

Usually he would go out only after finishing these matters.

When he goes out, he usually follows the itinerary laid out for him by the Smith Intelligence Group.

Of course, the boss has the biggest opinion.

No matter how good or important the itinerary listed by Smith Think Group is.

None of them are as important as Abel's opinion or idea.

Abel often suddenly changes his itinerary and does things outside of the itinerary according to his preferences and ideas.

If this happens, Smith Intelligence Group will naturally have no choice but to accommodate its boss.

As quickly as possible, we designed new itineraries and suggestions for Abel in a very short time.

This is the job of Smith Brain Group.

This is also the main reason why this consulting company has more and more people and a larger scale.

The more elites you collect, the more manpower you will have.

Only Abel's cabinet, military department, and attendant's room can meet Abel's needs in all aspects from work to entertainment and hobbies, from entertainment and hobbies to family life.

at the table.

Abel squinted his eyes slightly due to the sun, and next to him was Alan who was reading business intelligence.

Faced with the Bush administration's upcoming massive economic stimulus package, the U.S. Congressional Budget Office projects that the budget deficit will reach $400 billion in the fiscal quarter ending March 30.

The market is worried that the Federal Reserve may be forced to pay for the huge fiscal deficit that has arrived so early. The U.S. dollar is facing huge depreciation pressure. The U.S. dollar exchange rate rose sharply on the 7th, which played a supporting role in the trend of gold futures.

Jorgan Chase Bank has also significantly raised its forecast for international gold prices, believing that as the US dollar continues to weaken, gold prices will rise further. In the first quarter of this year, it is expected to rise to US$330 per ounce, higher than its previous forecast of US$315. Dollar……

There has always been an inverse relationship between the price of gold and the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar. We believe that the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar against the currencies of developed economies will continue to decline, and the exchange rate against currencies of emerging economies will also generally decline in the second half of this year. Some investors will definitely turn to Huang...

Although Allen was reading the information, he was also always paying attention to his boss's expression.

When I saw the boss's expression, there was a slight change.

He stopped immediately, and sure enough, Allen heard Abel say:

It's more than $330. By the end of this year, it will definitely exceed $500.

Notify David and Jed to ask New York and London to start buying international spot gold. We will go long.

Another member of the intelligence group next to Allen immediately nodded in agreement and took a note to write down the request.

At this moment, Abel's personal phone on the table rang.

He picked it up and looked at it and found that it was a call from the contact George.

Abel answered immediately and chatted with the other party for a few words with a smile.

A few minutes later, Allen and the others saw Abel, smiling and putting down his mobile phone, looking very happy.

Then the boss says to them, Great idea, it's coming. Oh, the American economy is going to be great again—until another financial crisis comes!

The reason Abel was in such a good mood was because of the phone call from the white house just now.

George told Abel something through some secret codes agreed upon by both parties not long ago.

He informed Abel that the Federal Reserve, following the practices of the Neon Central Bank, would soon announce its use in the United States as a new economic policy.

This strategy is called adaptive strategy and has its own English word.

The meaning of the word seems ambiguous, but in later generations, the adaptive policy promoted by the Federal Reserve under George's term this year will be regarded as the earliest attempt at quantitative easing in U.S. history.

Quantitative easing mainly refers to an intervention method in which a country's central bank, after implementing a zero interest rate or near-zero interest rate policy, purchases medium and long-term bonds such as treasury bonds to increase the base money supply and inject a large amount of liquidity into the market.

It is mainly used to encourage spending and borrowing, and is also briefly described as indirectly printing more money.

This method is gentler than simply and crudely turning on the printing press, but it is essentially the same.

This is a powerful medicine for a country's economy.

To put it simply, in the future, a large amount of U.S. dollars will be injected into the global capital market at a slower pace.

If the US dollar overflows the dam of the United States, it will flood the whole world, and global inflation will occur as a result.

However, the Fed has just tried it, and in the early days it was a small splash of tens of billions of dollars. When you get a taste of the sweetness and encounter a financial crisis, you will be crazy about selling money.

But now, the adaptive policies that are about to emerge also indicate that the era of the great American real estate boom that occurred during George's term is about to come.

Most of the waves of water released by the Federal Reserve have gone to U.S. real estate.

The floods are flooding in, and real estate in the United States is about to begin to boom.

Does it look familiar?

That’s right, a certain country copied this trick from the United States.

But then the country discovered that this trick worked in the United States. In our own country, the results are actually better.

Compared with Americans, people in this country, which believes in returning fallen leaves to their roots, value their houses more.

After that, because this trick of drinking doves to quench thirst was really effective in the early stage, the economy took off as soon as it was used, and eventually path dependence was formed.

Relying on and relying on it will become like that later.

Under quantitative easing, the U.S. dollar falls, house prices rise, gold rises, and another thing also rises.

That's when those junk bonds started to become valuable.

Lehman Brothers, one of the five major investment banks, relied on specializing in junk bonds. Within a few years, it crushed several other investment banks in terms of performance and profitability and became the leader among investment banks.

Then came the formation of the subprime mortgage crisis. In addition to the Great Depression, which was the foreshadowing of World War II, the second most terrifying financial crisis appeared. Alas, the giant Lehman collapsed.

At this time, Abel's good plan appeared.

It refers to the fact that the Federal Reserve has finally begun to try to carry out quantitative easing.

Firstly, he is good at futures, and he has been laying the groundwork in the real estate market since the year before last.

The worldwide futures fluctuations caused by quantitative easing meant that for the talented Abel, new withdrawal opportunities emerged crazily.

Secondly, the emergence of this adaptive strategy is blowing the clarion call for the subprime mortgage crisis.

The subprime mortgage crisis a few years later has always been regarded by Abel as a necessary condition for him to achieve all his ultimate goals.

More than anyone else, he longs for the subprime mortgage crisis to come sooner.

Now that the trumpet finally sounded, Abel knew it and naturally felt happy.

The boss, Allen, who looked very excited, didn't know the reason, but they all followed Abel's instructions and started to go long gold and short the US dollar.

This concludes the breakfast meeting.

Abel, who went to Los Angeles yesterday and spent a day and night playing, also started to get busy with business on the West Coast.

For him, the most important thing here is related to little Laura.

Specifically, it was related to her father Neil Bush.

Three hours later, at noon.

Abel has already appeared in San Francisco, which is more than 400 miles away from Los Angeles.

Outside the helicopter landing pad, Neil and some staff were already waiting for him in a safe area.

After getting off the helicopter, Abel walked towards his father-in-law, and the two chuckled and hugged.

You probably haven't had lunch yet, let's go have lunch first. Talk while eating. Neil said softly after letting go of Abel.

Abel nodded, and the two of them walked to the villa where Neil lived.

Lunch was simple and the main focus was on work.

Neal's job was to coordinate the relationship between Pacific Energy, as well as California Pacific Electric workers, and the union.

This work may not be important even if it is important. Even if it is not important, sometimes it is very important.

As mentioned before, workers in various regions and industries in the United States often get together every few years and take to the streets to threaten employers with salary increases and benefits.

This cycle is generally 3 to 5 years.

Once the cycle is about to occur, Neil's job becomes difficult.

This work is very important at this time.

Other times, the job is very simple. The workers who have been satisfied or compromised, as well as the labor aristocrats in the AFL, will not cause trouble again in the short term.

At this time, this job is not so important.

Fortunately, the last time energy workers took to the streets in California was at the end of the year before last.

At least for the next two years, they won't cause trouble. When a new cycle enters later, that will happen later.

Things are not that optimistic. While cutting the steak, Neil looked at Abel and said, Old Donkey obviously has more advantages here. It's hard for me to do things here.

Abel looked at him with a smile, What do you think? What should be done.

Neil took a deep look at his son-in-law and looked at Abel's unchanging smile.

Neil suddenly said: Actually, you have thought about it a long time ago, right?

Abel's face remained unchanged and he continued to smile: I don't understand what you mean.

You deliberately mentioned Rick Perry in front of me many times. You said you wanted me to challenge him, and so on. Are you actually hinting at me?

Neil seemed to be talking to himself, or questioning Abel:

Rick Perry was able to betray his hometown people for the sake of Zhengzhi's future and Zhengzhi's life. From an old donkey, he became an Elephant Party member. Is it probably because of this reason that you kept mentioning him at that time?

So? Abel took a piece of steak with a fork, put it into his mouth, chewed it for a few times, and then said:

Do you think Rick Perry is successful in what he does? Do you want to be Rick Perry, or do better than him? Dear Neil, you have to know your starting point, and you are better than Rick Perry. I don’t know how much better it is!”

Sure enough. Neil's tone became more determined, You had this idea at that time!

Abel shrugged, neither admitting nor denying.

But the way he looked told Neil that this was what he meant.

Neil was actually right.

At first, Abel suggested that his father-in-law leave Texas and come to California to develop.

The main reason is that he wants Neil to learn from Rick Perry and follow the path that the current Texas governor has taken!

It's just that Rick Perry is carrying a donkey and throwing himself at an elephant. Because the Texas where he is located is the exclusive territory of the Elephant Party.

What Neil has to do is to throw an elephant from his back into a donkey.

As an important member of a senior Elephant Party boss family, he betrayed the Elephant Party and joined the Donkey Party in California!

In fact, Abel already had this idea and plan after Neil chose to come to California.

According to Abel's plan, Abel prepared to walk on three legs.

They are Abel's father Alexander, his father-in-law Neil, and another father-in-law Ted Lerner.

If everything goes well, it will naturally be best for Alexander to succeed.

If Alexander can't get on stage, then Neil will.

If Neil is not good enough, then you can start thinking about pushing Ikana's father.

His plan started very early, and it seemed grand and safe.

He already walks on three legs, so he can still be unstable.

But this plan has a fatal flaw.

The flaw is that his father and two father-in-laws all followed the same route as the elephant.

But with neoliberalism, it has successfully brainwashed the people within the West.

The whole world is beginning to lean towards the Left defined by Europe and the United States.

In this state, the donkey is more popular in the future.

This is also the reason why elephants in the United States will suffer terribly from donkeys in the future.

In other words, the donkey will overwhelm the elephant in the future.

The fatal flaw in Abel's plan was that there was no one trustworthy on the donkey's side.

So it started when Neil wanted to come to California to develop.

Abel wanted his father-in-law to learn from Rick Perry.

That is to let Neil carry an elephant and throw himself into a donkey.

betrayed the Bush family and Texas, joining the Donkey Party here in California.

If Neil is willing and able to integrate smoothly into the donkey.

Only then did Abel's three-legged plan become complete.

At that time, it will be an elephant or a donkey.

Ikana's father is stuck in the middle, acting as a fuse. When you see which side has an advantage, jump to that side.

If necessary, MAGA (Make America Great Again) can become MAMF (Make America Freer).

Don't think this won't work. In fact, in parallel time and space, Ikana's father jumped left and right many times.

For more than ten years, he worked as a wall between the Donkey, Elephant, Tea and other parties.

It's just that Tokiya's destiny happened to be when Ikana's father jumped to the elephant again.

Red necks are under perennial persecution from those crazy people of LGBTQQQIAAP+.

Finally a MAGA was forced out.

Father Ikana sized up the situation and jumped out to take over this MAGA wave of destiny.

In other words, MAGA thought he looked like what they wanted, so it fell on him.

Due to a chance meeting, Ikana's father also achieved the reputation of King Maga.

But in fact, if at that time, it was the rednecks who oppressed LGBTTTQQIAAP+.

When people resist fiercely, it is never impossible for a MAMF to appear.

Father Ikana, who has always been out of line in all aspects since he was young and has a good relationship with MJ and other black men, can also inherit this wave of destiny.

Anyway, as long as it works well, Ikana's father is very qualified as a fuse.

Ah Dong, if you can understand red necks, why can't you understand demons?

Abel's ideal three-legged plan is a donkey and an elephant, a fuse that can jump left and right.

And he himself is the dark hands of fate hidden behind the scenes.

Of course, all of this is assumed under the most ideal conditions.

If everything goes well and goes as he imagined.

He wanted it to be 8X3.

8 years for one person and 24 years for three people.

After dominating the world's most powerful country for 24 years, pigs can rule everything.

This is naturally the most difficult thing to do, and there is a high probability that it cannot be done.

Neil, who came to California for half a year, worked here for half a year.

He finally discovered this - his son-in-law was hinting that he wanted to betray the family.

This is what he asked Abel when Abel came over today.

All right.

Facing the silent Abel, Neil closed his eyes and let them go after a while:

So what exactly are you going to do? Rick Perry wasn't doing very well at the time. I felt like I couldn't be exactly like him if I was going to top him in California.

Seeing his father-in-law say this, Abel laughed directly.

Ha...a very smart decision. Neil, we can all benefit from this. Whether it's little Laura, me, or the Bush family.

Abel still remembers that before he was reborn, the then mayor of New York argued with his brother about Mom loves me more in front of the television media.

The mayor of New York can play this way, and Abel thinks Neil can also play this way.

Abel expressed his thoughts to Neil.

Uh... Neil hesitated for a moment, If you want to do this, you need my father's approval and George's approval.

Abel shrugged, I don't care about that. I'm afraid that George will scold me. You can only talk to Herbert and George about this matter. Of course, dear Neil. If you think my idea is bad, Then you can do whatever you want. I will still help you.

But if that's the case, I believe your efforts and gains will be very disproportionate. No matter what, we are all outsiders. And the old elephants are more discriminatory towards outsiders, but the donkey audience is more welcoming to outsiders. By.

The choice is yours, my respected father-in-law.

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