American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 62: sometimes painful, sometimes very painful

  Chapter 62 Sometimes Painful, Sometimes Very Painful

At sunset, Tommy Hawke walked to Kingston’s sea view wharf boardwalk with two beers in hand. Like the previous few days, the old and fat Madouf was wearing a beach hat and sitting on a small fisherman’s On the stool, quietly fishing.

"According to your current body shape, would it be a bit painful to sit on this kind of fisherman's stool?" Tommy stood next to Madouf, handed him a beer, and then admired the sea view in the distance, and asked .

  Madouf took a sip of the beer and said slowly and sighingly: "Sometimes it is painful, sometimes it is very painful."

"Since you can look at the problem in this way, Mr. Prime Minister, then I don't have to be too tactful in what I say next. If playing with high school students like us a few days ago was just painful, then everyone in this country will become A role like a clown, the purpose is to please the attention of Americans, and it may be a very painful moment for you and this country at that time." Tommy Hawke simply sat down on a nearby reef and said to Madouf Said.

Madouf put down the beer, took back the fishing line, repositioned the bait, and threw it out again. Then he looked at the sunset, the white boy who was talking to himself like an immature high school student, and smiled: "Maybe I Guess a little bit of your train of thought? Starts in England, ends in England?"

"Yes, because there are two problems in this country. They belong to two groups that are equally powerful but have different external manifestations. One is called the government and the other is called capitalists. The former is hypocritical and the latter is barbaric. Life has taught me that you can never get Penthouse and Playboy for the price of one magazine." Tommy shrugged and looked at Madoff.

  Maduff looked away, looked at the sea, and said with a smile: "Don't think I don't know what magazines those two are, kid, your journey to school sounds very glamorous."

"So I think, saving the face of the government and pushing the aid issue to the UK can give the US government a chance to buffer, let them represent credibility and justice, and stand with us on the opposite side of the capitalists, although it will not really change the game of capital , but they are still willing to do such a thing as punishing Bolton Sugar’s overseas factories a little bit to gain the country’s favor and the government they imagined by most Americans.” Tommy Hawke raised his head and took a sip of beer, He opened his mouth and smiled at Madouf:

"Just like when you asked me every day before, why don't you experience the real daily work of the prime minister, my answer is always the same. This job is too tiring, especially in this small country. It is comfortable to be a capitalist to make money. When national policies affect my business, I donate a sum of money to buy politicians to vote against the adoption of the policy. I hire several lobbying companies to go to the White House to do public relations actions, and persuade the government to take back the policies that are not good for me. Decide, instead of thinking about the dignity and face of the citizens of this country, then it shouldn't be a question that a selfish person like me should consider."

Madouf grinned, looking at the undulating sea in the distance: "You are not a selfish child, Tommy, I knew it when you first came here, so I will sign a contract with you, because You offered to give us the money you earned, and selfish people don't do that, at least not Bolton Sugar."

   "So, from the moment you didn't choose to split the bill, I should have realized that there would be this situation." Tommy put down the beer, took out the cigarette from his pocket, turned his body slightly to avoid the sea breeze, lit the cigarette, and said with a smile.

"Actually, I also think that the job of prime minister is too tiring. I... I studied medicine in Nottingham, England. At that time, the country was still a colony, and the medical environment was poor. Uneducated black people could not go to the same hospital as white people when they got sick. To be able to go to a simple clinic for treatment. I wanted to be a doctor and treat them. I started as a doctor and worked my way to the chief medical officer of this country. Teachers and classmates sent letters, hoping to ask them to give this country a little help. Finally, after years of hard work, the UK decided to build a medical school with an affiliated hospital here..." Madouf suddenly laughed when he said this:

"Do you know what happened at this time? Yes, the United States forced Britain to give up the colony, St. Vincent became independent, my years of hard work went to waste, the medical school did not come, and the British left, leaving countless former blacks Inaccessible high-level positions, the Americans told us that although we have brought you freedom, don’t take it to heart, if you really want to thank you, you can cooperate, join my American Cooperation Organization, I will open a factory, and I will give Your financial support, by the way, you only need to form two political parties, like ours in the United States, to form a national institution with separation of powers, and this country will be able to fully operate... There are only nine highly educated congressmen in the country. I was forced to split into two political parties, six on one side and three on the other. If I hadn’t been unable to beat the Yankees, I would have ridden my bicycle to Washington to scold those bastards. I know that this country doesn’t even have a university and a decent There are no hospitals in the country, and 80% of the people are illiterate who can’t write their names, and the suggestion given is to form two political parties first?”

   "St. Vincent is not the first victim, nor is it the last. Maybe I can make you feel better by saying this?" Tommy Hawke said with his head down, exhaling smoke.

  Maduff drank a few sips of beer in a row, and then looked at Tommy with a smile: "Son, has anyone told you that you don't look like a high school student at all?"

   "Not like?" Tommy looked down at his attire, then looked at Madouf and asked back.

"Sometimes it doesn't look like it, sometimes it doesn't look like it." Madouf laughed: "For example, now, according to your thinking, I guess... it will be one of you who graduated from Harvard High School and prays to God all day long that his grandfather will be promoted to High school students in heaven to complete your final plan? This is not something that high school students can think of, and high school students prefer to complete this kind of **** experience that they love to see by themselves."

  Tommy flicked the off-white ash, the ash was flicked off the cigarette body, and was blown away by the sea breeze before it hit the ground:

"Of course I want to, but I don't have a rich grandfather who can make me pray to God to take him away as soon as possible. Stephen's kind is the real elite high school student, the favored one of heaven. You don't need to think about whether he is really that good or not. His family is there, he has never made a big mistake, he has never shamed the family, he is excellent, he can show off, and the family behind him naturally likes to see it, and then fuels the flames to expand his influence and increase his popularity. Shang Zhengzheng... Except for him, even the other students including Catherine can't fully digest the influence of this incident, because Catherine still needs to go to the children's TV station to brush up her resume. As for myself, it is 100% Spent the opportunity, I can tell you right now what my family will do when they hear I go to Washington, my dad will bring a group of unemployed workers to spread the word in the community, my dear son Tommy went to Washington to represent a country Negotiating with the United States, we will drive to Washington to support him~~ Then the neighbors in the community will kindly call the mental hospital and the police station for my dad for free, come on! Colin Hawke is **** drunk again!"

  At this moment, the fishing line trembled suddenly. Madouf reeled in the line skillfully and slowly, patiently engaged in a tug-of-war with the hooked prey. In the end, he pulled a banana fish at least 70 centimeters long out of the water!

   "It looks like my luck has improved a lot since you came, kid." Madouf said to Tommy happily, looking at the struggling prey.

  Tommy drank the beer in his hand and jumped off the reef: "So, sometimes painful, sometimes very painful? What do you think?"

"Whether it's painful or embarrassing, it's just a process. The most important thing is the harvest. As long as the result is good, it doesn't matter whether it's painful or embarrassing." Madouf took off the hook and put the fish into the bucket next to him Nei: "Don't feel guilty about what you're going to do next, child, no matter what the outcome is, the country and I will be sincerely grateful to you."

Tommy Hawke took a deep breath: "Mr. Prime Minister, you are probably the smartest person in this country. Although you look like a postman, I hope you understand that maybe we can still receive some gratitude, but you probably don't Will be grateful again in this country, Americans are very vengeful, after a period of low-key, use ignorant citizens to attack you, let you step down, and you pay..."

"As I said just now, Tommy, if this country can get fairness in this matter, it will not be a pain to me." Madouf rehooked the bait and threw the fishing rod towards the golden sea , interrupted Tommy: "Also, I'm not the smartest person in this country, but smart or not, at the moment I just want to use this rare free time to go fishing quietly."

  Tommy nodded understandingly, then turned around and walked slowly towards the way he came from, whispering the words that his mother had filled his ears with since he was a child:

"He had no form or beauty to make us look at him, nor beauty to make us adore him. He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows and acquainted with sorrow. He was despised as one whose face is hidden from us. nor honor him. Surely he has borne our sorrows and carried our sorrows; but we counted him punished, and smitten and afflicted by God. He was wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniquities. For he His punishment has given us peace; with his stripes we have healed him, though he did no cruelty, nor did he speak deceit, yet he was cast into the grave of the wicked, and into the grave of the rich..."

   The second update, let’s continue to code~~~ It’s not so hot, but I still feel a little sore all over, especially the waist and shoulders~



  (end of this chapter)

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